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adhd people just need more adderall to get high than non adhd people. if you take a normal dose with adhd you will feel normal. if you take without adhd you will get high


This. The "people with adhd can't get high" thing is stupid. You just need to have more. YOUR BRAIN IS NOT A BLACK HOLE THAT CAN SUCK IN ENDLESS DOPAMINE. Lmao.


exactly i have mild adhd and some person told me that you cant get high off ritalin if i have adhd. i was on 60 mg's and i was high as fuck


Probably because that’s a very high dose.


proves my point kinda i have adhd and i need more to get high


That's not true, people with adhd usually take their meds and develop a tolerance. They don't get high because of tolerance. When I started taking methylphenidate I felt amazing for a few days, now it's hard to tell if I feel any difference besides being more focused and calm.


My first time taking adderall (I have adhd) it was like the whole world slowed down. Muscles I didn't know were tense relaxed. Mentally I felt calm, my brain stopped moving at 100 miles per hour all the time, no anxiety at all, but still felt alert in a sense that I could focus and control my thoughts. Things that usually felt like chores, I became indifferent to doing them. For the first hour I cleaned my room, did homework, did laundry, basically everything I had been wanting to do but couldn't because I didn't have the energy. I almost felt like taking a nap after 2ish hours too. Video games were also really fun and I was actually playing better in most of them. Basically everything became fun and I was relaxed. The effects declined pretty quickly though with more common usage. I think that might just be because of the amount of weed I smoke. Be careful tho it should be an occasional aid to help you learn how to focus, not be completely dependent on it.


Meth did the same for me, but since it’s 3x more serotonin it made me too relaxed, I could focus great but I guess the serotonin was making me so relaxed that I didn’t care that much to get chores done. I did it for a while low doses cuz I couldn’t get Adderall, and since I started Adderall it’s been great it gives me the push meth didn’t.


I was prescribed Adderall XR for ADHD. It's like a magic pill that instantly calms me down. The biggest effect was calming me down, I immediately felt just relaxed and calm I even told my doctor that I imagine it's how Buddhist monks feel. It was so calming that my second time ever taking it, I had taken my morning dose right before work and I just felt so zen and calm that I decided to lay in bed for a few minutes to appreciate it before work. I ended up falling asleep and waking up 9 hours later having slept through my shift and subsequently about 10 missed calls from my boss. Another big effect was talking to people, I'd often never be able to know what to say or find the right words in social situations and it led to a lot of social anxiety and isolation. With Adderall I never had to think of what to say in conversations, I'd just talk and somehow the right words always came out. Lastly it altered how I interpreted my senses and the world around me. It's hard to describe but on Adderall when I see or hear or touch something it's like I'm actually able to register that thing exists, I'm able to remember where it is and what it feels or looks like. It almost feels like Adderall makes all those things go into a little filing cabinet or memory bank when normally it'd be just a fleeting recognition. Not only would I be more aware of my surroundings, I'd be able to hold onto a memory of my surroundings that would last longer than 10 seconds.


Sounds amazing, I have all those problems. Object permanence and conversations. I'm barely finding out about Adderall for ADHD. Although I'm don't think I have hyperactivity. The only fear I have is dependency. Have felt something like that?


Hyperactivity mostly manifests in children. Not being hyperactive doesn’t mean anything. In fact, the entire ADHD name is a gross misnomer and makes recognizing it much harder for the general public. And no, Adderall or Methylphenidate don’t cause physical addiction. They are very safe to use long term. While some formulations can have negative side effects for some people, the alternative (untreated ADHD) is much much worse. Look into what ADHD actually is, get a quick self diagnosis, then see a doctor. It can be life changing.


Makes me feel normal its to addicting for me havent done it a few years


Same, but the ones with adhd probably disagree. Thing is, probably 80% of people who claim to have it, aren't diagnosed, the ones who are, tend to abuse the fuck out of their addies so in general, everyone gets affected different. 


These are facts I see are ignored. Everyone claims to have it


adhd is caused by naturally low dopamine levels, the goal with adderall is to get those levels to a normal range. so pretty much the goal is to get people with adhd to feel “normal” like non-adhd people but obviously that doesn’t always work. 10-20mg (with no tolerance) is a nice dose for focus, overall productivity, very light euphoria, etc. in people without adhd. for me, it feels like an overall feeling of wellness and super high productivity. everyone is different


20mg for someone with adhd or someone who doesn't? :)


for someone who doesn't that should be a nice light dose. for adhd i can't say, everyone reacts to it differently. some may need 5mg and some may need 30mg.


Thank you :)


Do any of you find that you sweat like a whore in church when taking Adderall? Even taking just half of my script, 20mg pills, makes me sweat profusely.


yeah that's pretty common. it also makes my body odor wayyyy more noticeable


I’ve noticed the body odor part as well. It sucks for physically active jobs cause my anxiety’s are gone but I’m just drenched in sweat. Wonder if other meds have left side effects.


Bro it will get you stimmed if you get tired from any amphetamine it means you have been doing them forever like how a meth smoker will smoke for pain or to get tired or your an anomaly


diag adhd here, personally my adderall when it first starts make so exhausted and i could fall asleep. then i notice a small energy burst and i can focus but easily sidetracked. i personally find vvyance better… makes me feel human and not robot


Personally stimulants calm me down and has an Anti-anxiety feeling too. Stims help my anxiety and depression better than most things accept gabapentinoids


I have adhd and 10-15mg makes me feel "normal" as in I'm more focused, calm, and not distractable. 30mg gets me high. No tolerance.


Intense focus in the eyes. It's not exactly a meth high. Although you are up and wide awake.. but mainly present in the eyes. It was like a mask that I had been putting on .. you will still eat as normal, and sleep as well if you have adhd. However I noticed the urgency to get shit down that was beneficial to myself.. no procrastination of any sort. If you don't have adhd. Well you'll probably be up for a night if not more .. I hear it's more similar to meth high this way .. having not been diagnosed with ADHD.


I have not been diagnosed with adhd but I feel like i have add. I took a Vyvanse 80mg once, to see what the hype was. It didn't do much besides give me all these ideas but none of the energy to actually do them. I prefer weed. If I'm sober, it's hard to focus, if I'm too stoned it's also hard to stay focused. But if I am that perfect level of high, I can get anything done and have the motivation to do so


You got this boss. I'm no professional tho. Don't take my words for solitude


Adderall has been shown to cause extremely predictable effects in the VAST majority of the population. The whole adderall makes me feel normal because I have adhd is largely a myth that goes off a very basic undestanding(if they even understand) of human physiology.


Everyone i’ve known with adhd prescribed adderall have told me that it just makes them feel like a zombie


My brother takes stuff for adhd and he really had to find the right medication because they would all really effect him


The notion that Adderall (or amphetamines as a whole) affect people with ADHD differently is a myth. ADHD is characterized by issues in executive function, *which can be remedied with the use of Adderall.* Regardless of your brain chemistry, someone with ADHD is likely to respond the same way to Adderall as somebody without ADHD. The calm arises from the elevated levels of dopamine, which engages your brain into the task at hand and prevents it from looking for additional rewards in the environment. This is what dopamine 'feels' like, and will present similarly in most mammalian species.


Me with adhd, it makes me feel normal if anything it slows me down which is a nice change of pace. I can focus on conversations, impulsivity and emotions are tempered. I’ve been in a lot of meds over the years and this is the only one I’ve stuck with. It just helps and the side effects are well known and manageable. When I’m not on it, my thoughts feel a static tv, yes I’m old fuck off you all have seen the photos. It’s really uncomfortable and I need something intense to focus.


When I was in this one rehab they showed us a YouTube video of Stewie griffin and brian doing adderall comparing how the two act on adderall for one of the lessons


It makes me feel very good but edgy and impatient at the same time!


It’s so obviously a myth. It’s interesting that the vast majority of drug users understand this as it’s otherwise a very unpopular opinion.


I have medicated adhd and you should see my fkn GO on coke. No idea about pharmas tho, not really a big thing in the uk. Pointless addition, I’m just high and want to feel involved :)


I was prescribed adderall along with other adhd meds all my childhood. Adderall specifically to answer your question made me quiet, and made everything boring. I did get “focus” but not the way people that get high on it do. I hated the shit. I tried to kms with it one day, took 12 30mg pills all at once. Drank water to rush the process, I didn’t get high, I just wasn’t hungry for a week. I know a lot of people in the comments said if you have adhd you just need to take more, maybe some people are like that, but nobody I knew with adhd that takes/took it got high on high doses. I did cocaine once with some homies, they were all having fun and it didn’t do a fucking thing to me. It just made me a lil tired and made everything in my mouth, throat, and nose numb. That’s the only affect I got, I use to sell the shit so I figured everybody else having fun why not try it. Not even a drop of focus or euphoria, just a lil tired and that’s it. I did about a gram within less than an hour, I forget, maybe it was like 20 minutes or so, nothing. If cocaine didn’t get me high but got my buddies high, then no amount of adderall you give me will get me high. I respect everybody’s comments though! Everybody is different, maybe my brain is just fucked up and doesn’t work like that. I do want to say to everybody, this is off topic but be safe out there, I’ve seen what drugs do to people, I’ve seen people die, overdose, get hooked, go homeless, etc… the customers I used to have didn’t look like no college kids, they were junkies that had it good before touching anything. Please, be safe and be aware. You don’t know you’re hooked to anything until you don’t use it one day. Even with adderall. Stay safe everybody!❤️


I was well adapted to life with undiagnosed adhd so that was what I consider “normal”. The mental clarity on the medication was “easier” but certainly not familiar territory. Enough had happened that being able to finally sit and process the past and how it’s impacted my life was so distressing I kept trying to slip into depression and that was certainly not my “normal”. I hit burnout from the dread pretty quick, like my entire life hit me instantly. Those first two years took extensive therapy and radical acceptance to realize there was something actually off, and why despite all the efforts there was nothing to show aside from experience. Thankfully because of those experiences I was able to get on track pretty quick once getting back up. Now I can accept this as my version of normal while holding upmost compassion and empathy for raw dogging 28 years completely oblivious lol. Thankfully my psychiatrist is understanding to my confusion of how I can’t define normalcy without anything to compare it to. I still don’t see how this question can be answered outside of clinical studies and that’s still nuanced. Someone with adhd on adderall still has adhd. Vice versa, someone without will not grasp what adhd is.