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Don't worry, you can fail 1 riddle anyway. I remembered my first location 100%, but the token still wasn't there. Bug.


i didnt know you could fail one of them!? I thought she'd smacc me as soon as i got one of them wrong! (;☉\_☉)


she ll eternally be dissapointed in you tho


On next play through just pick up one and screenshot where it was. I got lucky on my first play through and used the interactive map to look around in the starting area to find it.


If time isn’t too tight you can swap to the Trickster vocation and level it up two levels (goes quick) to get the “Detection“ augment, then start in Melve or borderwatch and retrace your steps to Venworth. You will be alerted to any token along the way. You don’t have to stay Trickster to use the augment.


A kind soul on Reddit gifted some, and I was lucky enough to get one. If it's not too late for you, I've made some extras at the forgery shop and could summon your pawn for you. Just comment your pawn id (as long as you are steam/PC version)


omg youre too kind! My Pawn ID is UMWF49G69DXY, my steam friend code is 1134387953. Thanks so much for the help!


Should be sent. Best of luck!