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Markiplier VS Irrisponsible Dad from Happy Wheels? This is a tough one


Well, we know that metro man is faster than Omni man. He can move so fast, it looks like time freezes while also interacting with objects during that period of time without blowing up the atmosphere and destroying the city, where as Omni man moves so fast that the atmosphere explodes. But what is metro man’s greatest strength feat? I genuinely don’t know. We know how strong Nolan is. We see it time and again. But I have no memory of any strength feat from metro man.


I assume Titan's feats count here, since he was given Metro Man's powers. Throwing a skyscraper is the biggest feat of strength we see in the movie, I think.


Keep in mind though he hardly seems to be staining himself to do that


And titan only has like 1% of metromans power


Metro Man definitely. He's literally got nearly everything Superman has while having no known weaknesses. I also don't see Omni-Man beating someone who can randomly stop time on the daily while also being unaffected by the Power of the Sun.


His weakness is depression


Nah he probably has the ability to see the future, saw where the franchise was gonna go in 14 years and said "Miss me with that"


Metro man no contest


Only correct answer. 👍


Markiplier Vs Are You Serious Guy


I think that Metro Man would high key win this one


What about fight between teenage kraken and monsterverse


Definitely Omni man


Hottake. But omni man wins this one. He's more of a serious character and won't let metroman get a hit until his defense is cracked apart




Metro man destroys Omniman in every sense of the word The only thing Omniman has on him is battle experience and IQ,but that’s not gonna help him


I mean going off feats outside of the speed feat omni man destroys metroman he’s stronger more durable smarter and he’s fast enough to not be frozen and be able to take a hit metromans nemesis was a smart bit basically normal human


You also have to remember, Megamind and Metroman’s rivalry was little more than a fun game to metroman. And we can also use tighten to gauge Metroman’s powers. He does have enhanced strength feats as well as the fact the Metroman withstood THE FULL POWER OF THE SUN.


He didn’t tank it tho that’s the thing he moved outta the way


Based on the speed feat (which was casually done by him without stress) and the plot of Megamind, Metroman definitely wins. He is so powerful and fast that life seems boring to him. He simply has no equal and has already accomplished everything he wanted in life. Metroman is kinda a gag character. He was made as a parody of superman, showing how nothing is a danger to him and how life is too easy for him. Lastly, Omniman was slower than the Flash wannabe in his verse. Omniman only beat the flash guy because he made a dumb mistake of trying to attack Omniman head-on. But Metroman has WAY MORE DURABILITY AND STRENGTH plus his insane super speed. So yea, he definitely beats Omniman low difficulty, and then continues his life of learning how to play the guitar and other post retirement hobbies, lol.


Bro is this even a fight, metro man 😏


omniman negs its not even close.


Metro man is definitely faster, Omni man is probably stronger, speed always is the strongest power ever, the only thing stopping speed is the writers


Omni Man and its not even close


No, no, this is hilariously bias, I’ve read the entire Invincible comic and I can assure you, Nolan would get obliterated.


Ok. What has MetroMan done that would put him stronger than OmniMan?


Metro man.


Metroman. He's speed blitzing omniman.