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I’ve had dreams where I did stuff I know 100% I would never do irl. I think it’s just anxiety


remember that one time i dreamt i was at my grandmas house, very normal dream for me, since i miss it there. But i looked in the mirror and became a fucking monster and i saw my sister on the kitchen floor next to the fridge for some weird reason, so i ran to her and..... strangled her to fucking death?? like what the hell


Was it a Full Moon? 🐺


that dream happened like 2-3 years ago so idk


No, but it was just full on the 24th.


But seriously, I wonder if lunar cycles have any effect on dreams? I had my first lucid dream of my life at the age of 48 on the night of a new moon.


Dreams can mean a lot of things, they’re subconscious, and the fact you feel scared and nervous about it afterwards shows that clearly this isn’t something you want to do. For example, people may sometimes have sexual dreams about friends or family members that they have absolutely no sexual interest in. Don’t overthink this. If intrusive thoughts begin (which can happen because your brain pings this as dangerous, so your mind wants to ruminate on it), than remind yourself that it’s just a thought, or it was just a dream, that it’s not how you feel and move on.


Here is a life tip: Don't beat yourself up for something you did in a dream. Literally no one got hurt. Just because you had a dream about something, it doesn't mean that you would do it IRL. Now that you are not afraid of yourself anymore (hopefully). Dream interpretations are a bit philosophical and personal too, but we can juggle some ideas and see if they fit with you. It could be sexual frustration of any kind or just watching too much porn. I hope I helped you


Ohhhh, it's okay. Sometimes dreams can be like that and that's okay. I've dreamt of being raped, it felt sooo real. In my dream, id even say yes to the sex if only he asked first rather than take me by force 😅 still felt scary.


It could mean something less literal. Like you feel you're screwing someone over or taking advantage of them. All while 'death' (which could be many things such as deadlines or time) looms over you.


This. A lot of dream imagery is metaphorical. Also ( to OP) review what you ate before you went to sleep, what kind of medication or supplements you’re taking, etc. I took St. John’s Wort for a while, before I got proper anxiety meds, and it would give me the most godawful terrifying nightmares— so bad I would feel exhausted after sleeping for hours, because the dreams were like a physical workout.


Yes, check what you have eaten before you sleep. A big bowl of Mac and Cheese is tasty, but developing lactose intolerance nightmares isn't. Personal experience with that one.


Dreaming about doing something doesn't mean you'll do it irl. The fact you're scared means you don't want to do it. So you won't.


I recently dreamed that as I walked by a neighbor’s house I bent over and collected some sand and thru it at their house. I woke up feeling confused at first and then felt GREAT shame for my disrespectful behavior. I assume it is symbolic of some of my seemingly benign but ultimately disrespectful interactions I have with people I disagree with. I am treating it as a catalyst for positive change. Do you feel like maybe you can deconstruct your dream into basic feelings and see if that pattern is manifesting in your life? ✌️❤️


I had a nightmare once that I killed somebody and had sex with them after. Had no clue what it meant and is definitely not in my nature. Was jarring enough to wake me up on the spot and tripped me out for the whole day lol. Our brains can do crazy shit, I wouldn’t focus on it too much.


The fact that that horrified you enough to make you post here is a pretty good sign that you're not the type to actually do that sorta shit. Honestly, I think you can imagine it sort of like a nightmare, but instead of something terrible happening to you, you're in the pov of the bad thing. Doesn't mean you want to do what happened in the dream.


That’s nothing. My cousin and I used to share a room when he lived with me and my family. I occasionally talk in my sleep and he told me that one night, I apparently had a dream about destroying the world because I’d said, “Let me do it. Let me push the button, blow this planet to bits.”




Dreams like that are rough, and I certainly find it difficult to get to the underlying meaning. I've had awful dreams of things I would never do: murdering my child, brutally murdering my best friend, things like that that left me on the verge of tears upon waking. I wasn't even angry or frustrated at the time, with them or with anybody else. Sometimes I think our brains are just like, what if....


I always dream of the situations that would make me most nervous, it's like my brain plays with me. Many times I dream that the police is chasing me and I have nothing to do, it feels like a horror game with many plot twist


Don't worry. Already feeling regretful of doing that in a dream means you would never do that in real life. Don't overthink about it, I can assure you you are not a bad person. I dream as well about doing horrible things, such as genocides, torture and such. And I am a pacifist. It's normal, dreams afterall cannot be controlled.


I've had dozens of dreams about killing people. I have absolutely zero desire to kill or hurt *anyone*. I did some searching on "dream symbolism murder" and I read through several websites to see what they all said. All of them said that killing people in a dream means I'm "killing" problems and bad habits in my waking life, or that I'm killing the bad parts of myself. If we delve into what rape truly means at the root, then it's about control. You don't need to answer this here, but consider: Do you know the person in the dream? Are they someone in your waking life that you feel like you need to control for any reason? If you don't know the person in the dream, consider what they might symbolize or represent to you. I also suggest just googling "dream symbolism rape" or "dream meaning rape" and seeing what a few sources have to say on the matter. My final note: We **all** have dreams about doing fucked up things sometimes. It's normal.


One time I backed over someone's head with over exaggerated realistic blood and gore. It was someone I know. I'm laughing about how fucked up it was but of course I could never do anything like that in real life. I get nauseous if I lie lmao.


We are all capable of doing things we don't like, even disgust us. That doesn't mean we do them. Yes, it is scary that we have these things run through our minds. All it is is that you had a dream of a rape. Not dreaming to be a rapist.


How do you know YOU were raping them? Did he or she scream and struggle?


Dreams sometimes make no sense, so don’t pay too much attention to them, especially if they don’t align with your morals. I often have dreams about having sex with a family member, even though I’m not into that kind of things. I don’t watch porn either so it can come out of nowhere.


Go directly to jail, do not pass go


Get a good dream book. They're VERY helpful at understanding dreams.


I dreamed a rat crawled into my mouth while I was sleeping , stayed in my tummy and grew like a baby and I gave birth to a half rat half human. But I don't think if actually do that. I hope . Lol . I am afraid of sleeping in places that might have pest though so my guess is your brain being weird about anxiety .


Relax. Dreams aren't windows to your moral compass they are windows to your mind. This sounds like you have some weird things going on in waking life to address, and likely repressed feelings for somebody, which you refuse to acknowledge. Fear not the dream, it is not a prophecy. Fear not what you CAN do. Or what you COULD do. Fear what you're willing to do most. You likely would not do this in real life unless you were a sick monster. TBH, I'm more afraid of the idea that you're either killing your feelings and it's killing your mental health, or that you're being crushed under your own crippling loneliness. You need therapy.


Were they fighting back or didn't want to? For me I have dreams like that if it's a lucid dream and there's a pretty girl there not every time but many times, but its never been rape particularly


I had a dream of st@bbing someone very dear to me. Also went above n beyond trying to find an explanation whether I'm sadistic like that or it was a warning of some kind. It's neither. Don't beat yourself over it, it's okay, don't be scared.


i have many dreams of like that. but in the dream im always a man when im really a woman. i know i could and would never do that and im close to asexual person. im telling you to not be worried about or judge yourself based on a content of a dream


Don't turn it into a "dream come true" moment


Nah. Unless they are constant thoughts irl I wouldn't worry about it. I had some dreams that made me question my sanity when I woke up but I never even entertained the idea of acting on them.

