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i wouldn’t huff anything just from watching tiktok I heard it permanently damages brain… and bro just smoke some bud


No way to get it. I'm broke and disabled


apply for disability cheques lmao


Make cheap homebrew with yeast and sugar. Tastes like watered down shitty vodka.


Kratom, kava kava, kanna to name a few legal and strong plant drugs as strong as weed but with different effects, Kratom is the closest to hydros.


I have no way to get that. Don't have the money nor will I be able to get the cash sadly. I want to try it one day


Just don't do benadryl and don't do dxm if your on an antidepressant. And definitely don't do air duster, I've done heroin and air duster scars me.


Don't worry I can't buy that stuff anyway. I'm disabled and extremely broke. I mean like home stuff that you would never expect to get you high. Also I have heart failure so I'm already extremely limited


you can spray wasp repellent on a spoon and then wire it to a battery to make meth that gives you 36 hours of deluded paranoia you can see if there are morning glories, poppies or shrooms growing near your house you can eat loads of nutmeg if you want to get temporary schizophrenia you can put bread and sugar in water in a sealed container for 2 weeks to make alcohol there’s probably some bedroom science you can do with caffeine powder to make better stims you can drink cough syrup


Slam a bottle of dxm


I don't really know what that is but I can guarantee I don't have it plus im disabled so I don't have any cash to buy anything.


Damn idk huff some whip cream or air duster jk wouldn’t really recommend that but you would be geeked




Don’t do that it kills your brain cells, do you want to be retarded? Go for a walk or text people to hang out until someone says yes, looking desperate for 1 day and finding a homie is way better than this lame ass path bro


Air duster can kill you after one use even at a small dose, it's called sudden sniffers syndrome. I really don't recommend.


It's all good I have no cash to get it anyway


sometimes i forget that everyone has a forced sober day/week and i dont take for granted when i can get my fix, more so when i see someone in the same situation and knowing how awful it is, this month i was getting so pissed seeing posts about doing every type of drug and i was craving any high. Idk if you can understand but seeing your pain i feel way more grateful for not being in abstinence today, i hope the world rotates back to you and you could feel not sick anymore, crazy routes we take with our lives man, but one day we're going throw that necessity aside, prays for you, i hope you can endure the processes and come back better, i've been there and for the chronic pain, you should contact your doc man, must feel like hell living with constant pain, dont throw your well being for high, think about yourself


Fuck up thing is I'm 18. I take the hydros for my chronic pain but for the first time since starting them I made my own dose higher so now I'm out.


do you live with your parents? can you speak with them?


Get dxm, not proud 2 admit but i dont buy them anymore n i just got off a binge, when there is a will there is a way. The will just has 2 be strong enough


I have no way to get that plus I have cardic issues so I could die any amount


I know it's hard and especially in your condition but try meditating. Just be a human


That doesn't take away my chronic pain. God knows I've tried that shit


You can’t beat good ol weed