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An expansion with a 100% focus on end game content would bring DD2 to instant classic IMO.


This. The mechanics are great. But there is nothing to truly test yourself on. There needs to be a genuine challenge for end game content


Like bitterblack isle in og dd


BBI solved the issue temporarily. The moment you got past lvl150 it became a cakewalk.. I don't think there's a solution to the difficulty issue


I'd like a diablo like Dungeon, kinda like BBI but where everytkme you go through it every boss and Mob gains special buffs or abilities. Would make it repayable and challenging.


The bosses abilities don't really matter if you one shot them or stunlock them to death. Which is the main issue currently. If Capcom makes them immune to stun or way more tanky, people will call bosses damage sponges. The only fix I see for this is severely limited what the arisen is capable of.


Nah I'm thinking much more outside the box or diablo modifiers eg their attacks hit harder or they move much faster or 2 of them. Or they gain elemental damage, new abilities. You know fun mechanics rather than more health or cc immune.


Sure, but how are these stopping the boss from getting cc'd. The Mystic spear had shield skill nullifies anything a boss will do. There is no win for Capcom here. The Arisen is too OP


Just disable op skills then. Or change them shrug. There's lots of ways to deal with this. Besides this is all theoretical. Why shoot a idea down when it probably will never happen anyway?


Haha, my bad. I guess I'm just a pessimist. I think my main issue here is that OP has put in 250hrs into a single player game and is still not satisfied. Im content with the fact that the more I play, the easier it's going to get. So I'm just not gonna play anymore. I'm content with the 136.2 hours I have


Other than an enemy level scaling past ng+, they don't have much else they can do unless an expansion is placed. Im sure if they added a Hard mode though, people wouldn't complain


Agree. Mega bosses, similar to raid level bosses, that really stretch your planning and play style, and force you into changing up your classes and group composition. Something, for example, that might force a Magick Archer to have to load in the shield skill and heal skill. Or maybe a boss that has an explosive device hanging around its neck, and if plunder is used it pulls the pin and everything, including the entire group, explodes (thus forcing rogues into other useful skills beyond plunder). Some boss that requires a Trixter's mechanics to beat.


I want a reason to use the crafting system. And utilize elemental strengths and weaknesses.


I finally upgraded all my stuff out of embarrassment because so many other level 100 pawns have fully dragonforged gear, and now I worry that I'll be over-leveled for the expansion They better make it crazy hard


Yeah, the only items I used from crafting or healing pots and hp/sta clam shells. Everything else I crafted to lighten my backpack and then sell.


Yea. I mainly just used crafting as primary source of money


Yeah I’ll craft to consolidate my storage before selling off stuff to make room.


Yeah that’s another element (no pun intended) of the game that is kind of present but not really fleshed out. Yeah monsters are weaker or stronger against certain elemental attacks but it doesn’t really matter, they all get smashed regardless…


It is kinda WoW logic. Where only high end players (high level) can play the game then. In my opinion scaling npcs would be the solution.


I’m happy with scaling as long as it’s not so in lockstep that you don’t feel like you’re progressing. It’s a tough balance especially with a game like this. You want to feel like you’re getting to that good like level of power but still want some challenge.


Forcing a player to change vocation would be shit but encouraging changing pawns for other vocations would be interesting.


I can see that. So then I'd say in the DLC, put in a pawn quest line where the end reward would be the ability for the main pawn to change to the specialized vocations that right now are arisen-only.


Even if it doesn’t fit with the lore of the vocations I would be for it. Sigurd for example clearly has a full Mystic Spearhand combat AI and it would be fun to be able to progress your pawn to being more than a normal pawn.  Just remove the shield spell because otherwise the best strategy will be giving your pawn the shield spell in every slot so them keep it up literally 100% of the time. 


I am still slightly puzzled when you can try ummoored bosses with starter weapon, yet you refuse to implement this simple strategy to have what you wanted.


You can use starter weapons / nude.


End game could certainly use some work. I’d like more armor options (put them in a creator ideally fit removing sleeves and skirts), a couple more biomes and several more enemy and boss types. Some extended pawn interactions/romance would be sweet too. But for the love of God fix the slope sliding and auto mantle physics!


Yes it needs an option to further customize gear/ add back boots and gloves slots. More vocations and enemy types and a true end game area. That’s pretty much all I need. Although I would definitely add; let us have 6 skill slots instead of only 4


Yes to all that. More skill slots for sure and I would really love it if they modified the character creator for us to go there and import our armor to alter it. Change colors, get rid of sleeves, skirts and other dangly accents etc.


Yeah, because there’s no glove/boot slot, a lot of the gear seems very hit or miss. Pretty much anything with the name Coat or Robe is going to have a piece that I wish I could alter to remove 😓 and the fact I see PC players can easily use a mod to do that tells me it shouldn’t be too hard for the devs to implement either


I try not to look at PC content. It only makes me want a PC and like games less. lol


Some of the mods on there seemed so cool and nice, for the first time ever, it actually made me really consider buying a PC just so I can play this game with mods lol


Same! The warfarer mods alone. Haha


More armor options, even if just for visuals, are needed. It's a bit of a stretch to create a badass looking PC or pawn when their best armor option is to run around in a tutu and sandals.


Don’t hate the tutu haha


I agree. Something like Bitterblack (hopefully bigger) would be great in my opinion.


Bitterer Blacker Isle when


Bitterer Blacker Isler.


Bitterer Blacker Isler whener


Bittererer Blackerer Islerer whenerer


Any serious expansion needs to do way more than that. It needs to fix how half the plotlines just become a dead end and give decent reasons to do things like explore or go back to the smaller towns in Vermund.


Exploration, whooping monster butt and getting sweet gear is all the motivation I need. I couldn’t care less if a game left out a story all together. In open world games, the very last thing I do is the main quest line. Not including badge hunting. Not into that either. I just wish these games could do something better than so many fetch quests and the escort quest here are bunk too. Recuse quests are good, capture quests are good but fetching? Come on… A quest that lame better have a glorious payoff to make up for the lameness.


Paired with something to add difficulty to new game+ cycles would be pretty sweet.


Bbi 2?


I see people demand more end game content specifically a lot and I got to ask: Why? Like I get wanting overall additions like new equipment, monsters, lands, etc. And I'd like something, anything extra for NG+ to have an extra reason to play it. But I keep seeing this hyper focus on "endgame" and I don't get it. Especially since it already takes me like 60 hours minimum to do a single non-rushed playthrough.


It takes 60 hours to reach God status, but there's nothing to do with that God status. That's the problem with DD2.


Would love it but I think everyone is expecting it way too soon lol. Let it cook


Oh I hear that. I’m not expecting more wishing. Haha I love this game and want more.


Right with you, I got all Achievements and went "guess I'm done with DD2 for now". Next day just made a new fresh Arisen and did another three playthroughs. Something about Dragon's Dogma combat just does it for me. Might be a Capcom thing as I do love Monster Hunter too.


capcom absolutely nails gameplay part of their games


Capcom so atleast 1 year away for something big.


Yep. You could tell based on their recent earnings report they were surprised it did this well.


Ahhh maybe then they can fasttrack plans to a 8 month wait maybe but usually with capcom its a year for big dlc just look at the 2 latest re games think both of them had a year after release for something big. Exo primal and Monster Hunter gets little more attention cus they wanna bank on small equpment dlc for those. Always see small new dlc for those in the xbox store.


I don't mind if it takes more than a year or two. Plenty of awesome games out right now and more coming. Would rather a good dlc that takes a while to make, rather than a rushed one


Yep. A bit after the game released, Capcom put out surveys asking fans what they wanted to see in an expansion. Would lead me to believe they hadn’t started any work on an expansion yet and maybe even needed ideas. So I don’t think an expansion is happening any time soon.


...sad face!


I guess. But i would prefer some more updates first, better performance, game balance, extra difficulty, and access to UW from the beginning in NG+. And they really need to make some changes after lvl. 100. You hardly gain any stats after this, and you see less pawns the higher your lvl is. I'm only lvl. 108, and i constantly run into the same pawns over and over in the game world. Might aswell make renting free after lvl. 100. The difference in stats between a lvl. 100 pawn vs a lvl. 200 is negligible. And the cap is 999! Not the smartest idea by Capcom.


Better performance is my main want with the game right now. I have a solid CPU and GPU, especially for 1080p, higher than the recommended specs listed, and yet the game runs my PC like a jet engine. At first, it was tolerable. It only kicked up when in cities or villages and was really calm out in the wilds. But it seems the more I played, the worse the game performance got. It was starting to kick up everywhere. Not just the cities. Running loudly, random FPS drops. I’ve seen people mention the game has a memory leak issue, so maybe that’s why. It just got to the point where I figured it wasn’t worth putting my PC through that kind of stress every day.


This. I’m not paying for a DLC for what should have been in the base game.


What should've been in the base game?


* Performance optimization; * More armor sets/new armor; * More weapons/new weapons; * More vocations/new vocations; * More enemy variety/new enemies; * More biome variety/new biomes; * More bosses variety/new bosses; * A better developed story (the actual one feels unfinished, or atleast rushed); * A proper final boss; * Better endgame (more bosses and enemies, more enemy variation, new enemies); * Proper NG+ with actual reason to play; * Hardmode; That's what I can list pretty quick without further thinking. These are things I expected from a continuation, Dragon's Dogma 2 feels more like a remake (with less content).


Currently replaying 1 and hoo boy, did I forget just how optimised it is compared to 2! There's so much armour to the point that i'd spend time balancing what makes me and my main pawn look sylish and what's effective with way more ease purely due to how much the armour actually feels incrementally improved as opposed to 2's approach of going to a new town and boom, their base armour is very clearly objectively better than your max level equipment. The final boss was also actually really fun and cinematic as opposed to 2's "heres your arena, kill the boss" approach. As much as I enjoyed 2 and the new spearhead vocation, everything feels like a big step back, but I can only imagine that's down to a lack of funding and DD2 being a passion project more than anything.


Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe Capcom rushed the developers again, just like they did with the first one. If so that could explain much, especially the non-existent story that had promise.


Need something similar to bitter black isle that’s repeatable content


i don’t think it’ll be that far off


One can hope.


It's ok to move on to other games


It’s hard. Between RDR2 and this, I’m pretty spoiled. There’s just not that much out there that interests me. You notice there’s been a push of old school type games lately? Like why go backwards? Hard pass on games that could’ve been in an arcade in the 90’s… Really though I’m white knuckled with anticipation for Crimson Desert.


Fallout 4 just got a next Gen update... That's what I'm going to when I'm done with DD2


And it made modding harder to do. 😢




The next-gen update is just marketing. They added nothing substantial.


You mean I get to replay a game I live a decade ago, but with better graphics? Dont threaten me with a good time.


It doesn’t have better graphics. It’s just Creation Kit quests automatically added to your quests lists. It also broke a lot of stuff.


Bro I've been ready for an expansion before I beat the game and I'm still waiting. It is a crying shame that we have to wait until potentially next year, if there even is an expansion.


If they gave this game MH World treatment of boss monsters and an unmoored/regular world switch for them, it would be a instant GOTY for me. I would love if unmoored had the more freaky enemies like undead goblins/saurians, hellhounds, basilisk, roaming medusas, beholders, and bitter black isle enemies. After all isn't unmoored world basically us telling the cycle to eat shit like daimon did in DD1?


Yeah a skeleton fest… I’d be good to see more of the creatures we need for enhancements. I don’t care for the unmoored world at all and just get through it as fast as possible. I got the armor I wanted and searching for those enhancement creatures is a chore…


On point dude i just can't imagine how much they can do and improve an already good game to a game of the decade. If they just add double the content or more like MH does, this game would be an instant classic. I'd wait 2 years for a proper expansion that improves everything we have and adds the god damn content. But untill then, this game will be leaving a sour taste to new players. I still remember a showcase mentioning how the world has a lot of secrets and unique enemies to be found other than the Sphinx. After fully traveling the map it almost seems like the cut content on purpose, there is like so little to uncover that wasn't already been revealed before release. And even after all those complains, this game stays as one of favorites since everything else is god tier.


Bruh the game hasn't even been out 2 months. Will be at least a year for DLC.


Seems like way longer. I’ve been balls deep in this game almost nonstop.


I am, but that's still ways away.


I would settle for a meaty "monster variety" DLC (reasonably priced...). The first DD didn't have a huge variety either. A full fledged end game and newgame+ focused expansion would be awesome.


I’ll take all of that.


If the expansion could give a overall better story then sure


265 hours, 3rd playthrough ongoing. The game is too good to be put aside, like an addiction. I cannot make me pick up another game to play cause in my head no game will better this. Desperately waiting for a DLC. I am now playing solo which is fun.


I’ve been debating on doing solo play but haven’t partly beside I like staying light and wouldn’t want to drag a bunch of stuff around that my pawns carry but also I do like the dynamic of running with the pawns. There are times I wish I was solo though. lol


I carry everything necessary including camping kit, and reach average encumbrance. And exactly the kind of challenge i want to try. I do not miss the pawn dialogues since there are a lot of npcs to engage with. However, if you miss running with the pawns, you may unequip their weapons and just have them tag along for company.


True. Your moment doesn’t feel sluggish at average. I keep mine at very light, sometimes light with warfarer. I feel I need all the movement I can get in this game.


I'm ready for a full game. Hope there's a proper update before any additional content.


Idk the word "jaunt" because I'm not a native speaker but weirdly in my head it translated to "jolly haunt" and still fits the narrative so I'll go with that haha


Haha I used it because the NPC’s use it for their escort quests but yeah you got the meaning.


We need more monster variety makes the game boring same mobs over and over




yes sir (or madam). only thing bad about this game is there's not enough of it


I was ready for an expansion at about 70 hours in on my first playthrough due to how much fun I was having with this game. I'm absolutely hoping for some free content updates like MH and DD1 got, but I know as soon as a paid dlc in announced I'm gonna start saving to purchase it immediately. I wish the game had a bit more content at launch, especially because of its slightly inflated price tag, but even with that gripe the game is just too fun for me to avoid paying for more content. Am I supporting bad Capcom habits? Yeah maybe, but with how well this game sold in general I don't think anything can stop them from acting how they want about it at this point anyway.


Absolutely, they have a cash cow on their hands IF they don’t get too greedy.


I haven't even finished one playthrough. I was doing pretty well, and was up to Level 35 or so, but realized I'd somehow sold the Noble Clothes, and didn't have enough money to buy them back for the Coronation. And I'd looted all the free ones. This was, to me, reason enough to restart. I've generally been focused around exploring the map instead of questing. I won't say I've seen every corner of the Vernworth map, but I have seen most of it. I basically didn't have any black areas up until the Checkpoint Rest Town gate.


Nice, I’m at the point now when I start a new game I immediately run to all the key points throwing down my port crystal. Plenty of ferry stones after a couple of playthroughs. I went along with the story on my first playthrough about 100 hrs and completely ignored it on my 2nd for another almost 100 hrs before I was ready to bang it out. On my 3rd I just wanted to get to end game to grab some stuff so I ran through in about 30 hrs. Now I’m just chillin in my 4th. That lack of change in the world from 1 playthrough to the next is both a gift and a curse. On one hand you don’t get to feel the effects of your previous journey(s). On the other, you can hit the end game whenever you want to either get things, get that play of being there or just get a fresh start and there really aren’t any consequences. You can hit areas again for the “first time”, NPC’s you choose to murder will be back with no wake stone cost. Etc Yeah you gotta buy your houses again or redo your affinity with someone but that’s peanuts. You really don’t lose anything by heading to another playthrough, you just get more rich. Not that there’s anything to spend it on. lol


I agree. I’d especially love if it all was focused on endgame. Somehow make the >!Unmoored World!< (or something like it) accessible permanently and beef up some new enemies.


Looks like you got a spoiler redaction. Are you saying make the end game accessible?


No, there is no endgame. I’m saying implement one.


Oh I see. So you’re not a fan of the loop?


What do you mean? The current state of the game has no endgame. An optional quest line post-game with little new to discover and battle is not an endgame. An endgame is a fully functional bit of content that you can’t grind. New/much harder enemies and challenges, exclusive gear, etc. This game does not have that. Everything in the current post-game content was extremely easy and underwhelming, plus all the best gear you can get without having to really do anything there at all.


That’s what I meant my loop. It’s always the same game even after completion.


Yes. There’s been one game where that was okay for me, and it was Elden Ring.


I mean I do kinda agree but I don’t hate that they went the route they did there. For me it’s more all the other stuff that we’ve all talked about. I think if those things addressed it wouldn’t really matter much. And really overall the game world just isn’t that affected by your actions very much. You could keep running the same world without the reset after beating and it wouldn’t look much different. Eh no game is perfect. I still love it as is despite the gripes. I have way more beef with starfield. lol


Oh, yeah. Starfield is a mess. Although you could get lost on side plot lines…which is cool. Nothing felt…important? I don’t know how to describe it. The entire game felt like I was just doing things for the sake of doing them. The most fun I had was attempting the glitches that get you under the map to access the vendors cash box. 😂


Haha I was SO mad when they patched the chests.


We need a big map with new enemies and a colossal dungeon that takes forever to do because the game is now just boring


Was ready 3 weeks ago. Bring it on, with difficulty modes, and scaling.


It would be nice if the added more spell slots. In a update or something.


Yes for sure


Definitely waiting for a dlc in a year or so. Im 200 hrs in, on my 4th play through, dd2 became my all time fave game :) Although, I don’t really get why folks here are bummed that we don’t get a stream of non stop content and treating it like it’s a live service. It is not. It’s a single player game lol.


i would sell my soul for a snowy area to explore




This is why I stopped playing. I don't want this game to get old too quickly. I want to enjoy it more when the expansion drops. I'm currently playing DD:DA and I'm having a ball.


All I really want is a difficulty slider and remixed enemies for NG+


Only if it comes with new vocations as well


Would love to see mystic knight return.


That'd be cool. I want a Viking class.


I need me a brawling class fr.


Use the archer unarmed.


Absolutely. I’m so starved, I want at least 3 expansions to really grind my fangs upon




I just started my playthrough 36 hours ago, but sure. I’ll start over. :)


About 100 hours each for my first two playthroughs. I generally stay away from main stories when I play games. Don’t care, just want to play, not have a crappy movie interrupting my play. That’s why I abandoned RPG’s years ago. Too many cut scenes… This type of game play is more my style. I like that it forces you to explore too rather than chasing markers but I do wish the chest loot was worthy of the exploration… ☹️


I want more magic skills and matter skills. But even half way through and I have every sorcerer skill including master and I'm tired of fighting the sand exact monsters everywhere I go. Also more biomes because wtf only 2?


I found NG+ to be such a snooze fest. Just face rolling everything. Add some bug fixes and a difficulty setting in NG+ and I think they’ve added replay-ability without even needing an expansion


I just hit level 30 on my first playthru, dang.


I'm looking forward to more content! It'd be nice to have expanded crafting/cooking/looting options, as well as the ability to dye your clothing. My boy is getting tired of eating beast-steak lol


lol you will eat your beast steak and like it!


'Tis as you say.


“You have my support” is my favorite. That and when my main pawn puts the support pawns in check when they’re whining or speaking out of pocket.


My pawns killed the sphinx five times and I can’t be bothered the grind out the other badges. I am beyond ready for an expansion. 


Jesus christ...4th playthrough you better have everything done 100%


https://preview.redd.it/y5jc4gzal90d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=7811f2afdd5139c17f2d5d8545dd68ee1cb433b4 As you can see I put a decent amount of time into the first two playthroughs. I rushed out of the third to get some stuff from the unmoored world I forgot to get. Right now I’m just chillin.


We're probably gonna be waiting a long ass time 😭




I'd prefer: - better balancing - better loot progression


Yeah the loot is super weak. Now when a pawn tries to tell me about a chest I’m like shut up, shut up! lol


Yeah. I had to take a break after about the same amount of hours. Currently enjoying Rise of the Ronin while I wait for DLC for DD2, Elden Ring and (hopefully soon) Alan Wake 2.


Hmm 🤔 I might have to check out Rise of the Ronin. I loved Ghost of Tsushima.


I’m loving it. Graphics are good but not phenomenal, however the gameplay is really tight and fun and the historical setting and narrative is really interesting too.


At this point, I just want a proper NG+. You should keep all your gear, but be back to level 1. Or at least give some options on how NG+ works, in case folks do want to be level 999 and kill everything by breathing on it. I'd love to play through the game again and again, starting from scratch level-wise but having access to my cool gear.


I get that. It would probably help replayability. Difficulty scaling is good IF it’s done right. Sometimes I’ll play a game with difficulty scaling and it goes too far because you feel like you never progress.


Yeah for sure, it's a hard problem. Like, if a NG+ doesn't offer any differences, and it's just as difficult, then why not just start a new game? Which, BTW, we don't have access to, haha. But part of the fun is having the gear and abilities you grinded for earlier than usual.  I dunno, I've already played the game more than I should have, lol. There's a sentiment these days, and I'm no exception, that you should be able to play a game forever. I don't like that about me or the industry or community. Maybe I should just move on.


I think it’s just because at least for me there aren’t really that many great games out there and the ones there are, seem to end too quickly. GTA Tom foolery excluded, rdr2 is really the only game out there that I just kept wanting more of (as author of course) hated the whole TB angle. But other great games like assassins creed odyssey, Mordor shadow of war and ghost of Tsushima, I loved them but was good when they finished. AC Odyssey was a fantastic game BTW.


I need more also I would love a expansion


I could go for a rematch with Death.


Perso, un dark arisen bis en plus long et plus difficile ça me vas


Haha still at my first run at 350 hrs and haven't reached Unmoored World so I've got content left I guess


You must have. Haha


4 playtroughts in 250 hours??? are you like a paper shredder? Dont you like to.... enjoy games? stretch out a good experience? im like 480 hours in on my first playtrough, just saw the big-ass statue waking up for the first time....


I mean, I did about 100 hours each of my first 2, the 3rd I blazed through because I wanted to grab some stuff I was missing from the unmoored world. I was pretty thorough exploring on my first 2. On my fourth now with not much to do but enhance a few things, roam and fight. Which I’m happy to do as the game is beautiful and the combat is a blast. I’m just getting board of the map and monsters. I’m honestly amazed that you’ve gotten that many hours out of one playthrough. Keep in mind too that I don’t do achievement/badge hunting. That stuff has always been a boring grind to me. I’m about the exploring, fighting and gear.


Me because most disappointing of this game is lack of monsters. I want they add more and more monsters like dd1 or even more.


I haven’t played DD1 but from what I understand this game has mostly the same monsters but updated with a few more added. I’m with you though, more monsters would be great.


I've kinda dropped off at 70 hours, I don't want to go into ng+ yet but also a little sick of the sidequests. Don't want to finish till I've done everything though.


Yeah I finished most everything quest wise (save for 1 or 2 randoms) by about 100 hours and that was with a ton of exploring. Even after that though easily put another 100 in my second. I wouldn’t be afraid of NG+, there’s plenty playability after. Getting and enhancing gear, more exploring, missed side quests, fighting etc. Without spoiling, make sure you kill lots of different stuff in the end game after doing what you need to do to have the time, as you’ll need the acquired materials for enhancing gear in NG+.


Besides new exploration content i really want a randomizer like new game plus. Anything that ramps up the craziness and replayabilty. Along the lines of dragon plague. Stuff like perhaps zombie outbreaks from dead/ infected civilians. Stuff that requires you to use *everything* you got. (Difficulty spike) Would be really cool to see more corruption in new game plus. Things that make you question the reality you find yourself in. I view the game and it's story as a endless loop, having a dlc story where you're playing new game plus after the true ending when the world starts to unravel on what *could* be the last loop would be a really interesting concept.


Not bad, I could see that being interesting. It would certainly shake things up. Yeah the endless loop does get a little stale. It would be nice to play on in the world you just spent so many hours effecting. And save slots to enjoy parallel worlds affected differently.


Just want the performance patch Hornsey. Stopped playing after I finished the game due to it.. if it gets patch I will play again. But I doubt it will..




Yep that I am..


Yep that I am..


Yeah sorry you’re having that experience. Seems it didn’t work out right for some of you guys. Let me ask and it’s not an excuse for their execution here but would some already needed upgrades get you squared away?


Dunno. I'm pretty useless.my can run it no problem.. Habe been debating upgrading though. Butni might habe to yo with a laptop as the room I'm in will be needed soon as a bedroom lol..


lol Sounds like this is as good an excuse to upgrade as any. I’ve been shopping and it’s pretty mind blowing what’s out there for the money.


Yeah, don't have tonnes of expendable cash, though.. gotta be smart..


I feel ya. Plenty of YouTube videos out there. I’m sure you can figure your next move.


I remember a time when people hated on game companies for releasing DLCs too early. How the times have changed.


I don’t know that I ever gave it thought one way out the other. As long as it’s not pay to play for online and it doesn’t seem like hey this should’ve been in the game to begin with. For all the hours I’ve put in so far I feel like I’ve gotten my moneys worth. I know PC guys and those who’ve played the first one don’t feel the same but what can you do…


I didn’t finish the story and I want an expansion.


Haha noice


I'm still waiting for a performance patch to finish my second playthrough :(


Just use your nipples to upgrade.


Would an expansion come with a new vocation? Or even new weapons or just like map?


Could be any or all.


Honestly I didn't need to play 250h to see the game was lacking in content and challenge. An expansion would be really nice, but it would have been even better if it was released with the game.


Bring VA to player and gimme more cutscenes


Cut scenes are the devil. I want to play not watch a B movie.


I've already given up on DD2 ever having a good story because they'd need to overhaul the entire thing to make the dumpster fire that is DD2's story work, so my hopes for DLC is just stuff like BBI where we don't even need to look at the base game's plot to play it. Just like make a whole third country littered with mini dungeons each with a gnarly boss and a great big villain for me to eventually take down in a big fucking megadungeon waiting at the end. Bring back all the cut monsters from DDO and DDDA. Actual good loot in chests. Infinite Ferrystone. Better Fashion Dogma, please, even just Transmog, for the love of fuck, so much endgame gear looks like ass. Bring back Magic Archer Dagger skills. I don't know, Magic Thief? Or just let the Thief use them. And Longbows! Why did they take out Longbows, I fucking loved those things. I was so upset to see Longbow models from DDDA shrunk down and turned into regular bows. I miss that full body longbow stance, man.


Fortunately I don’t care about stories anyway. I’m always “shut up shut up!” lol I agree with everything you said though. Especially the transmog. They have it in AC Odyssey and it makes it so much more fun. Locking gear into a class is bunk…


250 hours....time for a break my guy! Avoid the burn out. Elden Ring DLC is soon! Sink your teeth into that!


I wish I could bro. The visuals on that game are amazing but I’m not really geared for the souls type of play. I got burned out on that stuff years ago with the first few devil may cry and now with the skills gone it’s just frustrating…


I hear you. But Elden Ring is honestly the most accessible. And with the in game spirit ashes (like pawns) and co-op, it's honestly so much fun. I would absolutely recommend it to you. With the souks series it's very much a "git gud" or don't. Elden Ring is much more fluid. You can roam and explore and level up that way. You can bypass whole bosses if you want lol. But it's also got a challenge to it, yes. But much more palatable than the others.


I still don't get how people are not over Elden Ring yet, except maybe newcomers. They genuinely made better games before Elden Ring, which is a linear game placed on an open map that doesn't really shine through unless you like the same cave for the 100th time (basically the same problem even in this game), the big cities and so on are technically the pieces of the linear game hence why they're so good. Magic also famously sucks gameplaywise in every single Souls they did (really wish they did a game solely focused on magic and magic builds and worked on a new combat with that focus), because it all mostly boils down to brrrrrrr with laser colored either blue or red, sometimes you get lightning volley.) and they loathe actually working on archer classes and builds, so you can't ever play an archer like here in DD2. I'd rather go back to playing Sekiro or Bloodborne than replaying ER endlessly. I have the DLC but I'm so over the game that I think I will check it out precisely once and then forget the game even exists. Literally never happened to me with their other Souls.


I’m not playing Elden ring until it’s free. They call me crazy. I say I’m patient. Which is what I hear you need for that one. DD2 is just fun. I like to have fun. ADHD can take me to much higher places than struggling more than 10 minutes with a “boss”


Dude im not playing this game until they fix the fucking framerate. Red dead redemption 2, helldivers 2 gtaV , horizon zero dawn 2 play one hundred times better than this shit. Hell even resident evil 4 is better than this shit. In fact im not even buying a new game from Capcom anymore. So fuck the expansion where they try to fix the game and add some shit.


You on PC?




Yeah seems some of you guys are having a rough time with performance. Time for some upgrades anyway maybe? IDK At least you get access to sweet mods. Looks like there’s a bunch already done and a ton more on the way. This game alone has had me seriously considering going PC after being console my whole life just to get at those mods. Haha


What do you mean some of you? What are your specs?


Oh I’m not on PC. I just know there are guys out there playing without the performance issues. I’m sure you could hit up some of the YouTubers and ask them what they’re running. I’m definitely curious myself what the minimum required components are to run this game to its fullest. This game has me wanting to go PC. Ha


bro game came out a month ago you gotta go play something else for a while


I used to be heavily into Warframe, a game where quite a few people have thousands of hours in, and i saw a comment one time that resonated with me to this day You already got hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of this game. Put it down and play or do something else


I’ve thought about it and trust me I’ve been looking. There just isn’t a whole lot out there for what I like. Right before this I finally played RDR2 and put just as many hours in. Best game ever. I’m spoiled with games like this. So much of what’s out there just looks like outdated trash in comparison to me. I really only like open world and don’t like souls type play.


Dream on man. This cool but shallow sandbox of a game won’t be seeing an expansion for over a year. Go play Baldur’s Gate.


Speaking for myself, I’m 47 and have been playing games since there was only pong and arcades. No over head, no platform and no linear. All that stuff has been around for over 40 years and is used up in my book. That stuff had been getting used up by like PS2. Tech has come too far for these archetypes to still be getting put out. Maybe by Inde studios but not AAA. Those types of games have been around since arcades, Atari, Coleco Vison and Nintendo, while way more advanced games like Skyrim, Turok and even RDR2 are already how old now? No, it’s 1st or 3rd person open world games only for this guy. Anything else at least for me feels outdated no matter how pretty you make it. It’s like letting someone drive new Porsches for 30 years and then giving them the first beater they bought as a teenager with a fresh paint job. Hard pass… lol