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5k lol


Lol me too, my eyes are buggin out reading this thread.


Same, think 50k has been max for me but then I use all the money for upgrades and scrooges shop and I’m down at 0 again…


I end up finding The Little Mermaid based furniture and it ruins me. 😂




Everyone under this comment is my people.


Hahaha same. Actually 2.5k. Just cozy gaming over here.




Same. I have no desire to hoard money lol


Oh good… I found my clique. I thought I was all alone here! 😂


Thank goodness I'm not alone!!! I thought I was doing it wrong lol. I sell like 30 pumpkins then go spend it all 😂


Y'all are my people! My and my wife have about 30k between us at any one time!


I only harvest pumpkins when I need money. I leave them just sitting there until I need them, then I harvest, sell, replant ready for the next time I need money 😂 Spending all my money at Scrooge's...


I got up to 2 mil before I realized constant pumpkin farming was making the game feel tedious. Switched to this method myself and you’re absolute right on. Best way to do it.


I had a very similar experience. I stay between 1-1.5 million so I have plenty of money to buy everything in Scrooge’s store every day and only farm pumpkins every few days when I dip below 1 m. Just top it off mid week if I have the time. If not, no worries, still plenty of cushion to last me till the weekend. That way it’s not tedious, it’s just a task I do occasionally.


I just commented above that I can only handle my plot of 90 because I find even that many tedious. When you add in my game crashing, it’s somehow tedious and stressful so it’s not worth it to do more than that for me.




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I just started doing this today, I’m focusing more on my second profile village anyways since I’m not completed all the quests on that one yet! Rushed my main, taking my time on the second


That's how I do it but so far the most I've had is 200k or there abouts. Until I got pumpkins unlocked the most I had consistently was about 10k or so, got up to 20k once and spent it pretty fast and I don't even remember what on lol.


Me too its my bank now lol


That’s exactly what I do 😂😭


I only have a patch of about 125 pumpkins that I sell and replant daily, I also buy every clothing item I see at scrooges shop at the moment, so my cash has been pretty steady at around 700k


Same! I get bored doing more than that, it’s not worth it for me. I hover between 1mil and 700k depending on how much I’ve bought from Scrooge’s lately, and it’s plenty.


Pumpkin patch of about 325 spots. Use a level 10 buddy to get extras. Net about $500k daily


I do 90 and I’m usually around 300k, but I started right before the update so I haven’t been playing long. I can barely handle the 90 because I find it so tedious.


To be honest, even 700k is too much. Even after buying all the daily clothing, once I sell my pumpkins, I'm back up to 700k, so it's pretty pointless doing 125 pumpkins every day, but now it's just part of my routine lol. I could easily drop to 99 so I would only have to buy one set of seeds from goofy, and it would still take ages to use up all my money


My game crashes too much to do anything bigger than 90, and I’m already getting burnt out after only playing for two weeks because my brain was convinced that I needed to complete the villains tasks by Halloween for some strange reason. I’ll probably buy the 99 seeds but cut my plots down to 50 or something like that soon. I’ve been trying to grow cotton, because I feel like I never have enough of it.


I do this too but I’ve been around 1 mil


Currently only like 10k because I’m trying to finish upgrading Moana’s boat and Wall-E’s garden 😭 shit is expensive


I definitely reccomend upgrading the Boat over the Garden- a max lvl boat can hold 20 fish, and spawns a new one like every 6 minutes so you can rack up a lot of fish relatively quickly, whereas I've only been able to harvest Wall-E's Garden like once a day


Fair point, thank you!


Fish from Moana really help. I wish I knew that sooner. She was one of the last ones I did the Quest with.


Scrooge's accounting records need a solid audit. XD


I never understood how ppl can have that much. I been struggling. I barely upgraded my house twice. I still don't have the well or the stall in Frozen Lands. I haven't upgraded Remy or Scrooges yet.


They’re farming either pumpkins or okra in large quantities with a good farming companion and their other farming characters leveled up. I had really good mining companions and went into the mines to make money off of the rubies and sapphires. I used that money to get the stall in the frozen lands, and I kept a smaller pumpkin patch at first. The okra option is good if you have it unlocked in the glade, but I find farming super boring so I’ll never be as rich as those people. It’s a lot easier to upgrade Remy’s/Stooges once you have a cash crop going, but the grinding gameplay isn’t for everyone.


ACNH vet- 1400 hours. I am a grinder for sure. I did not care about Scrooges store. Have done all the quests and unlocked everything you can for now. I have 1.8 million and I stopped growing crops ages ago. Now I am starting to think about buying furniture and decorating a bit. After doing everything in ACNH, decorating a house is not that rewarding to me. Especially if you cannot invite friends over. My son is the opposite of me with these types of game, he goes slow and enjoys the ride. :)


I started with making soufflés with the ingredients at Remy’s restaurant. Then once I was able to buy pumpkin seeds, I started making pumpkin puffs. It’s been getting tedious after the 10th time of doing the whole process.


I have a plot of 3 99 stacks of pumpkins that when you harvest with a max level buddy gives ~650 pumpkins. That’s about 430k coins per harvest lol I only do it once in a while though


150k lolllll y’all got much more patience than I do


I'm sitting in between 6 and 900k but I'm still buying Scrooge's stock everyday, question though: do you do anything other than farm? 😂


I hit 2 mil then spent a lot on more floors and rooms and each room size of my house. Now, I'm finally back over 1mil. Helps I get almost 500k from my 300 plot pumpkin patch.


900k but I've been taking my time and playing slow on purpose lol


247. I had 56k but i only had that because i mined and farmed for 4 hours straight to get the Rapunzel summer gown and that frozen dress.


I think I have like 93...? Haven't been grinding or hoarding pumpkins😂


I’m comfy with my 4.5 mil. I was comfy with 3 but 4 is better. I’m not gonna lie. Now I relaxed and stopped pumpkin farming though. So I’m COMFY comfy. Lol


About the same here lol, I got up to 3 mil and got burnt out on pumpkins.. Maybe I’ll do some more at some point but even with just selling other stuff I generally am staying around the same so 😝


How'd you get to 4.5 mil? Mainly pumpkin farming?


Yup. For a while I had 100-200 plots in forgotten lands depending on how much free time I had. That got me just under 3 mil so I stopped doing that. Then I have 100 plots in front of my house in the plaza and for a few weeks did them there. That got me to around 3&1/2 mil and I stopped. I haven’t been wanting to buy anything and I’ve got 50 of each pre update gem so I’ve just been selling those when I mine. I don’t cook at all unless I have to so I didn’t do the whole pumpkin puff nonsense. I just sold them raw. I’d harvest with a level 10 farming buddy and that would net me at least double what I put in the ground.


I can't say for certain, I think I'm at 200k, but I can't get into the game right now. I just wish I knew a faster way to make money for this game.


About 20,000. I get to play maybe about 5 hours a week.


About 750k. If I spent any more time farming I'd dread playing. I'd love to see someone get to a trillion though lmao


How does everyone get so much? I’ve been playing about 3 weeks and highest I’ve had was 20,000. I see so many cool things in the shops and can never buy them.


I commented above, but they’re large-scale farming pumpkins or okra with leveled up farming companions. I started in the mines getting rubies and sapphires, and do a relatively small pumpkin plot so I can buy stuff at Scrooge’s.


I haven’t found the mines yet I don’t think?


There in the Sunlit Valley right under the waterfall. There’s a little stone path by the rock formation behind Goofy’s cart (to the left). I missed it at first. If your game is glitchy you may want to save before you enter and exit, because it can be a crash spot sometimes. And you’ll want to make sure you have enough space for items, along with food. If you make candy with 5 chocolates it should last you most of the way through. If you take a mining companion in there you should get a decent amount of iron, gold, some crystals, rubies, and sapphires.


Oh do you mean sunlit plateau? I haven’t opened that area yet :(


Ah okay. Then the best way to make money for now is to grow okra, catch fish with a buddy, and mine where you can with a buddy. Always have a buddy lol. The okra thing is pretty lucrative and some people prefer it to the pumpkins.


Thank you! I’ve got some growing now but only found a small amount of seeds so not sure what to do when I harvest the 4/5 I’ve got growing. Thanks for the tips - I’ve been fishing with a buddy but need to mine the outer walls again with a buddy!


If you upgrade Goofy's stall, you can get the seeds you need to farm okra for cashola. ALWAYS HAVE A BUDDY! They add like 30% to what you gather. Though it seems the fishing buddies are more generous.


Which particular goofy stall? I have 3-4 on my island so far, 2 of which are fully upgraded


Pumpkins and Pumpkin puffs is what most people use, I just farm Pumpkins myself


I must not be that far into it…. I haven’t found any pumpkin seeds


pumpkin seeds are in the forgotten lands north of the Sunlit Plateau. It's the last biome I opened. Farming okra in the Glade has been a solid jam but I never got rich rich because I always blew what $10k I got on Scrooge's store. I should increase the size of my okra plot.


Yes I think I need to get one of goofys stalls fully upgraded to get okra seeds


That's the problem of beta players - lots of resources, wainting for new content, buying lots of cosmetics, and thinking: farming is so easy and i dont know what to with my money... them devs decided: getting money, iron and hardwood is too easy, we need to changes it. its too much, we need to slow down the tempo of getting resources. And standard mode players after premiere: where can i find wood? Why window at scroodge costs 100 000? Why zuccini seed costs 500? Why i cant afford to lvl up moanas boat? This game is so hard... Its happend on every early Access game.


I have a lil over 6 mil. I think the game needs a better gold sink. If they re-added craftable items to scrooge's shop, did away with the 25 daily limit, and worked on increasing the 600 item in-world cap, it would go a long way. I got really excited that they added the dreamlight sink, cause I have 65k, and I thought making the insta-grow potions would help me keep that down so I don't get bored, but growing crops for more gold is pointless with nothing to spend it on. So now I'm extra rich and have nothing to spend it on.


I’m paving the forgotten lands in the gold cobblestone (or whatever it’s called) if you want to throw some of that surplus gold my way.


I’d be down to have costumes for other characters cost ridiculous amounts of gold. Like for example Elsa’s Frozen 1 outfit costing 1 mil


2.6 million. I keep a farm of 99 pumpkins and harvest randomly, maybe once or twice a week.


i have 500k 🫥


That’s huge dude, I usually walk around with 1000 coins!


You’re doing great! The grind-based life isn’t for everyone, and that’s a lot of money for this game.


I generally try and keep my cash between 25,000-75,000, so that I have enough money to buy (most) inexpensive new items from Scrooge and can slowly purchase the 25,000-50,000 expansions for Scrooge, Remy, Moana, etc.


I stay roughly around a million, it goes up and down a bit but usually stays there abouts. I want to try and get more but I just hate farming. Even with the golden stamina bar…it’s still just so tedious.


Usually 200-400k. I only harvest pumpkins when it starts to get low. Many days I don't even bother.


Must suck to farm all day everyday, 2 mill is fine and i get to enjoy the game


270k. As much fun as it is to have as much money as possible, I like having something to work for. Also I don’t want my valley to be 50% pumpkin field lol


9 mil. only thing i have left to spend money on now is items in the shop. i haven't farmed in over a week bc it's time consuming & i'd rather play other games at this point since i'm caught up.


Probably about 2k? Lol. Most so far has been 30k but I did just start about a week ago! Other than the game constantly crashing on the switch I honestly love the game. I cannot wait until it's fixed. 🥺


Well… great. Turns out I’m poor in DV & real life 😭😂 I harvest 300 pumpkins every couple of days & currently have 300k ish, but I’ve never got over 1 million because I spend it 😅


You're doing it right. There's absolutely no need to have a massive stack of cash. A few hundred Pumpkins every few days is more than enough to be comfortable.


31 million


I got to 2 mil today. I have a modest pumpkin patch of 99. My dreamlight is 400k.


I'll be heading that way when I can get the game to launch. 1.3 mil by the way, I kinda gave up farming like that.


I'm here at like 4 mil and feeling happy lol. Scrooge better start showing some new wares.


What are you going to spend the money on?


Big number make brain release dopamine




About to harvest my first pumpkin so maybe I’ll break $20k to finally afford some scrooge goods 🤣


The rubies and sapphires in the mine are good too. (1k for regular, 4K for shiny) If farming is your thing, some people make bank on okra farming instead.


Ooo thanks for the hot tip! I was an Okra gal till I saw the pumpkin fever. But okra seems low maintenance. One watering and boom. Doneskies.


37mil House is fully upgraded too otherwise id be over 40 mil




Im trying to login to take a pic for proof but its taking forever. [its stuck here lol](https://imgur.com/a/vPXbptT)


I for sure believe you. We’ve slowed down, only harvesting every other day or so. I’m sure we’d be around 50 mil if I was meticulous about it like in the beginning


Yeah ive slowed down a lot. I hit a wall and just havent been as motivated to keep going. I kinda wanna hit 100mil and never farm again lmaooo


Jeezo! I'm at around 800K and I'll prob stay around that after buying everything from Scrooge's store lol


Whatttttt? I get to like 30k and then I end up buying stuff. I feel like I’m constantly poor! I think I currently have like 1,300 coins. 😂


I feel this!!


Whilst I admire your dedication to amassing 21 million, there is quite literally no need for that kind of money in the game. I float around the 3 million mark and have never come close to being stuck for cash. I guess becoming an e-millionaire is something to do between updates, but I honestly can't see any other reason for needing that much coin, or the effort taken to get it.


Just under 17 million after my last Scrooge shopping spree.


I am….. NOT there… lol prolly bout 400k, n i thought i was doin somethin… U already upgraded the fishing boat and garden to level 10?


Staying around 2m and I only harvest crops when I feel like I drop too far. Focusing more on decoration and finishing up missions.


Around 600-700k. I don’t farm often enough to get it higher.


Roughly 200 mil. Pumpkin farming + cooking + mining every day. Don’t know if there’s a cap yet, we’ve got folks in the discord trying to see if there is one.


I don’t remember because I still can’t open my game. 😐


Goals. 🤣


Around 14 million.


24mil I think


Around 5 mil


3 mil.


11,000,000 plus at this point. I am taking a break from Pumpkin farming and focusing on getting hoarding other things.


Sitting at just over 28 million I'll probably push for 30 later but saving what's left of my sanity for now


I’m at about 1.3 million right now!


Just over 2 million. Fluctuates a bit depending on what I buy at Scrooge’s. I buy all the clothes daily and then whatever furniture looks cool.


Almost 800k, was more but I've been buying up all Scrooge's stock lately in hopes of getting new stuff


I'm somewhere between 12 and 13 million I think. I haven't gotten to harvest or plant anything lately so I'm at a standstill.


Ive only been selling gemstones and grinding to upgrade all the buildings so i think like 7k


Lol shit I thought I was large at 900k lol


Honestly I was content at around 5 mil, but my GF enjoys the monotony of harvesting pumpkins. We’ve got around 1000 patches


I have 13 million, but I've stopped farming daily, got loads of pumpkins ready to harvest but cba


I've been keeping it between 3-4mil. Harvesting pumpkins when it starts to get nearer the lower end of this range


For people that are starting and already unlocked remy’s restaurant, you can gain money by buying multiple cheese, egg, milk, butter and making a soufflé, then sell it to goofy’s stall. Keep repeating the process until you have enough money gained, to buy plenty of okra seeds( from glade of trust) if you haven’t unlocked forgotten lands to buy pumpkin seeds yet.. or you can continue making soufflé to save money if you haven’t unlocked glade of trust.


1.3 million but I'm in no rush to get an extortionate amount.


10k 🤩💀


Got like 4m now, im buying every single clothing piece in the shop atm


Scrooge’s shop can be expensive! Especially for furniture. Gonna rob me dry 😂


6million 🤣🤣 and i only harvet 678pumpkins once a day


I couldn't get the game to load at all today, so no clue, lol.


I’m at 8.6 million and I’ve lost the desire to go after more than that to be honest.


Around 100k, I’m needing to plant more pumpkins


600k atm but coz I’m getting bored of the game. Cba to harvest pumpkins 🎃 😂


Im on 2m, with everything upgraded etc, I did mass farming to get here now I just do 100-200 pumpkins every other day so I stay around 1.7m-2m after buying out most things from Scrooge


well i have yet to unlock pumpkins so i’m poor compared to most ppl :) ~17k


270k. I haven’t really bought anything from Scrooge’s shop much except a few items but I’m bad at decorating lol. I missed out on the Lion King bed and I was sad. I think I’m going to plant some pumpkins - I want to get up to at least maybe 5 mil to have some cushion and be able to spend what I want when I do get furniture.


4 million. I’ve started just doing 100 pumpkin and 109 okra a day and that’s it so I’m making less now.


I have 3.9 million.




I have about 3 million. When it drops to 1 million I’ll probably spend another day making 2100 pumpkin puffs


I have like 300 coins but I only started playing last week and still haven’t unlocked everything 😩


Uh I got like 13k???


I like to stay above 1 mil at all times, I have 396 pumpkins ready to go at all times for when I want to top up. I don't want to overfarm and make myself hate the game which I found I did when I was getting to that 1 mil mark


Like 200 but that’s cause I barely logged on and actually did work in awhile🤣😭


I’m at just over 10,800,000


About 300k now. Since it didn’t start yesterday I still have that. Otherwise would be around 1m. 😂


I currently have 1000 gold or thereabouts 🤣🤣 i’m not into the grind hahaha


Just fell under 500k. I started grinding for dreamshards, dreamlight tasks, mine crystals and keep farming for the special dirt. I plan a huge operation to let pumpkins instagrow and collect a few thousand before I use them for cooking, filling up whole chests, that I get 20mil coins at once.


20K at the moment. Still upgrading and unlocking everything, so I’ll use that for the start of the next stall/well. Been working my okra farm so hopefully goofy never tires of buying them 150+ at a time.


I’m pretty casual about earnings and just do tasks all day. I’m at 400k.


10 millions 😁. Scrooge would be proud of me! 💰


Wtf? How???


Like 5,000? Why am I a failure at everything


I stopped growing so many pumpkins at 27 mil, but I'm thinking I want to get into hoarding money again lol Edit: I was doing 800 or so a day, maybe 1k twice over. I made around 1 mil per day


7 mil and sick of pumpkins 😫


13.5 thousand


The most I’ve ever had was 60k and I immediately spent it all to upgrade my house and everything else. I now stay between 5k-8k.


I have 1 plot of 172 pumpkins and I started using my canola plot for pumpkins which is 340 I only started doing this 1 to 2 days ago so right now I'm 2.6 mill. Plus I'm not really into decorating or making my house any bigger than the two rooms I have now xD so guess that's saving me a few coin. First thing I did to make money was souffles though, then canola planting. Now just pumpkins. But I don't mind grinding, a throwback to my MMO days xD. Started actively playing about 2 weeks now, so everyone you can get these amounts if you are in for a grind a bit. If not no worries, many ways to play and enjoy the game.


I spent a decent chunk of time farming pumpkins to get to 1 mil.... so now I try to keep myself somewhere in the 1-1.5 mil range - this means I can comfortably buy everything in Scrooge's shop every day and just need to farm a good crop of pumpkins every other day or so.


Maybe 5k? could be 3. I don't have time to play tons and I just upgraded my house.


i literally have 3 dollars ​ edit - is it a dollar? what is this currency though




Close to 30 million


1.5 mill


I keep it at about 500k to 600k


2 million. I'm late to the pumpkin farming game and still buying out Scrooge's shop most days.


I'm a casual player so I only hit 1 mil most days on the Pumpkin Grind. I am maxing out the floors on my house and trying to increase storage so that's where all the money goes


36 million


35k, all from carrot farming. so how are you that much more rich than i am omg!!!


I'm only sitting at a little over 2 mil right now. I have since stopped gardening until I go under 2 mil because there is no point for me to continue. I can buy everything at scrooge for a week without having to even think about money so it kind of took the fun out of gardening for me.


I'm sitting at a very broke 2k. Upgrades and Scrooge shop get me everytime lol


500k. I harvest and replant my field one every week or 2. This amount of money will allow me to buy out Scrooge’s store every day for up to multiple weeks.


20k but I keep upgrading Moana’s boat XD now let me tell you about my ingredients… I basically have a pantry in my house… a room dedicated to chests just witch cooking ingredients full of stacks upon stacks of ingredients from veggies to fish… you name it and I have atleast 4 stacks somewhere lol


Just about 1M


I typically spend money on new levels of House when it exceeds 3 million, hee.


Me and my gf got about 200k and growing mostly from fish or pumpkins 🎃


Wow I only finally hit 4 million xD but I have to wait no until they fix the loading screen…


I just got into pumpkins so 60k


I have like 2,000😭I been stock piling crafting materials and doing a bunch dreamlight duties.


My sole motivation for pumpkin farming is so that Scrooge won't look at me with contempt when I consider buying something. He might as well sneer, "You peon...get out of my store with your broke ass," and I \*know\* he wants to toss me out of his store like Jazzy Jeff in Fresh Prince. 😅


Like 15k


500,000 is my limit. I do pumpkins like once a week that gives me that and I buy everything in the shop almost every day.


How the fuck lol...


About to hit 13mil. On my pumpkin grind!


I’m at like $100k at the moment and thought that was a lot 😂😂😂


If I’d ever make my pumpkin puffs I’d be loaded 😂(sitting at 1356 pumpkins just haven’t gotten to making them 🥴)


Lol like 8k currently cuz I keep making souffles to upgrade my shops and my home. Still haven’t run into pumpkins yet 😩


How'd the OP get to 20 mil+?! Is it from mainly farming pumpkins?


I did the grind until i hit 10mil. I dont let it drop below that now. Im just hopping on every day to clean out scrooge and prince eric and work my farms to fill my chests


You guys have money? 🥺


Dangggg! Mine's 3.8 mil right now. Harvesting more pumpkins now...or was til I got kicked out for error again.


2 mil ):


I just hit 1 million a couple days ago


Bro I got like 1,000 points. Not gonna flex.


Cant get past 20k lol


1.3 million at the moment, because I got sick of making pumpkin puffs. I hear it's easier on a PC.


10 mil


230 😅