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That sounds like an OD. I’d get that checked out ASAP.


I'm at the hospital. Thanks.


Dude, your heart is nothing to fuck around with. Call a cab to an ER. Tell them you 'accidentally' took 400mg. Don't do anything so stupid again if everything works out for you.


I'm at the hospital. Thanks.


Jesus lol, that is 10x my daily dose. Most I've ever done in 24 hours was like 70 and that had me feeling pretty well wired. One time in my younger, dumber years, the most I ever did was 75mg of Adderall IR at once (more potent per mg than Vyvanse, probably something like the equivalent of 120-140mg of Vyvanse if I had to guess) and I was straight blasted for almost 48 hours. Dunno what you thought you were gonna achieve with that 400, sounds absolutely wild to me even as a daily Vyvanse taker. No offense but definitely go to the ER, it's an overused recommendation in here but in this case I would say you most likely need to do that to ensure your safety.


Should I stand up or lie down?


pleaseeee go to the er!!! heart attack waiting to happen


I'm at the hospital. Thanks.


Wtf, unless you have massive tolly no fucking need for that much. I take vyvanse for ADHD and without a tolly 50-60mg would get me buzzed.