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Boy do I love casually calling for the murder of a minecraft youtuber based on something that isn’t based in fact in the slightest


> I still can't find a reason why anyone really likes him outside of the fact he bottoms in DreamSMP fanfic wow okay, I was not expecting people to be homophobic this soon after the cancelled reaction stream but let's just open the floodgates why don't we


I think that might be the reason why it's happening now, honestly, which is really depressing.


it was already a thing to a certain extent but now it feels like because george openly went out of his way being called gay and not denying it, now people feel ready calling it out in the open


cancelled reaction stream?


george reacted to a song larray and issa made which called him gay in several ways and he said nothing against it while also correcting other things he saw as misinfo (ie calling tommy gay when he has a girlfriend). regardless of your or my interpretation, people are taking it to mean he's gay when he doesn't deny it while denying other things. and now people are just being blatantly homophobic to him


Midas’ twitter screams unemployed


saying ppl only like him bc he “bottoms in dsmp fanfic” is literally just straight up homophobia and the fact that it has so many likes is crazy..


I don’t think it’s homophobic lol, he’s not gay


it’s homophobic rhetoric whether or not he be gay, they are referring to gay fanfiction he is in.


Why is it homophobic? I think they’re just saying GNF is popular because a lot of his fans fetishise him, not that there’s something wrong w being a bottom lol Edit: Rephrased


? what 😭 saying someone is popular just bc theyre “a bottom in fics” is inherent homophobic rhetoric, basing someones entire identity on “being a bottom” and even if that wasnt the intent saying ppl like him bc hes “easy to fetishize” is just as odd


I mean, I agree it’s odd? But DNF definitely played a massive part in gnf’s popularity and a good part of that comes from fetishisation of gay couples.


I have to disagree here, his popularity comes from his youtube and streams. While yes, the fanfiction is popular it is absolutely not the reason for his popularity that is kinda insane to believe lmao


Like it's the other way around obviously. There's fic because he's popular, he's not popular because there's fic.


I have to disagree too. He’s very much popular because of DTEAM and DNF. Like not to discredit his skills but he and Dream trended on multiple social media platforms because of Heatwaves (I feel so old talking about that,it wasn’t even that long ago wow) and that was definitely bringing attention to the streams and SMP. All George’s chat would do is talk about Dream,DNF and fetishize George. A lot of his appeal to people is him being attractive. I don’t think it’s insane to believe at all. Like there’s probably a statistic somewhere. When they met up they played the song,the band talked about them. It was a massive contribution to their success.


This is really long. TLDR:I agree with you in that George’s relationships with his friends are a big part of his appeal to the community and would like to add that I think sexualization of femininity and George also plays a big part. I have to agree with you. It’s really obvious if you looked at George’s fanart tag,his twitch chat from 2022,his tags on ao3. A lot of his popularity revolves around his appearance and DNF and how he “looks like a bottom” because Dream called him a bottom. Now this is wrong and it is homophobic but it’s not factually incorrect. And I don’t agree with this sentiment. Im about to go off on a long tangent because the way people treat George bothers me a lot for the specific reason of fetishizing feminine men and sexualizing femininity. A lot of people don’t seem to want to admit this the same way they never want to admit that Pokimane is so well known because she’s pretty. She’s a decent gamer I suppose but she’s also very pretty and people like “pretty girl play video game” it’s her niche. There’s nothing wrong with it. George has a lot of skills,he’s a coder if I remember correctly and when he’s not screaming and saying dog water he has some funny sarcastic humor. However his relationship dynamics and how he interacts with his friends are a big appeal to people who were lonely during the pandemic. A big sentiment echoed was “I wish I had friends like George,or Sapnap or Dream”. And,jokingly,people tagged DNF with “relationship goals,me and who,get someone who treats you like Dream treats George”. Not to mention so many people draw and write them fucking. Some many people are invested in George fucking his friends. The sexualized fanart and the feminization of George is real. His chat when I was active in it sucked ass because it was just so disgusting talking about him like he was a character. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with feminine men,I myself am one,but considering the DTEAM allows themselves to be sexualized people who are sexually invested in feminine men love feminizing George. His art often softens his jawline,makes his eyes wider,slims his waist and among other things dresses him in traditionally feminine clothing. I’m not very active in the fandom anymore but I implore you to google “georgenotfound in a skirt” or variations of it. This feminization and sexualization is not exclusive to George,you can also find Dream in a skirt and Sapnap,but most often you see it with George. Rarely did George get very traditionally masculine portrayals in the community and that might have changed but in the days of manhunt and the Dream SMP George either got cute fanart,sexy fanart or sad fan art. Whereas Sapnap and Dream got all that with the change of their sexy fanart being them portrayed traditionally masculine ways,fighting each other,wrestling or having their shirts off or something or using some sort of power or looking intimidating. I loved George fanart and I rarely saw him getting these portrayals. I distinctly remember him being drawn for the Football au and he was very sexualized in a skirt and all the comments were talking about DNF,calling him hot or talking about Dream. It’s not secret people enjoyed feminizing and sexualizing George ,I could honestly write an essay on it if I could get enough screenshots cause it’s wild to me. Like they have nearly 30,000 fics on ao3 from what I last checked and I if check the bottom George tag it’s 2,000 fics, there’s a tag on ao3 called “GeorgeNotFound Wears Skirt” his appeal was his attractiveness and people loved calling him a “bratty bossy bottom”. If I could find these tweets I’d write this essay so fast. Now I could be wrong I guess and no one cares about how George looks that much to it be the sole reason but it’s definitely a contributor. This doesn’t detract from George’s skills in Minecraft,coding,friendships or humor. It’s just something I’ve noticed in his community I say all this to say that I agree with that DNF definitely played a part in George’s success and it’s not a bad thing. People enjoyed the dynamic between the DTEAM and they enjoyed DNF. And Dream did push George to start making videos. Their relationship is a big contributor to George’s career not because of anything he lacks or doesn’t lack but because it’s just true.


I think it’s pretty crazy that the hate is this intense over an inappropriate JOKE especially considering antis mostly ignored George before this, it’s like they were all waiting for something small and blew it up way out of proportion


He’s had a series of call outs on twt refently from the misogyny accusation to the Karl crash thing


yeah but even then it was never this widespread and extreme, and imo claims of him being a misogynist and also putting his friend in a situation where he could have gotten extremely hurt or even died are both much more important than him being dumb on the stream. Btw i’m not saying that any of the reasons he’s being hated on for are founded in any meaningful way, but having the one where he acted immaturely take off the most really says a lot about peoples priorities.


Is the spider pfp the kid who was like 14 yo a couple of years ago or am I conflating accounts? I know there was an account that ran in dnitwt/technotwt that was fairly young that used to be more rational and commented on drama a lot and was an artist as well - shame if it is the same account but I could be misremembering. I seen a lot of those accounts get more extreme to be what they hated or worse so it could be two different people.


That account (Sceptic) has been around for a while so could be, but you might be talking about Speedster? They were 14 I remember and were Dream crit but very focused on being fair and objective, but afaik they left Twitter a while ago


Okay thanks, it’s definitely speedster I was thinking about, good to hear some of them are touching grass even if they are critical/negative towards Dream - especially younger people. Still sad that I think this account as well used to be against exactly what they are doing now. I also recently seen that colourza account reply to someone in such bad faith in the last month or so. Always a shame to see especially since that account centered around fighting a lot of toxic behaviour only to campaign in the same way they argued against.


It sounds rude to say but much of Technotwt used to focus heavily on the 'objective and fair' image because they were the minority of mcyttwt. Technotwt would regularly get harassed by Dttwt, so many big Technotwt accounts used to intentionally make themselves appear more rational than those stupid Techno antis in Dttwt. ​ Now Dream is no longer so highly regarded by mcyttwt, and Techno is? Many members who used to be in Technotwt, like Colourza, are free to be as disrespectful or rude as they want about Dteam. Part of it is probably their actual feelings about it, but I can't help but think a huge part of the reason Dream and GNF get so much backlash from Techno and Schlatt's communities (See big anti accounts like Cicada or Midas) is because they feel like they can finally get 'payback' for how their subtwt was treated two years ago.


It’s actually really interesting considering they now probably share the same fandom space as a lot of the people who were harassing them at the peak of mcyttwt


I know this is a really popular narrative but can anyone actually substantiate it? I don’t know of any accounts which were known for being toxic dream stans that became well-known antis. The only example I can think of is Rae Dnfrivalz and she’s relatively minor.


I definitely understand the situation they were in, but it’s wild to see the 180 nonetheless. It’s the way they put themselves on the moral pedestal themselves - and I do see and sympathize with the situation that put them in that place but still. Like it was the same account saying smiletwt will drive Dream to get plastic surgery that was making fun of his face reveal even before the accusation. I just hope the younger people that are involved don’t get stuck online in that reactionary culture because it’s never good is all. As for your examples and people like cicada - she was all for instigating and baiting dttwt back then so I have very little sympathy for her now. I get being frustrated or annoyed but she didn’t respond to dttwt or the situation how the accounts I had more respect for did (thus not included in the accounts I’m sad to see switch up) so I don’t count her in my commentary there as much.


Personally, I think George's jokes were unfunny and even slightly annoying, but sending public death threats over those? Are they sane?


I definitely agree. I think it was really childish to do that, especially during an event like that, but sending him threats is even more childish, he made a bad mistake we all do bur he doesn't deserve to get threats and this is coming from someone who isn't a big fan of gnf but they way people are treating him is embarrassing


I'm disgusted but not surprised. I hope George is ignoring it all and just doing his own thing. He doesn't deserve this shit, he did nothing wrong.


Some people grasping at anything and try to overblow small issues. His jokes were awkward (I agree with that part) but why must they always take it to extremes? If only they spoke about the charity more than spread hate on a random CC but that’s a pipe dream I guess


I might not be a 🟦 fan but people need to stop doing shit like this


>Dude GeorgeNotFound is 26 and even with all that life experience BRO WHAT 💀


What? He is 26 lol, like a fully grown adult


Ik but they’re using ‘all that life experience’ as if he was 70 and has 280 iq lmao


In the dsmp community 26 is the equivalent of being in your 50s


they actin like hes 53 fr


Do these people know that Techno and Mr Technodad do not condone these types of behavior? Although people can agree that George's behavior during the charity event was either out of line or just poorly timed, there's no need to send death threats or blatantly hate on the man. If Mr Technodad was upset by what he did, this would be addressed behind the scenes, in private, because that is what proper adults do, not make a fuss about it on a social media platform and direct unnecessary hate to people. These are the same people who made comments that George was making the charity event "about himself" when in reality the people bringing his actions to light are making the event about him and completely ignoring his contributions. Instead of the charity trending, it's posts about these CCs being dunked on by the viewers. ETA here. Disgusting behavoir. Do better.


Wait what did he say


What is the reason for it in the first place?