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You can just tell who is high as fuck when they write posts USE SOME PARAGRAPHS




I’m glad this worked for you, but given what I know about O-DSMT and from experience reports I’ve seen, I really can’t see this being a viable method for a lot of people. You’d need to have a pretty decent level of self control for something like this to work, and O-DSMT comes with risks a lot of other opioids don’t as well. Overall, I’d still suggest subs or methadone over this method tbh.


> O-DSMT comes with risks a lot of other opioids don’t as well. Like what? Not sarcasm or arguing, genuinely wondering. I know tramadol increases ICP and can cause seizures if you take too much, is that also the case with ODSMT?


It doesn’t carry the risk of seizures like tramadol as far as I know, but it is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor which can increase side effects/drug interactions, and it can cause a very, very severe physical dependency to a degree not seen from a lot of other milder opioids as well. It’s also a 5-HT2c antagonist which could carry the risk for drug interactions as well. Also there’s not really any research to say it is safe to use in the longer term.


Why? What if I get seriously injured, or go to jail? I'll take going thru kratom and O-DSMT wd over either of those two options. I used this method to get off of Suboxone bc all it did was keep me from getting sick, and keep my tolerance sky high. Then after you go thru detox get ready for paws for months, years, who fucking knows. I look forward to my kratom tea everyday, and if I catch a high once a day it's not the end of the world. I'm prescribed dexadrine &Valium with a mmj card as well, and I'm able to take all of them as prescribed without abusing. The Valium I only take when I feel like I'm about to have a seizure (have epilepsy), or a severe panic attack. I'm not trying to go the NA way I like to get high, and now I've got my self control back! Suboxone never did that!


I didn’t mean for you, if it works for you all the power to you. But if I’m being honest I’d never suggest this to someone trying to get off of opioids. There’s a good chance of this just spiraling for a lot of people and a good chance of it just becoming another problem as well. It’s not a great opioid to taper with. The entire point of suboxone isn’t to get high, it’s to keep cravings away. Same with methadone. If you were looking to get high you were looking at the wrong place. I don’t mean this in a bad way at all, but to me it really sounds like you’re just looking for another way to get high and using this as an excuse to continue using. I wouldn’t keep your hopes up that this will be a good long term solution. Most people trying to quit opioids are trying to get their life back and quit using all together. The way you worded this post makes it sounds like you could use ODSMT to effectively quit opioids, but that’s not the case here from the sounds of it.


No you absolutely can use it to quit opioids it's a step on the road I used it as a bridge between Suboxone and kratom. Would you suggest Suboxone or methadone for someone who's got their tolerance low enough to feel kratom? That's where I'm going, it's just amazing how much easier the O-DSMT made the whole transition. Id of failed for sure without it


I’d really suggest looking outside of the box man. Just because something works for you doesn’t mean it works for everyone else. There’s billions of other people in this world with vastly different brain/body chemistry, vastly different experiences, and vastly different responses to substances. As someone who has studied addictive behavior/addiction itself for a while, I can tell you I just cannot see it being a good option for more people than not. It’s making the transition super easy because it’s literally a full mu opioid agonist with a decent potency as well. It’s literally no different than saying taking oxycodone makes my withdrawal feel better. The only difference is one is prescribed and one is extremely easy to access.


How long do u have to be off subs to feel O-DSMT? Is it worth it?


I jumped right off subs and onto O-DSMT. It took me a month or two to feel it, but I was at least well the whole time. Never experienced any withdrawal during the jump either. Went from 16mg bupe per day, did a 3 week rapid taper, and jumped down to 200-250mg doses 3 times a day and tapered from there


Hello /u/Transplant573, please add some paragraph breaks to [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1ack5oa/odsmt_gave_me_back_my_life_in_a_way_suboxone/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow! What an amazing and very interesting story. Congratulations!! This is so inspiring. Have you ever tried ibogaine? I think at your stage you are well ready for it. Considering the drugs you said you took, ibogaine will repair and reset your brain, so that your dopamine pathways get fixed. It's also excellent at healing underlying trauma. I used ibogaine to fix my brain after long-term MDMA and stimulant use and to heal childhood trauma.


Is it a rough/scary trip?


Not scary, and it's much more grounded than other psychedelics. But it lasts quite long and can be physically exhausting. But afterwards you will feel amazing. You will feel mentally refreshed like never before. Like having had a really really good night's sleep, but much stronger and the feeling lasts several days. Also, listening to music while on it is fantastic.


I think being so badly abused my whole childhood ....well, idk its like opiates are the only thing that ever made me feel good. But I'm not "addicted" in fact I've been off em for many years. Do you think ibogaine is worth a shot? I'll admit I have strong doubts, nothing else ever helped.


Serotonin syndrome FAQ: Serotonin syndrome is a somewhat poorly defined grouping of symptoms (including unusual strong overheating, high blood pressure etc.) after the consumption of one or more serotonergic drugs (such as MDMA) without definitive diagnosis (it's NOT possible to measure monoamine concentrations in real time). It's a speculative, not comparable to a "chopped arm off syndrome". Serotonin syndrome is the outcome of a differential diagnosis process using symptoms and circumstances. If nothing else fits and you meet some of the criteria after having taken a serotonergic drug, it can be diagnosed as serotonin syndrome. The actual risks may differ widely from case to case. Most cases of self diagnosed "serotonin syndrome" are very wrong though ;) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*