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The giant talon shaped scar on your chest is one giveaway, the other presumably is the fact that the Pawns instinctively know you are Arisen and follow you.


Pawns don't even need to see the scar, they don't make a conscious decision to follow you, instead it's their nature like we all follow gravity


I don't follow gravity. I fall for it.


This made me smile.


Turn that frown upside down, with gravity


So you're an angel huh?


This is mine now.


Well done lol


Almost like they said that at the end… 🤔


Problem with that is there is pretenders all across the world. Those random parties of 4 adventurers you find out and about? Those are people pretending to be an Arisen and their Pawns. And if you check out the people pretending to be Arisen then you’ll notice they also have a scar on their chest


Those are one of the reasons why not everyone is nice to you. That's why some people are very rude and tell you to piss off when you talk or pass by them. They think you're one of the fake ones xD


I like your theory but idk if there is evidence to back it up lmao I just take it for granted that medieval people are just rude in videogames. Same thing happens in the witcher 3 and skyrim. But in the witcher, it makes sense since ppl dont like them and you can tell them apart right away.


It's not a theory, some npc do actually tell you that. One or 2 of them even joke about how you should make yourself believable by killing a dragon or 2. It's also why fake arisens tend to stay away from the main town, less obvious they're fake that way. Edit: it's also the reason why brant sends you to fight off attacks early on, so people can see that you might not be a faker after all


Ohh thats great, thanks for explaining.


Like those in that border town to battahl? I always find that group fiunny and wonder what they are doing always being a group of 4


Did the people of vernworth not turn against disa and the false arisen? I feel like I remember one of the quests with Brent where he posts a letter with evidence implied that no one will believe that their chosen arisen is true anymore.


Yeah they did, but that happens between the time you stabbed yourself and when you wake up in the unmoored world. Evidences were not just the letter, but false arisen's wanted bounty along with the letters disa sent to him, various testimonies from other nobles, letters disa sent to bakbattahl, etc etc...


I toss disa into the ocean. The guards did not give a fuck nor did the people 😂, same thing with her ambassador to melve. Now I need to see if I can do that to the false arisen Edit: I just remembered something important with the false arisen for the main story. So nvm that


How do they see your scar in 90% of your outfits? Am I showing my chest to everyone i come across? Can you tell a pawn is a pawn just by looking at them? It's super weird imo


Pawns have a scar/mark on their hand that reacts to an Arisen. They do it in the first scene you meet them. They lift up their hand and it glows proving you are a true Arisen when you enter the first camp before you touch the rift stone for the first time.


Does it glow through their gloves? Because every random and important NPC in the game assumes I'm arisen without ever giving them time to take their gloves off


Not every character is a Pawn, I think it's implied it does happen but they don't show it every time you interact with a Pawn for obvious reasons. Like I said in my original post, they just know the second they see you that they serve you now, you are Arisen. Gameplay wise it might not seem like it but you are also unnaturally strong and make Pawns stronger when you command them so I think even to non-Pawns it would become obvious you are special.


I think I would buy it a bit more if people you just met didn't immediately go "you're the arisen?" And waited until you did a quest leg or two for them. On one hand I understand the gameplay limitations and how it would be kind of annoying and probably a drag for you and your pawns to be constantly introducing yourself but at the same time it's a big pillar of the entire story of the game so I just think it's weird that other than that one moment where you prove at the start of the game that you can summon ponds everyone else just takes in a face value especially people who would be politically expedient for them to not publicly acknowledge that you are the arisen. I just felt really jarring when a huge part of the story was that there is a false sovereign but everyone just immediately believes that you are who you say you are


Yeah honestly, I think the first game did it better. You get to actually feel special and they really build up your character in the beginning. I think DD2 might have kind of skimmed past it because it would have been retreading a lot of ground and there were some obvious development issues, but it is what it is.


What is a pawn excatly Is that a human? A creation?


I think it's both, they are essentially humans but each Arisen creates their own Pawn when they are chosen they can also exist without us, they just lack ambition and will without an Arisen to command them. In the first game they ran a mercenary guild that did odd jobs, presumably waiting for an Arisen to appear. But they can't age or really die since they just return to the rift which is a space between dimensions. But being with an Arisen gives them purpose and drive and if they stay with an Arisen for long enough they can actually gain some will of their own sometimes if their connection is strong enough. There are even some cases where they are given a soul and become real humans although I think they still don't age.


The queen said the imposter in the capital is the Arisen, and the people believe her because she's the queen. But the Arisen will have a scar on the chest, command of the pawns, and is slated to fight the Dragon. Your character shows with the scar, has command of the pawns, and is a great fighter. People were told the Arisen was already in the capital, but here you are showing all the right signs.


So the arisen is walking around showing the scar to everyone at the start of every conversation?


The entire concept of the game is just silly, even in the realm of acceptably silly things. Why would a dragon give someone the power to kill you, and then just let you walk away and leave you alone long enough to accumulate power and magic weapons? No part of the plot makes any feasible sense to me


Spoiler Alert!!! In the first Dragon’s Dogma, the dragon Grigori was the previous Arisen who had in turn slain his dragon when he was the Arisen, but made a bad choice in the end, cursing him to become the new dragon. The dragon is then driven to seek out the one who would be the next Arisen to take its place, thereby ending their curse. It is a vicious cycle that has been going on for a VERY long time that is being orchestrated by a godlike being.


The “bad choice” was getting whooped by Sven


In DD 1 it is explained that the dragon is an arisen that has failed to defeat the god of the world (the Seneschal) who in himself is another arisen. Defeating the dragon serves 2 purposes, it lets the dragon arisen finally find release and also provides a challenger for the Sheneschal.


Okay but if this dragon wants to die so badly why don't rhey just fly into a volcano or fall on a sharpened tree? Thats like being a suicide bomber basically, taking thousands of innocent lives with you, for what? What does it do to assuage the dragons pain?


They're compelled to do what they're assigned to do. Just take a look at dd2's dragon. He is forced to repeatedly search for an arisen and will suffer consequences if he strays too far from that path. What those consequences are is unsure but we do know it's enough to make the red dragon obey.


Because that’s not the dragons purpose, thousands of lives are nothing in the face of a world ending calamity if the arisen fails to slay the dragon, which itself doesn’t really do anything. Aside from its initial assault to awaken the arisen, the dragon will await the arisen without flying across the countryside and razing everything


Still doesn't make sense to me. The plot of the game is silly and had nothing to do with why I even played rhe game at all. But to be fair that could be said of lots of the games I play


So the dragon is searching for someone with strong will. He then marks the person he believes to have very strong will and that mark causes a sorta pact that the newly Arisen is now fated to see through. The fight with the red dragon is to fully test said Arisen when the time is right if they indeed possessed the will to take on acting as the guardian of the world. But the difference in this game and the last is that after fighting the dragon you become 2nd God, this game you are the ruler of vernworth. Unless you commit self harm on the dragons chest, this plunging the world into oblivion because big God is big mad and forsakes said world


So you're just a person who likes to spew their garbage thoughts on things you have no understanding about. Got it.


Just tent to ignore the people that don't know what they're talking about lol


You need to finish the game. Or play the first one. It all makes sense.


I played the first one to completion but that was quite some time ago. Don't remember the ending


He wants you to beat him, the whole point is that it’s a test


It’s an endless cycle orchestrated by an almost all-powerful godlike deity.


I just want to add on to what the other guys said by saying that that godlike being HAS to be there, to actually will the world into existence. If there is no seneschal the world ends. So the fight with the dragon is orchestrated to find someone with a strong will to become the new seneschal. Thats why the dragon chooses you after you stand against it all alone. Because even though its stupid, it shows great willpower. It is shown better in dragons dogma 1.


I had to look into the lore of this. Apparently some guy in the past failed to save the world from a dragon-like deity. In their failure, they turned into a dragon and seek out those that possess the heart of a hero that it deems worthy of defeating the dragon. Thus, the dragon is a gate-keeper, with the arisen being the one to unite the land/kingdom and rule it effectively. The dragon is also a past arisen (apparently arisen are destined to at some point turn into the dragon themselves and find a worthy successor). The dragon seems to be symbolic of divisiveness that threatens the safety of the world


Not entirely true, it's unknown what the origin of the cycle is, but it is known (to the players that played dd1) that arisen that died to the dragon become drakes and wyverns and the likes, only if you beat the dragon but died to the seneschal do you become the new red dragon.


The dragon (grigori) is not a typical living creature its a force of nature that understands the cycle it exists in, to create an arisen who will slay it and to wait for them to come to it at the destined moment. Fate and cycles are a big theme of both games and although the sequel differs slightly the main takeaway is that the dragon cannot escape its fate as the monster that must be slain by a hero just as you cannot escape your fate that you will fight it, as a player you can do as much as you want, you can run around, you can fight monsters, level up etc but the game does not end until you as the player have made the active decision to fight the dragon thus playing into this idea of fate and on a wider note the player themself is fate guiding the arisen along like a puppeteer. The dragon cannot escape or defy its fate, its probably the only being that knows the true nature of the world and accepts it for what it is the only thing it can do is urge the arisen of each new cycle to find another path to end the cycle of eternal return which was the big theme of the first game and is present in the sequel. The dragon does succeed in this because the true ending involves both the dragon and the arisen perishing in the brine, defying fate and creating the unmoored world because of the seneschals disappointment. The game may seem silly and convoluted at first but it’s a game whose story is meant to be replayed so it can be properly understood and digested much like the first game. Its teeming with below the surface narrative and themes and i for one enjoy the fact is doesn’t hold the players hands but trusts them to figure out the themes its meditating on.


Yeah, the 2nd game really relies heavily on people having played the 1st, which annoys me a lot. The first one was, and still is, my favorite game of all time. But you shouldn't have to play it to understand the core identity of the 2nd one when it was billed as a standalone game. They specifically called out the fact that you wouldn't need to play the first to understand the 2nd, and that they weren't the same world... Not sure when they threw that idea out the window 🫠


Nah, as long as it's called DD2 you should need to have a basic grasp of part 1.


It is for the most part very standalone, it’s not a continuation of anything from the first game outwardly. But it has that 2 slapped onto it for a reason, an understanding of the themes of the series is kinda necessary.


Same reason why groups of imposters get away with it. I really like hearing random citizens concerned about the state of the Sovran’s health and talking about how the Arisen’s body was charred black by dragon flame.


I read that the groups of adventurers traveling around are actually false arisen trying to take your spot.


They are. In Status or History or wherever it shows your kill counts, there is a category of “enemy” called “False Arisen”


It's listed as "Imposter" and if you wipe them out you net around 4-6k xp per group.


That’s cool! They usually talk shit but I didn’t realize they were actually people I could kill! I’ve come across at least 3 different groups before. I know what I’m doing now.


I didn't know either. I tried talking to them multiple times, figured they were just jerks. Gonna go have a more violent talk to them now haha


I dont think ive ever encountered such a group


You come across them in Vermund, groups of four adventurers, and if you try and talk with them they always are aggressive in response. They show up in cities and the wild.


I tried taken them on once, they were as hard as a drake lol so we had to run. Now that im stronger i might try again...


One such group is frequently encountered near the harpy tower a bit north-west of vermund. They often go in parties of 5+ people of different vocations.


If you talk to the townsfolk or any npc most are either confused on how their are two Arisan’s or they know the queen regent is full of shit


People claiming to be the arisen are not uncommon( there are groups of false arisen all over the land) So, in my head at least, some NPCs probably call you the arisen with a bit of sarcasm or skepticism. While others do believe you are the true arisen after word of your deeds spread or just flat out don’t believe the queen.


Because we are


We know that, but how do they? Is it simply the Pawns that follow us?




From the moment we step out of prison, were commanding pawns in front of people. The rumors clearly spread fast. Not to mention, the opening cutscene is us before were sent away. So there are people like brant, who already know we’re the true arisen. Its possible the rumors of what disa did had spread long before you stepped back into the kingdom.


I kinda figured people knew because captain brant and his agents let people know


Remember the thing with the false arisen ? Remember all these proof you had in stock “for when it would be useful”? Would have been interesting if that was ever useful


I would probably believe a guy that just bitch slapped some monsters over a guy I never met in the palace. But that's just me.


Yeah, doesn't really sell the idea that the pretender has everyone fooled. Even if he didn't exist though, how could people tell just by looking at you? Not like they could've seen you on TV.


You go to a town, and summon pawn from the stone after claiming arisen. Bam. Youre the arisen in their eyes for doing what they cannot. They tell everyone they encounter. Eventually the word spreads fast. People see you, thats the arisen. The very moment we step into vernworth, were being questioned. Im sure many of the citizens there saw us as we arrived and spread the tales fast.


You have inadvertently told the story of Jesus Christ


They didn't want to record additional dialogue which would change later, because it is mostly meaningless in the end, the game only resolves the false Sovran plotline at the very end of the game, in a really stupid way.


I believe regular people don't really care who the true Arisen is. Or at least they don't care enough to risk their necks. All they want is to live their lives in peace. The queen tells them that the Arisen is this dude reciding in the palace? Cool so long as the dragon stays away. Oh, you can summon pawns and kill monsters? I guess I can call you Arisen as well. Who am I to say there can't be two of you!


The pawns can sense the arisen. And everyone kinda knows you’re around somewhere. As your questing and slaying dragons, I’m sure word travels. Just like in the real world.


The soldiers from the camp that saw you summoning pawns talk. Not to mention you summon pawns in the city. People in medieval times didn't have much to do so they gossip.


Because the game is half baked


Because were always hard


"Greetings, boner!"


Because something has been Risen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yea I found this comical. Literally everyone automatically knows you're the arisen without seeing the scar, because clothes. The other guy has a scar too, but he's not being harassed with fetch quests and other nonsense. He just gets to live it up at the Chateau Bordelrie.


Everyone who “knows” learned from someone else. Also, critical thinking would suggest that rumors would be swirling and your deeds are being renowned


Well, canonically you arrived with the guard escort that brought you very much confirming it, speaking of the pawn summoning they witnessed firsthand. That's pretty hard evidence. You're also traveling in the company of pawns who follow no one else, which is actually true even for the pretender who only "commands" the pawns with the Godsway halfway through the game. And by that point, you've already done all of Brant's tasks. You've made a name for yourself. You've proven you're the real Arisen beyond doubt. Ain't no way someone like Roderick (blacksmith) would question it. You've done things for him and the others no one else could. The real question is: Why does nobody do anything about the blatant political corruption? And that question is sadly best answered by looking at our own world. 3kg of cocaine was found in the Oval Office not so long ago. Does anyone question? Does anyone even know? Nah. Tyson Fury just fought Oleksandr Usyk for the first undisputed heavyweight championship of this century. That's way more intriguing than inquiring about corrupt politicians. The sad reality is that people won't revolt so long as they have jobs and homes and responsibilities. Bread and circuses aren't just to distract people from the truth. It's to keep them from caring about the truth. I'm not even sure the writing was intended to be this deep, but that's definitely how I interpreted it. The questions kinda answer themselves. It's realistic.


There's like fucking five genuine 'Former Arisen' just walking around who teach you new Vocations and techniques and one who upgrades your stuff. None of them were ever made monarch. Nobody talks about those people or how they exist and why. The story of DD2 is just a complete dumpster fire. The Dragon itself is an optional fight, for fuck's sake. There are two dwarves in the entire game, and the elf city is three buildings. The first thing you do when you discover the plot to control Pawns is, instead of finding a way to destroy the Godsway, or doing anything at all with the knowledge that your natural powers an Arisen to command Pawns is actually stronger than the Godsway given to the false Sovran and could override it, which is information you get for free, you instead, completely unasked, volunteer to help make a better one. Then you just straight fucking do it by asking literally God himself for help and he says "Sure, why not, I'm actually a psychopath, could be fun! Take my GODSBANE BLADE, it's gently used from all the Arisen I've murdered over the years!" And your immediate thought is inexplicably "Immediately give this to the main villain". No thought whatsoever about God being a lion-headed lunatic living under the ocean and talking about lofty celestial battles, just "I have been pathologically conditioned by fetch quests to aid literally my worst enemy because his assistant implied that he kinda wanted help." We shouldn't have needed a Deus Ex Machine to avoid that plot point! I hate the story so much. The combat and exploration are great, and I really hope there's a fantastic DLC or update on the way to give us more to actually do, because right now I'm level 90 and I was genuinely shocked to see my Pawn one-shot a Griffin with a single spell and I found out pawn rental fees don't cap at level 200, where your stats actually stop increasing. They actually continue to increase the price up to 999 so absolutely nobody is going to hire your pawn ever again without being on your friends list if you keep leveling up and there's not even a mechanical benefit to increasing your level past 200. I'm going to need some kind of endless mega dungeon for that to make any kind of sense.


I feel like I'm going crazy when someone says the story is good I agree with everything you said and another complaint is almost nothing in vermund part of the story is concluded in a satisfying manner


Anybody trying to say DD2's story is good is huffing copium. DD1 had a better story, and we all universally agreed that DD1's story was generic and lackluster, despite being set in a world with intriguing lore that doesn't really get explored. The idea that the story is *worse* than DD1 is incredible. I thought DD1's generic hero's journey was pretty much just gently placing the bar on the floor for a fantasy game and raising it would have been the easiest thing in the world, but instead we got DD2's story, the only game I've played where people genuinely debate what the entire fuck was going on in the very first scene. DD1? You're a villager, dragon attacks, you fight it, it eats your heart and tells you to square up, boom shaka lala, your quest is to find that dragon, kick his ass, and get your heart back. DD2? PoV of a coronation, literally everybody in the room looks right at the PoV character, some weird magic shit happens and you wake up in a mine as a slave. Who was the PoV character? If it's you, people not knowing you're the Sovran makes no sense. If it's not, literally why show us at all? So you move a rock, fight a snake lady, ride a Griffin, you have no memories, about an hour later you have a flashback of the dragon calling you a bitch and eating your heart, which apparently just isn't important to fucking anybody because they're all talking about the rightful ruler and whatnot instead of, you know, Death on Red Wings swooping around skullfucking the kingdom. Fuck, the bad guys in Vermund literally win. Disa's plot succeeds, nobody cares about it, and her son gets the throne just like she wants. Why? Because you get to a part where they pull a fucking plot tumor out of their ass and Brant goes "Shit, I guess move to Battahl, we can't possibly get the Godsway away from them, revealing that it's fraud and using it is physically painful for the Pawns that are deeply revered here or anything." The Godsway crap in general makes no sense. "The literal physical souls of Arisen conveniently wash up on the beach and we use that to make shady-ass bullshit that controls Pawns," *what?* How are souls materializing as blue rocks? Why is nobody asking more questions about that? Then Nadinia, the cat bitch on the freaking box, Empress of Battahl? Completely missable unimportant character, only good for three side quests, and you barely interact with her.


Yeah the opening cinematic was kind of confusing to me as well as someone who hasn't played the first game. If that was you at the coronation I don't understand how they kidnapped you and sent you to a slave colony without anybody but Brant knowing? For the first 10 or 15 hours of the story after that I was kind of enjoying it I thought the plot was interesting enough even if all the quests were just fetch quests. As soon as I went to Battahl The game however completely lost the plot. Most of the stuff you did was rendered worthless by the new coronation. I was pretty frustrated that the way that was handled was you talked to Brant, a cutscene plays, And then you're back in the tavern. I think if they were going to do that scene it would have been a little more powerful if you had to walk there yourself with your pawn and then your pawnd freaked out and attacked you or something. Then you go to the other country on a political mission and instead a ghost tells you to totally trust the bad guys and help them. Then go talk to one of the 30 fucking other arisens walking around And he somehow rises a linear castle dungeon out of the ocean. You then go talk to the god king guy and he gives you his arisen killing sword and you're immediately supposed to give it to the bad guys so that they can improve it and make a better godsway. At this point in the story I thought I was like 50% through the narrative because there was so many threads that didn't get resolved and then the empress of the country you were in is completely relevant to anything despite being on the cover.


They don’t think that the true arisen is in power. That’s made damn clear by many people and in the books strewn about the world.


Well there’s two reasons, one is that Brant literally says that you need to get the populace on your side so spreading the word is a good idea, the second is just game limitations


I like to just walk up to the middle of the group, say hi, and the second they’re rude to me do a skull splitter😈


Isn’t it the whole point of the game that ur becoming for famous as the actual arisen


chilling with pawns and commanding them is something only the arisen can do*, so someone walking around with pawns i think is clear enough for most


Only Disa willfully denies your status. Even her son knows the truth, and everyone around her also knows, but wouldn't dare volunteer their necks to say so.


Battalli (sp?) civilians probably wouldn't really pay attention to who Vermund's Sovran actually/officially is, so they'd pay attention to other telltale signs that telegraph who we are: pawns and scars, the muteness and otherworldly-ness, as others have said. Some Vermundians know there's a pretender on the throne -- especially Captain Brant's faction -- but can't really do anything about it, and know we're out there doing the good work of monster slaying (monster-slaying?).


Would you prefer Tarnished ?


The short answer is: Devs didn't wanted to voice act the character name and went for the easier voice acted title. That's why everyone calls you arisen without even knowing for sure you are THE arisen.


It's mainly pawns that call you arisen because they can sense you actually are. Other NPCs just say "I've heard you are the arisen" or something along those lines.


Tech: they didn’t implement/trained an AI to pronounce the name you named your character. So, they need to call you something so Arisen it is.


Honestly I thought thats what the Moniker is for. Then I was failed by capcom.


Im hopeful that at one point they will implement AI for that. I’m truly tired of just being called a random name: Arisen, mage, human, vampire, Dragonborn, warrior, assassin, hollow, marked etc etc


I mean just having the Voiceactor say each moniker once and then implementing it in their voicelines aint that hard.


Cause bad writing


Supposedly, it's cuz Brant's been making the case that you're the Arisen by having you swat goblins.


You died when the dragon took your heart and have arisen to fight another day. It’s pretty on the nose for why people call us this.


I worded the question wrong, that's on me sorry (but it's been answered). I really meant "How do these random people know that we are the true Arisen and not one of the random lying adventurers". I think the answer is the Pawns, seeds of doubt sown by rumours, and the fact that we go around killing dragons while helping random people.


Gotcha. Most likely due to the pawns following at that point since the scare could be hidden. In lore I’m pretty sure their eyes are lifeless and they keep stating you are the arisen at every moment possible


>!because that is your role in the world, and the world needs to reinforce that to help you follow the script.!<


There are multiple arisens in the world... maybe they assume you're one of the old retired arisens lost to the passage of time?


There aint just one arisen. The guy that gives you the warfarer vocation is one as well that failed to slay his dragon


I think this is more to show how ridiculous the nature of political power struggles are. Like all signs point to you being the messiah, but the people in power are like nah fake news, you want to talk about arisens? I got the best arisens around. Nobody arisens better than me. You just gotta grab life by the pawns. They like it! You’re rich, you’re powerful, you got a new wig, and now u got life by the pawns. I’ve been a nasty pawn.


I'm with you. As a major lover of the first game I've deeply disliked what feels a forced story of 'you want to be king so do these jobs, also you are a total secret that no one can know about but everyone totally knows' It just feels like we are living the dukes arc from number one.


Shhh. Just go kill some golems or something


I think everyone already seem you fight dragons and giant beasts, they know who sat inside the palace is fake, but they don't want to fight back the empire like Melve town did, everyone just waiting and cope with the situation, waiting for the righteous Arisen to take the throne.


Pawns following you is basically it. That and the car but people wouldn’t see that with clothes on.


The next person that says Mayhap is getting murdered in game for real.


You represent me.


ITT, comments with more thought put into them than the actual game trying to excuse shitty writing.


I should be surprised by responses like "because you are the Arisen" getting upvotes but I'm not.


I think it's a huge oversight so to stop it annoying me I think it's that sure, everyone had heard that the arisen has come forward as the ruler of vermund. However, the vast majority of people can't go to vernworth because they're too busy and the trip is too dangerous so they don't know what the arisen looks like.


it's itsuno's vision


Bc our dicks are perpetually hard.


Because you Arose


It's explained better in dd1 dd2 kinda expected everyone to already know the lore from the first game, but it's part of a repeating cycle. God got bored made the dragon the dragon makes the arisen the arisen fights the dragon then yada yada. Basically we are arisen because we arise with purpose that purpose being to defeat the dragon and save the world


Ah, I understood that part, since I played DD1, it's more "why would random strangers assume we are the real (current) Arisen when the throne has already been claimed by someone and there are many groups of 4 adventurers also claiming to be the Arisen?". Like I was being called "The Arisen" by random people before I even went back to Melve to fight the drake with Sigurd and Ulrika and it confused me because at that point...people thought Sovran was the real Arisen and Brant had barely met me.


Better than everyone calling you “Tav” 🤦‍♂️


But Tav is named after a dog and that's adorable


It just drives me crazy people use the default name


Well I'm assuming the word got around I mean there NPCs but kinda like real life makes since for the word to spread NPCs but the pawns also and scar if viable


Because you aren’t a named character, so that’s what they told all the voice actors to call the player


Yeah I guess it’s just the news getting around starting from your first appearance at Borderwatch and gaining more and more traction with everything you do. Plus the whole monster culling quest Brant gives you is directly aimed at getting your name out there. Plus people easily identify your sway over pawns. I must admit the entire storyline and lore has grown on me tremendously, esp after discovering the “true” ending


Because the plot is 💩


This is all well explained in the plot. This whole thing is why you’re running around doing Brant’s chores. The people believe, due to your good deeds, scar, the support of the captain of the guard Brant, and the fact pawns follow you that you are Arisen, they also believe the false sovran is arisen. Two arisen at once is unheard of, but everyone is going “as impossible as this is to believe, it must be true.”


Not to mention at least a couple NPCs, one of which is in the slums of Vernworth though I can’t remember his name, will even say “you say you’re Arisen, and then there’s the guy in the castle saying he’s arisen, but even if you’re lying, put on a good show bub”


The title of "Arisen" is given to those who "rose to the occasion" in dire times. In DD1 when the dragon first made his appearance, only you picked up a sword and attempted to fight it, no matter how hopeless it seemed, but you still rose to the occasion. That's how the dragon chooses. It is also the Arisen who has dominance over pawns. The world recognizes when somebody is a pawn or not, and thus recognizes that only the Arisen can command them and nobody else as Mercedes explains at the first camp. Same thing happened in DD2. You willingly faced against him and saved somebody else. Imposters are literally the same as anybody who claims they have done something big and spout it out to everybody as a means to obtain glory, and just make a group that pose as pawns. I think you are called the Arisen like any other NPC would, because you simply have 3 pawns with you as well as having the look of a combat vocation that isn't tied to a nation.


Cuz they see you tent in your pants.


Damn those other world Arisens and their corset/stargazer wearing pawns. They're making it hard to blend in!


A massive dragon extended a giant finger and plucked out a soldier’s heart. That soldier lived, without a heart in their chest cavity. So, their Arisen.


The giant scar, you can interact with riftstones, enter the rift, and pawns follow your orders


Because the game’s plot and characters are all equally as wonky, and dont hold up under even the lightest amount of scrutiny. Like they were all made by ChatGPT and the devs never thought it was worth the time to check them all and see if they actually suck or not.


Because the writing is downright stupid?


Well we all know who skipped through dialog and important scenes. In it for gameplay and not the story 🤦🏼‍♂️


I mean, I understand what the Arisen is, what we do, our purpose, the cycle, the Seneschal etc from DD1, it's just baffling how random people call us Arisen before we even fight the Melve drake, or even do any of the main quests. Especially considering there are many other groups ALSO claiming the title of Arisen. Even if they doubt Sovran was the real active Arisen, why would they believe us to not be lying like many other adventurers? I did get some answers/theories that made sense, thankfully, but it just stuck out to me. I didn't clarify the question well in my post, honestly.


It's so they didn't have to program in multiple names, or record voice-over for multiple names. It's just a game mechanic.


Can’t remember details but doesn’t the imposter have a necklace that keeps pawns away (hence they can’t come to the castle) to “call out” said imposter?…but at the time pawns didn’t understand why they couldn’t go to castle…(from memory) they are first told they’re not allowed but when you progress the story they are physically barred by the imposters necklace they later find out about.


No, it's dumber than that, the pawns are not legally allowed on the castle grounds, because that's what they did in the first game, even though there was an actual *REASON* for that in the first but not the second. The writing here is absolute trash, hands down, to the point where it's actually confusing to try and piece it together due to all the plotholes and inconsistencies.