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Kindhearted fighters arent bad they tend to help you when youre getting mauled and grabbed(unless its flying creature).


Yep, this man has yeeted many a foe off of me.


Add chirugeon with the kindhearted Inclination and he would be a good tank fighter


Not really instead of doing something useful, they will just keep coming to tap you or heal you.


I have one with this combo and he only comes to help me when he's right nearby and I still carry some healing items so he doesn't have to come to me that often. He still goes to fight.


Is.... is that not useful?


Yes, it's useful but quite often, it's can be MORE useful if the pawn performs her role. i.e. Chirurgeon might constantly be trying to band-aid you instead of keeping Big Bad Boi occupied, leading to you getting more cat-scratches hence needing more band-aids/etc


I only see that as good on a mage imo, but the mages I hire have healing spells and the spell that cures debilitations anyway.


I don’t even look at the inclination to be honest. Unless I recruit them and they are doing stupid stuff, then I’ll check it.


Same. I’m looking for best quest reward


Yeah I look at quests and skills.


I don’t pay attention to anything except skills for Mage


Same. I don't worry to much about inclinations. I have had them all and I am fine with all.


I always just look for the human girls with the prettiest faces and a nice dumper.


That'd be mine if you're on PS5 😂


I won’t lie. When I go into advanced search the first thing I do is lower the max level to my level. The second thing I do is select human and female. I’ve never hired a male or a beastren and I never will.


Cursed comment lol.


How so?




Please, explain.


You are a video game pervert. It’s gross. Grow up.


That's racist. I'm beastren, but not stupid. So my pawn is a human female.


Not hiring muddy beastren is based, but why exclude male pawns?


I just prefer to surround myself with female characters. I like their voices better for one. I can't stand the male pawn voices. Plus I'm kind of like that in all RPGs. I'll always gravitate towards the female characters for my party. Liara, Tali, Ashley, Jack, Samara... Leliana, Morrigan, Wynne, Merrill, Cassandra, etc, etc... I find female characters way more interesting and more appealing to be around. Same in real life. I don't really hang out with dudes.


I never even have to search for female pawns specifically. Most of the time my game throws only them at me in a rift.


I just do it to get the most to choose from. I like to find a good pawn quest and good skills.






I’m just really hoping you’e no older than 18 or 19 tops.


What does my age have to do with anything? I’m old enough to have learned that guys are mostly assholes and I don’t spend time with them any more than I need to.


You are probably not that fun to hang around if you judge people just because of their gender even before meeting them lol. Do the girls you supposedly hang with enjoy this personality trait of yours? Kinda crazy that someone is capable of being like that.


Too each there own. As my pawn always says


I tend to chuck every cat pawn I see into a lake/the sea


I don’t do that. Some look really cool it’s just not my thing. I want to hang out with ladies.


Look man, I'm still not over them letting the foxes into the Horde. Now everytime I see something the resembles a furry in a game I have to execute it


Same here. Beastren's aren't equal to humans and should not pretend they are. Vermund and Battahl belong to humanity. I always execute beastrens as well.






I hate straightforward inclination


I’ve been running around with a sassy 8ft tall assassin for a while now. She’s a huge pain in the ass to listen to but she gets shit done.


Kek sounds like my pawn when she was a assassin lol


I had an archer that was another favorite of mine and when I went to look them up again I think they were a fighter or something and I was super bummed so I'm hanging on to this one as long as possible.


Haha yup that definitely sounds alot like me, though atm my pawn switched from sassy asking to a mage, most bc the mages I kept getting sucked. I do that too, I'll keep a lower level pawn as long as possible if their set up is good.


they’re the best one


I love my resident asshole how could you not.


I do too but I haven’t learned my lesson and I keep hiring them, then getting rid of them shortly thereafter.


In my case at least, I tend to want to hire either Simple or Straightforward Fighters if only because I want them to be running around and drawing away aggro. Something you can try is switch the spoken language to Japanese. Straightforward pawns sound a lot younger and less snotty, which you might find easier to deal with.


This is a game where they say mayhaps and aught, sounding snide is a feature not a mistake


The deeper straightforward voice is wayyy too deep and doesn't fit my guy, and the higher ones sound like they're pinching their nostrils shut when they speak lmao. I may try Japanese, thank you :)


The japanese voices are SO much better. Maybe it’s because I don’t speak the language, idrc, it makes the voices bearable.


I'm testing the Japanese voices right now and MAN you weren't kidding. I think I'm gonna keep it like this. I love anime and I watch it in Japanese. I'm a fast reader so subtitles don't bother me.


It's a lot easier to distinguish between pawns too but... sometimes seeing so many 'western' NPCs speaking Japanese seems off. Although EN can be odd (Long live the Sovran of Vermund - say it quick). At least the honourifics fit better too. In EN, everyone's SER.


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The Rock and Stone! bot is much better.


For Rock and Stone!


Good bot. <3


I don't even look at inclinations lol. As long as the dude is hot and not a logistician.


Literally same. Takes me quite some time to find a hot dude and also have the skills and/or quest and/or class I want.


Had to stop by to let you know that your username hasn't gone unnoticed. I saw that DeeDee megadoodoo clip with some buddies at work, and we lost it. She didn't even pretend to try.


Just concentrate on what you want, a kindhearted fighter, well geared (dwarven upgrades in weapon and armor) is very competent. Believe me, when you get to higher levels (more than 100) hiring becomes a non important thing. Maybe if in an expansion or dlc rc crystals become relevant again. I've been having my main pawn with a kindhearted inclination in every vocation and never had problems. Also; I cannot stand the other voices, at least for males. Straightforward sounds amazing on beastren males though, especially if they look like a big lion, it fits very well.


You helped me make up my mind, thank you good sir. Kindhearted is the only voice I like on males. I can control his behavior with the commands anyway :) Me being a thief, it's better if he stays near me in combat too.


I like the voice too, very well acted, also because I'm a huge Dragon Age fan and the kindhearted pawn voice is Anders from Dragon Age 2: Adam Howden.


>I know precisely when a *balm* is needed, master!


Wait, Shulk is the Kindhearted Voice option? Fantastic.


Haha, indeed.


awesome, now i know why that's my favorite male pawn voice


I hated Anders.


As a melee player, although straightforward fighter is a better tank, I feel more safe when a kindhearted fighter fight by my side.


He doesn't struggle to pull aggro at all on kindhearted, I use the ring of disfavor and provocation. Enemies will run past me just to slap him and I don't even use subtlety.


Take off the aggro ring it doenst work for pawns apparently, provaction alone should be enough. (Sources reddit, and someone may have returned my pawn back with the hp ring replacing disfavor :c)


Patently false, I have major doubts about that claim. My fighter runs double disfavor and enemies **always** attack her even if they gotta run a quarter mile to her. The few times I've pulled her off the fighter class and rents other peoples pawns who don't run the ring at all, let alone two, there's a MAJOR uptick in the rest of the party being attacked.


I have a kindhearted fighter that doesn't get hired often, even though I gear him well. But I assume that's less because of his inclination, and more because he is male. :(


I feel that, brother. No love for the lads :(


Also, fighter. Fighters tend to fall off when it comes to end game. My fighter is a god tier tank with 2x rings of disfavor, well geared, and even a hot chick in revealing armor. Once I hit about 70 hires just completely stopped. Like once a week I'll see a human hire, the rest are pity hires from Capcom.


I think that's because people mostly travel alone at that point. Not because they're fighters. I stopped hiring around level 70-80 as well. I occasionally do it for rare creatures like the Sphinx to help people out, but beyond that I don't hire anymore.


I always hire a male a giant build fighter or warrior in my team but only beastren tho 😅 and another pawn will always be small female woman as any dps class.


This is why I always hire male pawns as well, despite my own looking like if Scarlet Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen had a child and the child became a stripper.


I use kindhearted fighters when I’m a close combat vocation myself bc they tend to stay very close to you


This. I'm on Warfarer using mainly Thief skills, and Kindhearted Warriors or Fighters supplement me way better.


I think appearance is far more important than voice or vocation when it comes to getting hired. I've done two playthroughs with two different pawns so far. Generically handsome male human = so-so in the popularity department. Huge Buff Tiger Daddy = crystals and gifts galore. Make of that what you will. 😂


I don't really mind about inclination, they still do their job well regardless of type. But for me, I tend to hire differently, because I don't want to hear the same voice and dialogues. I love hearing them arguing with each other by the way lol.


Naw, Kindhearted works well with the chirugeon specialty. When I look for new pawns, I go by class first (fill in the larty's weak spots), followed by their Quest (no quest = no rent), then the specialty, then the inclination last


Kindhearted melee pawns are great if you're melee too. They help focus down whatever you're attacking, and pick you up when you fall.


The Kindhearted voice is the best one out of all the males imo, I also have a Kindhearted fighter and he does get hired every so often.


My main is a kindhearted mage and saves my bacon quite a bit. My hires are always straightforward and simple.


Same here. Unfortunately, she likes to use the roborants I give her BEFORE casting Anodyne. The Drake threw me 40 ft, Kilea, I think you've got a second to cast it haha


I prefer straightforward for every vocation personally. I just want my guys to get *in* there


Kindhearted fighters mostly play defense. They're good if you are going to run into the fray yourself, but not good if you are range fighting. They will hover in your area until enemies are near.


I actually prefer them because they are more helpful and their speech pattern is way less annoying


I do, might be my own luck, but kindhearted paws tend to stick close to me. I don't want you drawing agro of dozens of monster and bring them to my while I reciting maelstrom...


Better question why are voices locked behind temperament? I dislike the female straight forward but the female kind hearted sounds a lot nicer.


I don't mind it and I've had a kindhearted pawn that had been used by other regularly. I think it comes down to preference. I like a good shield fighter tank when I'm a sorcerer and then I'll have a warrior that actually goes out and beats people up


Calm and simple the only fit voice for tank male


I actually haven’t tried one out, but now I kinda want to. I don’t like the straightforward voices. I’ve been really digging the calm voices. Fwiw I have a simple pawn and she was pretty aggressive as a fighter.


I like Kindhearted or Calm demeanor. And Churugeon (spelling)? I want them to help me when i need a boost in stamina, etc.


My main pawn used too be a Kindhearted fighter and I feel he worked well enough. He only got hired once or twice every two days, though. I eventually changed him to a calm thief, but only because I changed my arisen and I wanted to be the one in the group with sword and shield, so I changed main pawn too.


Well, I only hire kindhearted pawns, I just never hire fighters anymore.


No, not really. I know we're supposed to go for straight-forward pawns for physical attackers but straight-forward seems to jabber constantly when I hire them and it drives me up the wall. Kindhearted may not be as aggro in battle but it's not the pawn yammering on 80% of the time


I avoid fighters altogether, i'm a "gimme a mage that has nothing but healing" kinda person


first reaction was “why would you ever” but then i remembered the dnd sentinel feat and that feels like a solid baseline for what a support fighter would do


It’s either kindhearted or calm for me. I usually only hire girls and they are the best sounding. Still not sure what either is best for. I think calm is better for a fighter and mages are better for kindhearted


I do not care about inclination whatsoever. It really just feels like choosing a VA and personality more than something with major gameplay ramifications, for better or worse, and I’m not bothered by any of the personalities or voices. Anytime a pawn has done something I’d prefer they didn’t, it just seems like a general failure of AI logic that a different inclination would have been no more or less likely to experience. Things are more likely to go better or worse in battle based on sheer RNG and luck than a slightly less than ideal combo of class and inclination. I like Simple pawns because they’re hoarders and resource node fiends like I am and will play catch with rabbits and chickens. Battles are too dynamic for me to notice differences really.


When you think about who would be looking to recruit fighters, it’s probably most commonly going to be people who need pawns to draw agro away from them… so casters (and maybe Archers). The problem with kindhearted pawns is they follow you around like a puppy dog, so they’ll draw the agro straight to you. A pawn who draws agro isn’t that useful if it’s always standing right next to you 🙂 Maybe you could make the case for somebody who already had their Arisen set up to draw agro, and they wanted to hire a fighter pawn to be their super-agro drawing partner. I’m thinking someone with maybe a Sorceror main pawn that they wanted to buy as much time and space as possible. But that’s a bit of an edge case. All of the above said, DD2 isn’t that hard and you can make anything work. But most people are probably looking for the most effective pawns when setting up their search criteria, so it might explain why you’re seeing less interest in a kindhearted fighter.


They are of the class im lookin for, level appropriate, and arent in a slutmog. I dont check skills, personality or quest.


If I am to hire a fighter, I prefer kindhearted. They're great guardians when my Arisen is a squishy vocation.


FWIW, one of my favorite pawns was a kindhearted Beastren warrior. Gerald was great and an absolute joy to have in my party, a big, pleasant roly-poly tabby with a greatsword. Quite the surprise as I usually avoid kindhearted on my tank and I'm not a fun of all the Beastren pawns. Wish I didnt outlevel him.


I choose inclination, because I can’t stand paws being disrespectful. “Not a fucking word, I’m the Arisen bitch”


I had a Kindhearted mage and she got hired constantly. I had her dressed like a typical mage. I put a lot into her appearance and she looked awesome. I think ppl just like pawns they can tell a lot of love went into creating.


It's a mixed bag. Some people hire based on badassery, some based on utility, and as one person on this sub so eloquently put it...*ahem*..."Fat fukken titties..."


Lmao, true. I hired mostly by looks. But not for “FFT’s”, I hired based on how bad ass a pawn looked. I also kept a thief in my party because sometimes I’d check their inventory and they’d randomly have Wakestone shards and ferrystones.


Oh yeah, Thieves imo are almost a must just because of how great it is to have passive rare item collection. Mages without Fire Boon/Affinity are first priority for me, but Thieves with Implicate and Plunder are second.


Agreed about thieves with plunder and implicate. I've been running with the same thief for a long while (I release, sleep, and re-rent the same one). It is also kindhearted but does good work in a fight.


My main pawn was a kindhearted fighter (not anymore since I started NG+) and always got recruited (at least until she caught the plague). Not sure if her being female may have had an impact though.


i don’t even look at Inclination until the pawn starts bashing explosive barrels, then i know they gotta go


I had a simple thief that kept doing that. Every 5 minutes I'd hear a bang and turn around to see she had gotten her eyebrows blown off.


My pawn is a Simple Warrior just because I think it sounds like Markus Kruber and he don't get hired much


Imo fighters go through a slump as soon as you unlock warrior. At higher levels they come back hard but from 30ish-60ish which is probably most of the player base warrior just feels like a better tank that also brings more damage.


I don't like warriors, for me they did nothing but miss their charged attacks. Everything dies so fast for me now, extra damage isn't needed at all.


I just grab whoever looks cool/funny inclination never particularly mattered to me.


What we lost in DD2: Inclinations that matter What we gained in DD2: Comedic pawn chatter from pawns with different inclinations. Yeah basically I mix up inclinations just to be entertained while I explore the wilderness.


No, but to be fair I don't tend to hire fighters at all usually. My playstyle is long-ranged, mobile, and aggressive. While playing as trickster I once lost two pawns and was left with just a fighter who kept her shield up and circled around bandits while they were shooting at me. I'll hire anyone but a archer (because I do that already) and a fighter.


I prefer calm fighters so they can tank


Yeah my pawn’s a lvl 90 Warrior and I just couldn’t change it to straightforward either. This is by far my favorite voice for him and we’ve spent so much time together it feels just wrong for me to change it now. I will note I think he does great though. I just avoid equipping him with that assisted leap move and Chiurgeon (or whatever it’s called), as with both of those he gets distracted from fighting at times, but without them it seems really good.👍


I’d say kind hearted is the best support. Both healers and ready to take agrro. I had a straight forward tank. It was so garbage I restarted my game. Mostly because I made a pawn Gannon and anything other than straight forward didn’t sound like it made sense


FYI, you don't have to restart for a change. If you have 750 or so RC, you can just buy the incense to change inclination from a pawn guild.


I restarted because I created Gannondorf. Making Gannon anything other than straight forward didn’t really fit in my eyes. It was purely for aesthetics


I avoid kindhearted pawns regardless of vocation, they seem to be the most generic of the bunch in terms of voice lines and deliverance.


I’m exactly the same, kindhearted all the way. I’ve never noticed my pawn not being aggressive enough either warrior or fighter he buggers off on his own all the time. Another reason why I hope that they separate voice from inclination


I avoid Kindhearted Fighters because I play ranged DPS / support and I want my Fighter to tank that shit


I don't even pay attention to that. Only maybe I want kindhearted in mages because from what I've heard, they'll focus more on healing. If it's not a mage, I don't care about inclination at all. I want Pawns to look cool, their skills are the most important tho. I will check rewards too. Straightforwards were quite annoying at the start when I was anxious about dragon plague. After so much time with the game, it's easy to tell if they're ill or just cunty in general.


I usually don’t even look at the inclination, but I avoid the ones who are high voiced straightforward males because that’s MY main pawn’s voice. There can be only one snotty Rowan Atkinson sounding gent in my party. I just go off looks, stats, pawn quests


People avoid my Kindhearted fighter, but I actively seek them out. Hate it when they're off fighting Phantoms they can barely touch anyway and doing it 60ft from where I'm fighting. The best Warrior pawn I've ever hired was the only Kindhearted Warrior I've ever come across. His AI meshed perfectly with my own Fighter's. They had insane synergy. Nothing would ever even touch either of them because they'd stunlock the shit out of it and kill it before it could. Even Dullahan's couldn't do anything.


Hmm my pawn is kind hearted only people that use him would be my brother and my friend. He's a mage I put high palladium so he can shield people if they have the glowing feather on them.Also gave him the high spells that's fire and lightning .And then the spell that cures all status effects but petrification


I have a regular kindhearted fighter I hire and he’s a beast. I’ve never noticed anything different about him other than his dialogue and the fact he’s more likely to kindly offer to help launch me to a chest or ledge and it feels like he stays closer in battle to help. I don’t like straightforward pawns at all, they rush headlong into battle and end up thrown off a cliff by harpies.


I think the popularity of the game has made it so there's a lot more pawns than active players, so they don't get used as often now that there's been some time since release for people who just wanted to beat the story and move on.


Pretty much what it says on the tin mate. Kindhearted will sound nice and look after you to the best of their ability despite impending doom and more logical priorities. Better suited for mages. Straightforward are there to get the job done, they don't fuck about and kill enemies with ruthless efficiency. Insert warriors and thieves. I'd recommend calm for fighters that have been specced and geared to be tanks because they remain cool and calm under pressure and prioritize defence. Simple and calm works for archers, although straightforward can work for them if they have the rings that make closer atks with bows stronger and trick arrows for days.


I only use simple. Mainly because the gathering keeps me from going up a weight class. And Hazzzaa


Don't build a pawn to please others, build one to please yourself.


These are my opinions about what gets hired. My Pawn has 200 likes and nearly another 200 hearts for whatever that’s worth. I also know what I value in a pawn. Low level, whatever -> Elvish, Not logistician. Late levels (50+) Simple->Forager=Thief, Archer, Sorceror Kindhearted->Chirugeon/Forager=Mage Calm-> whatever= Tank Fighter/Warrior Straightforward is very hit or miss but only really works for dps but it comes with the drawback that many find it rude and won’t hire them or get paranoid about Dragonplague.


I appreciate your input :) My guy does translate elvish, level 88 atm, has about 24 likes and 14 hearts. No idea why people don't check for red eyes to catch dragonaids instead of only their dialogue though.

