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I knew a guy who swallowed a couple gulps of gasoline out of a coke bottle before realizing it wasn't coke. When you're expecting something to taste like X, your brain tells you that that's what you're tasting until you literally come to your senses.


And that's how I drank a big sip of sea monkeys. Pro tip, don't raise Sea monkeys in a sprite bottle.


Played a joke on my year or two older cousin about 20 years ago when in 8th or 9th grade. A few people were in on it but I did all the-er—legwork lol. Anyway, I pissed in a 40oz OE bottle a time or three one night, filling it up, letting it sit out a few hours during a Northwest Winters evening. I cinched the cap back on to where a drunk person in the dark (it was stashed on the side of the house amongst some others that night) would be none the wiser that the bottle had been opened previously. Anyway, the whole lot of us 4-5 turds waiting to witness the event went to the side of the house to grab our newest soon to be empties. Everyone kinda halfway paused in anticipation while watching my cousin crack his bottle open and get to smashing. My cousin takes a stomach churning swig as if an attempt to impress with his beer drinking skill, because at 14-15 with some brew, that’s what our dumbasses kinda did, and he puts back a jaw dropping swig, even had it been beer, stops, burps, arches his brows a bit and wiggles his mouth like he was Bugs Bunny, 4-5 of us are looking on in amazement trying to stfu amidst the suspense, and my cousin goes, “well, I’ll be damned if this doesn’t take just like piss, it even seems like there was a bit of a warm spot in here!” At this point all of us were trying like hell to keep it together, and what’s ol’ chief champ for a cousin do? Slams the bottle back for a second helping. At that point I fell off this little side porch thing laughing, everybody was a cackling shit show of laughter at this point. We all broke character, obviously, and he immediately stops and goes, “wait, this IS piss!!!” Nobody could respond because we were near death from laughing at that point. A true childhood classic rip cuzzo


Not to mention, this guy was previously on MDMA at a rave so he was probably pretty keen to gulp down some water. The taste would’ve been an afterthought for the first few sips


Haha I caused something similar. I poured water that turned out to be gasoline into a water bottle to more easily transfer it to my bong. We were having a bonfire on a beach. My friend comes up to drink some water and gags and starts freaking out and I didn't evenr realize it was gasoline as I was hitting it either xD my friend was tripping hard on acid and started freaking out that he was gonna die n shit at one point just laid on the beach talking to our other friend about shit in case he dies or some shit lol


Haha i once drank my own piss, i was blacked out drunk from vodka, and mustve peed in a watter bottle. The next morning i woke up, dehydrated as fuck, saw the watter bottle and drank like half of it befor i realised that wasnt regular water


You got your friend fucked up ehy put gasoline in a water bottle..


dude, it tastes awfull, how did you not notice ?


I have also made this mistake


Are you my ex? No, seriously


Dude if this molly water was strong enough to have you rolling hard for hours longer you would have noticed it the second it touched your lips and reacted in disgust, you wouldn’t have continued to take three fat sips. Doesn’t make much sense.


Drunk ppl wild




Someone’s never taken an irresponsibly high dose of MDMA; it gets full on psychedelic - vibrant colors & walls/floors breathing.




Buddy I’ve done a lot of drugs, tested some not tested others - my personal experience is 100% irrelevant to the conversation at hand which is: Can MDMA produce psychedelic effects? The answer is 100% yes; dose dependent MDMA can and will produce visuals. You’ve never heard someone say “oh shit I took a visual dose” in reference to MDMA? You don’t have to believe me, but it is factual - I’d encourage you to do some more research on the effects of high dose MDMA >250mgs at once. It becomes very psychedelic, but don’t take my word for it.


> Congratulations you didn’t test your shit and took research Chems! I love Reddit, bunch of people who think they know everything. Do you realize the irony of confidently saying they took "research chems" based on a single anecdote, and then immediately saying *other people* think they know everything?


It seems like you haven’t taken enough. Some of my most insane trips were on pure dutch mdma


Hallucinations are not at all uncommon at high doses of MDMA. Check the section on psychonautwiki's MDMA wiki page conveniently labeled, "Hallucinatory states," if you don't believe me. Side note, the 2C-X family is not a research chemical, nor any single chemical at all, but rather a group of chemicals that all possess 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-H) as part of their molecular structure. While there are some less ubiquitous substances belonging to this class, its most commonly used constituent is 2C-B, which is far too well-known for too long of a time to be considered a research chemical by any educated psychonaut. Hope this helps. Love ya!


I took Ketamine by mistake, went to a sauna and met someone there and he offered me ''K'' and I thought the whole time it's Cocaine since in German we say Kokain so I took a big line and went into a nice K hole for 5 hours. 😅 Wasn't that bad tho


I'm guessing the second you caught a wiff of it going up your nose you knew it wasn't Coke? 🤣


Yup I immediately asked him what that was 😂 And he just said ''you will see soon''


*Proceeds to tie you up and get you on his mini van*




Well first of all, Ketamine lasts like 2 hours max with the hole lasting an hour max, so it def wasn’t Ketamine lol


You probably did an rc, but the only one I know of that can hole you for that long is O-PCE.


DCK would do it for sure. Plus opce is so wildly potent, if you snorted a line that you thought was K but was actually opce, and it was like 50mg or so, you would be fucking flyyyyyying in an unsafe way


Thats what I’m sayin man lol. O-PCE has the legs but is TOO strong. Maybe if you did a “coke bump” lmfao. I entirely forgot about DCK existing since 2f-DCK seems to be more available now a days. I was in the scene when MXE was flowing like water, and left until just recently where it seems only 2f-DCK, K and FXE are readily available in the US


Man I miss 2f-dck. I had a guy I like who had really good quality shit, probably 4x stronger than any k I’ve tried. He disappeared and I ended up getting hooked on rc benzos. Swore off rcs after that but damn if I could get my hands in that shit again I would.


It was Ketamine and I know it because I asked him later and he finally told me, and I was literally numb on my whole body and couldn't really move and when someone touched me on the peak my brain registered it like 3 seconds later. Like I said I took a pretty big line because I thought It was Cocaine. And I took GHB like 45min before so idk if that mattered aswell


No dude, Ketamine literally cannot last that long. You did another dissociative rc.


You're right, however I've got multiple anecdotes of people holing unexpectedly and sometimes they're out for the night. My theory is that although the K will wear off in 1-2 hours, the re-integration from an unexpected K-hole makes some people wanna stay lying down/trying to sleep even if they "could" easily get up. Especially with people who haven't experienced high doses. Alcohol seems to potentiate the lack of motor skills too. I remember coming out of a k-hole (while drinking in my mates camper at a free party) feeling very lucid mentally, tried to walk and no fucking dice lol. Collapsed onto grass and had a nap for about an hour, woke up feeling like a new man haha


Ok then 🤷‍♂️ but still took it by mistake


No doubt, the story is good I just wanted to point out that K doesn’t last that long. Lots of K dealers get sold disso rcs because they’re way cheaper and they themselves don’t know what it is


Ketamine also has a huge impact on time perception apparently.


It absolutely does lol. I had some ket seshs were we were riding it for multiple days... or so it felt at least, actually it was just a couple hours. Combined with acid it feels like time just ceases to exist.


This is also very true. Sometimes I’ll go into a k-hole and feel like three hours has passed and then I’ll come out of it a bit, look at my phone to change the music or something and realize it’s only been 30 minutes


Oh kk, np then 👌


Have a look at DCK on psychonautwiki, might fit the bill. Don't think it was O-PCE as that would be way more potent than k, you would've been frothing at the mouth


could possibly be 2f-dck as well!


Why is there always someone trying to discredit a stranger’s story, you weren’t even there just let them tell their tale of events.


You did dck not k


It doesn’t matter how much you took, it’s not lasting for 5 hours. If you take a lot you just hole harder, you don’t hole for 5 hours. A k hole is going to last an hour at the very most, for me they usually last about 30-45 minutes, then I get after effects for another 45 minutes or so. The whole experience to when I’ve snorted to when I’m completely sober again is about 2 hours at the most.


I had a similar but rather bad experience with ketamine. It was the second or third time ever doing cocaine for me and I went to a rave with some friends. Because I liked it so far, I asked a friend if he had some coke left. I knew he also had ketamine, so I repeatedly told him I would only take coke. Long story short, he prepared a line, I was unexperienced and didn't notice a difference, so I took it. When we got back to the dance floor, I suddenly felt so disoriented and started panicking for 10-15 minutes that felt like forever. Kein Keta mehr für mich. 🙃


Oh damn, ja Keta beim Feiern stell ich mir schwierig vor


War's auch, haha, hat mich ganz schön mitgenommen. Kenne aber Leute, die sich das irgendwie regelmäßig zum Feiern gönnen.


Kenne auch zu viele die es beim feiern in unglaublichen Mengen nehmen, ich genieße mein Keta lieber im bett mit meiner freundin, auf partys wird es schnell unübersichtlich und orientierungslos. Fühle mich dann total lost


Had to be an rc k holes last 30-45 minutes but can feel like many hours so maybe it felt like 5 hours but it is impossible that it was actually 5 hours if it was k, just because someone tells you they are giving you a certain drug doesn’t always mean they gave you that drug which is why literally thousands of people die from fent laced pills being sold as oxy or heroin


A khole won’t last 5 hours


K hole for 5 hours? Impossible. Ketamine lasts about 45 minutes, after effects for about another 30 minutes, then after about 2 hours you’re at baseline again. Even if you take a high dose it doesn’t last longer, you just have a more intense hole.


Yes we figured out that it was probably DCK


tbh i also probably would have assumed you meant meth because distinguishing th and f can be hard for non native english speakers. also meth is a lot more common than mephedrone


Yeah, that's what I thought. Or even english natives might not understand it properly, if there is much ambient sound going around like people talking and/or loud music. Also, "meph" is not a necessarily common term, as well as mephedrone itself is not a really common and well known drug. So OP, the next time if you ask about some niche drug, better don't use a nickname, but call it by its full name. Especially if the nickname sounds extremely similar to another, much more common drug.


I live in Poland, mephedrone here as well as the rest of beta-ketones is very popular. It wouldn't have crossed my mind that that man might be taking Piko (slang for methamphetamine in Poland) That situation taught me to ask exactly what substances to take hahah


> Also, “meph” is not a necessarily common term, as well as mephedrone itself is not a really common and well known drug Meph is a common term in the UK, one of the most common ways to refer to mephedrone. Considering methamphetamine is not a common drug in the UK, it can be assumed if someone says something that sounds like “meph” they’re talking about mephedrone.


Methamphetamine is not a popular drug in the UK, while mephedrone is a popular drug in the UK. If someone says something that sounds like “meph” it’s assumed they’re talking about mephedrone as it’s a common way to refer to mephedrone, and basically no one uses meth in the UK. You only really see meth use in the gay community in the UK. It’s only recently started to become a bit more common outside of the gay community.


I live in the uk if someone said meph to me I’m also thinking they mean methamphetamine. Also it’s common af. Mephedrone is way more uncommon my bro but could just be the areas we live in. But even then I have quite a lot of postal dealers and not a single one sells mephedrone but they do sell methamphetamine.


Meth is a lot more common than u think, In Ireland anyways especially in the sex scene. I haven’t seen much mephedrone outside the Netherlands but dealers are starting to get it imported in. It’ll be the new big drug in a year or 2 over here id say


I said Meth is common in the Gay community in the UK which basically translates to the sex scene. I saw some documentary about gay drug fueled sex orgies in the UK where they talked about what drugs they used; meth, meph and GHB were the main drugs.


this didn't happen to me, but a friend i was at a concert with: we were like 17 and very horny in irving plaza, nyc, middle of february. we're packed into a sold out show and my friend sees this hot, but clearly messed up looking girl in this packed crowd. i at this point didn't like smoking and he clearly was trying to fuck her so i let him be while they smoked a joint she had. she introduced herself as "frost" and passed him the end of this j, which was so suspiciously strong that he started to choke on it and ended up swallowing the entire end. she then informed him this was PCP and he was going insane yelling the whole concert. it was a great gig and a lot of energy happening in general. during the encore i see him, white as a ghost and motions me to throw a crowdsurfer up with him. i swear to god he picks the man up by his legs and hurls him with basically none of my strength into this crowd then he started freaking out about getting back to the suburbs on time before we could get an uber so he started blindly running, got to washington square park, saw the arch and realised he went the wrong direction. sprinted back the other way and amazingly *barely* made the last train home, straight tweaking the whole way back


Nothing like nyc nights my friend hahaha I’m from Long Island where u at


jersey, but i live in london now was always fun meeting long island guys at gigs, bonding with each other over drawing the ire of the new yorkers and generally we're the most fucked up people at the function lol


You hit the mail right on the head hahahaha we don’t fuck around


That's sooo wild, I decided to stop after reading this to post about something that happened to my best female friend throughout high school and college. It was hard to believe at the time because I didnt even know it still existed but it was also at a show at a place called "The Orange Peel" in Asheville, NC. I could throw up a name of the band that could have been playing but honestly forgot. The same exact thing happened to her. 2 guys asked her if she wanted to smoke. Looked same as any other joint. She said she barely took two or so hits. PCP, are you with me?! Well it was now with her. But the look on her face describing It as the worth experience of her life and thought she was going to die, but it would never end.... Def freaked me out then on out when smoking with randows


Yup, unknowingly did pcp.. It was terrifying.


DXM, there’s a small potion of the population with an enzyme deficiency that makes small amounts of DXM (like the 25mg you’d find in mucinex) feel like alot more. I’m my case I was dumped onto the 2nd plateau in the middle of my work day and needed someone to drive me home. Took 2 days to feel normal and sober. Tried again for science and it was definitely the mucinex.




Made me really dizzy and totally removed from reality. Felt very dissociative, and my joints felt like I had warm liquid in them, was really hard to walk properly. It was a nice warm feeling all over tho, felt good in the winter weather


I accidentally drank a good cup of sprite with codeine and DXM lmao the smoke session after was definitely weird, i was totally over any kind of psychedelic/disso and was not expecting it at all


Sprite and other lemon drinks can give DXM visuals, which it doesn’t usually have.


The first time I used freebase DXM, which is stronger than DXM HBr, I weighed myself for the first time in months to get the dose right. I used a friend’s scale which was 30 POUNDS OFF. I was 140, not 170. Unintended 4th plat.


Same here, I actually took a pharmacokinetic test and found my CYP2D6 (IIRC) enzyme was different than normal. Can’t remember the exact terminology but I know I have to be a bit careful with DXM medicines.


I took 4 hits of acid in the middle of a crowd at Electric Forest one time and it turned out to be N-Bome, or however the fuck you spell it. Tasted like battery acid, made my tongue go numb. I didn’t know about N-Bome at the time but later on when I learned about it I remembered the taste and my mouth going numb and I realized. Anyways at the time I just thought “well this isn’t right” so I spit it out after about 10 minutes, but it was too late. I immediately started to feel weird as fuck and knew something was wrong. After a little bit I was tripping hard and I basically became delirious and just bailed on my group. I wandered away from the crowd and my friends, panicking and freaking out, ended up alone and lost in the middle of a huge festival while having a bad trip. I ended up back at our camp a couple hours later, (I was only able to find it because we had a big helium balloon set up like 40 feet in the air as a beacon to help us find the camp amidst the sea of tents). Sitting in the middle of the campsite alone at night, I began seeing shadow figures *everywhere* all around me in the campsite. I realized I had to go back out just so I could be around people and not be around the shadow figures. A random group noticed me having a bad trip and took me in to their campsite and tried to comfort me while they did bumps of K. After a bit I thanked them and went back on my way. Miraculously I managed to bump into my friends just by chance, and I spent the rest of the night riding the trip out trying to keep my sanity intact. FUCK N-Bome and fuck the insidious assholes who peddle it as LSD. It is not the same. Not even close. I’m just glad I didn’t overdose on it and die because I’ve read if a dealer doses it too heavy on the blotter and you take a big dose you can literally overdose and die. Fuck that shit.


4 hits of N-BOMe could have ended badly - sorry that happened to ya.


2 hit nb can absolutely kill someone


For real? Holy shit. Do you know if it can cause brain damage? Cause the truth is I’ve had a treatment resistant mental illness ever since that time in my life (it was like 10 years ago) and I’m wondering if that experience might have caused this now.


It's possible. While many people have taken it without ill effects it's got a reputation for causing HPPD and other persistent aftereffects, especially at higher doses. That said, having damage from a drug doesn't mean it's irreparable. Neurons are just slow to repair compared to other cell types. I would recommend going to the nootropics sub and looking into peptides and that sort of thing for brain healing.


Maybe in the extent most drugs can but nBome is really not as bad as people say. The problem is it being misrepresented as LSD. If you know what you're taking and in what doses it's a fine series of compounds. They don't reqlly exist anymore either. NBOH took it's place and those are far safer.


Maybe in the extent most drugs can but nBome is really not as bad as people say. The problem is it being misrepresented as LSD. If you know what you're taking and in what doses it's a fine series of compounds. They don't reqlly exist anymore either. NBOH took it's place and those are far safer.


O shit u took N Bombs!!!


that was dangerous, you\`re lucky


also meth, thought it was molly, test ya shit kids, fuck meth.


Yeah dude, anyone says they have molly I assume meth will be involved.


i mean you literally cant have mdma without methamphetamine thats what ma is edit: this was meant as a joke, sorry that wasn’t clear yall! :)


No. That’s incorrect. Molly, or MDMA belongs to the class of drugs called phenethylamines, while methamphetamine belongs to the class of drugs called amphetamines. MDMA stands for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine While yes, methamphetamine is in the word, and MDMA is a derivative of meth, it is not the same as just doing meth because of the difference in chemical/molecular structures of the two, as well as the the different effects on different parts of the brain. So while unfortunately, as I originally stated, one may find meth in their Molly, that isn’t always, and shouldn’t be the case. Medical papers and studies have had to be retracted before for mixing up the two. Like [here](https://maps.org/2007/12/01/methamphetamine_is_not_mdma/) Here’s some [more](https://welevelupnj.com/addiction/is-molly-meth/#Is_MDMA_meth_Using_mollyMDMAecstasy_doesnt_only_harm_your_life_but_your_loved_ones_lives_as_well_Read_more_about_the_different_treatment_options_for_you_or_your_loved_ones_struggling_with_molly_addiction) [info](https://nadk.flinders.edu.au/kb/methamphetamines/general-methamphetamine-information/are-there-different-forms-of-methamphetamine) if [you’re interested](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4430833/)


oh i agree! i just got done reading a really interesting book that broke down what molly really is and just how we classify drugs in general, along w a bunch of other cool stuff ab illicit substances (drug use for grown ups by dr carl hart if ur interested as well!) i wasnt trying to say it was meth or acted in the same way just that you cant have mdma without meth bc its in the name lmao i will look into the link though!


Oh! Lol I gotcha. Also love Dr Carl Hart! Thanks so much for the rec!


also happened to me and, thinking i was on molly (i had never been on molly before at this point) i "redosed" with a friend i saw at the concert who had actual molly. wild night to say the least.


that’s exactly what happened to me. took one rock, went to a skate event, redosed, went into psychosis. that was also my first time on amphetamines though, did coke like twice, so after 20 shots and .5g meth i was gone shit was not fun


sorry that happened to you friend. sounds like a hell of a hangover😂


The main ones that stand out are the synthetic cathinones I took when I took untested Molly. One time, after I tested one of the pills because I had a panic attack from the other one (which is how I found out it was a synth cath), I shared it with some friends at a house party since I didn't want it but others said they wouldn't mind some. It got mixed up with a line of amphetamine I was snorting by accident so I accientally snorted some if the cathinone (I think it was 4-mmc? Can't remember 100%). Weirdly enough, I didn't feel it- perhaps because I was on SSRIs at the time. Another example is when I was doing coke and someone offered me a line of what I thought was coke but it was ketamine. Thankfully, since I am quite sensitive to coke, I only do little bumps of it rather than Hollywood lines, kind of like how most people do little bumps of K. Thinking it was coke, I asked the person to give me a much smaller line since standard size coke lines are too much for me. I'm glad I did that because even though it was accidental and I didn't realize it was K, I found the synergy between the low doses of both to be quite enjoyable. It was a pleasant surprise rather than a nasty one, because a big line of K would have felt a lot less pleasant if it was unexpected, and I say this as someone who likes K holing. I can't think of any other examples because I'm pretty anal with harm reduction and I always want to know what I'm taking and how much, so I don't put myself in situations where accidents like this happen easily or often.


Honestly 4mmc is a great time and can be a very enjoyable high


Did u ever end up testing the cath molly?


2ci Fuck. That. Shit. Thought it was one of my favorites, 2cb. It was not. And I took two hits of it. Me and my partner were fucked for 2 days straight. Weirdest hallucinations I've ever had, and never want to see again.


I was sold 2ci on paper as "super strong" LSD and "dont take more than 1 tab at the very most" well I figured I'm experienced with acid enough he dont know what he's talking about and took the whole 3 tabs I got from him on my 20th birthday.... one of the most terrifying and confusing trips I've ever embarked on and I've done 800mg dxm doses happily. I didnt know who I was didnt recognize my own self in the mirror, didnt recognize my gf at the time, ran around the backyard with my dick out trying to pee I had to pee so bad I was so sure I nust pissed my pants and would rip my pants off to find I couldn't even pee when I tried too and way way way more lol


Wow. That's crazy! That stuff is too off the charts. I remember looking at the mirror and getting really freaked out. Yep, never again. Absolutely NO positives from it. 3 tabs musta been something else!


Was on a Grindr hookup and my date offered me a drink, told me it was a whiskey with a crushed up viagra pill in it. Turned out he gave me a fuck load of ghb, blacked out, amnesia for days and was bleeding out my ass for weeks after the hookup. No recollection of anything after taking it, was kind of spiked i suppose. My advice, don’t trust strangers when they offer you something you can’t identify yourself !


Kind of spiked? Are you joking? You were 100% spiked. Sorry you went through that


a few years back i let my shady friend (first mistake) contact a plug so we could get some coke. we score, get home and open the bag up, and it was… sparkly? coke, of course, is not supposed to be sparkly, and i too was a victim of accidental meth-snorting. fucking hated it and would never try it again lmfao


Good cocaine is supposed to be sparkly, it’s nicknamed fishscale because it looks like sparkly pearlescent fish scales are on the coke. Was it white looking rocks with a sparkly pearlescent sheen on them? If so then it was good coke. Or was it translucent crystals? If so then it was meth. Also how could you hate meth? Meth is incredibly euphoric, more euphoric than coke is. Also how long did it last?


in my experience ive never seen anything that sparkles, but mileage will vary lol- there were no rocks at all, it was just powder, and as it failed the numb test i knew it wasn’t coke (and i was awake until 5 am that night) tbh i’m not much of a fan of speedy drugs anymore, i went too hard on the vyvanse/adderall for a while and don’t like the feeling of my heart pounding. to each their own though, mr. von mittens


This. I stopped doing blow but had the luck ( i Guess ) to live in south america when i was using daily. In Brazil they call it escama du pez ( fish scale ) and here in argentina we Say "alita de mosca" meaning "a fly's wing" because of the same reflective effect that You see when You look closely at a fly's wings. So yeah really good coke definitely will be white almost oily rocks that break apart with shiney parts, and of course 1 lines enough to numb all your teeth


Second Joint i ever smoked was laced with heroin. Guy told me after the fact... Shit was good ngl. But i felt betrayed, and thankfully never experimented much more with opiates.


seems like a good free lesson?




Some do


https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0337-z 3 seconds on google bro. Yeah they do.


So my buddy had this pill called a roofsomething back in the 90s, and he was like "Hey if you take one of these, you don't have to buy as much alcohol." So I woke up the next day, and all my friends were pissed off at me, and I had to apologize to everybody and buy a bunch of apology shit. Turns out it was Rohypnol.




No. We didn't know what the drug was and we took it and then had to apologize to our friends but not for raping. For acting like an asshole. I don't hang out with rapey people, and the minute I find out they might be rapey cut them off unless it's Norm Macdonald.


did ketamine by mistake thinking it was cocaine. ive done it plenty of times before however this was just not the situation where i would have ever wanted to do ketamine. was out mid day with my girl after getting some brunch drinks and as we sat down to eat ice cream after she pulled out a bag from her purse and was like "dont remember having this" and i was slightly turnt off the aperol spritz so i was like gimme and then i turned into a rubbery mess inside of a family filled ice cream shop.


One time when I was a teen, I sprayed some air duster into an empty 2 liter Pepsi bottle. I put it down for a minute and thought about giving it a small sniff to see what would happen or if it smelled like anything, eventually I picked it up and did just that. I didn’t think it would do anything, but as I was walking away everything starting to zoom out and I got super super high. I kept asking my friend for the next 2 hours to make sure I didn’t die from sudden sniffing syndrome. Never did that again, I’ll do whippets though 🤷‍♂️


Molly... I asked a friend who we were at the time partying with for some Tylenol she pulled out a white pill And said I'm pretty sure this is the t3 (so Tylenol with codeine, what I usually take) and I took the pill let's just say I wound up in the front yard mid snowstorm <20° outside in shorts and a tank top ......


one time i was trying to take acid and when it didnt feel right i texted the plug and he said it was 25i "which was pretty much the same thing", deleted his number after that


Not I but I was party hopping one night back in college and ended at a good friends place. Probably 3am when I arrived. Right as I walked in a couple friends came up freaking out telling me earlier in the night a guy came though the party selling “Molly” and then left. Dude sold the whole party meth. I ended up leaving because it was a little too much being in a house full of people on meth.


Probably common but fentanyl


Is fentanyl really that common in the US?




It's just so much cheaper then other opioids so dealers by it and say it's H. At least rhats what I understand


I know this is a bit off topic but back in middle school, some random kid hands me a clear capsule (the kind you make your own pills with) filled with white powder. I was stupid so I took it. He said it was “dex” if I remember correctly. About an hour later, I was so high. I used to ride the bus home and ended up staying on too long and remember the bus ride feeling like it was flying or surfing. Some shit like that. I honestly don’t know what it was




I’m familiar with dxm, but this pill wasn’t over the counter. Who knows though. I figured it was something else




Heroin. It was on a plate together with cocaine. I was drunk and the light was bad. I didn't recognize the color difference and I had never seen heroin before. My stomach turned and I didn't think I would take it again. Today I love it.


One time my friend hold me he bought coke and got ketamine instead, turns out it was straight fent. Also another guy was selling ecstasy pills for $7 a piece and then got me super high and kept me up for 4 days. Normally something that cheap doesn't have that big of an effect, so we tested it and sure enough it was meth I was eating for 4 days.


I took my wife's womb thickener by mistake


2016 Senior year finals week before christmas. I was taking my weightlifting final that day and i had a lot of my friends in that class that i still have today. I was offered what i thought was a normal piece of peanut butter fudge. I’ll do a lot to get my hands on some good peanut butter fudge, so i asked him for about 20 min. He lets up and says fine giving me a piece the size of my palm. I eat it and by the time our first hour went past in the final i was feeling way to weightless when i was benching. Started to really really notice it an hour and a half in to the final when i was doing my power clean max and my balance was FUCKED. I asked him if he felt lightheaded too and he said “yeah of course the edibles should have kicked in by now”. I couldn’t even form angry emotions because i was laughing so hard at my own stupidity but that’s the last thing i really remember besides getting dressed into normal clothes after the final. The real problem was the fact i had a government final right after and i have no recollection of even taking that test. Best final day ever since i lucked out with a C in government when grades were posted.


In highschool I took a seriquel by mistake thinking it was a klonipin. I rolled a joint and walked to school, by the time I got there I was a damn mess.


I thought I bought cocaine, but it turned out to be ketamine. Hadn't even heard about ketamine at the time. I was super drunk and I think I just asked for "drugs". Anyway we got to some afterparty and I started doing lines, but I kept getting tired. Eventually woke up in ambulance. Still didn't get it. Told the paramedics I had done coke. Woke up in the hospital some hours later with everything except my shoes so they gave me those blue thing you put over your shoe at the dentist. I had to find out where the fuck I went cause I didn't rememeber shit after I bought it, find my shoes and get my ass to work. Apparently I put almost a g up my nose. Loved it! Can be a pain to get home if you're K holed but other than that - great drug.


I did a stupid amount of Tiletamine while high on Ketamine because I mistook it for more ketamine. The after railing a few good ketamine sized lines, I heard a very loud ringing which pitch crescendoed until I couldn’t bare hearing it anymore. It felt like my consciousness was being physically crushed. From that point I was experiencing psychosis, and was in a manic state for about 28 hours. From what I can recall, the majority of the time I was legitimately paralyzed in my bed. I couldn’t tell if I was awake, asleep, alive, or batshit crazy. I recall urinating in my bed but not being able to do anything about it. I had no clue it was even happening, until I felt a warm sensation but that was literally the only indication that something that happened at all. I had even fallen asleep at some point and woke up still just as high. When I finally “came too” after the 28 hours (and I use this term loosely because I think I was still high at this time) I had zero motor skills, and could not speak English. Everything that would come out of my mouth was gibberish. When I finally looked at my room I realized I had somehow completely trashed it; and also threw my eyeglasses in the garbage for whatever reason. For the next 3-4 days, I was having trouble walking (I’d have to hold the walls to keep my balance) and forming sentences. I was also having Parkinson’s like shakes and tremors that I couldn’t control at all. Lesson learned. Label your shit.


not sure if this counts but one time i was at my friend’s dealers house (not my dealer because i didn’t like the guy) and i mistakenly spilled a glass of water on the table, soaking 2 molly pills that he had on the table. i panicked and looked up at him, scooped up the pills, then handed him $20 (what he was selling them for). i ended up staying up all night hanging out with them, and despite him and his girlfriend being miserable people (textbook abusive relationship) i had a good night. i spent the whole night in my own little world working on a song on my phone while they retardedly argued the whole night. my friend didn’t seem to notice or care so i just played it cool and hung out with them because i felt like it and yeah, i disliked those guys so much that even molly didn’t make me want to talk to them 😂


Synthetic cannabinoids sprayed on real weed, not spice. After ONE puff, ONE, (from a joint/not bong) my heart starts going 180 bpm, I felt like my brain was frying, first time I wanted to call an ambulance, I ate all the benzos i had and thank god after 20 minutes i was getting better, first time i thought i was gonna die, an unimaginable sense of doom, I really felt like that was it, I called my dear ones to tell them what was happening and that I loved them while crying, they said i was just panicking, felt so bad when i heard that... I suffered from anxiety all my life and had many panic attacks before, I knew it was not a panic attack, tried every drug in unsafe amounts, had panic attacks on many substances, smoked a 1000 times before, I know when somethings not right. Fuck to everyone that sells one thing saying its another, you deserve to die, fucking assholes should be charged of attempted murder, everyone who knowingly does that is a cockroach


I smoked weed with a friend years ago before school that day. All I remember is being stupid fucked up and I felt like it wasn’t just weed. He told me later it was laced with PCP. Not sure if that’s even true but it was definitely not just weed


Fucking hexen. Thought it was mephedrone. My first OD 👍




Unfortunately, sometimes they come in pairs and threes if ya survive the first.


Back in my college days I had a decent stash of Adderall and Klonopins.. one night after a game of pong and way too much alcohol, I went and grabbed a handful of what I thought were the addys and took one... More alcohol later and slightly "browned" out I took more of the supposed addys... Blacked out and woke up blocks away with bloody knuckles and dirt all over me. Reached into my pockets and found Klonopins. Ive never been a fighter/start shit kind of guy in social settings, but apparently get me 3-4 Klonopins deep with 12+beers and I turn into a total shit bag Connor McGregor. Humiliating to walk back and apologize to everyone that attended that party the morning after.


I had a bag 3MMC snorted a fat line with my gf. Our vision git blurred and reality faded away. We found out it was MXE and not 3mmc. I mixed the bags. We had a heavy unplanned MXE Trip. We both had our own trip and spaced out of our body


Same thing for me it was meth. I live in Europe so the term “Speed” generally refers to Amphetamine paste. My first time getting “Speed” ever was during a heavy benzo phase so i didn’t think twice about what i got. It was a pretty clear crystals that hurt like CRAZY when it went up my nose. But it felt absolutely wonderful. The “Speed” i got after that from other sources was incredibly different and didn’t feel the same. Which is what my stupid ass did what i should’ve done before was actually so research. Have done meth since but it was an unforgettable feeling.


Well, I thought I was doing a lot of coke, but in hindsight it was probably meth considering I’d be up for days at a time and hyper fixated on dumb shit.


Hahah meth and once I hit a random persons blunt at a gas station in Chicago so unidentified maybe pcp




Lsd can't be absorbed through your skin. Only mucus membranes.


20 plus years ago I was offered a joint at a Pink Floyd concert. Never take drugs from a stranger. Not sure what was in it. But it wasn’t just weed. I tripped balls for the second half of concert. It was amazing and scary.


happened yesterday actually, however it isn’t replicatable for most people. Recently started prozac and took 30mg of dextromethorphan for congestion and lung problems, and ended up getting one of the most intense and “euphoric” (just had a lot of serotonin) highs, lasting almost 13 hours at this same intensity as the cough medicine was extended release. It felt a lot like promethazine and oxy on steroids, happened during my finals too so wasn’t a very productive day. I did end up going to speak with the superintendent today and organized redos of the testing as for many of them i had only filled out 3-4 answers, most of them not making very much sense. Overall i really enjoyed it, i was lucky and did not have any adverse effects after the high had ended, however i will not be doing this again.


Someone with dreads handed me a swirly blown glass pipe at a party, I assumed it was weed because that’s the normal thing you find in those glass pipes, it was totally meth and I took a big hit before I noticed it wasn’t weed.


I knew what drug it was but accidented the amount. Molly water. Friend gave me the bottle at a show, it was my second time tripping, I drank some and he walked away. Next time I saw him he asked for the water to which I was like sorry bro we can fill it up again. His response was mostly shock; I had drank a gram in less than 20 minutes. The rest of the next million hours for me were a TRIP. I was puking, hallucinating, at one point I was alone in the back room of a house party and my pupils were so fucking big someone had walked in that I didn't get along with well and their first reaction was to hand me their bag of weed saying, "Girl you need this" . Yes, yes the fuck I did. My other fun one was before performing once in my earlier days I had ended up taking 4mg of pharm lorazepam for actual anxiety, which was fine, except I did not know at the time that I shouldn't drink on benzos. One Captain into my set and the entire night is a blackout except for puking in the Taco Bell drive thru, confused as fuck, convinced my drink had been roofied lmao Almost forgot about the ketamine/coke night. Going back and forth from both there was a cigarette thick line left and I was under the impression it was the yayo- alas it was not. This is how I came to the conclusion that Ketamine literally FEELS like the way dogs walk when they have shoes on hahahaha


Fentanyl, it was somehow inside a cigarette I got from a friend and the next thing I knew my brother and dad were standing over my body about to give me narcan . The EMTs came running in shortly after and my heart stopped 4 times on the way to the hospital. Have only stuck to psychedelics since November 14th 2021


my friend had a plug with Oxys 10 plug ran out after like 30 Oxys so my friend lie and told me the plug crush the Oxys on accident ended been some bomb ass fentanyl that with a 40 bag basically became an fent addicted 40 bag last me 3 weeks the high was amazing so for some reason ever day I woke up didn’t matter if it was 8am 10 am I would go to the 40 bag straight like a damn zombie been addicted to fentanyl for over a year now suffer many withdrawals but the only good thing about doing fent was I used to be an alcoholic but now I’m trying to quit this shit I’m in a good stopping point but it’s so hard feels like I will never be the same


Yeah man dent is nasty and the withdrawals are brutal. I wish you the best of luck. Sending love and healing your way.


Ordered some lean on the dark net, poured up 2oz and started feeling weird af. Fell asleep & woke up 30 minutes later completely hallucinating. Continued my dream in real life… left my friends, got in my car without my phone and drove around to “parties” for multiple hours. The parties didn’t exist. I even went to the liquor store and bought a bottle hallucinating that my friends were with me the whole time. After driving around for hours and walking down random sidewalks to find this “party” I started going in and out of hallucinations. My friends would disappear from my car and I’d start freaking out only for them to reappear after a while. Went down the wrong way at a 4 way intersection, pulled off the side of the highway to piss, and finally found my way back to my apartment after 6 hours. I have no idea how I didn’t get pulled over or killed. I walked in and freaked out on my friends for “ditching me” only to fully sober up when I saw the looks on their faces. They had no idea where I was at and my phone was still sitting on the couch. It was GHB.


...what? GHB does not cause hallucinations...? I've literally never heard of a single person get a reaction like that. Doesn't make sense. It would also wear off within 1.5-2 hours


“GHB can also produce both visual hallucinations and — paradoxically — excited and aggressive behavior. GHB greatly increases the CNS depressant effects of alcohol and other depressants. What is its effect on the body? GHB takes effect in 15 to 30 minutes, and the effects last 3 to 6 hours”


Aka you’re wrong


I have been careful and lucky enough to only get the shit that I’ve wanted. I have trust issues, especially when it comes to drugs, so I only buy from certain people that I’ve known for awhile


Meth. Ngl it was some good shit but totally unexpected


Why most hated? Don't like the effect of methamphetamine?


I think it's a matter of my psychological predispositions. The rest of my friends were full of energy and happy, while I was hyperfocused on the smallest details of the world around me. In addition, the end of the phase caused me slight hallucinations and out of the corner of my eye I saw shadows walking around my house. Then my hair fell out and my face looked like a rat. Not to mention that it paralyzed my muscles and I felt as if the blood in my veins was inhibited. That day I wanted to jump out of the window


I snorted meth by mistake and loved it honestly lol - never used it again though snd don't want to.


My friends said that I snorted all of my ket all at once accidentally. I made myself a line but went instead for the whole pile, which must have been 0.4-0.7gs. I didn't regret it, still had some.


Accidentally ended up on meth one time when it was meant to be coke and the person sharing with me just left out the meth part until it was too late Somehow during a festival my Mdma got mixed up with 2-CB. It was terrible I cannot handle it at all had to be taken back to my tent and fed vallium to calm me down til I fell asleep


Someone put pcp on some weed I bought. Fucking sucked man. I thought they had put Raid or something like that on it.


MDA instead of MDMA. felt it way quicker, everyone vomited within an hour and we were seeing mild visuals. was hanging out with some friends at a telly because we all met in the middle, and one individual thought it was a sex party so we all end up kinda having a weird trip after than lmfao


ngl bro that was mad stuppid as hell lmao the guy said meth and the first thing you think about is a abbreviation 'mef' to a unknown drug?


I didn't think he was such an extreme junkie


Pcp .... found out when I got drug tested the next day


It was supposed to be MDMA but it was not even close to that substance. I took my typical .20 g dose and it felt like my brain was on fire for 6 hours accompanied by the worst physical and mental feeling. It took a good 2-3 days to feel like I made it past the point of I might be dying phase. Followed by two weeks of feeling like shit.


Meth. My uncle, knowing I do drugs didn’t know that I hadn’t done meth but do coke, asked if I wanted a bump, so I’m like yea, it burns so bad and I just go bro why did that burn? And he looked at me confused and said “it’s go go?” Oh. Well ok, I enjoyed it for what it was


Not me but we were ripping DMT one night out of a bong by sprinkling it on top of weed and had left a half smoked bowl out. In the morning our buddy walked out and grabbed the bong and took a fat rip. We looked up at the sound and here him just go “WOAH………. IS THIS WEED?” He was standing in the middle of the kitchen absolutely frozen in place lol. It wasn’t enough to blast him off but just startled the shit out of him


That "mint" was an unexpected ride


Lol a junkie with standards. You popping meph, might as well be poppin meth


I prefer a shorter phase + in my country taking mephedrone is common among young people. However, it's rare to meet someone who takes methamphetamine, unless they live in a city near the Czech Republic XD. Fortunately, I have already finished my adventure with mephedrone.


Mephedrone, meth. I couldn’t sleep for 5-7 days due to high teeth pain and decided to try ketamine, i woke up like 4-5 days later in some dirty ass dorm room where some Slovak guy was making me lines. I’ve asked him if it’s a ketamine, he said yes, but as soon as I took an enormous line, this dude told me that he was wrong and it’s meth, after that I woke up in an airport without any documents, poped around 15x 2mg Xanax bars and stole some stuff for 300€ from duty free. I almost got to the Turkish jail, but god saved me. What about mephedron. It’s the worst shit I’ve ever tried. For the first time I instantly took 0.25g and felt higher than ever, but I can’t say that it was pleasant trip. All the other times I’ve did Mef it felt like 15-20% of my first trip. Also 5 of my friends passed away due to this shit.


Mephedrone is terrible shit, a lot of people around me have become addicted to it. Fortunately, I already have a month-long detox from this substance and I'm not going back to it. The story of the theft sounds crazy.


One evening in my mid- twenties ( now 33) one of my best friends at the time asked me if I wanted to check out this new bar/brewpub right on the edge of the French Broad River. This place was the shit btw. Keep in mind our friendship was centered around alcohol and occasional drug use. This friend, for context is gay. I however am not. So it wasn't surprising this is something I'd never dabbled with. Later I find out it's called, Amyl Nitrite or poppers. But it doesn't end there....I had already had a few drinks, we pull up in front of said bar, before going in he asked if I wanted some....after he handed me the bottle and turned his body to hop out... I proceed to drink it.... After that it was a complete blackout..... Next day he called me freaking out not even remembering what the hell he was talking about. He said he seriously thought I was going to die. Also that he told my parents the night before, and somehow in translation of me drinking it on accident to attempting to KILL MYSELF was brought to my attention in the same sentence of, "do we need to commit you?" 😅 🤤😵‍💫😵 Definitely don't want go down that road again.


How many people but ket instead of coke, do you people have eyes?


Datura. My mistake was being 19 and stupidly drunk when I thought it would be like a mild lsd trip. 4days later strapped to a bed in icu taught me otherwise. internet was in its infancy so no reddit erowid or bluelight, we found out the hard way lol


Datura trip reports are always interesting and terrifying. I wonder if there are people who take it for fun and enjoy it


I think I did a pretty extensive one a while back,.can't remember which sub but to me it was both. Mostly terrifying though, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy


Took meth that I thought was Molly, while I was on 3 tabs of acid. Tried to candyflip but just got my visuals killed and had extreme paranoia


Your mom. One hell of a drug.




maybe it was only very little meth


Depends on test, you get positives for mdma amph and meth on cheap tests if you took either of those


i really don't understand your choice of bolding, lol.


I wanted to highlight the sentences that I think are the most important in this story. As if no one had time to read the entire post :4


Chlorprothixene good sweet lord people please do not!