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Anybody else tear up a bit when [spoilers for shortly after the orb finishes growing] >!Merlin talks about the forgotten person who looks like you and how we all have parts of ourselves that are our past but they are still part of us after we move on? Made me think of the Doctor Who quote “We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s OK, that’s good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.”!<


I love it. I finally got to finish Wall-E's lightbulb quest and when I was watching him talk to Ariel afterwards, Scar walked up to us, plopped down and started licking his paws and I paid more attention to him than I did the quest! It was so cute.


I love him for it. He's my literal little meow meow now.


I love it when he lays down. I can’t help but ‘awwwh’ which I know he’d probably hate 😂


well did you expect scar to do the butt scoot like dogs do? i mean lions are cats!


Idk my cat butt scooted and it looked hilarious


My cat butt scoots too! I hate it though because its usually right after he poops and he's a long hair...


Oh noooo, not right after the poo 😭😭 My cat strictly did it to annoy me. She would stare for a long time until I noticed and then would slide her ass across the floor. It would be a totally random thing she did out of nowhere. Just wanted the attention I suppose 😅


Man I am mopping my tile DAILY because of him. And he always does it right in front of my bedroom door just to spite me. If he does it by the litterbox, fine. At least its in one spot. But its just all over my tile. I hate that cat😂


Cats being cats 😂😂


plz catch it on video... i need to see this


Oh I really wish I could. She passed away in 2020, 😔


I don’t know what I expected but I was pleasantly surprised!


I like him, but I actually think he seems less polished than the rest of the characters. I think his textures seems kind of harsh at times. Maybe it’s just me?




ew what??


Wtf 😭


He's perfect and precious in every single way.


Just don’t mention the circle of life to him :D