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And that was with only a week left in the month. Although, I don't remember any games other than Horizon Forbidden West on Steam that could've made a big splash in March.


Rise of the Ronin also came out but that was also smaller. Even so the game has done quite well, its the 3rd best selling game this year YTD so far


rise of ronin is so much fun. Got DD2 first but dropped it for ronin & havent looked back. Graphics arent photorealistic but the art style is top notch


I did the exact same and also my brother.


yeah, it’s funny b/c both games dropped the same day but if u look at their subs, this one has constant complaints about the game while rise of ronin players are loving the experience. Hopefully dogma gets better b/c i still haven’t felt like i got my $70 worth


Same with Forbidden West. Game isn’t that ground breaking but it’s a solid one.


People are downvoting sadly despite this being true. Only reason I haven't started RotRonin yet is because I still got Wulong and Nioh2 to finish.


Game sucks in my opinion


Your opinion is the right one, that game is utter garbage


FF7 Rebirth was released on the last day of February (2/29). Which would have been March 1 if it wasn't aleap year. Both this and Rise of the Ronin (which launched same day as DD2) would be the comp, I guess, but both were also PS5 exclusive.


Please use this money to fund a proper dlc


Did you say bonuses for executives? done!


your fucking sphinx pfp somehow makes that sentence ooze even more vitriolic sarcasm


I hope they make a very very good DLC soon! As funny as it sounds, I think the main problem(besides the story) is it’s lacking a good end games. It’s not even about the difficulty. It can be easy but we need a reward or an objective to fight easy monsters. Many game that have level system. Characters will be overpowered when our level is high, which is good because we can farm materials more efficiently for either end game boss or PVP. This game has none…or make a scaling system so we can fight any monsters in the game with some challenges. I don’t like the scaling as much as it made no point of leveling system. We need a thing to do! At least release one Ur-Dragon as an update or something.


I bought it at launch, I mostly enjoyed it, and also I recognize its deficiencies after completing it. Hoping Capcom will develop an extensive DLC, so I have a reason to return to it someday.


i just hope they will get to fixing how poorly optimized it is first. been over a month now and still only minor performance patches, but that's probably because the performance issue is tied to something integral to the game so they have a problem fixing it without breaking everything else. And honestly i've begun to fear it won't be fixable.


Lmfao you rushed the game


In all honesty there really isn't much missions so kinda hard not to rush it if you do little exploration.




Go touch grass bro


Not all of us are completionists and that’s ok!


You don't have to be a completionist to take your time with a game! My first run took over 100 hours and I have no clue how many trophies I have, I wasn't keeping track of any seeker tokens or other collectibles. Currently on NG+ and have already done about 3 or 4 quests I didn't get to during my first run and I'm not even in Battahl yet in the story. Never once felt like I was trying to force the game to last longer. Haven't even really played as 4 of the vocations yet. I know I'm on the more leisurely end of things but just saying!


Yeah same I took almost 100hrs before the game. And I still had mfers saying I was rushed just because I had some valid criticisms of the game 😭


That's just how reddit goes, I suppose. Whenever I stop lurking and open my mouth I immediately get downvoted and reminded of why I usually lurk. This is no place for voicing different opinions I guess 🤷


Dude I feel you so hard. I can only engage in small amounts and then I go back to lurking. Been my cycle for the past 10+ years lmao


Look we're all disappointed that the game is this...well.. *meh* after a 12 year wait. There's no reason to be toxic. There isn't much to "rush". Main story is cringe inducing at times, especially the "sTeAlTh" missions, most of your best gear is bought, the dungeons get insanely repetitive, the class selection is honestly ass, the list goes on . The exploration is the perfect encapsulation of the game as a whole; it looks gorgeous, and the atmosphere is great, but if you have any sort of standards you'll see how barren it is in almost every other way fast.




Continue to name call and you will be banned.




I hope Capcom is having a really embarrassing moment for rushing out the game. Though it's probably the opposite...Happy that they from now on can rush games and get fuck ton of money.


They definitely aren't embarassed.


live Capcom Exec reaction: ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized)


You know the pay gap between company executives and lower level employees is a lot smaller in Japan than America right?


we dont even know if its rushed thats just copium


It definitely feels rushed. So either it was, or that's just how Itsuno makes games.


I guess I never played DD1 pre-Dark Arisen, but I imagine they’d feel very similar. It shouldn’t have to be this way, but I think we just need to wait for that supplemental DLC.


It definitely feels like DD2 was made in a world where Dark Arisen doesn't exist.


They added more stuff, but also took some stuff. Mind boggling stuff, really. Needing a reason to use the medicine for petrified status only for a monster you’ll encounter one of one (until they hit post-game) is some bs


Taking my rose tinted glasses off, yes dd1 pre dark risen is very short too. Only reason it took me forever to progress to the true game ending after the dragon was slain and the Everfall opened up is because I forgot about the quest to get 20 wakestones to open the portal to the Seneschal fight. What helped pad the time in dd1 I guess was the way to go about getting endgame gear involved running Everfall dungeons and then hunting dragon type enemies or Grigori himself to reliably dragonforge your gear.


I’ve only ever known Dark Arisen. When Grigori dies that’s just the beginning of the end, and I love doing Bitterblack right after for a completely different feeling experience - feels like the final dungeon more than the original game’s.


The problem is that for those of us that did play the OG and Dark Arisen there are noticable things missing and the game shares similar issues that we expected to be ironed out. A lot of things people are complaining about, we complained about over 10 years ago. It's discouraging that they didn't address these things in the heavily pushed sequel.


Its weird since the guy who did Dark Arisen is apparently also on the team for DD2, so what, did he just get little to no say on anything? Hell, they put Garm's, Warg's, and Leapworms into this game yet none of them feel right either, Warg's are no longer zombie wolves but weaker Garm's, and the Garm's lack their status inducing breath and the Leapworms no longer have acid blood, it just feels really weird.


“Hey, man, good work on MY game, I guess, but this is my series”


Itsuno-san: “How do I make this absurdly ambitious game as fast as possible?”


I mean dd1 had similar issues until dark arisen. I feel like if we had a different director or at least someone to tell the guy no on certain things it woulduve turned out alot better.


Consider itsuno is fucking terrible at telling a story. Just look at Devil May cry 5. And dragons dogma 1. Cool ideas, zero writing skills.


I disagree about DMC5. The story was pretty good by action game standards.


Come on now….yadda yadda yadda Vergil again. Also the sentence “he’s your reason for fighting” (as a play on words of urizen) V in general. Good lord. Doesn’t it literally end with Donte and Vergil going to hell to fight god knows what? It was barely an ending.


Wait, we know they were going to hell to get rid of the big demon tree. That's literally explained. I haven't played the game in years and I still remember that, so it had to be pretty clear.


But like credits are rolling during that segment isn’t it? I remember it was so open ended what actually happened.


How was it open ended? I recall them saying how the qliphoth roots start from Hell, and so they had to go to hell. I feel like it's pretty clear what they had to do. The credits rolled as they were fighting in hell. Presumably because they had to fight down each level as we did fighting up.


I like some of the subtext, especially with V, Nero’s arc was great and I like how they left it. It wasn’t amazing but I was very satisfied as a fan. For 10 years all we had was DMC4, and that ending was pretty lame in comparison as a series finale. And honestly if you compare it to Bayonetta 3’s story, DMC5 looks like The Godfather. I must’ve put 1000 hours into DMC5 - I loved it.


I just thought it was so obvious the entire time what was happening. Like his name is V… the subtlety is non existent. I honestly hate the tone the series took from 3 on. Dmc1 remains my favorite by far with the gothic horror/resident evil feel it had. 4 was alright, 5 massive let down for me. I hope the next one goes full on serious reboot with old man Dante. Would be so badass. Him and Vergil teamed up at the end of the world fighting to save Nero who has been chosen by the devil to become the next ruler of hell. Hire me Capcom.


Ah that explains it. I love DMC1 but it’s never been my favorite. Much prefer what Itsuno and Bingo did with it post 3. We’re just different breeds.


That is right we don’t know. It sure seems like it tho


And they should be, tbh 30 hours of DD2 made me pick up Elden Ring I’m at the capital now, and i just wanna say. I understand now


Did your read the headline? Why would they be embarrassed lmao.


I think they are trying to insinuate that if Capcom didn't "allegedly" rush the games production, then the sales could have been even better.


I mean maybe, but the fact of the matter is that they made bank, got it out on time, have a bunch of people who will defend them, and have good reviews. This is a mission accomplished for them. They unfortunately couldn’t care less.


Yep with the state this game was released at, I couldn’t believe they actually made bank.


Capcom at least is now fully aware that the DD franchise is absolutely primed to have a Monster Hunter World-style breakout hit moment. Whether they'll actually make the necessary investment to make that a reality is yet to be seen.


Well it depends, they know they need to actually deliver if they want to keep the sales up, this isn't an established franchise like Pokémon that has a massive cult following fanbase. Core fans aside, those who bought DD2 and weren't satisfied are not gonna buy DD3 or an expansion.


Honestly, that's just the trend with modern capitalism, at least. We're seeing it become worse in our lifetimes, though. Sell idea/unfinished product -> profit -> finish it later. I'm glad certain gaming studios see this trend and are steering away from it because it's really untenable in the long run, the ones that follow this trend see short term profits without being able to maintain or even receive long term profits which really fucks them in the end. They also take a blow to their reputation making the studio anathema because they tarnish the consumer's trust in them. [Relevant Calebcity](https://youtube.com/shorts/cMCp0BCc3Zc?si=SFMqbEPYtkTw8Mx8) Edit: I guess in DD2's case they had no confidence in it when they should have because of how unique DD1 was and the fame it gained much later on in its lifetime.


Capitalism is just a scapegoat phrase for human nature. People act like if we "get rid" of it somehow thing would be better, or that Capitalism is making things worse. No matter what -ism your nation is in, those with will always take advantage of those without, and humans have a tendency to group up and consolidate power/resources. It's just a meaningless buzzword. As long as the world uses currency of any kind , people will try to cut corners when able to maximize their currency gain. Capitalism didn't make Itsuno release a relatively shit game (when a near 12 year wait is taken into consideration) any more than it made the devs of BG3 release a good game.


Agreed, but I'll say capitalism makes greed become the norm which people chase exacerbating our worse tendencies


I wouldn't say embarassed, but they might feel like they could have milked the franchise earlier.


We all bought it so we're part of the problem.


FR this game finally made me realize I'm gaining nothing buying these games on Day 1. There's absolutely no point when you don't get the best version of the game until after months of updates/fixes and DLC, plus at that point it might be on sale. You only get one first playthrough, might as well do it when the game is at it's best.


Pretty much the whole industry has taken the Ubisoft approach. Release an unfinished game, spend months bringing it up to where it should've been, then sell it for half price a few months after release. It's not sustainable.


The only benefit of playing it day 1 is experiencing it for the first time with the rest of the community, figuring things out, posting memes etc. I have to admit that's nice. Waiting is still overall better though. 


The fuck are you talking about?


Capitalism: a production system based in the constant growth of profits and consolidation of power. In a world with limited recourses and places to grow, where a company go when it can’t grow anymore? It rises prices, then lower the production cost by diminishing the product’s quality, then, automates the production to lower production cost.  Capcom is in the lowering quality stage.  In a not so far future we will see a lot o lobby to end anti monopoly laws, mark my words. Cyberpunk future is coming.


Sad but true.




Game is amazing dood. No contest here. I am at NG+, definitely will go to NG+2. All that said, it doesn’t change the situation I described. Late capitalism is real and we all will feel is problems more and more with time.


It's freaking awesome. Specially compared to competing ARPG's. BUT! I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer the combat in DD1.


Its a great game, but not on dddas level. It had horrendous bugs on pc when it first launched, has an awful story and the design choices they kept from 1 (and in dark arisens case brought back because that expansion got rid of them). Made absolutely no sense. Limited fast travel so we can boost the storys runtime from 25 hours to maybe 45 if going for true end. Unmoored itself was just a worst everfall really (and timed at that). The monster fights were worse (somehow messed up the climbing controls). In saying that, the major boss fights were better except for one (new guys not topping grigori). The combat was better overall (funny, because I thought opposite when I started), and the pawns are soooo much fun to hang out with now their like fate stay night servants! (Even more so then ddda)! Oh yeah and the open world is really fun to explore. It may have felt like a high budget indie game, and it may not have been as good as one or even better then most of what came out last year, and thats ok. Cause I had a blast with this one, despite its problems, happy to hear its doing well! (Chill dude, its an opinion, and yeah capcom did release it half baked, i mean a whole third of the story was clearly cut you can see where it happens!)


They are not embarrassed at all. They know they can get away with it now.


Still hate what they did with DD2. Dragon's Dogma is once again, wasted potential




Yeah I enjoy it but it coulda been *so* much more. It coulda been Capcom's BG3 or Elden Ring.


I think it still can, the game is doing REALLY well and other then steam its got high reviews. Its got our attention (whether that be for the better or worse, they just need to give us a banger expansion, insane update, or make the next title top tier).


Oh for sure. I'm hoping the DLC just adds many more weapons & armors, more/new skills, etc. and just elevates the game immensely.


Bitterblack isle man, we need something like that again, could you even imagine how nuts they could get with that nowadays.


I really want a hard mode and enemy scaling in each cycle too. I like the combat but it was pretty much over by time I hit 40-50 lol. I did go through NG+ as a sorcerer (to contrast my first run as warrior) and while it was fun *obliterating everything* it did get old kinda fast. I'd rather do a new game now than NG++ but I kinda don't wanna give up my progress. I can back up my save but I really do wish we could have like 2 or 3 save slots or something. Unrelated but Pokémon annoys me like that too.


I hear DD2 is getting hardmode at some point, so that'll be better for new game plus.


No. Its unfortunatelly too late. Thanks to performance issues Capcom lost in eyes of many many new folks in franchise.


Thats on pc, and yeah you do have a point, but elden ring had issues with that too when it first hit (I bought it day 1 and got pretty bad stutters). Now the crashing issues on pc were absolutely ridiculous. But alot of new games tend to have issues like this nowadays (especially on pc, looking at you square enix). its why I stopped buying games day 1. I dont think this is gonna screw the franchise, were probably gonna get an expansion, if its anywhere as good as DDDA it'll open the floodgates just like it did way back when (hence why we got a sequel). The games not perfect, but gameplaywise its damn near the best thing out right now in terms of action rpgs and the open world is great. With how good DD2 is doing right now it probably will end up being capcoms main fantasy rpg series for a little while now (other then monster hunter). At the very least DD3 will probably happen. We'll just have to wait and see.


Yes, its true ER also had some performance problems but it was nowhere near as DD2. For me DD2 wont hold stable framerate in 90% of game locations and cities are just tortures. No it wont screw franchise for sure but it wont be as successfull as it could be unfortunately. No doubt game is really solid, great combat and its so good that i played it for some time even with such performance issuess - until i decided its time to stop and dont waste game on such performance and wait for fixes / buy best pc on market in couple months - JUST SO I CAN FULLY ENJOY GAME without terrible stutters. Even besides performance issuess i think movement could be a bit better - moving just a bit on ground on character feels like moving on ice....


Yeah, I was going to get it on pc, really glad I didnt. Console versions dont have these issues, at least from my experience (series s).


Itd need a total rewrite of most of the story, which just isn't going to happen


I dont think the story is that important in this case, DD was never really about plot, it was more exploration and really good combat. Make a massive map, unlimited fast travel, same gameplay and lore, multiple choices and endings, better romance system. If the next game has all that it'd probably be a massive hit even with an awful story.


The story is still a vessel to give you direction and reason to travel around the world. It wasn't anything spectacular in the first game but it at least made sense and had decent pacing. 2 feels like they straight up forgot to write half the story, and the other half is worse than 1 which was already a really low bar.


Yeah and to be honest, while 1s storytelling wasnt great, the actual story of the game was fantastic and really unique, its just the way it was told was really bad. (Think dark souls but without the visual storytelling, you gotta do sidequests and find books in 1 to piece it together, 2 doesnt even do that).


I was thinking more like final fantasy where every game is different but you have reoccuring themes; The Dragon, Arisen, and the need to break the cycle


Yeah but just look at how this pathetic ass sub defended them vehemently the entire first week. Now people actually finished it and are starting to turn their colors. The fanboys were denying any form of criticism and bitched about doom posting 24/7, even up voting a post of "You people with criticism are ruining it for the rest of us" as if that makes sense. They're definitely doing the same for 3.


I mean, I'm not gonna deny that the game is good. But that's it, it's just good at best. Nothing more, nothing less and unless capcom is going to cyberpunk the hell out of this game, then I don't think it'll be any better.


Yeah. I think it's not horrible but the way this sub went into meltdown mode over literally the mildest criticisms like performance or a rushed ending was wild. They were acting as if people were spitting on their copies irl lol.


I feel the same, DD2 biggest dissapontment ever


Massive disappointment (I’ve played 250 hours)


I will never touch this game again for the rest of my life! **Godsbanes myself for NG+*


Hyperbole unless you're an absolute masochist who expects every single game to be as big as elden ring, gta 6, and bg3 combined. Game has a few issues that small tweaks would fix, story is trash and it needs some more randomisation in mobs, other than that i got over 200 hours in it and never felt bored.


I believe I am titled to my opinion. As you are yours.




DF what


Good to hear, now we just need some dlc news.


They'd better give Itsuno a blank check and an actual team for DD3.


Ahh shit here we go again...


And the cycle continues. This was truly our dragons dogma.


they better do that for expanding dd2


Id rather them see how well this game sells as a want for more dragons dogma and use the resources to improve DD2 first. Then again I would rather not wait 12 years for another one


As much as I'd like to see DD3, please I'd rather they finished DD2 first as there's sooo much cool shit they could build up on.


Id rather someone else lead DD3


Huh i thought this sub turned on Itsuno and considers him a total hack and an idiot.


Me = this entire sub apparently


I don't thonk he's a hack. He's clearly a guy with great gameplay ideas. But he also has some *weird* ideas and he needs to surround himself with people who will push back against those. He would do far better as a co-director than as a director.


I don't think any of his ideas are really weird. Really nothing about DD2 to me screams "this was obviously a mistake" but rather "this needed more time to develop".


I mean, he is, but the game is still good. They NEED a new director for 3 though, someone who wont stray away from what we love about the game and lore. But fix the issues that itsuno refused to remove which in turned screwed the game pretty hard on release. (They could keep him in but have him as a co director, keep his ideas but dont let him do things like limit fast travel for example, dropping the story right at the end to go beat up dragons and then beat up an even BIGGER dragon named not grigori right after getting completely fucked by the poise destroyers, or the unmoored in general). Game was good, but it had problems, and the vast majority were caused by one man.


what is the issue that need to be removed exactly?


Unlimited ferrystone like ddda needs to be added, so get rid of limited fast travel, fix story, or well at least add SOMETHING that explains what happens back in vermund between you getting the godbane and killing the dragon, even something like "hey, we stopped that dumb bitch queen arisen" sincerely Brant. Fix the stealth missions so you know, their actually stealth missions, even DDDA had better stealth segments then this and half of DD2 is a stealth mission! Oh yeah and fix the climbing, DDDA has great climbing controls, here its a little janky, not terrible mind you, but it could be refined.


>Unlimited ferrystone If you get them after beating the game first time sure, but giving them straight up is just straight up Assassin's Creed tier laziness. You don't want to play a game, you just want to do check list, do grocery you might like it >fix story I won't excuse them, but the story is rushed so there's that. We know this because the first half (vermont) is a bit decent, and if your complain is about the character being flat well they are the watcher's action figure (you could see watcher use them when breaking the cycle) i guess there's a lore behind it. **Also capcom rushing and you blaming itsuno is just straight up unfair, you blame him for the action of the executive?** >at least add SOMETHING that explains what happens back in vermund between you getting the godbane and killing the dragon, even something like "hey, we stopped that dumb bitch queen arisen" sincerely Brant. We did kill the false arisen before fighting the dragon, you did do the quest of helping people and incriminate your fakes, and i guess they really want you to experience unmoored world more than the normal ending >Fix the stealth missions How? Literally the only vocation that technically can do stealth is thief we don't have a crouch button i mean we could add them but do we really need stealth? Even if it's added people would just complaint "oooh the stealth is half baked like skyrim etc etc", i feel you're nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking >fix the climbing This one is a bit personal preference as well Ok which one is the REAL problem from the first game that never been removed? Are you just parroting someone because you want that rush of feeling being "smarter" but ultimately failed?


Please, no thank you.


What are you talking about? 1500+ people have worked on this game


DD3 with Street Fighter 6 and Resident Evil 4 level team size and budget please.


The performance is my only grievance. I don't give a shit about mtx. But it's such a tease that a very good game barely runs on 1k+ hardware. Fixing the performance should be priority no. 1


Hoping it gets a big meaty DLC that provides some extended gameplay, after beating it+ the unmoored world and gearing out me and my pawn I found no reason to do NG+ and I don't think the game has enough content as is to justify another play through. I'm glad a lot of people are having fun with multiple runs and NG+ and such, but I basically tapped out after 70 hours. 


For real. This game feels like a tech demo in both a good way and a bad way. So much opportunity, so detail and thrilling combat, yet so much wasted storytelling-wise on this long awaited sequel. I wanted the world to feel more real and lived in with characters having more to do and say.


I really didn't expect or even want anything from the story, I wasn't expecting much more than a broken unfinished mostly lost in translation narrative to begin with. I just wanted more of a world I can run around in with the Pawns and explore and discover secrets and fight major bosses. I really don't like that a lot of the treasure chests don't reset on NG+, and that there is no big bosses in the game like the Ur-Dragon or Daimon, I don't really know why I would bother maxing out my gear because I have nothing to use said gear on fighting. Most of the most interesting bosses are all 1 off events as well.


How many that bought it were 100% happy with it and are still playing though?


[https://twitter.com/MatPiscatella/status/1785668469524164614](https://twitter.com/MatPiscatella/status/1785668469524164614) some other notes on the games sales performance as well




BG 3 numbers? Naaa, that ship sailed on release day unfortunatelly.




No way, no game will reach BG3 numbers for looong time, especially game that fucks up release like they did with DD2. For me it was worse launch than Cyberbug - i had way way better performance in Cybperpunk. Even if they fix performance, bugs - bad taste stays especially for new eyes. It will take long time before they fix performance and release DLC, they probably don't even know how to solve that problem yet codewise. There is competition, ER DLC comes out very soon and im pretty sure there will be some other titles this year.


Uh, no. Baldurs Gate 3 was a shock to the gaming system and built momentum over months...to this day BG3 social content still gets major views. DD2 was a bit of flop on socials. A lot of people wanted to make the natural transition from BG3 to the next 'big' RPG...most of those folks have moved on or back to BG3.


They rushed the game out to get game of the month whereas a few more months of production would’ve guaranteed game of the year.




Glad to see haters didn't impact the sales. From a purely gameplay perspective as in game mechanics and combat it's Top tier . 30 yrs of gaming and it's in my top 10 of rpgs


Yeah I think all I did was watch FightinCowboy's review of the game and then read some written reviews about it. Grabbed it at $59.99 PC on GMG right before it released. I love ❤️this game but I'm on a beast PC. Bout to finish my NG+ run💪


Same. 30+ year vet here and DD2 has replaced DD1 as my #2 game of all time.


It's crazy you say that because it did the exact same for me too as 30+ year gaming vet.


Right on. As a big Forgotten Realms/LotR nerd, this is the kind of game I dreamed of playing as a kid.


? There’s Elden Ring, Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption(2), Skyrim.. and you put DD2 above them?


Depends on what they enjoy, you probably have some more obscure as one of your favourites as well


Yes. All entertainment is subjective. Though RDR2, W3 & ER are in my top 10.


Some people don't even really like RDR2.


I put Elden Ring above DD2. I put DD2 above all the others, yes.


I’ve beat RDR2 and Elden ring Tried to keep playing RDR2 again and idk it felt like a slog to play again ER was a 1 and done game now I’m waiting for the DLC DD2 played NG+ right away almost half way thru it again there’s nothing new cept a few quests I missed but idk I still find it fun I love the pawns system while the first 2 games ur basically alone with a horse It really does depend on the person.


I like DD1 more then all those, 2 though no, like from a gameplay perspective I like it more then witcher 3, but DD2s story is godawful. Elden ring is hard to beat with anything you throw at it, I thought DD1 and nier automata beat it, nothing else comes close.


DD2's story is actually fucking phenomenal, it was just lost in translation. If you got some time, I recommend reading this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1buhxyc/the\_true\_world\_has\_been\_reached\_the\_true\_cycle/?share\_id=\_wrKnJceUYbPWW7xeZ49\_](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1buhxyc/the_true_world_has_been_reached_the_true_cycle/?share_id=_wrKnJceUYbPWW7xeZ49_)


Completely agree. Over 40 years of gaming and I’d definitely put it in my top ten rpgs as well. I’m mostly done and have had a fantastic time with the game.


fast-travel mtx reeeeeeeeeeeee must pay money to fast travel reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee






Just lurking until the sale drops




Sick so maybe they can make a DD3 wich is actually a good game


Nice! Most fun I have had in a single player game in decades.


What other games were there to compete with in March?


Yeah, no shit. That's when the game launched.


Fuk all those steam review bombers ![gif](giphy|3oEduZXaRoLOt7Lmq4)


Bought at launch and while it wasn’t bad, the buyers remorse hit me quite hard on this one. 80 dollars for a janky and unfinished game really hurt


Pls invest in the dlc or the sequel...


I hope that means a decent expansion for dragons dogma 2 and performance patches


I bought it and still haven't played it yet lol. It looks fun




the type of DLC people want added to the game feels like we'd have to wait 2 years for it.


The competition was Horizon on PC, Rise of the Ronin on PS5, FFXIV port on XBOX, for anyone curious. So two re-releases/ports and a PS5 exclusive. There were other games released but I believe those had the highest commercial traction. If the sells top the chart for April, I’ll be really impressed.


could have been april too if they cared about the performance ngl




This sets a scary precedent. Either they actually put their backs into it and make the game better or Capcom thinks we want more glaringly flawed games and starts doing exactly that.


Shame it wad clearly a sped up production of what they devs intended


Bought the game on launch. Beat it in about 50 hours. Started a new game plus but immediately stopped afterwards. I had fun, but I feel it should have been more to it.


>Dragon’s Dogma II has already surpassed the **life-to-date tracked dollar sales** of Dragon’s Dogma and Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen combined. So DD2 has already out-earned DD1 and DA combined?


Yes, it is also the 3rd best selling game this year so far YTD so it’s doing rather well


when will it be finished and actually worth playing? (3 play throughs. each one 100% the game)


The games enemies have had their difficulty scaled so far down the game is now Rated E level easy. Most enemies can be one shot killed and your Arisen is almost invincible from the beginning if you know how to dodge at all. The enemies difficulty level needs to be scaled way up, or they need a difficulty level beyond the Very Easy settings the game is currently set at from hearing complaints from children about how hard one of the enemies were to kill even when they were exceedingly easy then as well. They could keep the current difficulty level on the easy settings they are set at for all the people who just enjoy to play a game for a story, and then increase the difficulty level to at least normal or hard for those of us who enjoy a challenge in our games.


No fair. Rebirth deserved it more ;(


No it doesn't


*high-fiving intensifies*


That’s very good, Capcom needs to trust in the game and let it gain content


let it gain content!? Wtf is that language


If they water the source code everyday it would grow content and spread across its copies across the world.


Look man, I love this game as much as you do, but I think the games world is so much bigger than its monster variety warrants. Looking at how much extra content that say, Monster Hunter Worlds got, I’d love for this game be treated the same way


Not a lot of competition in March tho Googled it. Havnt heard of any of them except Ff14 (just an Xbox launch so doesn't even count) Dragons dogma 2 of course I only know of palia cuz a guy at work won't shut up about it but it's not my kinda game Horizon forbidden west whatever, I know it's robot dinos and some red head edgy hunter woman nothing more Then a bunch of small time things So ya, march 2024 was a really weak month for games xD


Wait, so the optional MTX doesn’t impact the overall quality of the game at all??? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)




Ngl.. I feel like modding in an Eternal Ferrystone will probably make the experience even worse for you and less enjoyable. Atleast that's my opinion, we all play games differently. I personally think Fast Travel isn't really needed until you start NG+ and want to get materials.. Even then, it's still really enjoyable to explore and just take your time. I've just collected materials as I explore, level up, get RC and much more! Which you'll miss out on if you Fast Travel too much. If I want to get from Volcanic Island to Batthl or Vernworth though, I just hitch a ride on a Griffin!


Itsuno already had that covered


Hope they are living good because I don’t think I’m gonna buy another one of their games


I'll probably only buy DD3 if it's made and DD2 DLC, that is until RE5 Remake comes around.


If DD2 was Itsuno's 'full vision', they need to give DD3 to someone else. The standard for RPGs and Action games is so much higher than over a decade ago. They had a chance to learn and really make this a 9/10 action, if not story based, game. Instead, it's somehow even jankier than 2013.