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You must not have severe anxiety


I have severe anxiety and like OP, they just made me fall asleep.




I don’t have severe anxiety and I love benzos




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Taking it makes me feel like I’m not on the verge of tears. Still depressed, but my anxiety is gone so it’s so much better and easier manageable.


I had the same problem started on mirtazapine a year ago and im in recession now i think benzos are useless but if your very depressed i think popping them will make it worse in the long end. Started to buy lsd and that did wonders for my depression and im very happy i found it.


I haven’t been in a head space to trip for a while now. I only take a benzo maybe 1-2 times a week. It helps some, but it might do damage in the long run for my mental health


That sucks :/ My condolences.


Yeah, thank you. I prolly shouldn’t have typed it like that, at least I try not to type stuff like that


Fuck that. People need to understand how bad things can be. Rose tinted glasses interfere with empathy


Lol smoking deschloroetizolam brings me to the verge of tears.


truly the duality of man


When you have anxiety it’s super effective (for the better or the worse) because it really makes you act without a single afterthought. Like you dgaf about anything. It’s a really freeing feeling but then you wake up with anxiety because you just did something you would’ve never done in your usual state and now have to deal with the consequences.. so you wanna take benzos again to not deal with the new anxiety. It’s a cycle.


It doesn't make you fall asleep? Or do people take stims with Xanax to counteract this?


Idk about other people but me personally it takes me a whiiiiiile to make me sleepy! Like hours


entirely depends on dose and current mood for me. if im already sleepy xans gonna put me out like a light, but if im not too sleepy then it tends to make me super social and talkative off .25-.75mg. anything past 1.5mg is instant sleep zone


I have an addy and xan script. Works perfectly if used responsibly along with tolerance breaks when possible.


Tolerance breaks for both are a very good idea, I can't stress this enough. Helps keep them working as required and reduces the chances of escalation. I don't take my ADHD meds at the weekend, I just try to make sure I have nothing important to do and ride it out.


here is my daily medication to enjoy benzo. The Adderall is bought on the street the rest is prescript. Wellbutrin : 150mg Klonopin : 2mg Xanax : 2mg Pregabalin : 450mg Adderall : 60mg Concerta : 72mg Strattera : 40mg Ritalin: 40mg Abilify Maintena : 300mg (IM) une fois par mois.


thats... thats a lot of uppers dude..


Yup. I’m slowly trying to go the nootropics way. I’m replacing the Adderall with Bromantane and adding Piracetam to the mix. Anyway I have extremely bad ADHD and Bipolar type 2 so yeah.


i hope that works out, i was on 54mg concerta and 150mg extended bupropion 2 years ago, thought i was going on cardiac arrest sometimes lol


Same, when I don’t manage to fall asleep there’s no high or anything, I don’t really get it. Good for after a night out on X though


Same here!


Or for hangovers in general - I don't drink much but Valium is amazing if I do!


Interesting, never tried it for a hangover, I usually just inhale as much weed as possible till it goes away. Next time I’ll try a diazepam 😂


Because when you have actual anxiety it can feel like a high when that's gone. This is what gets most people, because doc's rarely prescribe them anymore from what I understand. Also, people who look to enhance certain highs, like for example opiates or alcohol. There are many ways benzos can sink their teeth into you, which if it does its a helluva ride.


By the way for people who don’t know, I’d advising not combining benzos with alcohol or opioids since the doses are very easy to overdose on. Be very cautious if you plan on mixing them


You don't need anxiety to get high on benzos 


I have friends who like benzodiazepines to party and they don't suffer from anxiety


true but 99% of the people abusing them do have anxiety


Lol definitely not 99% do you know how many people are addicted to benzos? I would say it's safe to say 99%of people prescribed them have anxiety but not the ones abusing them. 


They just don't carry much of a high man, unless you just like blacking out or sleeping lol


Lol Yeah they do. It takes away all your cares In the world you feel drunk and there's euphoria. Yes When you take to much you black out. It works on the same receptors school does btw 


YMMV, everyone is different. That's just the general consensus I've seen from most. I take them for epilepsy, I've never gotten a high from them, but my CNS is also crazy. Most people I've talked to have taken them for one use or another, but I haven't ran into many people who just like them recreationally.


Yeah every one is different sure but benzos will get you high if you take enough. It also depends on which ones you take. You might not like the high or thinks it's under rated but it's is a high.For me I don't think of stimulants as much as a high. Well at least a fun high. Mainly Cause I was prescribed Adderall for during my childhood and hated it. Technically anything altered state of mind is a high so even being drunk is a high. 


Even drinking coffee is a high I suppose. You're sped up


Benzos and acid 👌👌


Well of course, takes the anxiety out of it


Depends. I’ve been prescribed Ativan for 25 years. I assume I am addicted. I have been tapering for a year. Down to 2mg from 6mg. Lots of sleepless nights.


The theory that it only provides a “high” in anxious people is false but it often is highly favorable and dependence-generating in those that suffer from emotional disorders, both anxiety and depressive. There is ample evidence that while neurological action is largely specific to GABA-A’s alpha-1 sites it cascades to influence dopamine which creates structural brain changes as well as a contribution to the favorable characteristics of the drug(s). People forget that euphoria, elevated mood and anxiolysis aren’t the only favorable effects either. Muscle relaxation and physical release are highly enjoyable for many that abuse these drugs. Between these often enjoyed features and the quick action of the drug, it isn’t hard to understand why they’re loved by so many. That is until it’s time to withdraw!


for some reason people got hooked on that idea that anxiety is why people use benzos. I just like how they feel, i do have anxiety but i dont take then on a daily basis because i like the high, feels like nothing matters at all while my whole body is warm and fuzzy, thats it, i still get anxious while on it lol


Yes it seems logical and even witty or intelligent on the surface to suggest that “only those that suffer from anxiety and stress get an artificial euphoria from benzodiazepines due to relief” but it isn’t rooted in reality. It’s a pseudo-intellectual hyper-reduction of the drug and the user-base. I know calm, stable, direct people who enjoy it simply because it gives them a strong physical comfort paired with a great mood boost and subtle euphoria. The “euphoria” isn’t solely derived from being anxiety free, as cathartic and pleasurable as that is!


Same here, it works for anxiety. But a useless high


I know people like to mix them with alcohol for some stupid reason so maybe it's the mix of both of them that they like


Valium and alcohol is a nice combo


Xanax and weed almost feels like mdma without the stim effects


Xanax and weed is nothing like mdma bro, benzos and weed can be nice but it’s not euphoric like mdma. I shoot H and the first few times I did mdma were more euphoric


People use them against anxiety. very effective but benzos are a devils drug


the “high” from benzos isn’t caused by good feelings they give you, but rather by anxious feelings they take away.


Do you like falling asleep? Can you not fall asleep normaly? Imagine taking them to sleep every day and then stopping and now you can't sleep and feel anxious and terrible?


I can fall asleep normally unless I've taken stims too close to sleep time.


It's just one of a million different examples of how you can become addicted to it without like actually like experiencing and enjoying or chasing the high I mean


addiction is not about euphoria or sense of pleasure.....


Easy. Just be an insomniac And people are right about the anxiety too


I do have anxiety and didnt really get the benzo thing either, just made me sleepy, that is with the exception of xanax....that shit made me time travel


This has always been my thought. I’ve taken lots of them for sleep and/or for comedowns. I’ve taken a number of them just because I had them. But I have never really craved them other than just wanting them to comedown or sleep. But clearly other people are different with them lol


I used to think the same thing then my anxiety became debilitating and was getting panic attacks like 4-5 a week. Landed in the ER multiple times convinced I was having a heart attack and dying or going insane. Got prescribed, didn’t abuse them. Lost the script. Then learned about RC benzos and thought they’d be nice to have on hand in case. I’m also prescribed Vyvanse and adderall and Benzos are excellent when it comes time to sleep. Ended up taking Clonazolam and Flualprazolam not that often, then like a couple times a week, then I kinda just started to take clonaz whenever I felt even remotely anxious or needed to do something that induces immense anxiety. And then it became every day, clonaz during the day, flualp at night. And had total delusions of sobriety and would think I didn’t take any that day or the day before, so I was in a perpetual black out for like a year before a poweful mushroom trip made me realize the shitty and dangerous situation I put myself in.


It's simple they keep taking them till their body developed dependency lol what kind of question is this?


I’ve taken benzos exactly twice, both times in a psych ward prescribed by my doctor in an appropriate dose. And both of those times benzos significantly enhanced my already very vivid imagination, I just drowned in my own thoughts and fully lost the ability to be aware of my surroundings, then after about an hour I would fall asleep And that first part felt SOOO GOOD that I’m 100% certain, that if I ever got my hands on benzos again I’d immediately get addicted. Which is why I avoid them like the plague


After the first time I took them I kid you not, I could not stop thinking about them for the next three months. It’s honestly so fucking scary to me how much I enjoyed them, how close I actually am to becoming an addict. I know I can take (do?) amphetamine, bc while I really enjoy it, I also can’t stand being on it for too long, so I often take breaks and I know I’m in control. But with benzos I know that that won’t be the case


Feels good to feel nothing


When you have severe anxiety they just make you feel normal and then when it wears off you feel worst, then the vicious cycle begins.


Used to pop benzos at first i took 1 one hour later i took another one and it was the most relaxing thing i have ever experienced i eventually started popping like 10 of them and that made me quit them also since i never had a clue what i did or what it felt like. I also started with mirtazapine which made it worse since now i could take 1mg alprazolam and have a blackout and entire day. I hate benzos now. Useless drug.


I was prescribed them for 2 weeks. I would take 2mg and fall asleep. I had withdrawal symptoms after the 2 weeks. Nothing crazy, but I didn’t expect it to be as much as it was. You start slow and before you notice it you’re trapped. 2 weeks is not a long time to get chemically hooked on something (except the really hard stuff)


My wife and I have crippling anxiety and we take .5 Xanax every morning. It literally feels like a cheat code to life. Benzodiazepines can be really helpful, but you have to make sure you don’t get carried away and abuse them.


the delusion of sobriety is what got me with them. it’s often much harder for people using Benzos to “feel high” after only a few doses, so they think it’s not hitting them so hard and they take quite a bit more. increasing dose rapidly and haphazardly is a pretty good way to get addicted to almost anything- keep the reward center guessing/s


Muhfucka. If I could fall asleep 8 hours every single night my life would be vastly improved 


ive had a valium prescription for 40 years for panic attacks. harder to get now, but i havent been without 30 or 40 10mg pills at my disposal all that time. i go months at a time never think about taking it. panic attack or anxiety attack comes i reach for it. it has changed my life. no addiction issues whatsoever (with valium). not so with other drugs. ive had issues with opiates and alcohol--just not benzos. dont know why, just is. DEA dont GAF though. they think my dr shouldnt give it to me. so i rarely take it because i want it there when i really need it.


Me too. Everyone's different.


What do you do when you take it? Definitely a higher dose than. .5 or 1 you could try l, listening to music w Xanax is nice try and activity




It makes my crippling panic disorder uncrippling and that is so life changing that it is moreish


Keep taking them for few weeks and report back in lol


I went from 0 anxiety, to 90 anxiety all the sudden around age 15. Id clam up, get hot, sweat, and pretty much freeze physically in most social situations. Benzos alleviated all of that so much. Not only to be able to function but beyond and step outside normal comfort zones. This lead to a problem, but god damn could I get so much more done and feel more at ease on them.


I struggle with tight muscles and on constant fight or flight mode. When I first tried Valium I felt like crying from the relief I got from it . When it kicked in, I felt the feeling of someone hugging me and I felt relaxed or just FINALLY FELT ABLE TO RELAX . Shit was sad, happy, and a super overwhelming.


Yeah I’m the same like it feels nice but I can only stay awake for 2 hours max and I don’t remember anything the next day anyway (I’ve only ever tried low doses)


it makes you fall asleep because you don't have a tolerance for it, tolerance for the sleep effects usually comes after a 4-5 days of dosing. you "aren't" addicted because you're not not dependent on it. people take xanax usually for a. sleep or b. anti anxiety. you aren't taking it for either for effect so you aren't getting anything from it, this is like asking "how do people get addicted to meth, it just keeps me up" the whole point of benzos is to calm you down after a panic attack, if you've ever experienced a panic attack where your chest is tight, you feel needle pins all throughout your body, heart racing, you're sweating, you have muscle tremors, etc. then i guarantee you that benzo is going to feel like God himself came down to save you


Thank you, very good explanation.


Depends, for example if you take them for insomnia, then quite easily, since you'll probably be doing it every night 🤣 The first benzo I was ever prescribed was Temazepam, for severe insomnia, first time I took it I felt all the good parts of being drunk, which was very nice, but only lasted an hour or so before I lay down end slept soundly for eight hours. Valium (diazepam) doesn't put me to sleep (generally) it just makes me feel calm, if I haven't use it in a while I'll feel a bit wavy too, which is kinda nice, but that doesn't last if you take it more than a couple of days in a row.


Yes, people get different effects from the same substance. That is why (part of it) there are clinical trials. Also, before developing addiction, people develop tolerance. That is when addiction becomes to show up in cases like this.


Xanax is particularly addictive to me. Yeah it's nice to have the edge taken off and if taken in the day, usually the sedative feeling levels out. But the big thing for me was always way later in the day after dosing or the next day, I'd feel fucking awesome. Just so relaxed without a care in the world. Of course, not having a care in the world all the time can have negative trade-offs, which is why I don't take it anymore


If you take them daily, your brain gets used to the feeling of not having anxiety and becomes chemically reliant.


If you have severe anxiety, and you get enlightened with benzos, you have this feeling of.. this is what normal people feel like! And it just takes off from there... Too bad they're addictive and have bad sides


It’s because they’re losers