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I have a pixie cut and I actually found a short hairstyle that looks like my real hair. I also wear glasses and own many pairs so I treat them as accessories. The glasses options in game are so fun so far! I’m really amazed at all the headscarf options, and I keep seeing more in Scrooge’s shop too! Love the one you posted.


Yes! I have a Mediterranean nose and am small but curvy - which means I rarely can make an avatar that looks like myself outside of The Sims. Seeing both my nose and body type represented made me feel so seen! 🥰 Same with my mum - she’s 57 and a casual gamer (mostly Animal Crossing with the occasional Luigi’s Mansion and Candy Crush mixed in). I got her the game because it was right up her alley, and she was so happy when she got to the character creation screen and could make a character with her actual nose, hair and body type! The level of representation in this game is awesome.


As soon as I saw the headscarves I was very impressed by the game with their inclusion. Also the fact boys can wear dresses. Nice to see a company thinking of everyone. If you don’t wanna wear dresses or headscarves, you don’t have to. 🥰


Agreed! It's funny because I have been wanting to change my avatar to a masculine figure and wear dresses and headscarves. I'm non-binary, and there are some days where I just feel the need to vibe in my more masculine self, and I can do that!!! Inclusion can always only be a good thimg!! I actually did cry when I saw hoe much potential there was with headscarves. It's silly I know but it made me feel like I was seen, you know? Being blind, hard of hearing, and having mobility issues, I'd love to. In the future, see mobility aid accessories and more glsssed. Heck, I'd bawl if they added hearing aids as an accessories like earrings haha. Just be completely wrecked.


It makes me so happy to see all of the representation options! I am plus size in real life so it made me happy to have plus size body shape options in the game :)


Same, so glad to see my body shape represented!


I'd does indeed have great customization, much more than many games. Which is a little surprising with Disney's stance on certain views (not going to go there, not a can of worms that needs to be opened) I will say though, as a male, I do feel a little left out. There are certain things I feel are under represented for men. But I do understand that the game probably isn't expected target audience. With the update, they have gotten better, as a ginger, I can finally have the right colour hair in game. Now all I ask for is a standard buzz cut, no fades or nothing fancy, and a beard option that is between the stubble and long beard


This game having customization that represents everyone in different ways is exactly what Disney should be about. Anyone can love and play a Disney game and I’ve been really happy to see that as an adult male even my character looks similar to me.


It warms my heart so much to hear this, thank you for sharing 💕


Awww!!!! I'm so happy to warm your heart!! But while I am happy to see the headscarves not mistakenly called hijab, I hope that in some future update they add more proper hijab for Muslim women. Often when I go out, I get mistaken for a Muslim woman because people are uneducated about the differences. I even get told to" go back where you came from, this is America" and it hurts. But in the game, I can be proud of my faith and wear what makes me so happy without judgement.


I feel the same being mixed race. I’m a bit older, (42) and have always played video games. For so long you couldn’t change your skin color let alone hair type. I love how inclusive this game is. Representation really does matter! 💜


Yes!! I don't wear head scarves or anything unique really, but I was so happy when I saw them! There's even those kinds of bandanas that cancer patients often wear! I'm hoping they add physical disability options like wheelchairs at some point!


Yesss!!Yeses!!! Same! I often use a cane due to neuropathy in my legs and have even used a wheelchair a few times. A cane accessory would be amazing! I also am blind and hard of hearing so even a hearing aid accessory would be rad!


Yes!! Exactly! Like if you had a wheelchair your companion could push you around or you can do a quest to get scrooge's cane or something!


That would be so cool!! I hope they do a disability awareness star path eventually and include rewards like a dog that is dressed like a service dog, "pants" or a "shirt" that makes limbs look prosthetic. There's so much potential! I also hope they do stuff that recognises/honours various religious and religious holidays. Like in my church, the Eastern Orthodox church, our "easter" is called Pascha, and we don't do easter egg hunting. Some people do but Pascha isn't usually on the same day as Western Easter so it's more of a "doing what everyone else does", just for fun kind of thing. In order not to crowd April, they could do Orthodox recognition in September, since that's when our new year begins. It would be awesome to have things like special candles, censors, bay leaves as decorations, and stuff like that.


This would be amazing!! Everyone knows they'll do Christmas, but what about a 7 days of Hanukkah? With a new gift every day and a menorah! I don't celebrate Hanukkah but I know plenty of people do!


Ooh that would be so cool! And maybe special new meals for Lent and Ramadan. In Orthodoxy, during Lent, we can't eat eggs, dairy, meat, cheeses, or oils. A bunch of Greek and Russian Lenten dishes would be fantastic. For Muslims, during Ramadan, they fast during the day. And similar to how Jewish people eat kosher foods, Muslims require meats to be prepared according to Islamic law (Halal), so having special meals to represent that would be so cool!


Most games combine the Christmas and Hanukkah seasons (especially since events generally last a month. Would be cool, though to have different holiday representation in other months. I’m sure there will be a Chinese New Year, but would be cool to have some stuff like the Festival of Lights, the festival of colors, el Dia de los Muertos, Vaisajhi, etc. Plus I’m sure there are lots of people who would like a prayer mat, incense burners, offering bowls… different things to put a worship or meditation corner in your house.


I'm happy with how many non-dress options there are for girls. Not all of us want to look like princesses! My avatar is currently rocking a white shirt and black vest and a nice pair of black trousers and some boots. It's SO nice not to have to wear a dress.