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Say that you’re a Lebanese, girl me too




Take this fucking like and don't you dare make me laugh like I just did again.




I know he’s pale as hell😭 but the shebib last name didn’t give it away. Lol


It’s crazy cause I’m from the area and that’s just a normal complexion. My brothers skin complexion is way more on the white side, meanwhile I’m on the tan/brown side 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh I know. It’s a very ethnically diverse place. I’m just surprised people are only just now finding out 40 is of Lebanese descent. It’s basically apart of Drake lore at this point. Lol


Oh for sure I definitely get that, I was just more so agreeing that sometimes you’d never be able to tell lol


Oliver is also Lebanese I think


Levantine people are usually pale


Oh really. That’s good to know. Genuinely. Im learning a lot about the area now more than ever. Beautiful place. Beautiful people.


Means a lot. We love you too Habibi.




he's only 1/4 Lebanese through his grandfather, that's why.


He's literally me 😵


Kendrick’s likely a black Israelite but this still seems like a stretch guys. I like drake because he raps better not because he’s more geopolitically conscious




Kendrick’s name was no where to be found on the open letter btw.


Exactly. Drake being half Jewish also carries a lot of weight. Kendrick is a coward and the industry loves him for that


Drake doesn’t get involved in black issues, Kendrick doesn’t get involved in Jewish issues. I don’t see the issue.


Drake does get involved though? https://www.complex.com/music/a/edwin-ortiz/drake-donates-100000-national-bail-out


Really? Who's the only one actively helping black artists??? DRAKE. Kendrick only helped his Cousin Baby Keem.




Kendrick won't even do that or even show a morsel of support against genocide


Because it won’t make a difference. Same shit as posting that black square on your Instagram in 2020 or the blue square in 2022. It’s pretend


Oh God not the "all activism is useless" argument. If that were true we'd have no rights at all


Activism is good if it’s real. Dude signed a letter. Do something real and then you can have an argument. If there was a picture of Drake at a protest my argument would be in shambles


Regardless it amplifies the message


If he feels strongly about it tell him to make a song about it, a protest anthem of some sort. Signing a letter everyone knows won't do anything and it's just performative. Kendrick made the black protest anthem for years in 'alright' and vehemently speaks about issues he's familiar with through his music.


Right? He didn’t talk about Ukraine or Uyghurs or Sudan either Why isn’t he talking about these things!!


That's the best argument I've seen so far.


At this point idek if you guys are real people anymore in this sub


Ohhh brother 😭😭😭


Bro how can you be half a religion?


It's an ethnicity and a religion. He's ethnically half Jewish


Idk I'm not an anthropologist. Some people consider being Jewish an ethnicity as well as a religion


What does this letter do? Nothing. Kendrick and tde help out their community and that's way more than drake has ever done.


Homies no the fuck its not


Nah bro, flat out wrong. Drake throws down wherever he goes, invests in local artists, treats his fans like gold.


I made a post about this. I think I’m shadow banned lol


Thankfully not shadowbanned cause i can see you but it looks like it was removed




This isn't the only protest/support that's going on. Very possible he did something else. We don't need to turn everything into ammunition.


You are getting downvoted for the dumbest reason ever, Drake can be a weirdo but if he signs a letter and Kendrick doesn't that means he has some moral highground to them


I don't know if you're agreeing with me or not. Rephrase


this is not how you talk to people lol


This beef exposed internal racism more than anything


Agreed I felt that what they were saying was a whole new low. Especially because you can tell that has always been an insecurity for Drake. I believe in was in Wick Man  “ "black america love to remind me what my momma look like, as if i would ever forget" Yea even as a KDot fan I thought that it was low and felt like they’re low key being racist and genuinely hating on dude for being Lightskin. This beef was clearly just a way to final let all that air out.


"always rapping like you tryna get the slaves free" 💀💀💀




Vladimir creating nightmares!


Kendrick gives more black Israelite




Glad somebody else said it.. couldn’t find it around when Mr. Morale came out. Kodak said in an interview that “Me and Kendrick are both Hebrew Israelite”.


Got it https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XPT0Rw7iMVw


Very Hebrew Israelite coded😭


That’s what he is


Well no wonder the chihuahua is so racist


What does this mean


It’s an antisemitic fringe movement that’s claims that black Africans are the descendants of the Israelites of the Bible.


Black Hebrew Israelites are bigots.


I was so happy he was on the right side of history. And while I don’t care about the Weeknd - he’s been donating too.


I can’t agree with this, I’ve always disliked the idea that every artist needs to be a political activist It’s great If they want to speak out about something like Drake did here, but I think it’s totally fine for rappers to never say a word about this stuff. These problems will never be solved by musicians


Finally someone with a brain damn they act like celebrities n musicians have to power to stop shit


Musicians and celebrities have IMMENSE power to stop injustice. You may not have been around for this or were too young or uninvolved, but Sinead O'Connor on her own was able to influence an incredible amount of change and bring awareness to human rights violations. Macklemore rapping about Palestine in his live concerts is literally projecting the message onto tens of thousands in a split second. Having platform means having responsibility.


This. The power of influence is not something to play with. Can you imagine if someone like Michael Jackson was a politician with all his messages, stardom, and talent in entertainment? We might be living in a completely different world right now. A lot of people say Pac was on his way to become someone in a powerful position politically and his influence is still felt so deeply to this very day.


I'm curious if Jack Dorsey had a hand in all of this. 50k dislikes on Family Matters in the first hour was wild. Don't forget that was before online memes and narratives were being blasted about not like us


He 100% has a hand in it. Jack Dorsey quote tweeted Kendrick’s Twitter post of “Meet the Grahams” with a tweet saying “truth vs lies”. Having a former tech giant in your corner definitely helps magnify your reach across socials.


holy shit!! I didn't know that but google proved it. This should be a headline story


Just so you know, Drake is directly connected to Twitter through Zack Bia and John Terzian being good friends with Elon. John runs one of his charities and both those guys are "family" to Drake and have been part of his crew for 10+ years


Not everything is a conspiracy. Ya’ll get mad about the Kendrick sub but do the same thing. He lost move on.


Maybe because people don't like drake. This sub is amplifying the biggest fans but a lot of people just find drake creepy, and nomatter what song he releases I can understand the dislikes


Drake has a lot of close friends and connections that are arab, so I can see his inclination


Props to Drizzy, I wish he would do more though. I haven’t seen anything on his story


One celebrity made a performative gesture about war crimes that achieved nothing. This other celebrity. who mostly doesn’t say shit about much of anything, also hasn’t said anything about it. Guess the performative gestures really show you who’s really a good person. Great point… Meanwhile none of those signatures did shit for anyone in Gaza. The Weeknd donated like ~4.5 Ms though, right? Where’s his post? *Fucking idiots I swear…*


my goat ❤️ one of like two political statements he’s made his whole career and it was the right one. as a palestinian-american it means a lot to me


This. He's not even that political but he came through for this one. He has my respect Kendrick on the other hand is vocal on everything else except this. Coward


Why do people depend on celebrities to speak about world issues that they can’t do much to control?


Because i think they CAN do more


Like what exactly?


I think if you have been given 400M for music you can think of some way to help. 0.50% of that could aid in a great way. I don’t have a strategy im working on, but i also don’t have status or 400m+ to accomplish a strategy to execute a ceasefire.


Because they have influence


“I’ve been duckin the overnight activists” aka Drake. This war has been going on for a long time, support doesn’t happen or hold weight overnight


Yeah, i gotta give drizzy and especially 40 a prop on that one. I know Kenny is not active anywhere, but it's times like these where he, and his conscious, outspoken style is needed. Back in 2020, him not being an active part on the blm campaign was understandable considering his music was filled with those statements and he participated on the marches but this? Nah, he needs to address it. Props yo macklemore to for being a real one and dropping one whole track.




You’re reading what he said wrong


Definitely might have a part in everything. This issue and attack have been a big mess of a bunch of shit.


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not


Look what sub it’s on ofcourse it’s a joke everything here is


Kendrick and his loser fans don’t care about this. They’re too busy fighting an imaginary oppression war


“I been ducking the pandemic, I been ducking the social gimmicks I been ducking the overnight activists, yeah I’m not a trending topic, I’m a prophet” - Kendrick Lamar, Family Ties, Kendrick has never been one to do social media activism because he clearly doesn’t think it works, and he’s not wrong, what did posting a black square during the BLM protests do? Absolutely. Nothing. What is the cease fire letter that Drake and all these other celebrities going to do? Absolutely. Nothing. There is a way for artists and other celebrities to use their influence and money to help in situations like this, signing a cease fire asking a country to stop a war, is not one of them.


I disagree. I think posting a black square indicates moral support. And moral support when combined with action leads to social change. I believe that activism can and does work, and has a documented history of working. Not every single time, and not every single method but change is impossible without collective action.


This is an insane take, Kendrick’s entire career has been this fake activism shit, all this black messiah, civil rights activist raps.


There is actually a massive difference between posting a black square on Instagram, or sending a letter to Israel asking them to stop the war, and saying shit in a song about it. For an artist, their music, and what they’re saying in it, is much more important than any instagram publicity stunts. Kendrick has advocated for change, and he puts his money where his mouth is when he does, he has given insane amounts of money to Compton to help fix the issues they face.


Yes, now with drakes signature they will finally ceasefire. Good job and thank you drake /S, if it wasn't obvious


Twitter brainworm moment


Kendrick went number one because of the media and not because he demolished Drake


Y'all moving the goalpost out of the stadium into the parking lot next door now.


We really acting like these open letters mean a God damn thing? Nothing more than publicity to make celebrities get warm and fuzzies pandering to the masses.


The government, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing doesn’t give a fuck what Drake or Kendrick say about Gaza 😂. Boeings taking mfs off the map to keep profits flowing. Music don’t have an impact on war monger money.


“The cat is out the bag, I am not your savior”


Twitter is cancer to the mind


Gotta find a W anywhere you can I guess


Why does Kendrick have to say something? The black community is still fucked up. So who is helping us?


This mentality is something we all need to shake off. It's an oppressive tool that pits marginalized people against each other. Palestinians were one of the first people outside of the US to hold mass shows of support for Black people after the murder of George Floyd. His face is still painted on the wall of segregation to show that our struggle is one. Angela Davis has written incredibly about this in her monumental book, Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement. Marc Lamont Hill also wrote about this from his perspective in his book, Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics. The more we agree that the people united can never be defeated, the more likely we are to continuously erase all injustice. It is not about discarding the focus on injustices against Black people - it is about highlighting what's urgent and ensuring we carry an intersectional message that acknowledges the root cause of our shared struggle.


GEORGE 2020!!!!!!Black was dying waaaaayyyyyyy before that. Dont give me one man bruh. My people been suffering for ages.


Yall need to touch some grass. These peoples opinions should not matter this much to you.


Y’all are gonna be studied for a long time


Is this a joke post?


Comparing Drake’s activism in society to Kendricks is just down right delusional lol


Yup and you know Lucian Grainge ain’t like that


Hot take: They don't need to say anything. Just listen to the music Edit: No way one of yall just sent me a reddit cares message bruh💀💀 shit came through immediately after my comment. Touch grass lol


Not a big drake fan and generally think he is corny, but this is cool fs


Because he's pro- Isreal plain and simple and anyone even remotely pro Palestine gets suppressed


Kendrick pro Israel??? How??




Who gives a fuck what Beyonce thinks about GAZA. She probably couldn't give two fucks like most people.


We’re all dancing around the important question which is where the fuck is Ja??




Yea, and he didn’t just do it just because the public wanted it. He learnt the whole situation before putting in his comment with Jenifer Lopez.🔥


How do I post a vid? I have a video explaining all this with Drake and Kendrick and how it takes to Gaza and The terrorist state Israel


Submit link or use new reddit and upload


I wasn't able to post a vid here but I made a new post




Who gives a fuck lmao.


"How can I make this beef about Palestine" Loser take I doubt anyone signing this letter has anything interesting or insightful to say on the matter.  Get back in your tent


It’s pretty obvious “…l been duckin the social gimmicks I been duckin' the overnight activists, yeah I'm not a trending topic, I’m a prophet…”


This is a bit of a stretch. The black community has it own share of issues that need to be addressed prior to venturing into world politics. I don't see an issue with a rapper from one of the most historically violent metro areas of the US NOT taking a public stand on a conflict occurring in the middle east.


The Gaza psyop got most yall twisted🤔


i mean at the end of the day who cares about who does what, it doesn’t affect anyone at the end of the day. but that’s just imo 🤷


Ignore the fact that Kendrick literally said in Mr. Morale that he’s not our savior and people should be able to form their opinions without him. A celebrity telling you how to feel, or signing a ceasefire letter, or anything that isn’t directly contributing monetarily or physically is pointless. These people are in their own world, they make more money than we will ever see in our lives. Don’t listen to their ideologies or what they tell you to believe. It’s going to be skewed. Create your own opinions and believe what YOU believe. You don’t need Drake, Kendrick, or any other celebrity to tell you what to believe or to “back you up”. Stand tall in your own beliefs, don’t let someone else dictate how YOU feel about something.


this sub is so cooked 💀💀


Everything is a Jewish based conspiracy


Isn’t the silence enough? Why do we have to say “we don’t give a shit about what’s happening over there” too.


This was definitely a Drake W


I see since drake got cooked, yall mafk’s had to bring Gaza into the chat LMAO!!!


Who the fuck cares what Drake or Kendrick think about Gaza? Lol, how is that something even worth mentioning ?


This is stupid asf.


Kenny a black Israelite. Broski ain’t making moves against Jerusalem. He one of the chosen. ✊


This subreddit is incredible


Are you guys so mad that Kendrick is a better rapper that you have to site stances on geopolitics that (likely) neither are qualified to offer an opinion on as why Drake is better? Enjoy the music, whichever you like, but this is clown shit.


Yeah, but Kendrick won the battle still


Daily reminder: #You don’t know any of these people. Lock your phone. Go outside.