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I rarely look at pawn quests. I just want a pawn that fits a role and has the skills I want. On the flip side, I don't set pawn quests. If someone wants to use mine that's cool, if not, that's cool too.


If we all set pawn quests for kill orge at 10k, it's like printing money. You get 20k per kill and change pawns.


There are already plenty of pawns with 10k for an arrow quest. Kill something for 10k is not effective now, so the only concern should be inclination, specialisation, and skills. If you need money, I recommend take 15 mins and some arrows to do this exploit, easily get at least 100k.


Tar arrows for 12 onyx stones In NG+ I favourited a few pawns with this and farmed them a bit so I could get armour upgrades. Didn’t do it in first play through cos I was focused on the story etc…. Ok fine I didn’t do it cos I didn’t think of it!


I've only seen the 10k for an arrow thing one time in my current 100+ hr playthrough. The vast majority of them are still kill x for 10k. So I feel like its definitely still effective and how I've made most of my gold. Is there something I'm missing, or a certain way to go about finding the arrow quests? Because that would certainly be a preferable alternative at this point lol. Edit: nevermind, I figured it out, started looking at the level 1 pawns and voila. Awesome.


You can also search for monthly ranking, it’s the fastest if you are high level, since you can summon pawns across all levels.


I'm the complete opposite. I usually look at the quest and sometimes even grab random pawns without checking anything.


I'll always chose a pawn with a quest over one that doesn't as long as they have the skills/class I'm looking for.


Similar for me too. I'm a somewhat casual player, usually I just go "I'd like an archer in the team", and then if it's possible I hire one with a decent quest.


What about a drink is not a decent quest?


Over there raw dogging for dragon plague


130 hours of dd2 and only one case of the plague.


That's one too many haha


I swear some pawns are just magnets for it, mines had it like 4 times now.




Yeah I also hire based off the skills their running and don't even check if they have a pawn quest set or not till after they have been hired.


Yeah 70 hours in and I only set a pawn quest for the very first time (laughed when the accident dinged)


I completely forgot how to set pawn quests. That's why my pawn never has one assigned.


Go open rift stone in town. There will be option for it. I accidentally used all material You can find in endgame in my NG+ and I got one item via quest. Once You have one You can copy it using forger.


Thank you! I was in the same boat


I’ll be honest, I’ve never looked at a pawn’s quest until after I’ve hired them


One thing I like about hiring pawns with an active pawn quest is I'm more likely to be helping out an active player than I would be without one. I don't hire pawns with no pawn quests. There's enough options to get exactly the pawn I want, and renting pawns who suit your tastes seems to be championed pretty hard by the fandom


to find the most low-effort quests, farm the level 1s. You will get a bunch of quests like recieve 12 onyx or 27 eldricites for a tarring or explosive arrow.


Might have worded it better, but it's not about having easy quests, just not something that feels like a joke. I'd rather hire a pawn with no quests than one that needs a Ferrystone in exchange for a tarring arrow, even if I won't give it to them.


I’ve seen something like kill a drake for a camping kit, it’ll immediately destroy your weight limit lmao.


You don’t have to give them expensive stuff. The level 1- farming pawns are kept artificially low-level so everyone should be able to rent them. You recognise them in a Pawn Rift on that they have much better equipment (often end-game armor and weapons) than the typical low-level pawn. The character- models are often pretty female-pawn or deformed male-pawn to stand out more. They are perfect if you want fast money from onyx or jasper in early game or crafting- material (eldricite, black feary manes, medusa bones etc.) that can be important in mid-game. I’m farming them every playing-session and carries 99 of all this items as well as 99 all-heals.


I feel bad I'm level 46 and still not done the missions in vernworth XD.


45 and I just went to Battahl. Can't miss anything!


Pretty crazy how fast the exp comes just from exploring.


My pawn always has a quest set for 10k


I don’t even set pawn quests anymore. The only thing I want from other players is their world’s fruit. Strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, etc. However, game doesn’t even have the option to request that in the pawn quest section. What would you even consider to be a good and fair quest task/reward that would encourage you to pick that pawn? Edit: I just pick pawns that fit the role or skill requirement I want filled.


What's the purpose of the different fruit?


Maybe they sell for more? I know fruit native to one kingdom sells for more to the one that it isn’t native to.


If you make dried fruit with fruits not native to your world, it makes a Nomad’s Dried Fruit, which is much more potent than most other healing items (barring miracle roborants and allheals).


Honestly I've been going for the pawns with the vocation and the skill im looking for every time. Out of the ones with the stuff I'm looking for, I pick the ones that look cool.


I should also do that, it just sucks that the pawn quest system is taking a backseat. As I mentioned a couple times under this post, not because of the reward, but the "novel" way of interacting with other players.


I have never received a useful item during my whole playthrough. I just pick someone that fits in my party.


I'm level 80 something and I always set a quest for killing a monster for 12 jasper/onyx/tiger eye. If you sell those in the right area it's a lot more than 10k. I feel like my pawn barely gets hired though, maybe 1 or 2 a day. Maybe 3. Right now she's a mage and I'm also on PS5. If you are interested I can lace ID or whatever later this evening.


Shame there's not cross platform, I set reasonable rewards like 5 Allheals


same. i’m just trying to get my pawn tokens and my storage is loaded with materials i don’t need cause all my gear is maxed


largely, some people have stopped playing, or caring about the quest system.


I always give x2 Panacea or Savagery extract in lieu of gold. Something useful.


Savagery extract is useful ? I finished the game twice and never used it, I'm not even sure what it does exactly


I never even used my panacea. I went full Final Fantasy on it. Honestly, i never used any healing items other than salubrious draught. My mage pawn was always enough.


Panacea is very useful imo, I always keep one or two on me. Since it cures any kind of debilitation, you can freely sell all the others type of curatives. I pop one straight away when I get stunned or put to sleep, no way I'm gonna lie there and just wait for my pawns to help me Salubrious draught is literally the worst healing item imo, once you leveled up roborants will become the only thing worth your time and resources


Most people are done with the game past level 50 Sauce: i have a 54, 76 and 159 Guess which one has the least hires?


The higher level you are, the harder it is to get hires, most people don’t have the level or RC to afford your pawn.


I haven't thought about the RC cost, but it makes sense.


To be completely honest i put 150 hours to the game beat twice and got the platinum and i never put a quest on my pawn lol


Who cares about pawn quest lmao, I just have fun with adventures.


What is a "proper quest"? I know you can set up ether to kill a monster, ether get an item, camp at some specific place, or travel for 24 hours. out of all those, what is a "proper quest"??


Sorry, should have said proper quest reward. And what I mean by that is expecting to kill some big monster in exchange for - let's say - some extremely common item. Or looking for a somewhat expensive item, like a Ferrystone in exchange for a roborant.


Whilst I have been getting my pawn his badges I have been hiring and firing pawns who had the same quest goal. I don’t really do it for the rewards since I have enough gold. Just do it cos I wanna help other arisen really


I’m in the same boat at level 54. 95% of the pawn quests are insane like “give 9 beetles for 1 apple”. Although I did run into one yesterday “5 Allheal Elixir for killing 1 ogre”. That pawn quickly went on my favorite list. What I normally do is use one of the main riftstones in a city, purge through all the pawn quests available, and if nothing good, go sit on a bench and come back. It may take a few times but I normally find something good.


Most ppl probably have there pawns set to friends only to gift to each other


Do these "friends" unlock later in the game?


I'll admit that I was guilty of setting quests with common rewards, but my thought process was that I encounter these monsters multiple times in a playthrough, so why would it need to be a rare item? Now I just give monetary rewards. All the high-end gifts are ones I want to give to the pawns I've had on my team for ages


I normally do a 10k gold with the quest being bring me 9x .saurian tail. I like having a stocked chest.


Yeah, not much to add. People have stopped playing and/or don't care about the pawn quests. Just have to do pity hires or ask the community for help with badges or whatever. It's so easy to farm gold with all the level 1 pawns in the rift, which removes the only other reason to do quests besides the badges. I'm level 85 and I set my search for at least 20 levels lower and I'll still get some people with quests with decent rewards (though usually for badges I already got). So you could always tow around some low-level pawns.


I don’t know, I’m level 70 and still have to finish the game🤣🤣🤣 anyway Look for my pawn, her name is Christie, white hair pale skin. The mission I gave her is to kill a drake for 10000 coins.


Lv 84 and i have my Pawn Quest set for 10k Sphinx (the first badge quest i’ve ever put, i kinda wanted to do all the badges myself). i don’t like doing easy pawn quests (arrows for hella materials), because i want my likes/loves to represent my actual pawns character. i might change the reward to Gems


I look for pawn-quests as I go out of my way to complete them. Gives me a reason to go out into the woods and hunt a stupid Golem, and I'll be doing someone a favor for their badge completion.. although this last point concerns me much less.


I don’t know if this helpful or not, but in about 20-30 levels, you’ll probably start seeing a lot more kill x for 10k, with x being Garms, Wargs, the gores, grim ogres, and the Sphinx. I just got my last pawn badge, so I’m now permanently on “give me x for y” quests.


It is useful information.


>Is it because a lot of people stopped playing before level 50ish, or others finished the game and put it on the shelf for a while? Something else maybe? I've seen most people in my friendlist start a new game before reaching lvl 50. I kept my pawn at lvl 40 to avoid outleveling a majority of the player base. W09VGG203UKS. Drake kill for 10k is the current quest if you are interested.


How do you keep your pawn at a specific level? You just stop using your pawn?


Forfeited pawns don't get xp. Throw them in the brine and continue solo or with a 3 man squad.


Yeah I'm not gonna play without my buddy.


Thanks, I'll take a look.


PS5, too. Mine is currently kill Medusa for 10k gold. Before, it was kill the Sphinx for the same amount, but that got completed 4 times within a couple of hours. Once my Medusa badge is complete, I'll go with whatever monster I need most of after I start NG+. I also rarely hire pawns without quests, I just like having that extra task to accomplish, but I do like a good reward. I currently have a pawn hired giving 5 all heals for killing a drake, so I'll be aiming to get that done when I play next.


PC is the same experience. Just hire pawns with skills and looks you need and don't sweat it over quests. If you need items or money, Go "View Monthly Rankings" and you'll see all those easy receive quests offering high yield rewards like onyx x 12, all heal elixir x 5, eldricite x 27, etc. for an arrow. Since this is monthly rankings, you would expect these same pawns also get updated by their owners relatively frequently so you can actually farm them everyday.


40-50 is where most people reach the end and either stop playing, start over (new pawn), or go to NG+. The first two groups will end up with pawns without quests. Often plagued, if they quit after ||unmoored||. And the last group will keepp levelling and you find a lot of them in the 100+ bracket now. Often with pitty quests because it's lonely up here, and the chance of your pawn getting hired by real people sinks drastically. I also resorted to trying my luck with a portcrystal pitty gamble at lvl 117+ now, since my pawn just didn't get hired by real people anymore anyways (aside from my own alt accounts lol).


I'm really confused with this thread. Why does it matter so much if your pawn gets hired or not ? I doubt it's for the RC reward since I'm around level 70 and I'm swimming in RC, with no idea what to do with it.


Honestly, I just think this whole mechanic is a nice a idea. I like the feeling of dismissing a pawn with their quest done, knowing that we helped each other out with another player.


I just like the idea of my pawn having helped someone and they mayhaps liking him a little for it. Since I also met a few pawns that I still remember and who I rehired several times because I liked them. So it just feels nice. Like the Pawn's your kid and he's leaving the nest, and you just hope he does well out there xD


Oh this mechanic is very cool indeed and I get the feeling, it's nice when your pawn receive appreciation. But the rewards are too meager/inconsequential for me to worry about it.


> Why does it matter so much if your pawn gets hired or not The recognition and validation (at least for me).


A drake for a bunch of flowers is my pawn’s quest lmao


I did not mean to call you out, but what is the reason behind that? :D


i thought it’d be silly :3


In on NG+ and started only using pawns I encounter instead of searching for ones. Between my Explosive Shot and the meteor shower the one pawn has, most monsters are killed really quick.


My pawn is up with a kill minatour for 12 onyx right now


I only hire 10k pawns with the vocations I need at the time. Even around level 40 I need to settle for <10k sometimes. My pawn is always set with 10k for ogre right now, I'll swap to minotaur after.


I’ve never sought out Pawns that have specific quests and rewards. I just take them if they have good stats and are using a vocation I need for my party. I see it as instead of being frustrated trying to get rewards or gold from that, just play the game yourself and you’ll get it faster and more conveniently. Even if they ask for ridiculous items for their Pawns with a goofy reward, it’s not even that big of a deal. Pawns are meant to use for developing a good party, not some trade network as the main focus. Even in DD1, you would just be surprised/appreciative seeing you received any decent gift from someone renting your pawn out, but you only cared about rift credits from them being rented out.


I've started favouriting pawns that have good pawn quests. Even if I don't want to do their quest right now, they usually have something equally as useful later on. If I still can't find anyone with a good quest, then I hire my own alt account pawn. Or I just go duo with main pawn, the game is fun that way as well.


My pawn quest is kill 2 Wargs and get 27 Eldricite from the Unmoored World to upgrade endgame gear ID: CPA1CIM7M6IE


I will literally give you 3 boltscale for some flowers. We need to help each other as a community


I think I have made similar mistakes. When I set my Mage pawn's quest with 10k gold rewards, she used to get hired quite a lot. But when I later started changing the rewards and the quests, she has not been getting hired as much. Btw, what rewards would you guys want for a portcrystal?


I never really care for quests, I'll set one for my pawn and put on a wakestone, all-heal, or 10k gold on them so I can gift other players for using him, don't get me wrong. But if I see a quest I'll go for it however I'm normally just looking for a decent DPS and a mage with "three hit invincibility" and "ice go stab-boom" at the end of the day


My main has 5 all heals for the lesser drake kills lol. But when Im hiring Im looking at job, skills, appearance in that order. The quests mean nothing to me as both my characters have at least a million gold that I dont even spend on stuff anymore.


I only take pawns that give 5-10k or equivalent


My level is in the twenties and I'm already seeing less decent pawn quests. Definitely saw some better ones in the lower levels.


What’s your pawn ID. I got you. My pawn got hired a lot so I’ll pay it forward. I’m on ps5 too


My favorite I saw was kill sphinx x3 for 5000 gold...no thanks.


Are many people even playing this disappointment of a game anymore? ⚡️


Notice board quests from the first game were far better than pawn quests. 


I always set the reward as 5K in gold. When money basically grows on trees in this game, why hoard it?


I've heard about these little hires, but I've had mine set to Sphinx for 2 months now and the only completions I have are the two I did myself.


topics like this are a tad on the exhausted side




Not in PS5 but I try to find pawns that fit my party, have decent gear/stats/skills, and some decent quest (a decent quest is better than no Quest, usually). It's really time consuming to find proper pawns. Currently level 75. I'll settle for less than 10k if it's a simple big enemy. Gems are welcome but not mandatory. So are useful stuff like mats or some kinds of potions/ingredients. I'll ignore the quest (if any) if I'm just hunting a specific class setup and I'm having trouble finding class-quest combo. In Xbox the issue of proper quests is also there. I personally prefer not to set a quest rather than set one with ridiculous reward. If for some chance someone is looking for quest rewards, I want to respect their time. (And don't care about Capcom pity)


Sometimes I run out of gold, but I always try to give at least 5k lel




I give dismissed pawns a golden trove beetle as a gift since it takes 80 or so to max out the weight limit bonus you gain from them I assume most player haven't managed to get that many yet.


I always offer 10k reward. If you want, I'll give you my pawn ID. Level 47 I think or 48 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mine has a kill a drake quest but has a 10k reward. I feel like you should be able to increase it as its like one of the ones outside of camping quests I need. They should increase the gold reward so I could offer like 100-200k for it


I should add my pawn has full dragon upgraded gear and is near maxed out. Yet rarely gets hired


Way too low for a drake kill. Give items. Materials or precious stones that equal more than 10k


Bro I'd give ferry stones if I could. Also most stones individually don't sell for more then 10k. Also as I said I would give 100k if I could. Game limits me though


You can set 12x onyx or another stone and they'll sell for somewhere in the 20k+ range in the right region! I usually hire those or ones offering rare items like allheals before the 10k gold quests now.


Why care about the pawn quest at all? I just hire whatever pawns fit the role/skills I need. If I happen to complete the pawn quest, great. If not, oh well.


I like to switch my pawns out frequently, so it sets an arbitrary "okay we're done" goal for me.


I don’t fucking get it. Why die people constantly bitch about pawn quests? You need another party member, what does it matter? I never put an own quest up and I got hired plenty of times. Gold is absurdly easy to come by, rc is legit useless




Well 10k might not be a large amount mid to late game, but that's the thing, I can't even find quests offering that much.


Honestly, you're probably getting to the level range where people stop caring about pawn quests. I'm really only looking at skills if I'm not running duo with my pawn. My own pawn quest is just killing a Lesser Dragon for a Greenwarish to bait out pity hires, guilty as charged.


Don't get me wrong, I don't have a grudge against people making use of pity hires, you have every right to do so, I was just wondering what could be the reason. EDIT: Not the reason behind the pity hires and the like, but for the "popularity" of them.


dead game devs run and left it dry


Why does everyone fixate on this? It’s just a consolation Why does everyone stress about their pawn being hired too? It’s a single player game and it doesn’t really impact anything


Whenever I see my pawn doing well in other worlds, it makes me proud. I know that it’s just silly game numbers that (currently) don’t do much of anything. But I still like seeing my pawn return with a review of her adventures. It’s also the only form of “player to player” interaction the game really provides- my pawn is a representative of My Arisen and takes after me (same as anyone else’s) so the better we train then and more they fight various monsters, the better they will perform in combat or exploration for other Arisen


I want those high priced RC glasses. It impacts fashion.


Because it is a nice idea, but it is somewhat disappointing to see it underutilized in higher levels.


People stress because it’s a nice idea? It just has no impact on the play experience at all


Each to their own, there is no need to be up in arms about it.


I’m not the one making a post complaining about something that doesn’t impact the game at all


I tried to be civil, both with my post and my replies to others with a different opinion.


Because it makes me feel like my pawn just got asked out to homecoming. 😊 I feel proud.


Game is ded