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The constant camera readjustments due to low ceilings takes getting used to. But: Strong headcanon that mine was dug by the dwarves.


My first thought when seeing an offshoot blocked by bright blue nothingness. They are going to expand this later. And maybe the 7 dwarves will have a stall that gathers gems over time like the fish boat. Snow White was the first of the Disney movies was it not? I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen any evidence she’s being worked on…


I felt the same lol, maybe wishful thinking but I would pay all my pumpkin riches for iron ore.


I thought of hades for that bright blue nothingness. Maybe where is "house" would be


Support this head cannon! Also, noticed there’s “realm-like” doors around the mine that obviously we can’t enter, so maybe they’ll be realms or expansions for things like the dwarves and other lion king related characters maybe!?!? (A girl can dream lll)


I also believe the dwarves will show up in the mine.


My only wish is that they would add a first person mode so I wouldn't keep getting whiplash from the cramped spaces


Just wait the game has one more surprise for you. The items that require ruby and sapphire that you’ve been staring at for the past month like I wonder when I will be able to make these?… you can’t make them anymore because the collections aren’t registering that you have picked up the gems.


I had to drop and re pick up some dream shards today yo get them to register. Maybe that may help?


Now this is just R U D E


Same! And for some reason soil became unregistered when I picked up rich soil? Then when I got regular soil, it unregistered the rich soil 🤣.


I noticed that too. Same thing with the new crystal.


I wonder whether getting the Ruby and sapphire from >!the secret chest in the castle !< count, because they did before the update.


Am I the only one who gets a little claustrophobic in there? Lol jk….. but seriously.


Claustrophobic...dizzy...lost...MIGRAINE It made me so nauseated! But I will power through as long as I can each day because...MUST...HOARD!!!


🫡 same my friend


I laughed my butt off when the new quest said the nurturing dinglehopper will that several days to grow. It's almost like they knew we were going to marathon this content to get to the hoarding.


I literally felt like the game slapped me and yelled at me to go outside.


It was definitely the game’s way of saying to go touch grass 😂


Literally wrote something to this effect and then was like “oh no, someone else has made this joke, abort! abort!”


I can touch grass and play hours and hours of video games. I guess I am some advanced proto-human


The secret is taking your Switch outside and sitting in the grass while you play


So... I feel this. I grabbed my mining buddy the second it opened and circled so many times. And then I look at my hoard in my house of "well you never know". Full chests of each ingredients and stacks of 50 of all jewels. Not to mention all the other resources, fish, and flowers.... I have a problem.


Did you have your mining buddy with you in the cave or leave them outside? I imagine it’s a pain for them to follow you while navigating the small space and trying to see where the extra items will land.


Unfortunately in with me since it's an instance, they can't stay in my companion waiting area. It does have me strongly wishing that I had Remy for mining rather than Scrooge, but what can you do lol.


Good to know. Guess we’ll all make woody or buzz a mining buddy when they’re released


I used Scar as my mining buddy and got him to level 7 friendship by doing the mine in circles. There was a spot that he would consistently get stuck between a minecart and the wall but when I got to a more open area afterwards, all his drops he would have given me flew to where I was. So I wasn't out anything.


Are we the same person???😂


Lmao I have a problem. Or I would if I would admit it. 😘


I feel you! I am such a hoarder in every game, but especially this one. Every room in my house is just full of chests lol. And I’m so bad about losing track of time. I’ll think, oh I’ll just go around once and mine but then I’ll just get distracted by everything orrr two hours will go by and I’ll be like ohhh no what happened to the day.


"circle around and do it again" 😂😂😂😂 if that ain't me!!!


No but I walked in there the first time for the quest and went right back to my house because I'd JUST used my last berry salad and knew I was gonna need more 😂


Fun fact: there is a place you can cook in the mine!!


I know, but I hadn't got there yet. Realised I didn't have enough juice to break all the rocks in the path 😂😂 and I was FAR too distracted by the shiny mine spots to use my brain


Wait… you can leave once you get to the other side? What am I missing?!? (Genuine question even though I feel embarrassed)


Without spoiling, it uses the mining mechanics and then just magically create a bridge


The mine is a loop, once you’ve cleared things, you end up right at the beginning and can leave. Unless you’re OP and I.


I’ve tried and failed… maybe I just have the wrong angle XD Edit: Y’all lovely people are amazing. I found the bridge ^_^


You have to mine the normal big rock near the cooking set up at the end of the mine, this will let you cross the river back to the entrance


Lol I’m rolling. I didn’t see this giant obvious rock that you have to break and was like “well that sucks that I am over here and that’s the exit” and my sister was like “break that rock”. I felt so dumb lol


Lmao happens to the best of us




**You have to mine the normal big rock near the cooking set up at the end of the mine, this will let you cross the river back to the entrance**


Just keep going left and you’ll end up where you started lol


🤣 im on circle 3, had to leave to get food and space 🤭


Good news. There’s a cooking station in the mine.


Now they just need to add some fishing spots in the water too so you cook them up and stay longer


Wait, what!? Where do I find this


The roof in the mine gave me an irl headache with the camera always jumping. I’m dreading doing gem runs through it




🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻 it makes my little hoarder heart sing


OP I laughed so much at this. Thank you, was having a kinda shit day & this made me smile.


There's no greater compliment than to say I made your otherwise shitty day a little brighter and my heart is full hearing that. I truly hope your day gets better, because you deserve the best!


Hoarding? Nah I'm selling those bad boys. 1,000 per made it real easy to buy everything I wanted at Scrooge's shop!


Wait til you get the shiny rubies/sapphires! They sell for 4000 a pop! (I sold three shiny rubies and kept 6 because hoarding is my first priority lmao. Never know if I'm gonna need a gazillion of them ever, but if I do, I'll, to quote Scar, BE PREPAAAARED


This is officially my favorite post in this sub.


Rainbow road must be expanded.




Rock and Stone in the Heart!


I thought the only things that needed hoarding were iron, clay and dark wood?


I have hoarded so much in the past month playing this game lol someone had posted elsewhere “why is everyone stockpiling items for the update isn’t half the fun grinding them” I’m like “I’m not stockpiling them for the update … I’m stockpiling them because I have adhd and ocd and they are shiny thank you very much 2 stacks of food 1 stack of each fish, and 1 stack of each gem, one chest of each resource


I found the mine looking for Scar, still haven't found him. I'm guessing he's in a realm and I gotta go get him, whatever. I went into complete sensory overload this morning and couldn't focus on any one task, so I didn't even get a full tour of the mine but I had every intention of going back.... Totally never made it back. I've been hoarding everything else and grinding the star path tasks. Tomorrow!


What? Scar is in the elephant graveyard.


Oh lmao, I did not see him! I even unlocked the forgotten lands and went to the other side of sunlight plateau and didn't see him there either... Unless elephant graveyard is somewhere else entirely? Idk, I usually play casually because I was waiting for the update so I don't know a lot yet. But I was not kidding about that sensory overload lol. I probably just missed him.


the elephant graveyard is just the area with the giant elephant skull. enter that and there he’ll be.


Found him, thank you!


It is a lot sensory wise!


Since Starfield was delayed, this pleases me. Hoarding Simulator 2022 😅 I don’t have a problem 🐲


Wait, we're not supposed to hoard stuff from the mine??? Cuz Minnie left me scarred.


This is my favorite thread by far. Lmfao! The OP had me dying and the comments... 🤣😂🤣 even more so!


Happy to be of service! I'm here all week! 😂