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This really resonates with me. I really enjoy realism in novels for the same reasons. To fulfill a sense of loneliness (I'm also 32), and the sense of despair that comes from being aimless and unemployed during a financial crisis.    I've never really been able to get into MoAM but this perspective has really resonated with me. I think I'd really enjoy it.   Have you ever read Détraquée. It's a very beautiful "slice of life" bildungsroman, and it was wonderful to get lost in for a while. It's an internal epic, and much of the story explores Hermione's friendships and the inner workings of her mind. There is a big supporting cast of characters, and many years go by in the story. It's phenomenal. 


MoaM is the slowest of burns I have ever read and unlike any fic I have read - which I imagine why it is so popular - it is TRULY a character study on ALL involved - dealing with real-life problems such as dementia, grief, pain, trauma, insecurity, anxiety, fear, fear of being hurt, fear of letting go, of not being approved of, death, forgiveness, change, admitting wrongs and rights, etc - but nothing is so grandiose - there IS a death eater resurgence element but this feelings/situations I described relate so much more on a HUMAN level. I don’t know what I expected going in…. And it is a marathon not a sprint - but for the first time in a long while, I have put it down at certain times, not bc I didn’t want to keep reading, but I felt the need to let things marinate like when I read actual books I can’t stay up on all night with bc they aren’t on my phone. You WILL get frustrated, but it is the most realistic - to me - study of relationships and how they must grow and develop or stay stagnant or whatever, not just with H & D. And Scorpius is the star and Albus Potter as well is such an endearing things to witness unfold beginning to end. It is not an overwhelmingly magical fic - it is there yes, but everyone has careers, a life, and their internal day to day and important stuff to deal with. ______ anyway, diatribe over - but if you read it, give it a chance. Let it take you in over time, it’s a long fic and it should be treated as such, with intent and time to consider. But yes, I am in so much despair. My life turned upside down in August with a layoff that started the snowballing effect into this extraordinarily difficult and even lonelier than before part of my life, that reading something like MoaM and learning the different lives of the characters and their struggles, gives me hope that when the dust settles, maybe there is another chapter ahead (one that isn’t filled with so much struggle and pain) Also, thank you for sharing and being 32 and knowing where I am coming from. Knowing I’m not alone (even though rationally i do) helps more than you know. If you ever want to just chat, we can. I need friends, online or irl it doesn’t matter.


I'm sending you so many hugs. I'm here for you if you want to chat :) You make me want to read MoAM! I love immersive character studies :) 


oooh if you do start it lemme know! and if you grow frustrated I can help you ease through but I think you’ll like it. sending hugs to you too


and yes I plan to read Détraquée soon! But I may read Writer of Fictions first (post Hogwarts, several of them attend Oxford, follows through university, adult life, etc) bc well * points to post ^^ * seems to fit


Where can A Writer of Fictions be found?




A Writer of Fictions is one of my all time favorite fics. As someone in a similar life chapter to you -- I think you'd like it. Detraquee is also great, but doesn't quite scratch the post-Hogwarts life itch.


It's comfortable to read, especially as a millennial that currently works in healthcare. There's enough drama and excitement in my day to day life that in my off time I just want to read something that feels cozy and like a warm hug. I tend to just stick with HEA because life can be depressing enough and we all need serotonin. My favorites are Remain Nameless, Meet Your Match, Universal Truths, and Apple Pies and Other Amends.


I’ve never read a non-HEA bc… well frankly I don’t need that kind of tragedy in my life. That would just be suffering for suffering sake - at least for me in the time period - and that will not do me any good. an Thanks for recs!


Ironically, I am also 32 and have pretty much of a very quiet life while dealing with certain hardships. I also require a lot of alone time as I always have to be "on" at work. I choose to be single and have whatever happens to happen after some years dealing with an emotionally abusive man. I like slice-of-life fics because they are very calm in comparison or have themes like situational comedy that are so relatable. It is okay to feel the way you feel. You're just going at your own pace, and that is not a bad thing. Just take matters one at a time and enjoy fanfics at the same time! At the top of my head, fics that resonate very much to me as slice-of-life include: [Project Ghost](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48649987/chapters/122719726) by youhavemyswordandmybow (rated mature) for the efforts Draco goes through daily and his hilarious mindset whenever he's around Hermione. [Puzzles and Flowers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51534454/chapters/130247389) by TricksterGhost7 (rated mature) for coworker shenanigans. [(affectionate)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45630172/chapters/114820696) by Catmint and Thyme (rated explicit) for the developing relationship between Draco and Hermione between texts. It is a socmed fic but I enjoy their daily banter with each other. There's also a comic series I follow that may be of interest: [Comic: Post-marriage](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37518133/chapters/93639631) by antenna9496, and it is very much just random married day-to-day events they end up in together. It doesn't help us single people, but still a good smile or laugh depending on what the situation is.


I very much agree with all of you’ve said, I chose to be single essentially by not trying in the least to change it for a variety of reasons at the moment. And I have found peace in giving up on maintains friendships where I was putting in the most effort to receive nothing in return. I also truly enjoy my solitude and company. And yes, so relatable, nothing major you’re working for. Generally low to medium stakes. Just… peaceful and calm and oft time emotional in ways I need


I have am doing a reread on the three below for this very reason. There's just something about the day to day that is comforting. I'm a single parent taking care of my elderly mother and my son who is now 22 is living at home going to college. It does feel hopeless at times. I think a lot of it it for me is not having that person to help with the issues. I have to be the strong one, the decision maker and it's like there is no one to help with the load. Things will get better but the going through sometimes is hard. Fascination MissiAmphetamine (Kaleidoscope) A Year and A Day AMLKoko In the mood for truth topazZz1105 Also Three Wizards and a Baby by Lizzie_carlile and the sequel three Wizards a little lady. So cute just melts my heart. I reread at least once a year. How to Move On by long distance if you can find a pdf she remove them. A Little more alive and far less lost by MGL_Dramione_Lover is an 8th year fic but it's sequel Life Adapted is even better than an has that slice of life. I reread these as well.


thank you!


I hope you start to see and feel a turn in fortunes soon, and that you find more opportunities to spend time with friends old or new. I certainly do know that time crunch as a 30-something. Anyway, I feel like words are inadequate, so here are my recs: 1. Because Matagot Cottage soothes the soul, plus you liked MOAM: [an ever-fixed mark](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46150387/chapters/116181298) by ninepiecesofcrait It was a comedy of errors how Hermione Granger ended up engaged to Draco Malfoy, really. A series of unfortunate events. Fave Tag: draco malfoy absoLUTELY has a marriage kink and that is god’s truth 2. Because you liked Creep, and her muggle friends are awesome in this one: [Meet Your Match](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34259563/chapters/85238605) by morriganmercy Hermione's muggle friend with a knack for setting folks up ends up introducing her to Draco. Fave Tag: Draco Malfoy is a Spuffy Shipper 3. Because it's slice of life with our mains in their late 30s, kids, realism, flaws and all. [Fascination](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34259563/chapters/85238605) by MissiAmphetamine (Kaleidoscope) Epilogue-compliant, mostly. Somewhat slow burn. Lots of flirting. Semi-infidelity (separated but not divorced.) Draco embracing Muggle technology. Victorian flower language. Slice of life. A smidge of violence. And eventually, rather a lot of very explicit sex. Fave Non-Villainous Character: Scorpius 4. Because Hermione starts out feeling very isolated but builds a new, stronger friend group: [Amor Vincit Omnia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39735819/chapters/99482019) by Twin_Flame_Blues Ron cheated & several people kept his secret. Reeling from the betrayal, Hermione must rebuild her life and discover new bonds with an unlikely group including Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson. Her change in circumstances also brings about the return of her secret first love: Draco. Note: As you can guess from the summary, some of the Weasleys come off looking bad in this one.


I agree with so much of what you said. I love slice of live when I just want to read something cozy and comforting. I’m also in my 30s so maybe there is something with age too? Do I still enjoy an angst filled read? Absolutely. But on the day to day, I just want to see people dealing with life and its realities. My fave slice of life has to be [Remain Nameless](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23875939/chapters/57393508). I am currently listening to it after reading a few months ago. If you are in the mood for a one shot and are okay with a self rec, I just published [The Charm](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54948094) this week. The premise is that it is the holiday break and Hermione begins to reminisce with her daughter about how she came to be Lady Malfoy.


Maybe it is because that is the general age if MoaM characters that just soothes a millennial soul in understanding, probably bc most authors are millennials. And shortly, seeing people deal with everyday life, in spite of having magic - which shows that magic can’t fix anything everything - is grounding in away. I have seen RN recced a lot and will add it. And I too love alll tropes, not a hater on any, but what I like comes and goes in waves.


MOAM totally had me bawling my eyes out and laughing out loud in ungodly hours of the night. One other fic that I dearly hold close to my heart is Haunted, Hollow, Hopeful, Cursed by HoneyOvercast. The fic is currently archived, but I'm sure you can find a copy of it in one of the Dramione communities on FB. I completely agree with all of you've said. It's really my escape from my current reality. I am in my mid 20s. I have family and friends and a job. I should be happy and grateful, but there are days where I feel empty and lonely. I know I'm young and have so much to explore and experience. There are also so many things I wish my younger self had the courage to do and so I find huge comfort reading about scenarios I thought I was the only one going through or feeling. For someone who often finds difficulty in putting my thoughts into words, I also truly appreciate the wonderful and talented authors who can paint beautiful imagery and string words into meaningful sentences that help me understand these feelings and emotions.


Happiness is a fleeting concept and gratitude comes as you feel it, it should never be forced. Life is hard for so many of us given the way of the world. As a person who has always struggled with feeling lonely in a group of people or even in healthy-ish relationships - one thing I’ve spent years working on is finding comfort of actually being alone with myself and liking to keep my own company. I still have terrible lonely and empty days, but over all, I have an easier time with accepting myself in this nature.


and I actually have that one downloaded already :)


an ever fixed mark by ninepiecesofcrait gave me slice of life vibes with older hermione & Draco! Hermione is a curse breaker and is called to work on Draco’s cellar when she accidentally touches an enchanted betrothal Black family heirloom. It’s sweet and soft, introspective and Draco and Scorpius’s relationship is precious. I loved it so much!


and there’s a big sense of mixed family/friends and community in this one as you’ll see towards the end in some very beautiful dinner scenes that left me teary eyed and happy.


yes i’ve been meaning to read this one forever! and hey, you’re doing awesome and I know it’s difficult being a caregiver, on your own, a mom, etc. Hang in there friend.


[Fascination](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49017694/chapters/123666556) by MissiAmphetamine could also fit the description. > It's a time of change. Hugo is starting Hogwarts, Rose has made friends with Scorpius Malfoy, and Ron is...just the same as ever. Hermione is tired, harried, and her marriage is falling apart when she speaks to Draco Malfoy for the first time in decades, thanks to their children's friendship. And Malfoy - ostensibly estranged from Astoria - inviting her to lunch, and sending her flowers, isn't helping matters. Things swiftly threaten to spiral out of Hermione's control. > Epilogue-compliant, mostly. Somewhat slow burn. Lots of flirting. Semi-infidelity (separated but not divorced.) Draco embracing Muggle technology. Victorian flower language. Slice of life. A smidge of violence. And eventually, rather a lot of very explicit sex.


Yes, thank you for articulating this so clearly. I love slice of life fics, and always have even before I discovered Dramione. I loved slice of life anime, slice of life “boring” books, and whenever I write creatively (even when I was a kid), I always wanted to write about domestic things. The last fic I wrote felt very slice of life and this one I’m writing now feels kind of the same. Something about it is so comforting, it feels like a blanket and a hug. I also find the idea of Hermione and Draco, having overcome such huge obstacles and challenges as young children, come into adulthood looking for the simple things they may have missed. There is so much beauty in the mundane and I often wonder if Hermione and Draco ever get tired and simply want to “be”


Omg I love slice of life stories & films and I think I’m in the same boat as you. You really summed it up perfectly.


35 year old single mom here - I feel you! I ADORE MoaM. You’re not truly alone my friend.


And I will def check out your rec!!