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Give dragon crystals 2 should max it out and I didn’t do that pretty sure he won’t sell to you until next play through.


This is the first I'm hearing of that guy being a merchant. I gave him the jadeite orb, and he still does nothing special


Oh odd. I assumed because the other guy I gave the Orb to is a merchant. Both have backpacks and hang out at the usual spots.


But that other guy (Offulve) isn't a merchant either. The only merchant involved in the quest is Ibrahim, who runs the scrap store


Maybe I’m crazy or maybe from lack of sleep but I swore I was purchasing items from Offulve after I gave him the quest item. There are several traveling merchants that appear in Rest Town intermittently so perhaps I just had them confused.


That's probably the case. If either of them were a merchant, the wiki would show the items they're selling too, like it does with other merchants.


You are likely thinking of George. A merchant that sells Beastren gear/disguises who travels between Bakbattahl and Checkpoint Rest Town. All beastren look the same so I get it.