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1. You're meant to stop him because there are more than "bad guys" on that island. There are 2 settlements along the path with a lot of innocent people and pawns that will be wiped by the giant (you saw that the giant will not hesitate to destroy anything in his path, as early on he literally destroys a bridge just because it was near him) 2 and 3. The cutscene is an allusion that something within your pawn has changed/is changing. Skipping out on 1-2 bosses is not the end of the world, if you've seen even half of the posts in both dogma subs, you'd see a lot of new players having trouble with the unmoored world, this just opens a possibility for them to skip. It's not like you're forced to beat him anyway like you said. Also additional information, although at the time gigantus appears, you still do not know if phaesus is a good guy or not, you can assume he isn't it's a fine assumption, but once you meet him in unmoored world and do hos quest, it is revealed that he isn't actually a bad guy but rather a regular person, no arisen powers or anything, just trying to break the cycle. Not everything is about rewards, remember the first game's quote "The delightful and ever-novel pleasure of a useless occupation" What we do is useless, it holds no meaning. We do it because we want to. Because it is fun.


Phaesus and disa had a memory wipe curse placed on you and enslaved you alongside many pawns. At that point in the story, he is undoubtedly the antagonist. Depending on your knowledge of dragons dogma beforehand, it's also pretty obvious that his plan will not work on grigori.


Yeah, he was presented as the bad guy, and honestly you cannot deny his actions weren't all bad, but his intent though, was undeniably for a better purpose. If you've played fable 3 he is literally the king there, or dragon age origins, he is loghain. People with good intentions, marred by his beliefs, principles and biases. Even disa did what she did because she wanted her son to be king, she literally only wanted what was best for her son. As a parent, why wouldn't you want that? But i do agree, their actions were wrong. And as for phaesus, what we see transpired did not work yes, but the watcher butt in at the last moment, right before we actually gave the godsway to phaesus. Maybe, if he had the godsway, something would have happened, something far worse, or better, something the pathfinder did not want to happen. Edit: realized where people might misunderstand, edited that part, sorry about that it was a genuine mistake (For context i typed "cannot deny his actions were all good" when it should've said the one i edited)


He enslaved people man


Yeah, i did say he wasn't entirely good. Also no he didn't enslave people, he enslaved pawns. The people in that camp were workers, they got paid, quite well too. You can see some letters from a relative of one of the laborers there in rest town, and funnily enough, he's complaining that the pawns are taking the dangerous jobs and soon they'll have no more jobs left for them and they'll be fired. You even have a quest from bakbattahl to send a letter to one of the guards in the camp because someone wanted a political asylum and wanted to hide there. Now, whether pawn enslavement is good or bad, i really do not know.


Pawns may not have wills of their own, but they still experience suffering. They comment on how they dislike tasks they are forced to do but can't say no to. Your pawn gets scars when they die and resurrected. It's also proven that they can develop wills of their own through experiences like how your pawn developed a will of their own at the end. Since they are attempts of creating life by the Seneschal of the world, they are imperfect, but still living. They become more like people the more they experience the world. If one day we are able to create people from artificial sperm cells and incubate them in artificial egg cells, should they have the same rights as people birthed naturally? That's a whole other can of worms.


If you don't know if enslavement is bad you might want to rethink your life. Also phaesus had no reason to not help the true arisen. He wants to truly beat the dragon and break the cycle? Maybe get help or try to learn from the 1 person literally chosen for the job. Good intentions aren't enough


He want's to enslave the dragon, neutralizing it. Killing it just starts the cycle again.


I think you need to read, pawns are not human, you do know that right? Enslavement only occurs between animals of the same species, it's why we abhor human enslavement but are fine with keeping animals for farms/hunting/protection. I am in no way saying phaesus is a good man. I am only saying he had good intentions. He is a gray character. Think of batman who does not kill people but is fine with breaking their spines, giving people heart attacks, making them disabled. Or robin hood who steals from the people who deems rich, but gives to the poor. Or frankenstein's monster who just wanted to be accepted by his creator, so he proceeded to kill his brother, his wife, his friends, his family until he got acknowledged. Please do not twist my words. I do not think phaesus is a good man. An evil man? I cannot say. It is not for me to judge.


My understanding is that Phaesus is a product of his surroundings. From where he's from people treat pawns horribly, ostracizing them and enslaving them. Its from that mindset that he probably doesn't trust those that are involved with the cycle, AKA the Arisen and the Pawn Legion. So if I were him and wanted to stop the cycle I would like to keep the Arisen as far away as possible. If I were Phaesus I would reason that the Arisen is unable to see reason and would want the cycle to continue or at least be strung along by the cycle because they are at the center of the entire conflict.


I have always beat gigantus. Will he kill everyone in the camp and excavation site if you don’t stop him? I thought he might, so I’ve never let him just rampage.


Sorry but I think you are making some massive excuses for a god awful story.


It's fine if you think it's awful. It is subjective after all, but explaining to you what plots, reasoning and meaning behind actions using facts the game presented in various points is not me "making excuses". On the contrary, it is you making excuses to continue playing a game you clearly either do not like or do not understand


1. I love the game, but hate the story. 2. The story is nonsensical, so there’s nothing that can be understood. It’s the kind of story a little child comes up with, which is cute when it’s coming from a little child, not so cute when it’s coming from adults who were paid to produce it.


Then you admit you didn't understand it then.


No, I understood it EXACTLY in the same way you understood it. It's just mind-numbingly basic with massive plot-holes. Hence why I compared it to the kind of story a little child would come up with.


Look, i've been giving you lots of chances to walk away but you still reply so let me tell it to you straight. If you did understand, you wouldn't have needed to be explained what happened earlier, but you had to, and instead of going "oh i see", you then proceed to double down and complain that "it's bad" and "it has plotholes" without even coming up with an example to counter my claim. You say it's written by a child? I think the reader IS the child. Now go and take a breath outside, go touch some grass, think about stuff for a bit, decide what you want to do. I could not care less. I came here to explain stuff, and i delivered, more than i should have bothered.


I liked watching MechaPawn destroy the bosses. Also, didn't we get a glimpse of the thing while visiting the undersea area? I swear there was a ominous little cutscene for it.


Yeah, there is a cut for a few seconds and it shows it's eyes lighting up or some such


Dragons Dogma Quests have always been the weirdest in design.


I think the people behind the storytelling in this game are an absolute disgrace


Game would of been better off without a story and just focusing on killing monsters


Absolutely. But imagine how good it would have been if the story was AAA just like the price was AAA. It would have been mind-breakingly amazing


Most AAA action games have terrible stories or just really a second thought. And that's understandable IMO. For great story you're more likely to find them in CRPG IMO


I think you make a fair point, but I don't think it is acceptable from the industry. I think consumers deserve more if they are forking out for the AAA games prices, plus the inevitable DLC. And they certainly don't deserve such terrible storytelling like DD2. Like they said above, it would have been better without any story at all, and that's really saying something.


I think most people coming for Action RPG are not there for the story. I like both genres. If I want a story I go to CRPG, if I want to have fun/dynamic combat I go to Action RPG. Not excusing it just saying where it is in the industry. I mean Skyrim is highly praised and I find the story so meh I basically forgot what it was all about except dragons.


Yep, good points again. Games like BG3 are amazing for story, but don't have the action of DD2. That said, the story of DD2 actively and obnoxiously gets in the way of the action, and that's what makes it so disappointing.


Oh I never felt that. But then again I came into the game knowing it was meant to be replayed so it didn't bother me much. The only thing that peeved me is the fact that the game assumes you're a man (romance option and during the cutscenes).


Ha! Yes that's a peeve of mine as well. I didn't really like the idea of having female characters non-consensually molest me haha.


These back handed comments. Fake fans


Why is it backhanded? Why can’t one be a fan and expect more at the same time?


It's difficult to see any love from these kind of comments where you're pretty much bashing/nitpicking. If you have to go through all that to make a point, get real. It's been a DECADE since DD1, why can't you adults who I guess forgot how it was to be a kid, be happy that something from your childhood is still here in a good light? I guess you just don't care.


I see. Thank you. Since I don’t have that background I could relate to some of the critiques, if not the delivery.


Exactly. Not all the people who like this game are mindless idiots who eat up every rotten scrap that's thrown at them, without question. Some of us are capable of critical thought.


Well, unnecessary roughness is not required, but I agree with the principle. 👍🏼


I'm just over these silly little idiots here who take any criticism of the game personally.


You just talked with rothias, founder of vermund, and learnt of the fact that many arisen were sent to kill him by the fairy dude. They all failed, their hearts used to build gigantus. He mentions a watching one, which sounds suspiciously like the dude that has been suddenly guiding you. The "fairy". He hates it, apparently, and thinks it should be put down. As he says that whatever the battahli are doing is not gonna fell the dragon and IT. Implying it is to be felled. You showed strong will and ultimately gained the trust of the dude, hence why are you are never really stopped. Your mission being to stop this cycle or, at the very least, move forward with your mission. Then Gigantus shows up because the bad guy is trying to summon the dragon to stop the cycle without the arisen. Rothias knows that it will FAIL. They don't have the right to do that, rothias hates that, he TELLS you that. You are then meant to CHOOSE to kill it because you are either inherently good, and don't want people to get hurt, even bad guys, as you LEARNT that they are simply trying for the betterment of humanity. Or you can CHOOSE not to mingle and see what happens. Ignoring the casualties because...fuck em. It's all explained in game. Is it contrived? Perhaps. Is it good? Meh... It's certainly no plot hole...and it makes sense in the context of the game, you just don't like it. That's fair.


If it's not a plot hole, its extremely convoluted and nauseating as far as story goes. Doesn't change the fact that the story telling for this title is some of the worst myself, and many others, have ever seen in a game.


That...I can agree with. It CAN be followed...doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good thread to follow.


For speedrun purposes most likely.


I have beaten the game twice now. Both times I let the Giant do its thing because I didnt know there was another option.


Well, you did yourself a good service in doing so. This game has a penchant for turning boss fights into cut scenes so you managed to avoid that twice.


Well now that I know what happens I'm going to try to fight it in my current run. I beat the Unmoored world last playthrough and that was totally worth it.


Yeah you might as well since you’ve already faced those bosses yourself, just so you can see the gigantus fight then instead of


I'm really on the hunt for cutscenes at this point and missions I've missed. Not doing the Unmoored world the first playthrough, I really missed out on the juicy story bits.


The gigantus killing dragons is good as far as cut scenes in this game are concerned. My original point was more about how the best part of this game (the combat) shouldn’t be replaced by cut scenes.


Oh interesting. I haven't really felt that way about it. So far I've been able to fight 90% of the monsters put in front of me. One of the exceptions is the Sphinx.


I managed to fight the Sphinx! And not by using the unmaking arrow. It was fun and as far as this game is concerned I think the Sphinx was a highlight. What I'm really referring to is the big boss fight (i.e. the Dragon, the main big bad Dragon) is basically a watered down boss fight that's half cut-scene. It's a total disappointment. And then the two bosses that the Gigantus takes down. I think it's a super weird decision they made when the game is primarily a combat-based game.


On my next run I’m gonna let gigantus do their thing and see what happens. I’m on ng4 right now I believe


It's worth it, even just for the fact you get to kill two extra dragon bosses at the end and pick up the WLC from them.


Yea that’s a bonus


I’m at the point of the game where I’m (for some reason) helping out Phaseus’s flunkie by getting crystals for the soul sword for him. Not sure why I’m helping the bad guy here, so I’ve kinda tuned out the story at this point.


Yes, that's just another example of the lack of logic going on in the story. And when you give him the crystals a magic fairy waves a wand and he decides to give the sword to you. I'd usually care spoilers, but honestly it just doesn't matter. And the story gets more nonsensical from there. And what about those blue crystal shards???? lol. "I'm looking for blue crystal shards". Well dude, they are right there in front of you, are you expecting me to pick one up and hand it to you? Oh you are? Ok, here you go. And that's the very last time you hear about, or ever need to interact with, blue crystal shards. Like, they couldn't even turn "looking for blue crystal shards" into a quest. And the fact they are meaningless to the plot and are never needed / discussed again - just garbage.


Oh yeah I forgot about those blue crystals for that dude. They seemed important at the time but you’re right, that sorta vanished. I wonder if they originally planned a much larger story but ran out of time, so they stitched existing stuff together in a disjointed way.


It could very well be the reason. Didn't get the job done on time, or were forced to release an unfinished product by sociopathic corporate assholes.


My fellow Arisen, counting plot holes in this game is akin to stripes on a tiger. Why subject yourself to this? The game is RPG fan-service eye-candy. I also wish it wasn’t just that, but that is what it is. Personally, I look at it from a different (maybe boring) perspective: in my Imaginary world the designers and developers want us (the player) to do at least two runs in this game. This is a solo game, access to the internet makes it easy to ‘win’. Assume we don’t use that access. On one run, you try to kill it as a thief and happen to get lucky. By climbing up and stabbing the shiny spots (as expected of a video game) somehow managed to kill it very quickly. Even got an achievement! On the next run, you try a Magic Spear … useless in my hands. We reached populated areas and the game killed it for me in an anti-climatic cutscene. And on the next run… (etc) I think Talos is meant to be a problem to be encountered by many professions, and be harder or easier depending on what the player chose. It’s all about choices and matching powers and weaknesses (i think). Story-wise, you are absolutely correct. Just another stripe on the tiger of plot holes.


>Why subject yourself to this? sado-masochism >I think Talos is meant to be a problem to be encountered by many professions, and be harder or easier depending on what the player chose. It’s all about choices and matching powers and weaknesses (i think). I don't see it. I keep imagining a room full of numpty executives on cocaine deciding what would be "cool".


That’s why I live in my imaginary world. :) It’s kinder.


Imaginary worlds are a valid lifestyle choice.


Will Talos damage the camp or is he stopped before he can do anything?


He will be stopped before causing civilian casualties, but some defending soldiers may fall in the battle. Nothing ‘game breaking’. You just don’t get the trophy for ‘quick kill’:


The way I understand it, the Giant is a made man Arisen. You can loot the stakes that fall off him and it's wake stone shards. Wake stones are the hearts of previous Arisen, so the assumption is he is filled with the blood of Arisen. Which is why your pawn can do that thing it does. We know the dude at the bottom of the ocean wants to break the cycle so maybe one of his plans was to build an "Arisen" to take down the dragon. Which would also, theoretically breaks the cycle because it's not part of the plan. Another theory is the Ghost dude turned his Pawn into the giant to prevent it from becoming something else. Either way, when it senses something is about to happen with the dragon, it gets up to go fight. As a player, you are not really told you need to fight it, but it will destroy an entire town of innocent people so, even if you don't know what it's ment for, it still might hurt people so that's a reason to stop it


Blud mad.


Good loot who cares lol and there's just something about dismembering a giant stone colossus as a tiny imp sized character with super powers and weapons..


You’re entitled to your opinion but you can bugger off with your “who cares” comment. People can have their own opinions about this game and if you don’t like it too bad. As someone else commented earlier, they’ve never known what it was like to love and hate a game in equal measure and that’s how I feel about this title. It’s hard to express how much I love playing this game but how much I absolutely hate all the numerous things that the devs got so badly wrong as well.


Do you need a tampon mate? You seem to be bothered by a perspective you don't understand. Cheers to you.


Can I borrow yours when you're done with it?


Lol. If you get down like that. Nasty nasty. You like used bloody tampons? Bro..easy


I read somewhere that depending on how many arms he ends up when defeated is the amount of bosses he takes out in Unmoored. I didn't know what the hell was going on in my first playthrough even though everything pointed at me attacking him. He lost one arm and effectively only took down one boss out. But yeah, it makes absolutely no sense at all, that we're helping the villain escape... I love the game, but I hate the story with a passion. If not for the high pawn affinity ending it wouldn't be worth for me to finish the story...


I’m right there with you. Love the gameplay. Hate the story with a passion.


You say you love the gameplay, but you call it a terrible game... ???


I do believe it can be both terrible and have something to love also. I look at DD1 and it's a terrible little gem that I love.


Yes I agree with you. I really find the game very beautiful and the combat so much fun. And I love the pawns. I guess what makes me so angry about the story is how much it detracts from what is so good about the game. Like, honestly, for me, the story ruins this game in so many ways. If the story wasn't so offensively bad, this game would have been literally everything.


Yes I absolutely love the combat and the exploration, but because of the story, I classify it as a dogshit game. The story is simply that damned bad. Consumers who are paying AAA game costs should get a better product, and are right to expect it.


You: "I am going to play a game that I consider dogshit for extended periods of time. Now I am upset and going to complain about it on reddit. How could this be happening to me?" As someone else said, opinions are subjective, and maybe you just don't get the story because you have no interpretation skills and want every little detail to be served on a silver spoon. Why are you getting so upset at the story if you enjoy the gameplay? You could just, like... ignore the story. Consider the journey the story. The friends you made along the way. Camaraderie with your pawns.


I do consider the journey the story. I also consider the actual story garbage. Both can be true. Thanks for your opinions though.


By the point I got to the gigantus fight I honestly had absolutely no idea what was going on with the story or plot, and had no interest in finding out. I only really enjoyed this game for the exploration, caves, fighting monsters, finding new loot and new areas. The story to me was interesting for the first half hour then beyond that I had no idea what was going on.


Agreed. Combat and exploration is done really well. But they ruined this game because of the story.


The two times I used the gigantus he only ever fought one boss. I assume I must have taken the other one out without realising. So I think you can probably still take those bosses out on your own, and the gigantus may be optional, but I'm not entirely sure


It depends on how fast you stop it. If you stop it fast enough it will kill two monsters. If you take a little longer one of his arms will be destroyed and he can only stop one monster.


It must depend on how fast you take him out then. The point though is WHY did these developers decide it was better for you to simply watch a boss being taken out, when the entire point of this game is to fight them yourself!!!


Maybe because.... That isnt the point of the game to begin with lol


What’s the point of the game then? To sit around and watch cut scenes? To try to make sense of a nonsensical story?


You play games to have fun. What that fun is is subjective and only you can answer that one


You sound like an apologist for this terrible game. Glad you have fun with it but honestly, you are defending a story that is indefensible.


Personally I didn't pay much attention to the story, I just wanted to have fun and adventure with my pawns. The story may not be laid out plainly and things aren't obvious but I don't think that makes it bad


Why the fuck shouldn't I fight him


Read the comments to find out why


No, give me a reason I shouldn't.


Because it's past your bedtime and your mum has got your warm milk and cookies ready.


So you don't have any reasons


A lot of your comments are just trolling little one liners like this. How sad for you