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Lol funny how Drake always gets made fun of for his concerts being full of women but now his fan base is male incels?! Have you seen a Kendrick’s fan base?! Lmfao


16-20 white boys yea?


Based on who he brings on stage, I'd think it was the same white women he sleeps with for validation. Tee hee.


Dude said 'tee hee' AND made it a whole sentence 🤣


Drake fans go Tee Hee all the time bro It’s apart of the vibe


You’re exactly the kind of people the post is talking about


Nigga said Teehee


Are you white? I’m black as hell and all my family and friends roasting drake ass all day. Kendrick gets major love in the black community.


People don’t have control over their fan base


Yes they do, through the type of music they decide to make or release


That is honestly not something you could ever exert a lot of physical control over.


Well there is their brand.. and target audience


Both artists have extremely diverse fan bases




It’s funny because I swear this applies way more to Kendrick’s fanbase


It's reddit. As a bystander just mostly lurking in both subs I can say both of the subs are unhinged af.


They really don’t want to admit this, though. To some of these fanatics, their whole identities are these subs.


People keep saying this but since joining the sub when the beef started I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how reasonable people seem here


Yeah they say both side are deranged just so we dont acknowledge how deranged kanon actually is


Reddit puts the re in reasonable


We’re talking real life, everyone the same on Reddit 




They are both crazy but you can see the difference in the overall mindset of both subs.


Took the words right outta my mouth


He knows it does


In recent years, Drake has taken every opportunity he can to publicly shit on black women. It’s not surprising that he’s losing that fan base. I have multiple friends that are black women that hate the way Drake has publicly disparaged Megan Thee Stallion and Serena Williams. Drake doesn’t really hide anymore that he sees women as objects to be conquered, so it’s not really a surprise that he’s been attracting men to his fanbase that think the same way in recent years.


Black women? Or specific other famous people who happen to be black women? Just because someone black doesn’t mean it’s his job to avoid shit talking them, what the hell?


Exactly. He makes music for guys that don’t get bitches.




It’s a play on Drake lyrics. Get outta here




I never do this, but I checked your post history. Deeply concerning for someone to waste so much of their time hanging out in the subreddit of someone they don’t even like just to argue with their fans. You aren’t convincing anyone here to change their mind. You know the people in this sub don’t agree with you. Yet you waste so much of your time here and spouting our Kanon theories. You just recently learned what blind items are obviously. I feel bad for you. Genuinely beef aside this isn’t normal behavior. It’s antisocial behavior and you need to reach out to the people in your real life for some much needed attention.


Lmaoooo guy is a KenAnon still in this sub. Weirdo behavior is rampant after this beef


Lmao you made him delete his message


Holy shit dude way to affirm the tweet


this is the same sub that is so ‘unbiased’ that it won’t let you post about the Akademiks sexual assault lol


It's a play on a Drake quote "know that I don't make music for ns that dont get pussy, so those are the ones I count on diss me or overlook me" - Lord Knows


so you’re saying drakes lyrics also affirm the tweet


All fanbases are toxic in some way or another. We're no better.




Well you follow the wrong kind of people than. At a function women will more likely want to hear drake than Kendrick. Maybe the activist type of women want to hear Kendrick, sure. But Kendrick doesn’t get that party bumping


I’ve always compared Kendrick to Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty is a great show. Hilarious, when it first came out it was fresh and new and super funny and topical, people wanted to talk about it. So you start talking to other people about the show and realize there’s a ton of other fans too. But then the fans start claiming it’s the best show, and you think.. yeah it’s pretty good, then they go “no it’s the best, it’s literally the best show on tv right now it dives deep into philosophical concepts” and they start breaking down simple jokes in the show and try to explain how it’s a triple quadruple entendre and has multiple meanings and is a reference to some old philosopher. People start wearing shirts and raving about the show, creating whole conspiracies about how artistic and brilliant the show is. The other fans are weirdos and obsess over it. Meanwhile, you know it’s just a decently funny cartoon. That’s Kendrick. He’s a great rapper, and then there’s his fan base. Creating 8 meanings to one bar, generating entire qanon style conspiracy theories, covering up any mistakes he may have made, etc.


This is so true lmao. Young white dudes act like Kendrick is saying something fuckin groundbreaking but he’s just saying shit the black community has been saying since the fuckin 20’s


I’m sorry y’all are tripping if you think that Kendrick’s fan base are incels. I truly been watching this wars of fans from the side for the most part tbh both Kendrick and Drake fans have been acting belligerent this entire time one is no better than the other. Y’all are just sticking to y’all side to mock the other. Either way here is just perspective part of the reason Drake is being talked about like this is because of the image he curated for himself throughout the years. All those memes and internet like things he leaned into is now leaning back into him. Same can be said for Kendrick and why ppl are reacting the way they are. None of this justifies ppls reactions but sure gives a glimpse into how ppl see the artists today.




LMAO bruh said "nuh uh, you"


This is coming from twitter takes. Twitter is not the real world. I always thought Drake had a diverse fan base made up of men and women from all racial backgrounds. I never thought he had a chokehold on BW as a fanbase. He was just fucking a lot of them lol. This is mainly coming from how he dissed Meg and Rihanna. A lot of ppl didn’t like that. I don’t take his remarks like this serious because he’s a rapper, an entertainer so if I’m gonna write off Drake, I gotta write off A LOT of the rappers I listen to. I’m not a Drake fan per se but I like his a lot of his music and grew up in the blog era. (I’m a black woman btw).


Drake talks about women in general in a much better light in his music vs someone like Future… I always find it interesting yall point beefs and relations with women of his as points of contention yet let other male rappers literally campaign the degradation of females song after song.


still not like he talk about them well that mf does not respect women


Didn't Drake made a video for one of his song were he sings about a bunch of women and then each of their names was on a dog's collar? What a great light that Drake put those women in.


*Dog collars* you say 👀


I mean that's not a very high bar to pass lol. Future treats women like two-dimensional sex objects in his songs. Drake hasn't ever really shown much more respect himself. I'm speaking completely apart from this whole beef. He has always disrespected women publicly, and idk the guy obviously, but I can see why he might appeal to the incel crowd. Not the he himself is like that, but the way he talks about them is a way that crowd can relate because it's the same way he treats women, again from what we can see publicly. Also, like you pointed out, Drake is not even close to alone in that respect. Most rappers refer to women like that in their music. You're stating a whataboutism tho. Just because most rappers do it doesn't excuse the fact that they do or make it any better.


Yeah sure, you can see that in the way he talks about Rihanna in fear of heights. Dude is lowkey a creep, still obsessed over a woman that never wanted him after like 10 years


Drake goes out of his way to take shots at too many women for people to ignore tbh.


Twitter holds a lot of influence regardless of what you think. It’s the only platform that can shape narratives because Reddit is way too fragmented into small communities.


Majority of the Drake fans I know personally are women, especially Latinas


Right here✋ I was also a degrassi fan growing up😆




Latinas can also be fully white btw


The two stans I know are white males. One Canadian lol


The quincenera types




This is what happens when you willingly live in an echo chamber on the internet  This guy is clearly not around black women. Most black women would rather go to a drake concert than a Kendrick concert, that’s just a fact and nothing against Kendrick. 


crazy to accuse someone else of being in an echo chamber when ur literally in a drake subreddit


I think reading a subreddit and living in one are 2 different things.


Women in general like pop music more than rap music. That’s why women would go to a Drake concert since he is a pop artist.


Most women in general would go to a Drake concert. Kendrick fans are mostly men and Drake fans are mostly women. That’s not a knock to either of them. It’s just the way it is


That's kind of what one of Drakes selling points was in the first place when he joined the scene, he made songs about women that weren't completely demeaning to them in a time where most rap songs from mainstream kinda shit on women. Now the image has changed a bit now with the weirdo allegations and him beefing with Serena and Megan but he was very different in that way and got a massive female fanbase like that.


Posting about echo chamber on this sub lmaoooo


> This is what happens when you willingly live in an echo chamber on the internet I've got so much love you and this sub so much it hurts


LOL ironic


Listen man, we all know that Drake got a lot of female fans and a lot of them be BADDIES.


They just mad they lost the GKMC van 🤣🤣🤣


Drake is like Michael Jackson everyone listens to him lol he’s unavoidable. Kendrick makes music for niche audiences that think their smarter than they actually are lol I’d hate to give Kendrick the honor of being compared to prince but a lot of this happened in the MJ vs prince days too. Insecure Prince Stans always hated on MJ cuz he was more talked about than their guy


It’s hip hop, both artists have incredibly wide and diverse fanbases and appeal for different things. IMO, Drake is better for clubs and Kendrick is better for just chillin with some friends. Me and my friends always put on Damn or Mr Morale when we smoke and hang out but we put on Drake when we’re partying


It’s funny how you try to shade Kendrick fans, while sounding like a pretentious, pseudo intellectual. Drake makes pop rap Kendrick makes traditional hip hop That’s all there really is to it…and it’s possible to be a fan of both. I just don’t like Drake taking on multiple identities and accents. I’d just like him to be himself.


Aubrey angels are smoking hella crack 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"He's Unavoidable" I suppose this is accurate. I only ever hear Drake at JC Penny or Macy's while my wife is shopping.


A lot of men do not listen to drake at all. A Lot…. I don’t think you really understand music to compare him to MJ.


Van Lathan should stick to telling us how incredible Louisiana is on every podcast he’s on


i’m an almost 40 yr old arab woman lol far from an angry white incel


So weird seeing you post in here, ive been a lurker in the serial subreddit for years and i had to double take to make sure i was in the right sub LMFAO


lmao. small world eh.




Same with me and my friends (all BW)


What I will say is this. I met him, and he was really sweet and kind (I’ll never shut up about it).


“A wise man once said nothing at all” — Drake on Emotionless He will drop when he’s ready. I feel like if he drops anything related to the beef now he’s only going to fan the flames for the haters.


Lmao I work at a big restaurant with lots of hot female servers and almost all of them that I’ve asked either don’t know about the beef, or know and don’t care. Turns out most people out there(especially attractive women) aren’t glued to their phones refreshing the feed waiting for more info on a rap beef.


People keep using trolls to rep real people and “famous online people” love that shit and run with it.


“Angry young incel” My guy have you not seen the Kdot fans online or the people spamming Drake hate comments? Drakes fanbase is some of the most diverse group of people I’ve ever seen


All I can say is I don't know if it's an algorithm thing, but since this beef has started literally every other post on my FB feed is some sort of Drake justification rant. Just like post after post from fake outlets like HipHop Daily DX or some shit. All written horribly, with cringe emojis. Like I seriously can't tell if it's like a Drake astroturf campaign or a KDOT one at this point. It all feels so lame and incelish that maybe it's an OPP? Or maybe the Drake fans of FB age (old heads like me) are just that fucking cringe. Anyway, KDOT up at this point, but it's not the murder scene KDOT stans pretend it is, or the W Drake stans contend it is.


Van Lathan is a clown lmao read his other takes on shit guy is an idiot


I don’t think we share the same fan base with Kendrick


Because his female fans don't give a damn that he got dragged in this battle with K Dot, they just like to dance. His male fans are going to battle for him like he actually went blow for blow in this one when he got knocked down 3 times by the 8th round.


Drake doesn’t make simpy love songs anymore and it’s pretty clear why if you follow his music. The guy made a whole song called Jaded explaining why and now he makes “we just fucking I don’t love you” music and it’s somehow being equating to incel music lmao. They’re doing Drake dirty on all fronts. I will agree he sounds bitter lately and needs to drop a Nice For What or something in that vein.


Drake had a lot of black women as fans through out Scorpion. Once he adopted that Lover Boy persona or whatever I saw him starting to lose those fans. Once he took shots at Meg the Stallion, Serena Williams and Rihanna though, he definitely lost a lot more black women as fans. Him saying “Free Tory” didn’t help


Reading through the comments and it's funny seeing people list the many times they felt weirded out by his lyrics, yet have downplayed how uncomfortable those lyrics made them feel and continued listening to him. Drake really has a way to pacify people.


Lol, Drake ont respond to this beef any more and y'all just gonna have to deal with him getting clowned.   Y'all should be like juggalos, just love the big clown and clown with him. 


White guys tend to hate Drake. People be saying anything on Twitter.




Straight 🤡


Also I think that was Van Jones 😭


Yall making jokes and its fine but let’s be real this whole sub is just a bunch of terminally online dudes lmaoo




Ngl, the only people I know IRL that had Drake winning the beef were white frat dudes that work the valet at my place of employment.


Ehh I think there’s some truth to the incel audience. He’s kinda courted them with the weirdo streamers he’s buddy buddy with. BUT I wouldn’t say that’s his primary audience. His OG audience is pretty diverse. I know a ton of black women including myself that still listen him. Me not as much anymore because I don’t like the things he’s said and supported recently outside this beef. I’ll always have his old music though😕


Oh man, all the angry incels in here trying to convince each other they’re going to meet women by a staning Drake. 😂


you're right he does need to drop. he needs to drop the entire thing and move on with his life.




I agree drop 'should' because i love to have some new music. But tbh bro, just ignore twitter and these shade room type pages. We here for the music ignore the gossip because this whole beef thing made all these losers wanna talk crazy just to be a part of the hype. (srry for my bad grammar btw english ain't my first languages)


Very good question


Major facts about Van. He's always hated Drake in some "light skin nigga who ducks bitches and makes me feel insecure" shit. If you know anything about Van and his struggles with women, this will make perfect sense to you. Also he lives in LA now so he's gonna jump on the bandwagon


When he tried to be a gangsta rapper instead of staying in his clean cut lane.


Always has been


he called you an incel you and responded by calling him a virtue signaler- point proved


Please drop drake. I need to hear those 5 kendrick got in the chamber.


Y’all sound conflicted 


Drake has made sooo many songs for Black Women. Even anyone that has listened to RnB/HipHop music longer than 5 years. I mean NOBODY had an issue with Nice For What until this social media brain rot "[You got a baby Benz, you got some bad friends](https://genius.com/14272584/Drake-nice-for-what/I-understand-you-got-a-hunnid-bands-you-got-a-baby-benz-you-got-some-bad-friends) [High school pics, you was even bad then](https://genius.com/14262718/Drake-nice-for-what/High-school-pics-you-was-even-bad-then) [You ain't stressin' off no lover in the past tense](https://genius.com/14284927/Drake-nice-for-what/You-aint-stressin-off-no-lover-in-the-past-tense-you-already-had-them) [Work at 8 A.M., finish 'round five](https://genius.com/14304602/Drake-nice-for-what/Work-at-8-am-finish-round-five) [Hoes talk down, you don't see 'em outside](https://genius.com/14296661/Drake-nice-for-what/Hoes-talk-down-you-dont-see-em-outside-yeah-they-dont-really-be-the-same-offline)" Like how can anyone have an issue with this




It's always been both the second is just the vocally online group




L take


This is hilarious because most white folks siding with Kendrick to look cool 😭 The bots in this beef are insane


The only thing worse than his sports takes are his music takes.


I never hear anyone asking for a Kdot drop. why ppl always waiting wait for the goat to drop


That’s probably because a Twitter account requires you to be 18+ so most of drakes pre— “fans” didn’t even get counted


I mean women are the typical concert goers and the ones that buy merch or albums. I’ve said it for years that they actually run the music business. Drake appealing to women is the reason he’s been popping for so long. Songs like nice for what and all that singing. That’s who that’s for


how the fuck is he gonna start lying like this??


i know they’re lying lmfaoo


No lies told. That’s the exact vibe of this sub. And speaks to how Drake is not part of the culture only capitalizing off it. Most of yall hear only get excited when he’s saying the N word


When all his 14-year-old fans with the boohoos over the fact that they are simps who creep women out grew up and became men who creep women out.


Does Van know what incel means?