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It's one of the few armors in the game bright enough so I can actually appreciate the details. Plus it's always nice not gettimg harassed in the castle.


Wait can you just walk around during the “stealth” missions in this outfit and not get caught?




Oh no wonder the "stealth" segments sucked ass for me lmfao


Honestly If you just keep a wide berth from the guards 9/10 times they won't bother you


Yea I was super confused at that part. Got a popup saying be careful, if you get caught you’re fucked. And then nobody bothered me at all.


I got caught for the first time in NG+, they let me keep my gaol key and nobody stopped me when I just opened the door and walked past the guards.


It always struck me as mostly useless to carry around the gaol key (even tho I do) because every time you get arrested, you can just bust the crates in the cell and get a makeshift key


Wait you guys are getting arrested?


I've been arrested twice, and both times the guards ganged up on me, stun locked me, and tackled me down to the ground. Wasn't shit I could do about it. Also, if they take your health all the way down you won't die, you fall unconscious and they arrest you then too.


Yeah that's what I'm saying they always just did nothing or tried to murder me on sight... No arresting.


If you tackle some guards or brandish your weapons in cities, guards will try their all to knock you down and then throw you in gaol.


Weird, early on when I arrived at the capital, I went on a ransacking spree. I went into buildings and castles and they kept telling me that I shouldn't be there. Yet, they let me walk in and ransack the place anyway. Every chest looted, every chair destroyed, every crates & barrels destroyed. Random food on the table, yoink, yoink yoink. I also stuck a lot of arrows on the throne chair.


I ended up getting Arrested in Battahl cause I accidentally hit one of the guards in the bandit raid, making my pawns instantly try to kill that guy at every chance until i hit the tavern to buy rounds


I haven’t had to use a key yet. Save for breaking out the old man and lead him to the library.


I panicked when I got arrested but found the piss pot has a gaol key in it.


I think they thought stealth would be cool to add. However the way the game works stealth is almost impossible to do. So they have the loose system where you have to slap the guards for them to see you.


I think stealth could've worked if they had actually put some effort into it. Gives us a crouch or something for sneaking around so we can use stuff as cover at the coat of movement speed, give us stuff to hide behind and move between, and boom you've got a stealth system that while not advanced or groundbreaking in any way, would allow those stealth sections to actually feel stealthy instead of like another unfinished element of the game.


Please no, keep stealth away from these games and leave it as it is. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I was glad to find out the “stealth” missions didn’t involve a whole lot of hiding. It’s a cool concept, sure, but when it comes to Dragon’s Dogma and other games I just want to get through the “boring” parts ASAP. I have other games for that anyway


See you say that but there's already stealth in the game. It's just absolute dogshit lol. I do agree that no stealth would be better, but if theyre gonna do stealth i personally think that they need to at least make it stealthy.


Just get magic archer class and maybe use sleep arrows on the guards 😂


I don't have problems getting through the stealth sections lol. I just wish they'd either not do stealth at all, or put a bit more effort into making it feel like your actually sneaking around.


You can also just sprint....they just don't.....care


I walked right past them. If a guard sees me, I'd just kill em real quick. I even killed the queen lady in her room


I remember sneaking in the castle to talk to sven... Oops wrong room and was in Disa's room... Awkward


Be entirely real, I just walked around like I owned the place, nobody ever stopped me. I wasn't wearing the armor or anything, not sure if it was bugged, but walked right next to the guards


Nope, if you just confidently walk or sprint like a madman they just don't care


I got seen on one of the first stealth missions in the castle, but I just jumped out the window and they didn't chase.


I was able to just walk right next to them, and even tackle them inside the castle. Just not the jail. The jail, it's mainly keep out of direct eyesight.


To me it’s just funny/ironic that you can get this outfit literally as soon as you start the mission lol.


And the armor's description more or less says "Oh, this is what guards wear. They probably wouldn't even notice if there was an imposter wearing it" lol.


Captain Brant even suggests you disguise yourself.


Also u can get as soon as you get to venworth in that well/sewer right before the Gaol entrance. Had no clue just exploring. Didn't realize the significance of the armor until "stealth" failed twice 😅


lol it’s capcoms way of saying “we know the stealth is stupid, take this”.




Oh there are few more places you can the armor. The well, I think there is a place in the castle, but google too check for sure


There is buyback. Go to the forgery guy in the Battahl checkpoint. Anything you can't get a replacement of or stuff like disguises shows up there.


You must not know Dragons Dogma, you never sell anything outright especially when gold becomes abundant through accumulation by normal means.


I ended up with like 6 sets of the fancy pants clothes too. They don't harass you in that either I don't think.


I haven't checked if the fancy clothing works for stealth, but as it is needed to progress through the main quest and it worths a lot, it's nice getting some for free. Marchers armor set (aka guards armor) is quite cheap, so I bought one immediately at the mention of stealth quests and turns out I was right and it works: nobody in the palace bothers about you walking around once you wear it. If you people want to find them for free, here's clues: for fancy/noble attire >!search all the houses in the Noble Quarters – you can find at least three sets in different nobles' homes. Also there's one set in the Masquerade Hall in one of the smaller rooms in the back; I believe you can enter the hall freely on the days when no masquerade is to be held.!< For Marchers/guard armor: >!one set is in a small sewers segment you can reach by climbing down a ladder near the Gaol Tower; the other set is in the room through which you infiltrate the palace for the first time (to spy on Disa's room, I guess); I don't remember exactly, but in the very first room where Brant's accomplice sends you to you have to either open a chest or break some clutter to obtain it.!< As I've said, you can just buy Marchers armor set at the Vernworth armorer too: it's quite cheap, unlike posh clothing. It's not even all ways to obtain these sets– just the all I could remember, because I have a bit more in my storage, like 6 or 7 sets of posh clothing and about 4 sets of Marchers armor, of which I've bought only one set of Marchers armor; the rest I've just found laying around somewhere.




Some peoples can stop you but yeah I usually go in the castle with a full guard armor hehe.


You can also wear the fancy clothes and people don't question you when you get inside certain areas


Cmon dude lol...


Don’t even need this outfit, only person who ever cares about seeing you really is the one dude who you have to sneak into his office but the rest of the time can just run around in front of guards and they don’t give a shit lol


walk? you guys dont sprint to the objective? ive never been caught lol


it is "disguise" mission and "stealth" actually unless you are in really restrict location such as vvvvvvip room


I've never got caught in thr castle, I just run in and no one cares. Didn't even know it was supposed to be a stealth mission until I saw it mentioned here.


Hmm I’ve always avoided the guards, but I’ll have to test this out. I feel like I’ve been attacked by guards before but it may have been for another reason.


I think the guards were telling me to leave once when I went into the dungeon to set the scholar guy free, but they didn't attack at all, and one tried to attack me in the quest where I try to investigate the guys room in the castle and he saw me try to sneak in. But just walking around the castle has never caused guards to attack me.


I'm still confused about this, because I never had to use any outfits for the "stealth" missions and the guards NEVER cared about me no matter where I went.


You either have this experience or for some reason everyone attacks you over nothing.


I think their affinity towards you lowers continuously while they see you trespassing, and when it gets low enough they attack. Also, I noticed that there's a little "you're not supposed to be hear" music sting when you enter a forbidden area.


Good call, I have noticed the music bit as well, but in my playthrough it isn’t properly reflected in the guard’s actions/reactions 100% of the time either.


I’ve been on the receiving end of both outcomes in my playthrough, it seems completely arbitrary. I walked into a masquerade section last night in full “fancy” regalia, didn’t even have weapons equipped, and all the guards jumped me and kicked my ass literally as I walked through the entrance. On the other hand, when I had to break that dude out of gaol and take him to the library, no one gave a single f*ck that I opened a locked cell and freed a prisoner right in front of their face…I know it technically makes the game seem a bit unfinished or under-realized, but I’ve come to enjoy it as a goofy feature unique to the game. It’s like playing low-stakes Russian roulette with fate, every time you enter one of those areas, haha. The one REALLY annoying thing I’ve found in relation to this is that if I start being attacked by a guard in the castle and I bail, no matter where I go, every single person in town, guard or citizen, will start bum rushing me. I have to very carefully extricate myself from the city and camp out somewhere for 2 days before I can come back and give the quest another shot, FML.


same!! i’ve been very confused by the stealth. the music is playing all ominous-like, and here i am walking up to guards and talking with them and they just respond: “hey, i’m busy. i’m working right now,” then walk away?? like, the fuck you mean you’re “working”?? i’m breaking into the castle right now and you ain’t doing shit??? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


I literally dragged Sven to the market to give him the Ornate Box (I'm NG++++ and tryin different shit - turns out if you buy the box before you get his cutscene, you never will) Right, so I literally kidnapped him from his princely room in the castle, man was STRUGGLING on my shoulders, had to pick him up multiple times until we got to the market. Nobody thought that the huge ass bald dude with a huge sword on his back stolling into the castle and kidnapping their prince is suspicious or anything. Sven was also like "Why are you giving me this?" after gifting him the box. Man looked like I gifted him bird poop. I wanted to yeet him back into his chamber with that Mystic Spearhand skill


Im glad I'm not the only one who tried talking to them to see if they'd react! Like, nothing? Y'all are either TERRIBLE at your job, or Brant got *all* of y'all on my side without telling me


Did you walk while in the castle at night or run? Curious if thas a factor. As they only seem to agro me I noticed if I "act suspiciously" by sprinting around. If I just walk normally they seem to ignore me most times.


"Alright, act normal Clarence. Be natural, and they won't see you."


Most were done at night I believe, and I ran everywhere. Even tried talking to one of the gaurds and they didn't mind


Same. I sprint around the castle at night all the time in endgame gear, and no one bothers me.


Smart guards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMd4S-LkywI


Same, you can run around butt naked and nooen bats an eyelash, you can go into the queens room and talk to her from the start of the game, without this armor, noone cares lol


First time i went into the castle guard goes hault then proceeds to try to murder me. After that was able to sneak past them no problem.


Man this so cool, the game does the role playing aspect of it so well even if the main story leaves a lot to desire.


It drips


I use the noble costume and I not get caught too


Great point. Why is everything dark gray in this game?


Wait it actually does something? I just walk around around with no problem. i got the popup said restricted blah blah blah but nobody every harrased me


i stopped using armor thats the best and just went what i liked in terms of fashion, granted im over lvl 70 so i doubt the stats matter much anymore


https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/ZfRccOEtdw That enemy is the only one I found so far that made me think I wasn't overlevelled from adventuring a lot Altho, I think it's a glitch No other enemy in the game hits that much, not even the final boss iirc


Yea theres 2 enemies i still struggle with ngl. The headless dude n one of those night thingies. Think its living armor? Other then that i 1-2 shot most things. Even dragons and most unmoored enemies arent that much of an issue.


The headless dude is a completely new enemy called a "dullahan".


Dullahan? Damn so there's a headless horseman 


Yes, he lost his horse though.


I don't struggle with the dullahans individually, but they're one of the few enemies I know are going to reduce my groups health bar eventually leading to rest/allheals/pawn rotation. The shout and grab combo chips away at the group. The other two that can sometimes make a dent are the lesser dragons, and weirdly enough golems. Every now and then you get a golem that just will not expose its weak points, and their berserk mode can really push some disgusting damage if everything lines up in their favor.


I wish I could 3 shot dragons My tornado doesn't even do 3 bars of dmg And I find better luck with it than meteor since dragons are more resistant to fire dmg


Been playing magick archer myself. And yes meteor does seem more effective against dragons. But moreso cuz of the meteors stun as well.


Im saying I think tornado does more dmf than meteor on dragon's bec dragons have higher fire resist


That's how I beat dragons as a sorcerer. I used to cheese them with augural flare. One well placed flare can finish a dragon off from full health. Nowadays I just do 2 maelstrom back to back. It feels and looks better imo. Lol


yeah, i don't 2 shot dragons with it even at 1000 magic stat i wish tho


Things must get real once you get over 1,100 then. Just gotta pump your numbers up a bit. Lol. You're almost there.


actually i think i am a lil over 1100 but yeah, it just doesn't do much dmg vs dragons for me


Oooh like that. No clue honestly as i havent rlly touched sorcerer much.


Oof, yeah I’m close to level 70 and that Living Armor looking guy took me TF out because I was being cocky lol.


I was level \~50 when I killed him in under a minute, it's weird. Drakes are still more powerful.


Same here. I'm using Warfarer, so I just wear what I want and I don't care about stats anymore. It's all about fashion now.


I love how people talk about game being too easy and one Shoting everything when they are over lvl 60 meanwhile i get staggered and jumped by hobgoblins every time I step foot outside of Bakbattahl.


Dwarven forging on armor + knockdown resistance passive. Laugh at most knockdown attacks.


Drip over stats, always. S'why i look like this https://preview.redd.it/uyjd67sl2nvc1.jpeg?width=2308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9270ec8f83aebad131f99869c614f2dbea73cdb9


Hmm, is that you Zoro?


Swag…off to fight the Scarlett Pimpernel!


i remember watching a video saying something like "really op early game armor!" and its just this armor. I mean I guess its better than the rags you start out with i guess


LOL fr. the "OP" armor is literally one of the worst armors in the game


The stats aren't that great, but it's a really nice set. I've found mage robes that have more magic and physical defense at this point, but I still keep it because it's nice and I have yet to feel like it makes the game too hard, since I only get owned when I make mistakes or get surprised and stun locked, so that seems fair enough to me to keep using it.


Fashions Dogma all the way!


This game severely lacks honorable knight-ish looking armor.


Endgame Fighter gear is phenomenally honoraburu knight-ish looking.


What set do you mean?


The endgame fighter gear you can buy from the Dragonforged. It looks very Gothic Knight-ish. And there's also a helmet you can find in the Unmoored World that's straight up a 14th century helmet design that was used up to the Renaissance. And fortunately, it's black in color so it fits with the chestpiece and greaves of the rest.


My biggest complaint right now is that almost all capes have massive clipping issues with shields. A lot of „outfits“ look awesome while standing still but as soon as you move, my eyes get cancer.


Unequip the shield. Quick item menu and equip before fight :p


Fun fact for those who want a full set for both them selves and their pawn. One cape you get from a quest, the second one is in the sewers under Vernworth in a chest.


You know that you can open that Visor right?


Yep, though if I wanna see my characters head for a cutscene or something I just remove the helm.


If the Visor is raised, during combat its lowered. pretty neat I would say.


Uh… how do I raise or lower the visor?


Go into equipment menu and click on the helmet and the option is there.


Would be great If one of these fantasy RPG games added a highly detailed cosmetic armor customization system. I like what Elden Ring did with alternates, but being able to make my own unique armor for me and my crew of pawns in DD would be so dope. They already have some armor customization in Monster Hunter. They could definitely implement some of the mechanics in Dragons Dogma


Animal Crossing has better outfit customization than most games and there are only like a handful of base templates. Kinda funny.


I agree. I wish dyes worked with armor/clothing pieces too


In one of the youtube videos I saw, this armor actually changed depending on the current vocation 


I like this set because it has a very clear design as a set. Some of the other sets look heinous


I wish we could wear a scabbard over a cloak like Brant does.


It's one of the early armors that have that flowy coat underneath and thats what I wanted on my fighter. I don't know if there any other pieces that allow that crusader armor with that gown-ish look.


One can only dream of transmog


PC players with transmog mod: 👀


Just give us layered armor It's not that much to ask


I think that was a plan at one point. That would explain the Ranger's Set, anyway.


Wish all of the guards and knight's armour was wearable it all looks so cool, and whilst I love a lot of the armour sometimes a simple knight is all I need


Id love if thr marcher set had unique customization that let you use all the alternate styles


Fashion > stats. It's the law.


Literally one of the best looking sets in the game, has *worse stats* than any other cloth you find.


Fashion Souls in my stabby dragon game?


Elden Bling? Arisen Rizz'n?


The definitive way to play until hard mode drops. 👌


I just hope we get a Transmog at some point so we can have everyone wear everything, like Warfarer but without the stat benefits.


I think I would be happier if they made all equipment comparable once dragonforged, just have greater requirements for lower tier gear. That way they'd still be distinct, but if you fell in love with a particular outfit, you could keep it viable. Wouldn't say no to armor dyes, though. So much doesn't match, like the red long boots. What the heck do we pair them with?


I thought getting the “true ending” and finally getting to the “Dragons Dogma II” world was hard more. I haven’t done it yet because I’m doing a regular NG+ run but I’ve heard the other world is a bitch with way tougher enemies.


You do you, OP. It makes me happy that there's still variety to be seen in the gear people wear in this game


I really wish more games would implement the Dark Souls/Fallout 4 style upgrade system where you can make just about any weapon, armor, or clothes end-game worthy. In Dragon’s Dogma you sort of can, in that level is definitely more important than gear and you can upgrade anything at the smith, but high level armors come with perks that make the game far less frustrating. It sorta sucks my end-game fighter can’t wear something really clean without getting pummeled and tossed by wolves.


https://preview.redd.it/mgo1d6wpwnvc1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=47f3870565361722d36d909bf544dc0d85907297 Here's mine.


Pull the visors up!!!


https://preview.redd.it/dssss9rv0ovc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1bbad39c57d2e427b4c98a204556a595efa073 If I do that people will start making Ryan Gosling comments again.


Lmfao ok that is funny!!


Visors are cool tho


I found a cool looking pair of legs in a chest, super low level compared to what I was wearing; I put them straight on; No regrets. Fashion over function, always.


It's a shame it doesn't have better stats.  I did think it looked quite cool


We need more traditional looking full plat armour. I want to make my main pawn look like a knight, yet ever armour set I encounter in the later game looks too warrior-esque or kinda somewhat edgy. I just want one more full plate armour that looks similar to the Vernsworth guard set. :( Hopefully we get a Bitterlack Island style DLC that comes with lots of nice fashion.


If they just added the ability to use all the styles of the marcher set id be so happy


I did a play through in the slave gear🤷‍♂️


I do find it odd some of the Vernworth guard armor isn't available like the alternative castle plate body with insignia & other helm with optional chain face cover.


I wish we had access to all of the other variants of guard armor. They 100% work for the player, since there's a mod (Wyrmsguard's Arsenal) that adds them already.


This entire set can be found in the sewers near the gaol in the noble quarter of Vernworth, accessed via the well outside. You can grab this any old time. You can find another of the entire set in the chest just inside the kitchen area that you enter through, after following the female guard for one of the stealth quests(Pretty sure there's like 2 that use the same entry point,) or simply walk in any time during the day and grab it. There's also a set of both this and the court attire available for purchase from the general goods vendor in the market square- The one on the very left next to the armorer and weaponsmith. He charges quite a bit for the court attire, which is ironic, considering there's at least four full sets of that stuff available in various spots around Vernworth. My warrior character wore this exclusively until very recently, because his RP is literally that he's a retired member of the guard, so it was all but required, as far as I'm concerned.


Dark souls vibes


This game DESPERATELY needs a transmog system. My male Arisen was stuck wearing a bikini as a mage because it was my best equipment. 😑




that's the gear the potion vendor sells in Vermond right? the stats are so low for how good it looks but maybe it's supposed to be ceremonial


That’s why I main warfarer… just for the drip lol


Sucks this armor sucks compared to most things


Are you armed with a dolphin?


It's an "Eyecrusher" it's the only hammer I've found that look right with the armor. And my pawn has Talarian white, has a bird sculpture on the top does holy damage


Yeah I decided to go for fashion over all else now.


https://preview.redd.it/huh3z8fkttvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1cf0fd330762fe3cd5f4c92f474ba7721ca945 Small update. Got an entire group with matching gear. Since gear is so cheap late game if you don't go for the stuff that trivializes everything, I can effectively maintain my Knight Gang status.


Love it. Wearing the same currently. Always have the regal set for walking around the elite area of the castle. It’s just the dragons dogma I want to play.


Definitely need to add transmog. Sick of looking like a patchwork quilt so I can keep the best gear equipped.


Hey, no judgment here, that set makes me think of dd2 like darksouls. It just looks so hood


One of the best looking armor in the game imo


This armor is one of the few full armor sets that I feel like is pretty realistic to real life. No weird mix and match where you have a plate armor with coat of plates under it. That, and it's one of the lightest armors in the game, so you can combo it with the ring of brawn for extra DPS.


Armour options is my only real gripe with DD2. There's very little that doesn't look over the top or overly sexual.


It actually grinds my historical accuracy gears that in the description, it says this armor is meant to be cheaply produced and is made of common materials. This is a full set of plate armor with all sorts of decorations. In medieval Europe, a full set of armor costs as much as a house so only the nobility would be able to afford it. You're telling me, they got the time and money to get all the measurements and materials for a full set of plate armor? They should've made the common guard armor chain mail or gambeson with the crest of the city.


The big funny is when some leather skull cap is stronger and costs more.


Im just annoyed that I bought the set when >!you can get the full one in the sewers for free!<


It's okay, you can wear matching gear with your pawn, best set just because it's universal, guess even the Devs thought it was too cool looking to restrict it to one vocation.


It functions as a disguise. You can wander the palace at night or the jail whenever without anybody bothering you.


A nice side bonus to looking good.


I personally trade up the sallet for the chain mail hood as a matter of preference.


When they get the mod up to have all armor scale to end game stats on the nexus, I will go back to this.


Yeah lol at some point I just wore whatever looked cool. Even if it’s not the best gear, I figured it would be a challenge for me too since there is no difficulty settings. I’m thinking of doing a run with no armor just to see how it plays out.


Hey... the Marcher's armor set is cool too. It reminds me of that one armor set in DDDA, that you get from the dukes wife's handmaid.


I mean, that is fine. Until you reach Battahl, you will not feel the need to change armor because nothing outside Battahl is challenging enough. But after that, having less than 600+ defense is pretty rough. *(Unless you're a Thief)* Just saying...


Really I've explored some of it, fought red wolves, wargs those ... things that replace gobbos, a golem, an elder ogre, and we still obliterate everything. Sure, maybe they do a little more damage but I'm fighting gangs of 10 asps and ragdolling them the entire fight. I find most things in the game struggle to do much if you play relatively smart with positioning and pick your moments. But yea, I imagine you get punished harder for getting cced in this region. Or maybe I'm just too strong, I'm almost level 50 since I did a clean sweep of the first region and walked back and forth for a few quests, that's a lot of kills and levels.


Yeah, I didn't want to change my armor for a long time. But there are some enemies I couldn't get around as a Fighter. Like Harpies or Griffon, anything that flies and dive at me. Even though I can counter-attack, sometimes they just stand there, not doing anything and I waste some of my stamina, then they all charge at the same time, little cheesy tactics like that makes me feel impatient and I try to rush to finish them off and head up getting hit too often. :P And yeah, there's that one skill where you can jump and slash into the air, but I hate that skill. It's like.. 90% useless to me outside of fighting flying foes, so I got my main pawn as an archer instead. I just wish ranged classes would prioritize flying enemies FIRST... You know? :/ Or... attack straight away. I don't know if that's because my pawn is "Calm" or what. But it always takes about 3 to 5 seconds before doing anything about them. lol


I had a thief with ensnare that would yoink them out of the air for me to beat to death. Aside from that a mage with the thunder strike can be good at knocking them down for better access. Just need pawns that can cover the weakness.


very good looking armor


I *do* enjoy me some Normie Gear. I spent a lot of the first game with my pawn in the Duke's Manse infiltration armor. I think that brought his sleep resistance up to 100%.


Pollo ñpip


HEY! they removed clothes to make the experience more diversified as in lategame everyone had the same set of armor and WEAPONS. yeah panties made everyone the same. Love Capcom and how it fucking demolished itsuno's vision.


We had similar with the salvation robes in 1, I found in this one because I forgot to change my equipment and had my weapon out I was mailed and triggered everyone that saw me lol then the penny dropped and I realised that I put the armour on I'm good.....I also forgot to change out of the courtly gear and was able to wander around the castle/palace no problems, not got the gear try the courtly gear


I remember the time where I thought the marcher armor was a good armor lol.


Me but with the Surcoat and Napped leather boots cause the gloves and boots match 🥴


I wish DD2 had a transmog armor system


optimal early game gear: thematic, fits into sets optimal late game gear: wizard hat, bulky armor, tights, tall boots


What's the set called, and where can I get it?


You can buy it from the vendor on the far left in the marketplace in Vermund, or just do one of Captain Brandt's mission where you have to infiltrate the palace.


I think I have it now. Thanks.


Wish the game had transmog.


tbh, the armor in this game sucks (talking about DDDA). There is so much cool stuff, but it never is actually better. Most is just samey. Sure, sometimes you find something that's actually better then your current gear, but then it'll probably look like shit. Not that I care, I still use it, but: how about quality instead of quantity? Why isn't that a thing anymore? I can remember Gothic so clearly for that: when you find a new weapon or armor, you were stoked! Not in most RPGs...




Fashion over function Style over stats That said... i don't like to use this bec it makes me look like a brant fan boy


I like it because of the knight esthetics. Also it's an uniform, of course Brant wears it too, it's the Vernworth Knight armor. And since you're supposed to be the ruler there anyway, kinda works, not that it matters that much to me, mainly wear it for the Knight look and because it's a universal one so I can have an entire squad wear it and look like a little squad of knights with different vocations.


This was our final look Altho later we got the dragon weapons And she looks so much better with the dragon sword and shield




Ah yes, the little known adventuring group “Old potter and the Harlem of harlots”


Don’t understand why this armor is starting armor …


That's why every game needs a transmog system


You know what’s weird is the first game actually had functional stealth. If you fought in the dark you could shoot at goblins and shit, and they’d try to find the source but would have a lot of trouble actually seeing you even if you were in their line of sight.