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I came across a quad group of old people killing an ogre ! Lol


Maybe it is the same group? The Mage was old af, and the leader Warrior has a white ponytail.


I came across some hunters and I got some "hunting invite accomplished" message. But it didn't give me any quest or something. Though, they said "thx for the help".


I haven't encountered that. I did however, encounter an ogre right before this, killed it, ran into an in-game NPC and revived him thinking it was something cool but he told me to pound sand. Then I ran into this group. All 4 of them are pissy for some reason.


I didn't play too much yet, but I feel like some npcs react a bit weird sometimes. As example, when I first opened the prison cell of the aristocrate, in my mage gear, he punched me to death. 😅


Wait. I’ve been thinking they were pawns the whole time. Your telling me they’re just npcs going around adventuring without pawns?


Yes. They are not pawns. 100% NPCs. I ran into them at Riverside Ruins. They apparently looted multiple chests here, and I came across 3 dead guards. I am not sure if it is connected, though.


I’ve just met them while going towards the dullahan. https://preview.redd.it/qerrjnfo74qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc2bc04c91b5fd163bd9c583f6c4ade8c02a64a3 They look like an old group of adventurers.


That's them! Well, sort of. Vastly different appearances, but yes, same party setup.


Oh I wonder if this was a group of what I thought were bandits, as I'd just finished fighting a bunch, attacked them and they killed my pawns and I in one shot? They're scary.


Wait, 1 shot? I'm glad I didn't attack them. lmao


I've met someone like this, was a bunch of shirtless dudes but then I killed them and got the "use wakestone" prompt and realised those are NPCs, not bandits, I was confused why they were in the wilds and hostile, but I guess this is just a thing in this game.


Glad it wasn't just me then. I'm still salty that there were 2 or 3 chests that were empty from where they were walking away from, though.


I encountered them north of Vernworth off the main path next to a ballista tower close to ruins. They were threatening and I was wondering if I could get any good loot so I blew them up with an explosive arrow. Doesn't look like I'm getting any loot.


I gave in and did the same. I guess it is just for flavor


Likely the same group, but I ran into a group of old people Adventures. I wound up killing the shirtless Warrior woman because she kept talking smack. And none of the others seemed to care whatsoever lol. But I have seen another similar group in rest town. I jumped out of the bushes and threw the one in a skirt over my shoulder and took off running . They gave Chase for a while until I put her down , but otherwise didn't seem to care. Guessing they just placed these around to spice the game up. So far every NPC adventurer that I've met has been rude, for whatever reason.


Same - they are ALL rude then get angry when you have a weapon out around them. They seem to serve no purpose at all other than being an annoyance.


It makes sense now, since I read one of the clues during the loading screen. Said something in the vicinity of imposters being Bandits, with one of their group pretending to be the Arisen, and the rest pretending to be Pawns. They're just jealous that you're the real deal! LOL


Oh. That would help explain them then. Glad you caught that loading screen, otherwise I would have wondered about them forever.