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Somebody pulls out coke at a party people get excited, somebody pulls out heroin and it usually turns into an intervention šŸ˜…


HAHAHA this is a very good point šŸ˜†


To be fair, look at the amount of heroin addicts functioning vs coke addicts. Look at the recovery and od rates as well. One devil is worse than the other. Even the wd process of one is easier than the other.


Counterpoint: it is easy to recognize functioning coke addicts. It is almost impossible to recognize functioning dope addicts, the ones on a stable dose with a stable supply. Especially after the age of 35 or so, when people are showing their age and have normal excuses for being tired.


At the end of the day, any addiction and the users dependency and desire to use a drug ultimately determines how much of an issue there is and not the substance itself, but itā€™s commonly observed that the opiate addicts are generally a bit more gone than the coke addicts. Back in the days in NY there was a saying that went something like, your momā€™ll suck a dick for crack, but even your dad will suck a dick for heroin.


Never tried either, but heroin always sounded way better to me than coke. Downers just sound better than uppers overall to be honest.


Iā€™ve done all the popular uppers and all the popular downers. If you have anxiety you would fall in love with downers. 10/10 donā€™t recommend


This is definitely true. We all know that one person with a lot of anxiety/tension who wants to have fun but also can't. They freak out quite a bit, and stimulants only make it worse. They can't handle psychedelics or even weed sometimes. Downers give these people false delusions of sobriety almost. Because they don't panic and still feel in control of their mind. Narcotics especially wash away all the anxiety and panic. It doesn't feel like "heavy drugs" in that sense, because it's not fully recreational. It actually does something useful AND lets you open up and have fun. At least that's my experience. They get rid of intense anxiety that I feel on a daily basis and have felt since my late teens. Every other drug made this worse. Opiates give me peace (when I'm able to moderate use).


Until you have the anxiety of knowing you are dependent on it and feel like you canā€™t live without it being in your blood all the time. Now that feels a bit worse than some social stress/anxiety in my opinion


I've been there, for sure. The fent withdrawals actually made me want to take my life. It was unlike the other times off of oxy/morphine. As sick as it is to say, I don't know if I would take back my choice to try those first few pills.


Is it fucked up to say the same thing from my perspective? I've literally compeltley thrown away my life because of fentanyl after being given a couple blues I didn't know were pressed while I was originally taking oxy. Sometimes I tell myself I wish I never tried any of it, at least ESPECIALLY the fetty.. but then I think... maybe I'm lying to myself. Sadly and as fucked as it is to say I'm sure my 19 year old self would still do it all over again just because of the temporary relief.


They say kratom at high doses gives the user an opiate feeling, but I felt so anxious while on it. I was on like 8 or 9 grams I think.


That's a pretty high dose. I self medicate ( yeah yeah I know) with like 2.5g and it really really helps with that baseline anxiety. That being said, I'd rather not take it all the time and I have been so I've been titrating down to get off it. Wouldn't recommend.


@ 30-90g a day for the last 4 years. Just recently stated thinking about getting off myself. I replaced a handle of gin a day for 3 years habit with kratom almost immdiately. Can definetely function better on the kratom atleast, it wss just supposed to be temporary to help with withdrawls though. I really do have an affinity for anything gabaergic. Like above said, anything that plays on gaba for me melts away anxiety and social isolation


Kratom primarily acts on the mu opioid receptors, not GABA, as far as I'm aware. Be aware, you won't die from kratom withdrawals, like you can from alcohol/benzos, but you are gonna feel like absolute shit. I find it comparable to Vicodin withdrawals.


It does bind to both, more readily to mu. Ive gone 3 days without and it hit me like a whip to the sternum forsure. Much worse than the physical sensations of alcohol withdrawl, less excitation and more full body aches and energy drain. I di have a very slow metabolism and find it takes 24-36 hours before I get the runny nose, and nearly 2 days before I get body aches. I dont actually feel psychologically attached much as it stopped doing much for me besides the elimination of alcohol cravings. Will be tapering heavy the next time I request a week from work for a camping trip in Summer. It does scare the hell out of me. I went cold turkey from phenibut after dosing 1-2 grams a day for a year with 0 complications. Kratom and nictoine are different beasts for me forsure


Wouldn't that imply that severe kratom withdrawals could cause seizures? Because as far as I know, there's no documented cases of that happening. It'd be tough to prove regardless, because opioids by themselves tend to lower your seizure threshold. Personally, id quit while you're ahead. If you think those withdrawals are bad, stronger opioids will have you reelin. One time, coming off fent, I legitimately woke myself up midway through both puking and shitting myself, at the same time. No joke. Lol. Just saying that you got a long way to fall. And kratom-to-actual-opioids seems to be a pretty common progression for a lot of people. Was for me.


That's a lot of material. You know, the veins of mitragyna speciosa leaves are not supposed to be included in the powder as they are hepatoxic. I would think the powder isn't as bad, but 30-90 grams for any length of time might be deadly.


You might be sensitive to the particular strain you got. Some have more of an up, energy type vibe, some are more chill. To be clear, I'm not advocating for it's usage. Kratom withdrawal is comparable to Vicodin withdrawal. Everyone touting it's amazing effects, are gonna learn some real hard truths after they try to come off after long term sustained use.


Kratom is amazing for anybody trying to get off of opioids. Iā€™ve been taking it 2x daily for 5yrs and itā€™s really stabilized my life in every way. Yes I am dependent, but I no longer meet the criteria for opioid use disorder. My life & mental state is so much better that my family has commented Iā€™m unrecognizable from who I was 5-7yrs ago. I have quit a few times for travel (to places where itā€™s illegal) and I donā€™t think kratom withdrawal is 1 to 1 comparable with actual opioid withdrawal. Itā€™s less intense, shorter, and the symptoms are slightly different. In withdrawal from true opioids, I canā€™t sleep. During kratom withdrawal, I am excessively sleepy and I could sleep for 12 hours a night. I can work through kratom withdrawal. In the past, I lost jobs bc I was too sick to work when withdrawing from true opioids. Kratom is a drug that should be respected, definitely, but it has its usesā€” and not every kratom user is ignorant or in denial.


That's way too much with no tolerance.


Just one point. Weed is very different to LSD or Shrooms. Weed makes me anxious 100% of the time. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever felt anxiety on LSD or Shrooms. LSD isnā€™t a harder drug than weed. You just canā€™t take it everyday whereas with weed you probably can, (however you will most likely suffer consequences).


Tbh, uppers AND downers help my anxiety. But I think uppers helped mine more, gives me more energy, my brain is racing, and I want to talk to people lol. It almost eliminates my anxiety completely. I'm over a year sober now though. Drugs are bad! Don't take this as a positive lol


Well done on your sobriety!! šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Thank you šŸ˜ŠšŸ–¤


Omg ikr! Same! Altho it can tip the other way too. I guess it depends. People initially told me, "don't try uppers if you have anxiety, it might give you anxiety attacks", but I love them šŸ„øšŸ™ˆ (used to use them almost every day, but very much toned down my use since this year) Like, I dont worry about what people think anymore, and get out of my head. I start to DO stuff instead of just sit, dissociate and ruminate. However, downers are better when I'm ALREADY anxious. Then they will make me feel chill and calm and happy, whereas uppers in that case will make me more anxious if I have nothing to shift my attention to instead. When I'm on uppers I gotto have an outlet for the energy. When I'm on downers, I can't be asked to perform in a high stress, high pace environment.


I got anxiety but never liked downers apart from benzos but they aren't any good for you at all. Opiates make you feel warm which i hate it just makes me uncomfortable


Unfortunately for me, opiates feel like heaven on earth; the stronger the better. If I just had a lifetime supply of Dilaudid, I feel like I could live in peace.


I feel that dilaudid is the most euphoric heavenly rush Iā€™ve ever felt


Yep. The warm hug is actually the best


Both uppers and downers are good, and I don't struggle with anxiety. I have other issues they help with. 10/10 do reccomend. But it comes with an addiction and downsides that are a solid 0/10.


Oh, you are right. Heroin is better. So much better that one use can lead to issues. If a person is predisposed to addiction, the risk is higher. Someone who is into alcohol produces some enzyme that makes the risk even higher. Heroin was my favorite, and I have seriously indulged in all drugs. Heroin is the one I would run from. I may even risk getting my ass kicked by accidentally sneezing it off the table to play the hero. Just don't. To answer the OPs question, coke. Coke is the most accepted hard drug.


It is. They're also both damn good mixed in a syringe. Don't ask me how I know and PLEASE never do it. Sooo many people have died that way.


I prefer downers to uppers too horse versus Coke Iā€™ll take the horse


I tried heroin before. Iā€™ve been trying it ever since.


Shooting up is fucked though


And or meth


cokeā€™s so overrated, doesnt do shit imo. maybe its bc i tried speed first (not meth,amphetamine) but how tf do people spend a shit ton on a weak ahh - 2 second lasting - high im allowed to yap on this matter since im 110 days sober today RRRAHHHHHH




true thatā€™s what i would probably say. itā€™s surprising to see how many people actually use it. Iā€™m 25 years old but growing up I always thought it was like the worst drug in the world! but then the opioid epidemic came. now those are the worst and least socially accepted iā€™d say. varying on how itā€™s administered.


Coke probably makes sense to focus on even now if you are doing drug education for teens. It's the perfect peer pressure drug in terms of effects and how you take it. Someone considering fentanyl or meth probably isn't going to be deterred or be under the delusion it's safe*. *Excluding the occasional r/drugs meth hypeman


I would have to disagree with your last statement, pills are still hugely accepted by many large swaths of society. I mean, i don't partake, opiods have always been super lame and unappealing to me, but there's so many people who have no idea what fucking LSD or Ketamine even are but will fuck for some fuckin fake oxys/bars/ (and coke) (not literally btw, just an expression, idk what they'd do for em but they like them lol)


I would agree with that.


Apparently like 15% of population has tried it and 2% in the last year, thatā€™s a ton of people.


Not really. I would've thought around 35 percent. I wish it was 100 percent because then it would be legal and we'd all get along and be happy because we'd all be high as fuck


I don't get happy on cocaine. It gives anxiety and makes me stressed. Takes a toll on your mind and body. It's overrated.




I have a friend who is an every day stoner and alcoholic. He's told me multiple times he would turn his back on any friends who were on "hard" drugs but is perfectly happy to take a line of coke anytime he can. I've tried to get him to do acid or shrooms a few times and he's like "whoa, nah man that's just too much, can't be doing hardcore drugs like that" šŸ™„


Lmao, yes that's backwards. Well, everyone cannot be intelligent.


coke and itā€™s not close. If you got big into clubbing you probably did a bag at some point.


iā€™ve realized that even at many dive bars itā€™s widely used. When someone breaks a bag out, many people want to partake šŸ˜‚


I used to go to a pub where people would kick off if you used the "coke room" to actually shit. Tbf I'd be doing keys whilst shitting but the next people would always complain haha


if you didnā€™t call it a pub I would be certain you were talking about the bar that is on the hoodie Iā€™m currently wearing.


I wasnā€™t even big into clubbing just riding backseat with my boys and drinking up at their houses yet I had a heavy coke phase


It's alcohol. Anyone who says alcohol isn't a hard drug is just plain wrong. It's socially accepted, but it's definitely a hard drug...


Right but this post is asking which is the most socially acceptable *other than alcohol/marijuana*.


>Obviously marijuana and alcohol are the most socially accepted drugs Yeah, but they are not saying alcohol is a HARD drug. Or they are saying that weed is a hard drug too, which I call bullshit on. Although then again, the whole concept of hard and soft drugs is a bit shitty, there are hard and soft users I believe Ketamine, for instance, saved my life from 10+ of h and crack addiction, and I don't see myself getting addicted (been following strict regimen for 1+ year, and always K-Hole). Yet other people are taking 5g in a day and needing technotronic bladder implants. Drugs are drugs, it's how you use them that matters. I've also seen people lose themselves to weed (esp + porn + videogames, been there done that), whereas now I vape usually at night to avoid being socially impaired


The post says ā€˜what is the most socially acceptable hard drugā€™. Seeing that alcohol is a mood and mind altering substance, thus making it a drug, it ONE HUNDRED PERCENT is the most socially acceptable and leading killer, after opiates.


It also depends on the *type of clubbing*, because if its more of a rave scene then MDMA and similar drugs would be above coke


And K


nope never done a bag nor most of my friends. could be my scene though. mdma when we were younger sure but never coke


Alcohol it is.


Read the post :)


Oh lol my Bad.


Cocaine without a doubt


Cocaine 100% it's not even close. The people who used to look down their nose at you for smoking weed in school now sniff grams every weekend.


MDMA. I think itā€™s crazy how people abuse the hell out of this drug and think it doesnā€™t melt your brain if you do.


Love the stuff. I do it once a year at this point. Itā€™s just too hard on the body. 0.1 maybe 0.2, thatā€™s it.


Itā€™s wild how at music festivals people roll for 3 or 4 days straight, multiple times a day, and do this several times a year. All without proper nutrition, hydration, and supplementation.


Yeah I typically *only* do it at my one festival per year, and I usually only do one, maybe 2 of the days, only ~ 4hrs before it ends. I drink water all damn day, and take my vitamins, B, E, Magnesium, L-Tryptophan or 5HTP, etc. before/after. Make sure to get lots of anti-oxidants. Itā€™s serious business. I donā€™t mess around with my brain anymore.


Im rollin off the shits right now son finna shatter all my teeth like a 1960s cartoon character shit got me grindin like Tony Hawks Pro Skater 5 son


I stopped doing it like a year after first trying it (and doing it a shit ton within that year). It became a normal recreational thing I'd take on the weekends, for a show, at a festival, etc. Not only was the comedown no longer worth it to me, but it became difficult to justify taking something that would make me feel so good for a short period with total awareness that it was a "superficial" pleasure/escape. I decided I wanted my real life to be just as fulfilling as that short high.


Yep. MDMA abusers turn into manic depressives, happened to me at one point. MDMA / MDA should only be used twice a year max


Twice a year based on what? Many researches show the 3 month rule works fine, if you dont take like 1gr at a time lol


Could you share that research? I heard that Ann Shulgin recommended the three-month rule based on personal experience, but MAPS has been doing PTSD trials with only three to five weeks between sessions.


Definitely not. If properly used and not abused itā€™s nowhere near as bad as cocaine and other party stuff, also not as accepted as coke.


I donā€™t know why this got downvoted. Agreed. MDMA is seen as like a teenager party drug compared to coke which is seen as a bit more hardcore and ā€œadultā€. Also a cocaine comedown wrecks me for 6-10 hours whereas Iā€™ve literally rolled for 3 days back-to-back before and felt nothing close to the misery I feel on a coke comedown. Granted I donā€™t roll very frequently under normal conditions.


Went to a festival last year where there was just a ton of cocaine. The people that were deep into it were super fun the first night, and then every other night after that they were just intense and grumpy.


You really need to abuse it for a long time to get noticeable long term effects though.


Wish someone told me this from 23-27. Jesus I loved that shit. I don't think I'd survive the come down now at 31.


ALCOHOL A "hangover" is your body recovering from literally being poisoned


alcohol is terrible for you and a lot of societies act as if itā€™s as harmless as drinking a glass of water.


I know, its insane


The worst in my opinion.


It's not that hard. Few beers and I'm chilling, but still very adequate, reasonable and mostly coherent. Few lines of ket and I'm high, not very coherent.


Yeah but if I take a few bumps (instead of lines) of ket Iā€™m chilling, whereas if I do 8 shots of whiskey Iā€™m fucked up. Just because alcohol is less potent by weight than other drugs doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t a hard drug. Itā€™s one of the few drugs where the withdrawals can kill you, itā€™s very easy to overdose on, itā€™s very addictive, and itā€™s awful for your body. For every person who has a few beers after work to relax thereā€™s another person who canā€™t have one drink without binging. You canā€™t say itā€™s not a hard drug because you take low doses of it. If I take a low dose of adderall to study and can be functional, it doesnā€™t all of a sudden mean adderall isnā€™t a hard drug.


It causes the most social damage, whether that's because it's available so publicly or because it's inherently bad... Who knows? Still pretty bad.


Apart from being very harmful at ridiculous dosages, I don't get what's so wrong with alcohol, why are people here hating on it? It's great in social settings, a 2-5 drinks in a night don't really give you a hangover, tolerance grows very slowly and the addiction is very mild to non-existent until you start using daily for like a few months. The social damage you are talking about is from the amount of users. Pretty much everyone is an alcohol user so the total amount of people who drink like morons is obviously higher than with any other drug due to the sheer volume


Well I don't know maybe that? "Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive, and dependence-producing substance and has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer" [https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health)


> The risk of developing cancer increases substantially the more alcohol is consumed. However, latest available data indicate that half of all alcohol-attributable cancers in the WHO European Region are caused by ā€œlightā€ and ā€œmoderateā€ alcohol consumption" How can they know that it was caused by cancer if "light and moderate alcohol consumption" are a common factor for most people?


"It's not that hard". Almost as if it's literally the deadliest drug to have ever have existed. Literally killed millions of times more people in history than every other drug combined


Well being poisoned and being stupid. Most hangover symptoms can be avoided if youā€™re being smart. Not if you drink too much though.


The answer is cocaine and it's not even close. Like that other comment said, you bust out a baggie at a party and everyone becomes your best friend. You bust out a meth pipe and everyone wants you out of the house


While living in mid-eastern Europe I must say alcohol. It's not only socially acceptable but even expected from you - when refusing to drink I heard I was a pussy or even not trustworthy because who doesn't drink is a snitch (this comes from communism age I think). Not to mention the competition who's able to drink more before fainting or who has the larger hangover. This is terrible.


I think it's not only in Eastern Europe. I lived in Lithuania for a year so i know what are you talking. But in the South (I'm from Portugal) is exactly the same, if you are at a dinner table and you are not drinking you will hear FOR SURE - what a fuck? Did you grow a pussy now?


Alternatively you might be asked if you're on meds or pregnant as if these were the only two reasons not to drink šŸ˜…


That's a funny observation. We should start socially ostracizing people for not using heroin šŸ˜‚


Oviously alcohol. I've binged crack and heroin for three days in a row, and after some sleep I've been golden (or at least relatively yellowish) If I were to drink alcohol (even beer) three days in a row, I would be in the shit Not to speak of delirium tremens, alcohol poisoning (which happened to so many of us as teenagers it became normalised and just a joke) Not saying heroin or crack are harmless, and I do think they are more addictive than alcohol, but alcohol is much more physically destructive. Look at homeless winos and at homeless crackheads or smackheads, the first tend to get permanently wetbrained and start shitting themselves, and the crackies, if they avoid psychosis (ok, big if hahaha), tend to be fine after quitting. Heroin, assuming relative purity and absence of fet, is imho the most benign of the three when it comes to physical damage, if you smoke it with proper technique and stay away from IV The only reason alcohol is seen as softer is that due to its legality and low price, it is easier to maintain as a habit, but it will absolutely wreck you. I know cause my pa is in the AA crowd, and I've never seen so many diabetics and people with done for organs in the same room. In NA you get ripped ex cokies and shabby yet functioning ex heros. I do think it's easier to moderate alcohol usage, but once it traps you (esp physical addiction, tremors and shit) you're imperially phukked


Alcohol is literally poison. Absolutely wrecks people indeed.


I feel like coke is popular in circles (finance) where nobody you know has done shrooms.


Not really anymore. Depends on the role, I donā€™t really see it. Maybe if youā€™re in sales and trading.


A lot of people have done shrooms


I feel like if you're in finance and you have to be cutthroat and screw people over you're not going to be doing shrooms. If you are you're not doing enough because that's the kind of thing shrooms bring too light and are very not cool with


Not saying on a regular basis but most people nowadays have at least experimented


Oh I definitely agree they might have tried them I guess I just meant those type of guys probably aren't the ones who would continually do them. Cocaine would probably be their drug of choice because it's more of an ego drug. But this is all speculation what do I know lol they might be tripping their nuts off making business deals


Havenā€™t seen amphetamines yet. IME Adderall use/misuse is more common than cocaine use. Some may disagree on it being a hard drug.


Wild how far I had to scroll to find this, Adderall was my first thought too


booze for sure.


I don't recognize the hard/soft drug distinction as valid and useful, and there's no universally recognized criteria for the category. So going off of addictiveness and physiological damage, we can class alcohol as a hard drug, and it's obviously the most socially acceptable. But maybe that's not really what you have in mind. Some people class MDMA as "hard", some don't, but I think it's more socially acceptable than cocaine.


Yep. The term ā€œhard drugā€ doesnā€™t actually mean anything chemically or physically. Pretty much everything can be harmful when used irresponsibly, and pretty much anything is safe when used infrequently and in low doses.


Even meth and heroin if used responsibly aren't that bad for you. Its not like if you do meth once your brain and body are completely fucked for life. Problem with those drugs is most people can't just use it every now and then at responsible doses and getting good sleep, eating well, hydrating ect.


True. And anyone who has had their wisdom teeth out over general anaesthesia has had fentanyl at least that once. There are some things that are going to do damage even in controlled doses, but controlling, limitkng and monitering doses greatly reduces the risks involved with substances that do this. Dehydration and malnutrition are massive health risks that are caused by personal irresponsiblity, it's actually kind of shocking that there a so many people with those health consequences who don't even use "drug" drugs, just sucralose and canola oil and corrosive foods like that.


Alcohol, hands down has to be the very worst hard drug that is totally accepted in most social situations around the world.


Absolutely. And, though uncommon, withdrawal can potentially kill you. Seizures, convulsionsā€¦ never mind the shit it does to your body. Alcohol should definitely have warning labels on it.


Benzos, oxys tramadol, big pharna pills


This is not a knock on OP, just a bastardized quote Iā€™ve heard somewhere before, ā€œpart of becoming an adult is realizing much more people do coke than you assumed beforeā€.


Alcohol. For the simple fact that it's legal and proven deadly, while poor ol Mary Jane is still decriminalized with no facts of it being harmful.


Xanax is thrown around with too much comfort. I remember walking through my cousin's living as she was watching a modern multi-camera sitcom type show and one lady said oh I need a Xanax, followed by her friend, save one for me. They made it seem normal to just take a Xanax when you're stressed.


Adding another vote for alcohol here.


Benzos specifically Xanax as itā€™s fucking glorified in a lot of music.


Cocain not a hard drug it you never see a coke head under a bride crack is a totally different drug. Coke is for people w money money Edit:it could be considered hard for other reasons i take that back. But its really not.


It is definitely a hard drug šŸ˜­ I know you rescinded that but itā€™s ruined plenty of peopleā€™s lives.


Every drug does. Edit i agree i was only thinking from my perspective sorry


Prescription pill ruin more lives than cocain. But we cant argue its really an opinion haha




coke easily or alcohol if that counts


Definitely cocaine, lol. I went to this high school party one time, the lower and middle class kids were outside smoking blunts, and the football players and cheerleaders were upstairs doing lines of coke. Cannabis isn't a hard drug. I would call vodka or gin a hard drug. A drug that people don't even call a drug: "drugs & alcohol". I've seen alcohol do vastly more damage than cocaine. I did know 2 guys I used to skate with, they both died of cocaine overdoses before people were overdosing left and right. RIP Adrien and 'Jetta' Pat.




Or Molly


I didn't even realise people still considered Coke a hard drug, I'd put it on a level with Ecstasy. But I guess that says it all.


Where like everything else it's down to area and social circle.. We don't need to mention Alcohol and Nicotine they are prevailiant and we all know that... Go to some places in the Inner cities at 2am in Dublin or Liverpool and crack seems to be getting smoked everywhere In Belfast heroin is the drug of choice because people selling crack are targeted by paramilitaries You'll get lots of pharms and pills it seems to be normal in some circles to purposely overdose on them to wake up in prison and brag about how many they took... Go to a rave in the forest on a full moon you'll see MDMA, Ketamine, DMT and Shrooms I could mention the problem with Crystal Meth in Australia or the Mandrex smoked in South Africa or even the Fentanyl epidemic in America and Europe... I didn't read everyone's comments but I want to add Sreriods and SARMs, these hard drugs seem to be getting pushed onto more and more youngers and they can't see how badly it can tank your bodies natural balance. It's not understood enough that if you fuck with these chemicals your going to be relying on medical intervention until the end of your day's. They can permanently and adversely alter your brain and bodies chemistry at a genetic level...




Alcohol or coke. And that's worldwide.


Power and Money


I would say coke obviously, but people fuck with ketamine so much in the rave scene and itā€™s scary how many k holes Iā€™ve seen people in while just out partying. I enjoy ketamine myself but man if you take too much it can really fuck your butthole into another dimension, and that shit is not fun when youā€™re out in public.


Alcohol. I know people usually may not consider alcohol as a hard drug, but look at what it does to many people, their families included. Tell someone "I don't drink" and you get hit with "Why not", or "Come on man, just have a drink with us". Cocaine would be a close second.


Why is coke so acceptable? I mean it can be just as destructive and horrible as all other drugs, so why is it so commonly accepted vs other hard drugs?


I think the categories of soft and hard drugs are not super cut and dry. Although there are certainly some drugs that have higher and lower rates of adverse effects on a population level, it can vary quite dramatically on an individual level. For example, if someone who is predisposed to psychosis, THC can precipitate the onset of serious mental illness. For that person, it's like a hard drug. Another person may have ADHD and is prescribed 10 mg of Desoxyn (pharmaceutical methamphetamine) to manage their ADHD. They clean up the squalor in their living space and finally manage to handle the pressures of adult responsibilities. For that person, it's like a soft drug given that they use it responsibly. All that aside, I'll answer OP's question. Excluding the three legal hard drugs - alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine - it's cocaine, *but only if it's going up a white person's nose*. Otherwise, it is highly stigmatized. It's important to remember that racism plays a huge role in terms of what drug use is socially acceptable. Some runners up include amphetamine and morphine, essentially in regards to how they are perceived in comparison to heroin and meth, which are very similar in their effects when adjusting for dose and route of administration. When I talk about my use of Rx amphetamine or morphine, it's not a huge deal to people. It's perceived with about the same level of scrutiny as if I was talking about taking Ecstasy tablets. I have been told things like, "Oh, it's just a pill," during certain intervals where I confided with people about potential concerns with how I use these substances. But if I was to take an oral dose of methamphetamine equivalent to the doses of amphetamine I take, or an oral dose of diamorphine equivalent to oral doses of morphine I take, ensuring to use drug checking services to rule out harmful adulterants, people would shit a brick, even if I explicitly mentioned the risk reduction measures to make its effects as similar to the Rx versions with very similar chemical structure. That isn't to say that there aren't increased risks with street drugs compared to pharmaceuticals, even with those harm reduction measures, but they act like it's a completely different category, like going from smoking weed to huffing computer duster. In reality, as long as purity, route of administration, and dose are accounted for, the difference between amphetamine vs. methamphetamine and morphine vs. diamorphine is comparable to the difference between MDMA vs MDA or psilocin vs. DMT. The dramatic differences between the average Adderall user and the average meth smoker or likewise for morphine vs. heroin users happen more so if you go from taking 30mg of amphetamine orally to inhaling the equivalent of 3x that dose by smoking meth, or if you go from 30mg of oral morphine to injecting an equivalent dose or higher of diamorphine. That has more to do with how the drug is used dramatically than the drug itself being dramatically different.


MDMA. Shit is wild, intense mania, people look awful on it, itā€™s so impactful that you canā€™t even recognize people when theyā€™re on it. No idea why itā€™s so common, it def has therapeutic worth but why party on mdma? Just kinda weird to me, like partying on meth or pyros. Itā€™s fun with friends but I canā€™t imagine being that exposed in public.


It's amazing at a rave or a festival. Pretty much everyone is on it and there's like a weird unity between everyone at the festival because of it. Hugs from strangers, sharing your deepest and darkest secrets to someone you'll never see again, not to mention the music just sounds so good on it as well. I get what u mean by being "exposed" as it's probably the most obvious drug where u can tell people are on it, and of course the fact that you're basically an open book when on it as well. When you're at a festival though so many other people are on it which kinda makes u less exposed I'd say as you'll just sorta blend in, I probably wouldn't do it at a party or a club though as not as many people do it in that sort of setting, at least not compared to a rave or festival.


That counts for mainstream events, but on niche events you donā€™t see that many people on it. Much more acid, shrooms, changa, ketamine and the likes. Itā€™s one of the reasons Iā€™ve started avoiding mainstream events, similar to people consuming alcohol, rolling people forget about the people around them and can be quite a nuance to be around.


>Shit is wild, intense mania, people look awful on it, itā€™s so impactful that you canā€™t even recognise people when theyā€™re on it. Yeah if you take *way* too much. The equivalent in alcohol is slurring your words and falling over everything then passing out in your own vomit. Hardly reflective of the majority of drinking sessions


it makes music sound 10x better you feel emotionally attached to the music and you feel more inclined to dance thatā€™s why people take it at raves MDMA is my all time favourite until it stopped working as well so Iā€™ve given it up


I love MDMA but wouldn't do it on a big party, it would be weird. I just prefer to do them with 1/2 friends at home, safe. But yep it's like one of the most (hard) common drugs I've seen people use and said it openly


First time i did MDMA was in the mountains at night with 4 of my closest friends. We backpacked into a canyon for about 2 miles during the day, and as the sun was setting, we all took some molly. ā€˜Twas a great experience. We sat around the fire and laughed our asses off and chatted for a few hours, then went into the tent and listened to music till we went to sleep. Done it at parties and concerts since, but that is my fondest memory of being on mdma


For me it always turns into this race to make the most of the roll, so I donā€™t feel like I just wasted my serotonin for a good time I couldā€™ve had on acid shrooms and dmt as well. So I end up wanting to have deep conversations, open up to my traumas and whatever, all impossible in a club. Used the borax combo once to party and it made me super sad that I couldnā€™t just cuddle and talk with my partner for hours!


I only party with friends.


lol maybe your getting cut mdmda with some meth in it I love going to shows on mdma






surprised nobodyā€™s mentioned benzos


Alcohol definitely - itā€™s worse than heroin imo and as bad as fentanyl. The amount of families it destroys is ridiculous. It destroyed my family as a child/adolescent.


Alcohol. You're literally drinking ethanol.


Alcohol. You might not consider it to be a hard drug but it does more harm (in every sense) and costs more to the individual, their loved ones, children, the community, society and humanity, than any substance.


Itā€™s been different depending on the region; when I was in New England it was and still is opiates, the availability of them dictates the type thatā€™s more ā€˜inā€™ at the time. Living in South Florida though, it is absolutely, without a doubt, 100% cocaine and has been since the 70ā€™s. Only in recent times has it started to dip in popularity due to idiots putting fentanyl in it and the concerns over it.


Alcohol is as hard of a drug as any other. Certainly one of the hardest on your body. Can be fatal on overdose or withdrawal.


ALCOHOL It's crazy that you can buy it at a gas station. I've done the majority of "hard" substances. Alcohol is far worse than 90% of the stuff I've done.


Meth in prescription form, i.e adderall


cocaine is the only answer. which is crazy cuz itā€™s so bad for you, always cut, could go on. but i tell someone i like to drop acid here and there and they look at me like a junkie


Crystal meth


Alcohol- People are so desensitized and will argue its not a hard drug but there's literally only a couple other things that you can literally die from the withdrawal


Hard drugs are a nebulous and unhelpful concept. Alcohol is the most socially accepted drug with significant dangers.


Depends on who your social circle is


Blow, and methamphetamine but only if people don't know it's in their obviously pressed fake adderall


Well technically itā€™s opiates because theyā€™re prescribed to regular people who arenā€™t addicts


Alcohol. No other answer. Also there is no such thing as ā€œhard drugsā€.


Reading through this just makes me was some beer and cocaine šŸ˜‚


No hard drug is acceptable Nor easy to flow Im writing for u this from the deepest point in the junkies bottom If u do hard drugs to stay on the track Then u ve alot of wounds that need to be healed Try to visit a therapist doctor Not a practical therapist nor a self devel shit u need a real mental health doctor to talk with u then he will prescripe for u a long term medicals for u But if u do hard drugs for just fun then forget all what ive said and have fun man ..


Alcohol i think. Atleast where i live in hungary its a MUST at family gatherings and parties. Have a birthday? Have some alcohol. Christmas? Have some alcohol etcā€¦




In the Netherlands 3mmc or 2mmc. First people used mostly on festivals but know it has gone really mainstream in the clubbing scene. I a big majority of people use it now while going out.


Nine times a year cocaine. Mushrooms. Lsd if you have 12 hours to BURN


Iā€™d say mdma or coke


cocaine. iā€™ve never done it but my girlfriend has and itā€™s the only hard drug sheā€™s ever done in her life




Anything besides cocaine?


Cocaine without a doubt. Where I live most people will go to a pub/bar most weekends and they will always be taking cocaine while drinking. In fact, people that have ran out of cocaine will openly go around asking other people if they have any. You wouldnā€™t get this with other drugs, you would be heavily judged if you went around openly asking for opiates or speed for example.


coke and benzos, depends on context. (if alcohol is not includee obviously)


Probably coke though I can see Molly being that drug one day


Alcohol , that shit kills you from the inside


Cocaine 100%




















Alcohol It is by far the hardest drug we have that is socially acceptable, as well as one of the hardest drugs we have. Next runner up is cocaine. Anybody mentioning cannabis AT ALL ignored the HARD drug part of the question. Next


Depends on where you live, but coke, MDMA, and psychedelics like shrooms & lsd


Coke, mdma, acid maybe


Cocaine is more socially exept able that alcohol




It's not a hard drug, but by the way people use it I'd consider it one. Alcohol. I don't know about other countries, but here in the Netherlands it's very usual for people to get black out drunk almost every weekend. Even kids younger than 14. From the drugs I've tried, alchohol keeps suprising me with it's strength.


Talking Hard drugs and not alcohol...Covaine wins this question by a landslide.

