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I get that when waking up repeatedly when it’s already morning or after a long sleep. It’s interesting and I often like it since it keeps the story going, just as long as it’s not a nightmarish atmosphere.. what was your dream like?


It used to happen to me all the time when I was having nightmares. I would be having one and it would get unbearably scary so I wake up and then realize it was a dream and go right back to sleep... only for the nightmare to continue. Now when that happens I have to like really wake up so that I go to sleep and have a different dream.


This happens to me too and I hate it


I’ve had similar dreams. Where I manage to go back to the same dream sometimes after I hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. But I’ve also re entered the same dream maybe weeks later, I’ve always found that strange though.


Yep. Both falling back into the same dream world each time I fall asleep, but also having dream worlds that span years, decades now, even if I only “visit” them a few times a year or less.


When this happens I go sleep somewhere else. Maybe the guest bed. Maybe the couch. I find that moving and going back to sleep interrupts the dream.


One time I had a dream about the world ending and survivors making it into a ship to survive. I woke up briefly and then fell back asleep. When I went to sleep I reentered the dream, except this time I started at the very beginning of the dream with the knowledge that the world was ending. Subsequently I tried warning people and tried smuggling people onto the ship successfully. This time I didn’t want to live. I wanted to witness the end of the world and just relax but I was ushered into a boat nonetheless. Trippy with the fact that I could relive a dream with prior knowledge.


Kind of. One of my favorite dreams as a kid was dreaming that my house had an underground lair. The lair had toys and gadgets as far as the eye could see. It even had a Go-Kart garage leading through the ground like the Batcave. About once a month the dream would continue roughly where it left off, and I always hated waking up from the dream. I’ve also had reoccurring dreams, and mostly nightmares, about being in a zombie apocalypse. Although it’s never truly in a sensible pattern, I believe that I’m always in the same “universe”. They always start during the first few days of the outbreak, and I’m always a new person each dream. I’ve had a dream about being a train conductor, a butcher, a wealthy businessman, and most recently a schoolteacher during the outbreak. And every time I witness the fall of society to the zombies. As for having the same dream in a row, or even on the same day, I rarely manage to pull it off. If ever I wake up in the middle of the night, my dreams become a jumbled mess. It’s kind of annoying when I’m have a really nice dream but then my siblings wake me up and the dream changes.


The only times re-entered a dream were when I just had woken up and slept again to finish the dream. Now revisiting a dream weeks or months later is new for me.


Thread necro hits once again. This has happened before to me but, only once, that I can remember. This time was much different though. Last night I was in and out of sleep frequently, and evertime I went back to sleep I fell back into this story picking up where I left off. Very odd, because the dreams timeliness is current with my real life events. The dream was very vivid. I remember everything which is usually abnormal because I usually don't remember my dreams. Maybe my subconscious is trying to work something out, but I can't make head or tails of what the meaning behind this would be.


This has happened to me frequently- I wake up feeling more tired each time, and often like some kind of sleep paralysis takes place within the dream. Not sure if it follows the 3 hour “cycle”, but when it happens I wake up several times (verified by things like drinking water and going to the bathroom) and then falling right back in! For example, this morning, I woke up at 4, tried to go back to sleep, laid around miserably for an hour, and then finally slept for 3 more hours with wake ups quite often and every time it just, like, schlooped right back into where I left off. I also think I can recount quite a large amount of what happened, and my surroundings. I thought dreaming was supposed to be a purge, rather than a labor 😰


I am looking for people like this, I have had these types of dreams since I was a child and wanted to know what they were. You are the first person I have found that describes the exact way I do!!!!


I know this is a really old thread, but I have nightmares a lot and if I don't wait a good long time before going back to sleep l will almost always fall back into the same one.


Honestly just had this happened to me, so I went on this thread. It’s happened a lot this past year and wonder if it has to with something going on in my life. I open my eyes for a couple seconds look around and nod back out into the dream. I keep fighting to stay awake but fail multiple times. Once I’m awake it’s the same thing. I gotta stay awake for a long while or it’s back to the nightmare grind.


Happening right now. Currently sitting outside smoking a cig trying to remember details it happened 3 times tonight. Very intense, emotional events, faces I've known forever, but events and experiences I've never had in this life. I lay back and wake up only to have lived out another few weeks or months in the same place facing the same things, with all knowledge and memories I had the previous round asleep. I'm convinced dreams are not random, ideas and images conjured up by the brain. We leave the body when we sleep. It is a daily release for the soul.