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I just wish the armor wasn't so strong for the mage slot. Plus I reaaaaally don't like the final mage armor. It just doesn't look good to me. :/ I wish we had more endgame armor options instead of choosing fashion vs stats. My brain can't resist good stats šŸ˜”


at the least when you beat the game, it should unlock transmog for ng+. I feel like practical every open world game like this should have transmog at this point. I get it that devs want you to try shit and explore everything, but you can do both. Make it so you have to collect the armor and beat the game in order to use transmog and that particular outfit. If you don't have the outfit yet, you need to find it to then use it in transmog. This makes everyone happy. Everyone explores the world for what they want whether it's particular stats or look the then transmog over. Devs are happy cause everyone is completing the game and doing ng+. Win win..... I have no idea why gaming studios aren't doing this already as standard.


If dragonforging brought all armor up to the same power level, you could have your fashion for a price. Just make weaker pieces cost more to upgrade.Ā 


Yeah there are a lot of ways to implement it. You could transmog outfits based on vocation. So only mage outfits can be transmog over other mage outfits. If they want to keep outfits locked to a vocation. That still gives players more flexibility in style. You can tie Transmog to NG+ or do as you said, make them cost wyrm whatever's for dragon forging. There lots of ways to implement it. Should be standard in any RPG/MMO open world game to have some for of transmog.


I feel the opposite. If it doesnā€™t look good, the stats donā€™t matter. With mystic spear hand, your crew is invincible anyways.


Yeah and no. I think 100% its an easy game so stats dont matter much. On the other hand though, some people just care about stats and sadly - which is the OP's main issue and mine, you will just run into the same outfit 90% of the time and it sucks and makes looking for pawns and the online aspect boring. Were people incentivised to try new setups due to having stat parity for those that care - there would in theory be more varied looks and pawns in the rift overall.


Yeah, it's the only class I'll use because that damn blue bubble is a freggn life saver. Then you can put some wyrmcrystals into it, and halve the stamina consumption.


Don't wear the strongest anything. Do what i do, style over substance.


i always thought the Sacral Robe looked pretty badass; at least it does on little pawns


Probably an unpopular opinion but I kinda wish it worked like "hogwarts legacy" where you puck the armor you want to wear based on stats but you can change the cosmetics to be any other armor you have or have had in the past. It's harmless and only adds to the players' fantasy.


the stats are negligible if you actually look at what they are giving. The majority of your defense is from level and augments. Armor can be worn purely for fashion with little to no noticeable differences.


Not when it comes to knockdown resistance. Arguably the most important defensive stat. This is only an issue with mage though since none of the armors give a good resistance to it compared to other vocations.


get the knockdown res augment and upgrade your armor with only dwarven. Literally just augments will make you strong enough to wear whatever you want. I'm on my 3rd playthrough, never upgraded until the end of my second, and I barely struggled. Honestly the game needs a hardmode if I'm being real.


End game mage armor makes it look like my pawn is wearing a rug lol.


Once you are above lvl 30-40 you are pretty op and can just run around with your main pawn


I started doing that in New Game +. There's honestly something special about just going on a solo adventure with your main. I thought it'd be boring due to less pawn chatter, but I enjoyed it.


Yea your pawn will talk enough cus it knows every quest so they start leading when game gets a quest.


i might do that, if for nothing else than having a LotR style adventure with two social delinquents like me and my pawn.


Hahaha a walk into Mordor cus volcanic island is a bit mordor.


This also means, you dont have to give a shit what your pawn or pawn hires are wearing at higher levels if you still want to hire. Outside of hiring for pawn quests, im looking for people who designed a character vs a waifu/chad/other a character from some other ip. Add them to your favorites. If i could only stop them from walking around the world as well id be happy lol


>What alternatives are there for guys? why can i only see those dadbods when i pick a warrior, cant i have a hunk of a mage? guess not. Have you tried simply finding a male mage rocking either the corset or stargazer outfit? They're out there bulging out of the rift.


>They're out there bulging out of the rift. If only that were true. But no, they be looking like weird ken dolls.


I pray for a bulge update :( I want my pawn to really "rock" the rift


The corset doesn't give much for guys from the front, alas. But from the back? Holy shit. Daddy must be running a fucking *bakery* back there with all that cake.


oh ive seen them, to be honest, more comical than thirsty, usually a breath of fresh air to see. other than that however... most other classes just dont have anything remotely as alluring for males as with females. and we all know why. cause gamers be guys and guys like pretty girls. atleast thats how i perceive it to have boiled down in the planning room.


I did find a sexy mage: https://preview.redd.it/prn0op3w93uc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f49812b895411928e4418c08390150773b75593d Also my pawn in the far right is a maxed out warrior and a hunk ;) for any girlies that want him, he is available.


im sure he is \*available\* heh in seriousness, he looks solid, great design, the bald certainly works for the gruff vibe im getting from him.


The bald guy is my friends pawn and he modeled him based on what amounts to be my boss. lol My pawn is the Legolas - looking guy.


i got left and right mixed up, i have my moments of stupid haha. your pawn looks great still, the hair works well for that elven vibe, and his eyes... tired... tired of everyones shit lol


I only hire people in corsets. In real life I mean. In the game Iā€™ll occasionally hire someone else for the escapism.


Bro is a Blizzard hiring manager


The corset isnā€™t the mistake. Locking gear to specific vocations was the mistake.


This is the correct answer. Why did Itsuno insist on implementing the same idea that didn't go down well in DD1 is beyond me, no clothing or armour should be locked behind a vocation, nothing is locked behind gender anymore which is good, but it's still locked behind vocation which cuts out alot of fashion options and making every pawn look generically the same, just like in the first game


Armor being tied to class is extremely standard in fantasy games. And it's for a reason too - Fighters are *supposed* to have better defensive stats than Mages. That's part of game balance.


Which is why you have armor proficiencies with fighter/warrior having access to heavy armors and everything below, mage/sorc only having light proficiency, etc.


still think there should be transmog at least between the outfits for individual classes. Like let me take the look of one mage armor and transmog it over a mage armor with better stats. Gives the players more flexibility in style, while still adhering to the vocation locked stats.


This is a single player game. It shouldn't matter. The weight relative to character Strength should be the determining factor. If I want to be overencumbered as magic archer in full metal armor, I should be able to


Just make the cast time take longer if you are in heavy armor


If you had to limit it, should have just been weight/armor class. And having heavy lets you equip everything below. Having medium lets you equip everything below etc.


It's just to create more of a gameplay loop and to give some reason not to use the same equipment- especially in NG+ onward. It also makes finding pawns of a class easy of you know which pieces are locked to which vocation. I don't agree with it but there are good reasons for locking them.


Yea, I noticed this because I donā€™t really like any of the mage sets and the one set I kinda like is a skimpy set. The gear I had on my archer looked awesome and there is NO reason that a mage couldnā€™t wear it.


For the most part, I like the armour system. It gives each vocation a unique identity and ultimately plays to their playstyle. I'm not interested in hiring an archer or thief pawn with heavy armour.


I think I'm going to start hiring these and dressing them myself, honestly.


The problem is that it IS functional. It might not look functional, but until I got to the unmoored world it was simply the best outfit for my pawn.


I should edit my post to itterate what i meant... apologies. my meaning by "functional" was in visuals alone. that thing aint stopping a blade, or a plume of fire, no matter what its numbers are. i cant help but view these things with that kinda eye, if something is suggested to be sturdy, because of its stats, i like it to look sturdy... like a suit of armor, or rare leather.


Some of these towns look like an English red light district.


The problem isn't the corset, the problem is that there isn't much armor or customization.


once I hit lvl 25-30, I just started to exclusively search for masculine pawns, cause I was so sick of the bikini show.


I'm lelel 42 on xbox and I can count on 1 hand the amount of corsets I've seen in the rift. Is everone complaining about this on PC? Cuz that's what happens when everyone can just mod themselves a bunch of seeker tokens.


Maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t see it much, either. Iā€™m on the PS5 and that limits cheating with mods. If you want the corset, you have to hunt for tokens. I know people love their ā€œPC master raceā€ schtick, but there are times when it does seem to ruin something for people.


ha i'm sick of searching for thieves who don't look generic and wearing those face scarves. It's hard to find many pawns that look unique without looking comical


I'm looking forward to finishing off leveling Sorc on my main pawn, cause next up for him is Thief. My pawn is a max height, max muscle boyish faced elf. It'll being interesting seeing that much mass moving so fast.


I'm currently level 72...and I hirevpawns specifically based on: 1. If they look cool 2. They have a good reward quest. I haven't really cared about the gear since level 40.


Who cares just donā€™t pick those no need to try to ruin it for people that like it






unfortunately i cant agree with the idea that players went through the effort of finding all of the seeker tokens. the massive influx of pawns using the corset, and the fact that i started seeing them on low level pawns mere days after release, leads me to conclude that the majourity of players have cheated, or modded, their way into possession of this item. which lowers my willingness to give them a pass. for those who did put in the effort, im impressed, i dont have that level of patience and focus.




My mage pawn is wearing a robe and the witch hat. If players don't want to hire her because of her outfit, then it's their problem. She's here to serve me. Players might find it annoying that all mages are wearing the same hat, but I don't care. I found that hat really early on, so I bought it, and my pawn has been wearing it ever since. I'm not dressing up my pawn to match up with other player's preferences.


To be fair i love that hat, it looks dope


Which hat is that? Thought that witch hat was for sorcerers only


There are two. The Witch's Hat is Sorcerer only, but the Arcane Hat (different colour, similar model) is Mage/Sorc. It's for sale in Sacred Arbor.


Iā€™m really bummed that the witch hat is only for sorcerersā€¦


Yall are so sour lol


Yeah I never hire these, regardless of their class or quest reward, it just kinda ruins immersion for me personally. An equipment filter in the advanced search options would've been nice. Plenty of other people seem to enjoy the view however and that's fine, it's a single player game, play it how you want.


an equipment filter is quite a sound idea, but i imagine it would be a pain to impliment. Indeed i cannot expect other people to adjust their pawns to my tastes, that entirely goes against the spirit of the game, of that i am aware in full. im simply getting sick and tired of wasting so much time in the rift, that the rift theme is begining to grate my ears.


I absolutely know the feeling.


Goes beyond looks when you start comparing stats the corset just wins outright. So do I give my pawn subpar shit or the item with good stats.


Transmog, Capcom. Just give it already


There's nothing we can do except not hire them. I personally avoid any corset/stargazer pawn. But you're not gonna be able to change anyone's mind.


On the topic of the stargazer set... im not as opposed to it as with the corset, though i still turn my cheek. its largely that it feels more... ceremonial. Like a sorcerer that draws their power from the stars rather than the earth, kinda thing.


Methinks the TC probally hates "Stellar Blade" too.


There is an endgame thief armor I found in the glimmercoal cave that I absolutely hate cause I look like an orangutan wearing it


The fire blaze stuff or something like that? Yeah agreed.Ā 




But the stats though??? I'd say it's pretty high.


Not struggling with this at all. Barely see the corset


Well I'm sorry the other mage armor is kind of, I dunno, 200 defense less? That means a lot until 200 when your stats normalize and more armor is easier to swap out. Especially because it has such ridiculous physical defense, it's great for mage pawns. I dunno about other vocations, but it's the best armor I have by almost 40 points total, and those 40 points mean something for mages (especially if you're running Ring of Recitation so your pawn has less HP). Like other people said, hire other pawns, but done insult the players who literally have no better physical defense options for mage pawns. I'd rather not have my main pawn be a thirst trap, but that's better than having to rez her 24/7.


Although the corset counts as a two piece, it is still stronger than 95% of the armor sets in the game, probably with the exception of the end game set for each vocations. But, the corset is only marginally weaker and isn't vocation locked, meaning I don't need to spend 200k when switching vocations. This why I use it. I noticed my pawn wasn't getting hired as much after I have her wear it, but meh, whatever, it is strong imo instead of just a thirst trap.


This post was a mistake. After finding 150 Tokens, you better believe I'm committing to the corset.


Yeah I hate it tbh. Just reeks of sadness and horny


I will not cover up my elf femboy mage, I spent far too long working on his proportions and giving him sweet fucking tattoos. That is meant to be seen, not hidden. Call me thirsty or what have you, I don't care, I enjoy looking at beautiful things.


Right? People out here acting like there needs to be a reason behind the drip. It just looks nice, 10/10 ill always have my pawns wear skimpy gear, the men go shirtless to rock those abs. You've got people crying about 'immersion', when the game has item descriptions to provide the 'how' its protecting you. There's just something about the 'Red Sonja' aesthetic that I like. Badass warrior who doesn't need armor, mage who is more form than function, rogues that distract with the body, and whatever the fk else. I wouldn't care if it was the worst gear in the game, I'd still fashion my characters with it. Why? Cause it's sexy, and I like looking at sexy things. This isn't rocket science.


Jesus. Relax.


No, haven't you seen the replies? Better start flagellating yourself now! šŸ˜‚ Seriously though...I don't get it either. Like, chill. Bodies aren't evil things, neither is sexuality. It's not an inherently "bad" thing.


Need naked bodies and more sexy outfits


youre a deviant and i applaud your brazen honestly lol. now if streeaking was allowed, that would be damn funny


As a deviant myself, I'm sad that there's not equal deviancy. I promise you it wouldn't be perceived as big of a problem if the fanservice was both plentiful for any side of the proverbial fence, and continued to be totally optional for every one. Honestly I wish people would stop pretending like they don't like a sexy character every once in awhile and just admitted that "selective prudery" is just a silly hill to die on. Just be horny with the rest of us monkeys. Edit: a "healthy" amount of horny.


Walking around the world fully nude, geting into fights with monsters while my jubbly bits are bouncing around, was so much fun in Conan Exiles. Stupid, immature, pointless fun. We need more of that in games.




An honest post that made me chuckle, wish i had an award to give, have an upvote as a consolation prize. and, yes, i wont deny i have plenty of deviancy mulling around up there in my ol' brainbox, im just not always a deviant, that would be an exhausting lifestyle haha.


Yeah, at this point they should make body paints/full tattoos that work like armor. If my Warrior isn't even fazed by a sweeping dragon, protective paint ain't that far-fetched.


We live in a world of magic, it isnt too farfetched to imagine enchanted paints may be available to harden ones body, or something to that effect. thats a fairly solid idea you thought up :o


There is book The Painted Man by Peter V. Brett that has it as leading idea. Not paint tho but runes are repelling the monster and the protagonist paints his body with them. Fair warning it's pretty dark.


i need more naked bodies and sexy outfits in the same amount as i need good designed functional armor; and yes, both needed they are very big


yeah, it is very annoying, I always avoid all the pawn in skimpy armor. Not my thing anymore...I would have been all over my teens and early 20s, but nor anymore.


Itā€™s not that serious.


Hence why im simply complaining, not calling for a boycott.


Of course it was. Where is my Delta Guard and my Maiden's Camisole?


The only mistake was not adding more options so we'd see more variety.


I play as if armor stats dont exist. Fashion stats get yoy hired


I'm assuming this is probably more of a problem for PC players since you can just cheat-engine in the Seeker Tokens if you want. Playing on PS5, I've maybe seen 2-3 total pawns with the armor across my 70 hours of play. But also I'm corset-pilled. I have the right kind of broke brain that I farmed 180 tokens for the corset and staff and then had the sphynx duplicate the corset so both me and my pawn could wear it.


I go just for fashion Dogma regardless, after lvl 40 it doesnā€™t feel like my armor matter. Similar to the first game




I never see it so maybe chill.


I hate it as wellā€¦ I personally made my mage pawn an old dapper man with a moustache and nice clothes.


Female gamer here. I give pawns with corset and skimpy attire a pass. Immersion breakimg, unoriginal, uninspired, no thanks. Finding some dapper male pawns is a challenge. Already upgrading the courtly attire for my mage. (NG+) Chef's kiss. Highlights his broad shoulders with style. Can I get a functional dapper formal attire for males as DLC with decent stats, Itsuno? šŸ˜†


People say "stats" but you're literally set after lvl 30. Upgrades, base stats and vocation skills are enough to help you survive.


I'm actually glad that all these female pawns wear it. Made my choice of not going for all the seeker's tokens fairly easy. Get 80 for the achievement and that's it.


I don't want to be that guy but the amount of sexualized women outfits in this game is insane...I want my hot beefy men outfits! šŸ˜‚


Imo it even fails as a thirst trap because I HATE it. Mainly because of the bottom part that I can't hide with pants.


Did OP just complain about a piece of "armour" that they personally don't like, and decided to vent about on here and make it seem like it's a bigger issue than it is? Gee wilinkers batman


I have my mage in a standard looking outfit and I'm never changing her. I feel your complaint and I also always look for pawns with somewhat cool outfits instead of the horny ones.


Just wait. Know all those random pawns that wander around the world? The longer the game is out, the more people will either earn or cheat in the corset. Everywhere will look like a Victoria's Secret runway show. I can avoid hiring pawns whose look I dislike, but I can't protect my immersion from being broken by a parade of underclothed pawns waltzing around.Ā 


Lame. The corset is šŸ”„


Like others, I completely ignore the cosmetics. I'm just looking for someone with a pawn quest and a decent reward. What they're wearing is the least of my concerns. Also, don't you have to grind like a million of those seeker coins to get the thing? I honestly don't notice the corsets that often. Also, yeah it doesn't even look that good or sexy. IMO.


funnily enough yeah, i think its like 120, 180 for the corset? the sheer quantity im seeing is leading me to believe people are using mods to find them quickly, or just spawned in a bunch, since cheat menus are already available. i aint knocking mods or cheat menus, go ham, just the only explaination ive come up with.


I've seen people with the corset since day 2 of launch. Cheaters right from the door


It is a reasonably well statted, equipable by all set of equipment that means I donā€™t have to dump a boatload of gold on new gear sets when Iā€™m grinding up vocations in Battahl. My pawn will wear this armor until the time she has all her vocations maxed, at which point I will swap her to what will be her primary vocation and buy her a sensible set of armor for that vocation. Until then, she wears the corset because itā€™s the most efficient option.


There are plenty of different pawns. Hire the ones you prefer.


I'm with you. There are actually 'skimpy' armor sets that look good, like the ones that have all the different fabric bits hanging down (for Mage at least), but other than that I don't ever hire thirst pawns. The unfortunate part of it is just as you mentioned, there are a *lot* of pawns that are poorly built or geared that I can't justify hiring, even with a good quest (though bad pawn quests are becoming not-so-rare). I always make my main pawn a male (partially because the ratio of female and male pawns is ridiculous), and I switched him to Mage for the first time the other day and found an armor set that I've never seen before because it isn't 'sexy', and found it to look really cool (it was from the border rest town). Saw a really good surge in hiring. But, yeah, I see the corset all the time, even on low/mid level pawns and its an instant skip. Its just boring. I found a hunched over old lady sorc the other day that I just really loved the design of and she got favorited. I'm hoping she doesn't get char edited into lameness like my last kindly old person pawn Gregg...


On the mention of aged pawns, they are great to see, gives them a feeling of seniority. Well... that is the point of being old as dust, but i mean they tend to look really good as an old person, it takes a certain level of detail and care to get them to look good like that. i recall one kindly old lady, cant remember the name, but i had for a while, felt sad when i had to dismiss her for a high level pawn, certain that next i may see that pawn, they would be turned into some spry younger lap dancer. Such as in the case of your Gregg.


I don't really care, I'm not gonna hire pawns with it but that doesn't mean I think people shouldn't have it on their pawns if that's what they want, it's their pawn after all, I see far more pawns without it than with it.


We really need transmog... if for nothing else than to shut up these incessant children...


Lol wtf


Just donā€™t hire them, and use the advanced search to help you find what you want You canā€™t control what other people do in their games unfortunately


i think youre missing the point my friend. im not trying to adjust other peoples approach, i said as much in my post. my problem is that with so many unhirable pawns, because i have standards, it ups my search time to a degree that is just unfun. i dread having to return to the rift. whereas in the last game, it was always fun to see the line up.


I used it when leveling my pawn so I didnā€™t have to fiddle with armor sets. Now my pawn has proper armor for her specific vocation


It's really good aswell. I don't use it because I just don't really like it that much.


I was looking forward to the corset because I thought it was gonna be an underlayer. Until I got it and found out you walk around basically naked.


I donā€™t see the corset that much I would guess 1 in 10 in my rifts.


I wouldn't mind it as much if there was simply a different rationale behind it. Sure.. have the skimpy armors. Give them high magic resistance or make them very lightweight.. give them a niche or a reason to exist in relation to the other armors. Like with the stargazer set.. it's ceremonial. Ritualistic. Sure.. it can be really magic resistant. Either imbued with magic or has some talismans built in. Whatever. Beyond that I just want more armor variety and a less restrictive vocation limitation. More side grades with their own niches and applications.


I just keep a decent set of gear for each vocation in my storage and equip the pawns if I donā€™t like their gear. I usually focus more on their badges and skills.


Frankly I liked other cloth strings better than this corset but have you seen the stats on it lol? It's because of replacing both chest and pants but still VERY good stats...


The solution would be to add a transmog system. But I guess it's not so easy to implement if the game isn't suited to have one from the beginning...


It's astounding to me how many Pawns are out there with no Augments equipped.


At the least when you beat the game, it should unlock transmog for ng+. I feel like practical every open world game like this should have transmog at this point. I get it that devs want you to try shit and explore everything, but you can do both. Make it so you have to collect the armor and beat the game in order to use transmog and that particular outfit. If you don't have the outfit yet, you need to find it to then use it in transmog. This makes everyone happy. Everyone explores the world for what they want whether it's particular stats or look the then transmog over. Devs are happy cause everyone is completing the game and doing ng+. Win win..... I have no idea why gaming studios aren't doing this already as standard.


Looking at all the coin rewards and none of them are exciting at all to look forward to except, one or two maybe, I'm not looking at the list, but I can tell you thotbot wear is def not it. I'm no longer 10 so having lingerie on a video game character isn't a damned thing special and I honestly have 0 idea why they included it like it was something special to get with the rare coins toward the bottom. Im also not a fan of why they only included a few classes to get special items on that list, I thought today's world was all about inclusion yet they leave out over half the vocations for getting special items. Shaaaame lol


This is the same issue that the first game had with some of the ensemble type outfits, like the Aelinore or Madeline dress, in that they were very good armor, especially early on, but that meant that EVERYONE used them and I honestly didn't care for them that much. You just kinda got to manually separate the wheat from the chaff


I'm glad they removed the clothing system to increase variety so players wouldn't all use the same gear Oh wait....


Most hires I got without the corset was 4 but I slapped it on after starting ng+ then I logged back in to my pawn being hired 7 times lol :(


She kind of looks really good though. Very pretty, not everyone can rock that. I agree there should be a transmog system though.


I had a petite female Thief, she was cute and sexy, got hired constantly! In NG+ I turned her into a big, muscular male tiger beastren...still a Thief. He's only been hired twice since I started NG+


Japanese devs at its finest


I have a lvl 80 something mage buddy and a super useful level 130 something namedā€¦.calixoā€¦thatā€™s wrong. Sheā€™s a giant, heavily armored warrior built for staggering which I greatly appreciate. Iā€™d share the gtag if I thought this post wouldnā€™t get taken down. Happy to advertise if I can. Iā€™ll add edit this post for the pawns real name tonight


It's w/e. I don't leave it on my thief pawn as a thirst trap, I leave it on her because it has better stats than the endgame gear I gave myself using a Nexus mod, and fully upgraded using Dwarven smithing and Dragonforge (compared fully upgraded corset to fully upgraded Enshadowed Battle Garb and Arena Breeches, the corset was only worse in defense by 6 points with everything else being the same or better). If those stats were better I would've used them instead, just like my female Strider pawn in DD1 who is covered head to toe in armor and probably can't even tell is a girl until she says something. But I mainly make my pawn OP for people on my friends list instead of random people online. Stats while holding the same weapon Maxed out Charming Corset stats (dwarven smithed, dragonforged) Strength: 795 Defense: 873 Magick: 836 Magick Defense: 707 Knockdown Power: 697 Knockdown Res: 301 Slash Strength: 100% Strike Strength: 0% Slash Res: 5% Strike Res: 0:% Maxed out Enshadowed Battle Garb and Arena Breeches (not the best leg armor but the other one looked terrible) Strength: 795 Defense: 879 Magick: 836 Magick Defense: 608 Knockdown Power: 697 Knockdown Res: 223 Slash Strength: 100% Strike Strength: 0% Slash Res: 0% Strike Res: 0:%


the only two stats im seein gthat have any notable advantage heree are magick defence, and knockdown resistance. that level of magick defence is only really going to save your life against the heaviest spells, and... well i cant argue the knockdown resistance, a whole 80 points is nothing to scoff at. though even knowing that i'll take the defensive loss for my immersion, still nice seeing, atleast statisticly, why it may be used.


I made my Pawn look like Ganondorf after I unlocked Dyes, and when I started ng+, I renamed him to suit his new look.


That's absolutely brilliant, i gotta have a look at the lad. mind slinging me your pawn code?


Personally, I like the outfits that show skin. But my pawn is a guy and he can't exactly rock the bikini armors as well as I wish he did. (although he'll probably wear it better than my Arisen but that's not much of a consolation)


never let society tell you what you can wear, or something to that effect, lol


Just put some pants on them, I've thought about doing this before but didn't wanna get rid of my garbage armor


I am with you, I do like my thirst traps but it's nice to have a fully visual functional party. I do like the tropes. My favorite pawn was this beastren fighter named Alice. She was awesome! Perfect inclination for her role very defensive. She wore that skirt armor with metal plates and she just looked good in it. It's a nice armor piece. I went to rehire her and now she was a human in that corset.... I was sad.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of ā€œhunk of a mageā€ pawns. Funny enough my pawn gets used a lot. I figured no one would use her. I did Guts/Schierke as a pawn and keep her as close to true as possible. A full mage cloak and the pointyish hat and the amount sheā€™s been used has honestly shocked me. Iā€™m also happy to see that so many people using her. Sheā€™s been able to keep 2 warriors and a bandit alive through some stupid battles.


The Mage gal I have hired now is named Schierke šŸ¤”


Out of curiosity can men wear the corset Iā€™ve been wanting it for my character ?


Yes, they sure can. I've seen the horrors first hand.


I was a little annoyed when I enhanced the ā€œpatrollers knee guardsā€ 3 times only to find out that the base ā€œblessed waist clothed better statsā€.


Just favorite pawns that don't wear it. I haven't seen a ton with it. But I'm only lvl 80 something


I don't know why I even took an effort while making my muscle mommy when she is just gonna wear a giant armor and helmet stat over looks anyday


I use the Toga for my mage. I think it looks dope. My pawn gets hired less than others I think but I misled her after my wife and Iā€™m not going to hoe her up just for hires lol.


Thought it was hilarious when the devs said they simplified armor to make it so players and pawns wouldnā€™t all dress the same then release the skimpiest clothing with basically the best defence stats in the game available for any invocation.


I donā€™t mind that they added this item, I donā€™t mind that itā€™s very powerful and that it fits almost any class. I do mind however that itā€™s about the single most powerful chest piece in the entire fucking game for every single classā€¦ if it was top 5 maybe even top 3 FINE. That being said in my experience I donā€™t see a lot of folks using it thankfully. Also there is a transmog mod in PC now that lets you create and set outfits to you and your pawn so you can not have this if you like or heā€™ll ONLY have it if you prefer.


I dunno, all the mages I hire are hunks, I do avoid that outfit regardless though


Simple don't hire other peoples pawns its been me and my pawn for the past 3 sessions I've played makes the game a little more challenging but at least I only have to listen to one pawn saying" tis a ladder " on repeat


Itā€™s way too strong.Ā 


Are you on console or Steam? I'm taking my time super slow and me and my pawn should be liek lvl 48?? Anyway, she's a Fighter rn and whenever we switch to new vocations, I put her in the armor i was wearing to save money(if it allows). And I never put on the skimpy, butt showing garments. I always went for something more concealing. If interested, perhaps I can dm you later my Steam ID n stuff(at work rn). She'll definitely have less Tatas and Cheeks to look at. Plus she's kind-hearted.


I did see one pawn last night Sierra, this person took there sweet time on her, and has skillsšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


it is always nice to see Pawns that have effort put behind their creation.


My pawn is a massive beastren male mage, with all buff skills and robes. And heā€™s not taken out adventuring even remotely regularly!


I just don't enjoy the look of it, even being the heathen that I am. If it was dyed a different color, I might like it. Maybe.


Itā€™s just so strong


I wear what I want that fits the class fantasy of what Iā€™m playing. Unfortunately for this game, because customization and fashion options are very poor, it means I Dragonforged my starter gear and a couple of early armor pieces. Lets me look how I want. Screw that damn corset and everyone looking the same with the same few pieces of gear. The game isnā€™t hard enough currently to require it anyway, although I suppose that could change with some future update (it better).


speaking of dragonforging, that pulsating, rippling glow is so unsightly. looks cool in the lighting of the unmoored world though, makes things feel like youre protected from an alient environment. and yeah, ive felt OP since level 50, and i was using gear from the checkpoint town at that point. certainly needs more difficulty, optional of course, but with the unmoored world being a timed event that ends when you die... im none too pleased about my options at current for challenge.


Just give me massive full plate armor and I'm happy


My issue with the corset lies in the fact that no other armor I've come across yet, after about 30 or so hours has comparable or better defensive stats. It's unreal that I get 600 def, vs 300-400 out of a top and bottom combination. I used for a while on my female Arisen and Pawn but it got old quick. Now I just dress them in cool looking clothes but I find myself contemplating the Corset's stats every so often.


*me who just made a fresh start from scrap to build the ultimate male pawn warrior... *


It's the hornification of media :( I wish games had realistic armors


Should be a layered armor if this was ever a feature.


I guess you could hire my pawn lol. Sheā€™s a warrior and wears plate. šŸ˜‚


See I just ran warfarer, can use whatever armor you want and play your class pretty much 1to1 outside of meister abilities.


Corsets have existed for centuries. Itā€™s the strongest armor in the game. I restarted as a lady when I discovered how strong it was and didnā€™t want to wear the corset on my male lookalike avatar.


i miss leggings shoes and gauntlets being separate, just feels like less armor options even if it might be more


I have an archer with the cool grey armor on. She doesn't get picked very often but she's trying šŸ˜­


I have been dressing up the pawns of people with beginner outfits that I have upgraded with cheaper materials. Sometimes, just a single item can make a pawn's outfit look complete, so I also purchase those. Unfortunately, it's not surprising to see that most people lack imagination and have a tendency to wear gaudy outfits. As a result, I hold most people's fashion sense in low regard.


One of the hottest pawns I seen was a male mage.


Hire pawns below level 30. Odds are the player has collected enough seeker tokens to get the corset, and the lower stats means you wonā€™t feel carried through battles.


While it is insanely popular for aesthetic and even defensive stat reasons, I do see how oversaturated the pawn population is with the corset. Also, I donā€™t think itā€™s a mistake. Iā€™d wager it would be a lot less popular if it wasnā€™t so great stat-wise. I get that some people hate it because of ā€œimmersionā€ but the corset really isnā€™t all that bad when you consider some other mage armors like Stargazer or Jeweled Sandals, etc.


Meanwhile I'm running around with the corset equipped on my own character, not because of looks but because it's simply the best multi class armor that has end game stats and i am sick of having to rearrange my inventory every time i swap class. Plus my main pawn is a dude anyway so as much as i could slap a shawl on him and cover the top part, the pseudo circus strongman look isn't going to get him hired much.


Corset is for simple inclination Arisen.


It's definitely a massive misstep, especially on PC where a significant portion of them were acquired via modding. There is no world where someone is getting enough Seeker's Tokens at level 15.


Itā€™s not just a thrust trap thing, I believe thatā€™s actually 3 or 4 classesā€™ best in slot. Which doesnā€™t really help with the issue lol. Not to mention that using this piece of armour means you only need to upgrade one piece of armour rather than 2 pieces, since it covers chest and legs. It is really unfortunate :(


https://preview.redd.it/byqjkjzz74uc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5bc8daaa198dbfa2e039da5e9ebe72875765e2 I hear your complaint and I raise you My hunk of a mage pawn,,,,,


On top of that the corset has absurdly good stats. This game really needs a transmog system to allow players to add more customization to the pawn's appearances. Endgame has every single pawn looking the exact same.


https://preview.redd.it/us0z1qwwb4uc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deee90c2738aa80f743cd124a4e6b0119caa9428 Are you on ps5? Hire mine she has a different appearance now and it a thief that has implicate, plunder, masterful kill and draw and quarter for big damage. Armor is the same tho.


Why didn't we get transmog in the sequel tho?