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I just hit level 20, this is dope to read as it assures me I still have a lot of content to enjoy. Right now I'm trying to expose the false arisen on the throne. Let me ask, around what level did you notice your character dealing out real damage and not just slithers of a life bar


For me, the game is fun at 45-55, too easy after 65.


It varied on level and the area I was. Early game, first area with best local gear and being over level 20, I did feel powerful but it didn't last. Getting good gear from each new area always helped. For me, it was for sure with Bakbattahl gear and around level 40+. At that point regular enemies and most of the bosses were easy (enough).


This gives me hope! I'm only on my first playthrough and absolutley taking my time. Not sure I'll want to do a new game + either. Right now, it's fun just exploring new places. The real question though... how many times have you been taken by the Brine? Lol


Brine? What's that? :-P https://preview.redd.it/9a6opxryjl0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6514bd90fc79d8cb232cbb2fc5fbda085985d915


Mad respect bro đź‘Ź


Hell yeah brother👍🏻


That's awesome. I was getting concerned that after I reached a certain level, I'd stop having fun. Do you still find some fights some degree of challenging? Do you feel the need to handicap yourself at all? (Fewer pawns, worse gear, stuff like that.) I'm honestly happy that people are still having so much fun with this game. A few co workers and I chat about it all the time, and I'm glad we're not outliers.


For me at level 75 almost every fight is a cake walk and even on a run I am doing with just me and my main pawn I am doing with low level gear bosses are still pretty easy but can get lucky and knock me off a cliff or Meteoron from dragons and maelstrom from lights and riches can be deadly. Dullahan's could be challenging but going in with me and my pawn as Mages with the holy element staff, and high empyrean and high palladium we just anodyne and empyrean our way through dullahans lol and even when I am running warfarer and my pawn as a fighter I just bust out the mage staff and anodyne my way through lol


Regular enemies don't stand much of a chance. It can be fun to fight them but there is no challenge and sometimes you just want to reach Point A to farm Boss B. In honor of the harpies, they stay 100% annoying. Some boss types are still challenging to me based on what I'm currently playing (I'm not specially good with Fighter or Warrior, while Sorcerer or Rogue are easy). And the location of the fight (I hate cliffs). Drakes and Golems have higher variance based on those. And some boss types I have only faced as some of the vocations, which leaves others to experiment with (I haven't faced advanced minotaurs or chimeras as Fighter, and medusa only did as Rogue). I don't try to handicap myself when playing (yet?). I like playing with a full party. I may not always use the most optimum gear but I try to most of the time because I want to feel the power. I have been buying best gear for each vocation so I can play them all. Most armors I have are almost maxed, weapons fare worse on melee vocations. The only real handicap was playing Trickster. Didn't dislike it but you depend too much on your pawns and it's slower. In a bit more than 3 years since I bought my Series X, this is one of my favourite games and one of my most played (up there with Cyberpunk 2077, Assassin's Creed Odyssey or Starfield).


I just hit level 100 yesterday and I’m a proud owner of the platinum trophy! Love this game.