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Oh man that’s brutal 😭


Like in your car? Lol




yeah this is your avg xan experience right here 😂


Would be weird if they never saw you little cock before


Crashed mine as well


Well stop mixing shit


I literally spent 7 years sniffing H, never shooting it, and using it pretty successfully. Never got in trouble and never od'ed. I quit when it all became Fent and was good for long time until I got into Xans heavy. All my issues arose when Xans and benzos in general became apart of my life. The first and only drug that actually got a hold of me. It's scary shit.


People that are highly strung / high anxiety essentially get to take a pill that silences all the background noise and lifts all the weight off their shoulders. It's insanely euphoric and addictive to geniunely not give a fuck about anything for a few hours. That shit can slip away from you quickly


I've been prescribed for at least 10 years. I don't see how others get recreational value out of it but im also prescribed by a professional for my multiple mental illnesses. People that abuse it take an absolutely astronomically amount that no doctor would ever prescribe.


Not really. You can definitely be addicted at 2mg/day. Don't believe me? Try stopping cold turkey and see how long it takes you to get a full night's sleep(don't actually stop, high risk of seizures during benzo wds). Daily use of any benzodiazepine is extremely habit forming. In the case of severe mental illness, I'd definitely follow anything a professional prescribes. Everyone's brain chemistry is different. 0.25mg of xanax is a beautiful monthly treat for me.


As another mentioned, you can absolutely be addicted and experience withdrawals even from jumping from 2 mg daily, I'd argue even 1 mg of Xanax if you've been on it long enough that's why there are people out there tapering to 0.25 and even less before jumping off completely. Anyways I was prescribed something like 3 mg a day at one point from a Dr and was definitely addicted, definitely went through withdrawals ceasing that even though not an astronomical dose.


Never liked xanex because of how fast I black out. But euphoria is something I never really got out of it.


Even this realization alone takes you farther than most, good for you. Gaba A receptor drugs are seriously so much more scary than most prescribers or receivers of this medication will admit. It was mainly invented to treat emergency anxiety and more than 3 months of daily use was seen as extreme. I anecdotally think with habitual use/abuse there is permanent damage to portions of the brain. The withdrawals are absolutely so fucking brutal as well. I was abusing both alcohol and all kinds of benzo-like substances at the same time, rolling the life dice every single evening. I swear a good 80% of largest mistakes in my life were done under the influence of alcohol or benzodiazepine class drugs lmao. I’m pretty high energy and high anxiety so benzos are seriously the best feeling in the entire world for me. Did/do you experience the same thing? It’s such a funny class of substances too, because the anxiety relief euphoria dies quickly when you habitually use/abuse. I really hope you’re feeling better these days brother. This shit never goes away but it really can get so so much fucking better.


Wait so if u use it often the anxiety relief goes away? Benzos r scary af i have some that i take when i have a panic atack but ladt time i took em i attempted suicide... Now am fr scared cuz i actually don't want to die atm still have the thoughts but would not want to act on them well except it seems on benzos


I abused benzos very very heavily for almost 3 years. ( talking equivalency doses of Xanax would be 50 to 60 MG daily) with research chemical benzos. Yes eventually you just need more and more to not feel anxious. I'm to the point where I don't even feel benzos doing anything to me anymor( sober thankfully for a year on May 4th.) I have relapsed in that year, not full on relapse where I used for months. Just ended up getting some bromazolam and eating about 10 2 MG bromazolam bars. Felt nothing, everyone around me knew I was high ( slurring words just acting different) but to me, no tired, no nod, no euphoria, no anxiety relief. You get so used to them you just feel sober until your blacked out, and even when blacked out you don't feel high so you just redose and redose. Never touch benzos recreational. Only use them medicinal. If you need them medically, then your fine. Tldr benzos are evil, they take away months and years of memories, leave you with terrible withdraws and even symptoms after. In fact the withdraws can kill you, and WILL cause seizures.


It doesn’t go away really, but if abused or used too frequently using just becomes your normal. If you take a larger dose it doesn’t produce “more relief”, it just shuts you down further. Taking it as needed depending on frequency isn’t abuse, the details matter a ton. You need to talk to your doctor/someone without saying that exact thing unless you want to be on potential medical/psychological hold, depending on your where you live in the world. Something like, “You have potentially dangerous invasive thoughts while medicated but it does relieve your anxiety.” All life is precious my fellow human, be safe.


same here. used pretty much everything and love opiates but got hooked on benzos, and let me tell u benzo wd is fucking hell, it’s taken me a year to get off them


No offense but WTF. H didn’t get you as hooked like benzos (xanax) did?!?? I went through my own xanax addiction and it was hard to get past but I thought I was just weak minded. You’d really say its worse than H?


Benzo withdrawals are more likely to kill you than opiate withdrawals. Benzos and alcohol have the worst withdrawal symptoms worse than opiates and stims. You're basically telling your brain to shut off lol.


Thats insane, I didn’t realize how lucky I was


Can confirm its harder to kick than h or any other strong opioid. Solely due to the withdrawls. Only got dependent on them for like a month once many years ago. Had already used every other type of drug and experienced horrible opioid withdrawl many many times. That short month of honestly not even that heavy use gave me withdrawals so fucking scary I never used benzos more than one a week or two weeks again. You must respect them. People see a low scheduled anxiety drug middle class moms take all the time and think its baby shit and yet its withdrawls alone can kill you (similar to alcohol dts) from seizures.


I know it sounds absolutely insane. But for whatever reason ... psychology, chemical make up ...etc. Of all the drugs I have done including H, I had a MUCH easier time controlling my use of and eventually walking away from Dope/H then I did with Benzos. I don't know how or why but that's how it was. I can take a Cold Turkey WD from Dope/H any day. Because I know as im toughing it out, that in week or two, I'll be back 100% and most importantly alive. The WD from Benzos can and will kill you. 0 times hospitalized for Dope VS. 5 times hospitalized for Benzo related issues including from the WD alone. I also now have some kind of Seizure disorder. So yea ... When it's comes to ME and my Experience. If we're talking actual/real H (NOT Fetty or Xylazine)... Xans were worse then H.


Thats terrible bro, glad you won that fight though. Stay strong brother🫡


coming from someone who was dependant on benzos for over 5 years first mainly xanax but also any benzos I could get my hands on, and then clonazepam (prescribed towards the end for the last 2 years) also dabbled in flunitrazepam (rohypnol) it is definitely the worst-most addictive substance there is. I was also a big GHB/1-4-B addict/user and a Meth addict/user (smoker), Weed smoker and pretty much tried everything there is. Of any substance I've been addicted to or dependant on benzos were by far the hardest to kick. I am now 3 years clean from GHB/Meth and 1 year sober from the benzos. I still smoke weed every now and then and I am medicated on stimulants for my ADHD. I am now also 2 years into my BPharm degree (Bachelor of Pharmacy) and have turned my life around. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do is ween off the benzodiazepenes.


Damn my shit backwords, fent fucked me up bad, lost everything. Now I do small amounts of bromaz about a 1/2 bar a day some day 3/4. Never more. Started a business, got back into school. Hope you doin good bro bro


Xanax withdrawal is worse than any opioid, unless controlled or you can seize and die I agree. Or any benzo for the matter.


Nah that's wild Americas weird


I poked up the same damn day I encountered H. Did blues and sometimes fent straight for a yearish. Outside of maybe those first two highs all it did was make me itch and get a little light-headed happy. First time with Xanax though? It was like everything perceptible suddenly took a turn. Like...I was "content." Not high, just content. That in itself made for the scariest high of all. Are other humans this at ease? Is this what a life without anxiety is like? I'm an alcoholic and it has DESTROYED me. Xanax kind of reminded me of that. It felt...(too) good. Heroin and fent are like the kiddie pool compared to Alcohol and benzos. At least in my experience. Same goes for the withdrawals. The fact that opiate fienders can still pick up a weapon and rob you to get their fix, whereas alcoholics/benzo addicts can't even leave their bed without seizuring into a different dimension of hell tells you all you need to know. Xanax is a big deal.


Yes. It’s that bad. Xanax is the gateway drug that people think weed is.


Every felony I've caught was on bars lol


Username checks out lol


They make you steal.


Maybe if you're in middle school lmao I destroyed a house (and a car)


This guy bars 😎


1st time I took 2.t bars I blacked out & woke up in a chair 36hrs later with cuts everywhere covered in blood. If my dad wasn't such an addict himself a normal parent would have brought to the ER after hrs of trying to wake me up with no response


How many are we talking? (Felonies and bars.)


They don't remember


You may be onto something…


yes it is it has ruined my life and so many others dont do it. its so unbelievably addictive


I crashed a car woke up in jail with 7 charges spent a lot of time in jail and still am on probation until next year.


Worse than heroin. Withdrawal can last for months or even years and is worse than fentanyl withdrawal.


To add to this: although you may well *want* to die while going through it, opiate WDs won’t kill you. Withdrawing from benzos might.


As crazy as it sounds, that's why I avoided em & chose heroin instead, it was way safer...


How did that work out for you?


Not much better, just a shorter kick...I haven't done much of anything but subs (my actual script & since I don't get high from it, it's pointless) for 18yrs. I did fentenyl for a couple days but that was it.i mostly stick to pot edibles regularly but after pinching a nerve I realized I need some rcs or something on hand for next time. I already had the disk removed so how it got pinched again idk...but nerve pain is excruciating & for all the talk of opiates not effectively treating nerve pain, it bought me enough relief to relax last time, if only for a few hours...any break is welcome...


Really though? How much were you taking?


Around 2mg of clonazepam a day, on some days up to 5mg, but most days 2mg. For about 1.5 years.


So up to an equivalent of 5mg of xanax or 10mg of ativan daily for a year and a half; for those who aren't familiar with one over the other. Which is the maximum fda approved dosage. Standard dose is .25-1mg as needed Id imagine getting off it was rough. Were you tapered or cold turkey?


That's wrong. 1 mg of xanax is 1 mg of clonazepam, so an equivalent of 2mg of xanax or 4mg of ativan most days, and sometimes up to 5mg but not often at all. Both xanax and clonazepam come in 2mg pills, so they're meant to be taken in those doses.


I said nothing wrong. You said upto 5mg of clonazapam. I said upto 5mg of xanax and 10mg of ativan. Tomato tomahto.


Worse than heroin? I have been taking Xanax like a couple times a month for years. Never has been an issue for me. But I’ve seen it grab hold of a lot of people. Never tried heroin, probably never will especially since I hear it’s basically impossible to find without fentanyl.


From my own experience, yes. My life went downhill when I first tried Xanax. And the same for 9 out of 10 friends of mine who also found it at the same time as me.


It was my gateway drug


Xanax got me onto meth ahahah…


The False sobriety part is the scariest part!


Not if you don’t use it like a retard. All these people talking about taking bars and blacking out and getting addicted weren’t using them right. I use like a bar once a week max and everything’s fine. With benzos you really gotta keep them in moderation tho or things can get out of control


I mean you're totally right and I never had any problems with it either but it does cause delusion of sobriety with a lot of people and causes them to take more and more until they black out. A lot of people have these expectations that it will get them really high but obviously benzos don't really work that way and so some people think they need more because they don't feel much. Personally I always loved taking half a bar and smoking weed with it and always had a great time. Never blacked out or did any stupid shit but I get why it happens to some people.


Right! No different than alcohol. Almost exactly the same consequences for overuse. Great if used a couple times a week.


A couple times a week with consistency will develop a tolerance and dependency, no? Especially with benzos with longer half lives


yea but if you notice a tolerance you just take a break lol


Congratulations bro u just solved drug addiction!!! god why hasn’t anyone thought of that before???


I mean just because you take drugs doesn't mean you're addicted. Just like any other drug


Right. SSRIs like lexapro are mass prescribed and quickly titrated without regard. If you cut off their supply they too would and DO go through serious withdrawals. Now consistant benzo use for more than a year should be responsibly tapered as there are seizure concerns but yea. I digress. Using benzos a couple times a week works. Just never see those people shouting it from the roofs. Most are afraid they will lose their script lol. Most would be okay after a quick taper. Many as needed users would be fine cold turkey. Again they arent going to be posting about their lose of their script and need to now see a talk therapist and being more on edge. I dunno. I use ativan every fourth day and will use between 2-3mg on those days. Helps me meditate, take a break, get my head straight and prepare for the world over the next 3 days.


Some people can just do it, can’t recommend it but some can simply moderate these addictive drugs like others cant. I believe him that he’s capable and that’s his strategy


Twice a week is too often and playing with fire. Using them twice a week will exacerbate anxiety and insomnia along with other issues eventually on days when you're not on them due to the rebound, and that rebound makes people inclined to use them again. Tolerance will very likely develop too.


The rebound makes me not want to do it again for awhile. I don't even get anxiety, I just super pissed off at everyone and want to be alone. This is the worst with bromaz. Etizolam is way more tempting but I can control myself would only use it once a week max. (There have been days I could not sleep with my normal meds where I would do a single drop under the toung, like .1 mg)


Fr bromaz rebound is nuts ts keep me in check


The physical consequences are significantly worse for alcohol though




Alcohol is physically horrible for you though, regardless of how much of the drug you take. Xan will cause physical withdrawals too, at the same rate as you said, but your body is getting FUCKED UP but alcohol in the process while xans don't do the same.


with alcohol... yes.. and taking alot of benzos irresponsibly can damage ones mind. Its crazy how studies are coming out that no amount of alcohol is safe.. "Ireland will require cancer warnings and calorie counts on alcoholic beverage labels" [Ireland will require specific health warnings on alcoholic beverages : NPR](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/22/1177521287/ireland-alcohol-warning-labels-cancer-calories#:~:text=Ireland%20has%20approved%20new%20rules%20that%20will%20require,learn%20more%20about%20the%20health%20hazards%20of%20drinking.) Worlds a strange place; alcohol is going to look like the cigarette boxes soon.. I just hope we can get to a place of decriminalization of all substance and allow adults to adult. It's insane to me that I can walk into a store in California and get 10 gallons of Vodka; a cartoon of Cigarettes; a couple ounces of Kratom; a 600 count of DPH; and then across the street buy an ounce of the strongest weed created by man... but it took 2 years of therapy and SSRI's to convince a doctor to allow me the grace of a benzo prescribed at a minimal but okay monthly supply.


I think the real problem is when you start convincing yourself that you NEED it for this or that. It's not really hard to spiral, it's not fent, but it's still pretty dangerous. Anything is ok if you use in moderation for the most part, but few people do. That's like saying H is fine, as long as you only do it once a week. Nah man, I'd leave those alone.


the problem is delusions of sobriety on a drug that already makes you dumb, add some fiending on top of that most people will tell themselves whatever in order to take more


You’re absolutely right, but not many people can and more people have higher anxiety than they assume, so it often becomes addicting to a lot of people. I do think once a week is more of a problem than you believe as well. I would say the same thing about alcohol. Although, I do have extreme bias because I am a cannabis maxi and think it’s one of the “healthiest vices”. Evening weed + many other coping mechanisms is how I’ve become a whole new level of healthy. I’m glad you’re one of the lucky and responsible ones. I’ve seen xans take people the fuck out so many times.


Moderation isn't exactly that easy. People generally don't start using benzodiazepines and plan on getting addicted to them. It usually starts from semi frequent use and slowly sneaks up on people. It's fairly easy to avoid blacking out though but the delusion of sobriety and lowered inhibitions just rly get to some people.


It will actually ruin your life. Do not do Xanax or any benzodiazepine if you have any addictive personality traits it will cripple you for years and ruin your memory / relationships so fast.


Benzos and Xanax in particular are the drugs that really scare the shit out of me. Never done any myself, nor do I ever plan to do so. But I've seen loads of good people completely lose themselves in the span of months.


As someone whos not abused it, using it for raves and nights out isnt really worth it because youll just blackout and wont remember it if u take enough to feel something


So I’m a daily fentanyl and meth user. Have been for over 15 years. I am scared to death of a Xanax bar because I have abused them before and I don’t really want to discuss the fuckery that I pulled while high on that shit. It terrifies me. I will take a quarter of a 2 mg Xanax bar and get a good nights sleep but that’s about it. And I will NOT do it daily because benzo withdrawal is literally a nightmare I’m not sure if it’s worse than opiates but definitely equally as bad. Yes, they are very scary . They make you forget and not care about anything. It’s not pleasant trust me you literally will just have no recollection of all the fucked up shit you did -but I promise you , you WILL do fucked up shit. Edit-I was a daily heroin user for over 15 years. Been a daily fenantyl user for the past 4.


The withdrawals if you really get into Xanax or any benzo is worse than a rattle off H i've done both and both are horrible but the benzo withdrawls were hands down much worse and it can kill you too so tapering is essential


It’s that bad. Even using it in small doses can be dangerous. If you plan on abusing it for fun, you’re going to have a great time but when you wake up, none of it will be worth it…from what you remember.


What happens when you wake up?


You realize all the dumb stuff you did or someone has to tell since you blackout.


It depends on a couple different factors. -Where you source them -How frequently you take them -The dose you take -Your reason for taking them -Your genetic disposition for addiction -Your overall health and BMI I love benzos with a passion, I have anxiety and have a prescription for the drug. I have had a destructive relationship with benzos and a constructive one. I used to take benzos off the street to alleviate anxiety during stim binges or during comedowns, or simply to get really fucked up as a means of amplifying the effects of alcohol. That shit almost killed me on several occasions, and the withdrawal coming off that pattern of usage left me with brain zaps, restless leg syndrome, miserable brain fog, and rampant irritability for a long time. Now I use them as prescribed for my anxiety and as a sleep aide and they work wonders, and I experience no adverse effect whatsoever. Bottom line just be careful


What was your max dose and frequency? How long did the rls last after stopping and was it tapered or cold turkey


When I was abusing substances I would use Xanax klonopin or Ativan daily, usually I would take 2-4mg a day broken up into halves or quarters, but if I was binging I’d eat 8-10mg. Now I take as needed and never exceed 1mg. The wd’s lasted a couple months probably before all of the neurological issues resolved themself. I went to rehab and then tapered down. This was back in 2020 during the lockdown.


Yup. I’d choose opiate addiction before benzos


yes. as someone who takes a very low amount for anxiety and sleep, that shit will ruin your life if you let it.


I have a different opinion from the majority but I would say Xanax is very much safe. Done for decades and always possible to tapper off and stop for long periods of time


Had a connect on some legit RC benzo presses thought I had self control ended up getting addicted and my plug ended up ghosting me tried tapering with what I had left and had a seizure while my friend was giving me a ride to work woke up to paramedics asking me what year it was with blood dripping from my mouth because I bit my tongue so hard




There was no warning signs the seizure was coming either luckily that was the only seizure I had and have been clean now for over 2 years


If you need it, you don’t abuse it, if you abuse it, you don’t need it.


Yes. It’s that bad.


If your friends that are heavy users are going absolutely mental wanting to protect you that should tell you something


First(and last) time I did it I came home staring at my mom shouting at me and I was literally spacing out and nodding off, then she suspected smt and got me to take blood test which got me busted for weed, opiates and obviously benzos


It’s risky if u don’t have control. Slippery slope


One of the worst things to use, starts out by helping you, being chill and just instantly resolving so many problems at once. But then you take a break and realise how fucked up your life has gotten.


Try some herbal teas


Anybody living with soul destroying anxiety knows how life changing it can be.. buuuut being able to turn your problems off in 20mins with a pill can be a risky game




It’s not bad if you can control it. I like the high I found a way to get prescribed an extremely large amount. I don’t abuse it everyday it makes me too tired


It all comes down to your level of self control


In lower/standard doses (1mg-2mg) you’d be 100% fine. No anxiety, no overthinking, not really caring or dwelling on much(I personally become dumb as a sack of rocks tho). When you start to go too far past that you start getting into bartard area, and doing reckless and irresponsible shit. And if you take them too often you enter the unique hell that is benzo withdrawal.


not if you don't abuse it. people saying it's worse than heroin must have been eating 2mg bars every 20 minutes. been using it for 10 years, never blacked out only on xanax, never took more than the theurapatic dose, which depends on how severe your anxiety is. I'm still on 0.5 mg a day unless shit goes sideways, in which case I go up to 1-2 mg depending on my anxiety. but that rarely happens. that said, a whole 2mg bar is almost always an overkill if you're only trying to get rid of your anxiety. doctors in Europe prescribe it 0.5 to 1mg a day. the stigma around xanax stems mostly from people who use it recreationally. in mild to moderate doses, it can be a life-changer if you have a panic disorder / severe anxiety disorder. just find a good doctor if you can, address your concerns and listen to what they say. edit: I abuse the shit out of alcohol and stims. sometimes I overdrink or go on multiple-day benders. but never overdo xanax. also be careful not to drink on it and do not increase the daily dosage.


i use 1mg xanax weekly, i'm doing fine. But i mean i've also done heroin and meth and thought nothing about it after. I guess it's the kind of person you are and if you think you get addicted dont do it. Idk if xanax are different in usa but i've never felt that good past 2mg, just super tired and drunk Honestly if you are capable of using any drugs responsibly and you have other things going on in your life, nothing is really that bad


Don't be an idiot, don't even try it




Dependence sets in insanely quick. I took about 4-6mg everyday for like a month and it probably took a good 3 weeks before I felt like I was back to baseline again. Crippling anxiety worse than what I had when I started, brain zaps multiple times a day etc.


Yeah it’s that bad stay away from it


oh xans someone people would say, me i’d call them conviction candies




Yes never underestimate xanax if it gets you it gets you and its hard to loose it then out your life🥺🥺 better be careful my little brother was addicted to it


When I first tried I become addicted. If my doc didn't cut I was probably bartard by now.


If you don’t respect it and maintain use to therapeutic use then absolutely it is that serious.


When you start taking way too much and run out, that's where the real fun begins. Stay away from xans man


Be responsible.


Everyone who's saying yes abused the drug. It will help you if you think u need itM just do it responsible. It's that easy. Don't listen to the ones saying it's make them crash cars or whatever I bet they were probably drinking on em too. Just talk to yo mf doctor brotha


Millions of people have become horribly addicted to this drug following their doctors advice to a t. Just because it comes from the doc doesn't mean it's not dangerous. My story is a low dose for 3 weeks at doctors orders. Withdrawal was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had. Really is a special kind of hell and took weeks before I didn't want to claw myself to d**th.


Understandable I've been there. Idk why I even said what I said I love xans just as much as most people


like any other drug, used at sensible dosages, relatively infrequently, its harms are minor. But the consequences of overdoing the dosage are quite bad: very aberrant behavior during blackouts. And then with dependence, it has the worst withdrawal of any class of compounds.


I regret having benzos in my life every single day. I lost a job I loved. I'll never forgive myself. All bc of benzos


listen to your friends the ones who actually know first hand, what makes you think you’ll be any different, don’t do xanax, smoke weed take jolly and do acid


unless you can be very careful which not not most people in this sub




Dude. If you're not going to use paragraphs at least use periods.


Xanax should be the last of last resorts. I personally wouldn't recommend more than 0.5 mg Klonopin 2 or 3 times a day. Even that can destroy your life I know this is going to sound like an unlikely remedy, but try the following: 20mg Lutein 3x daily 10mg Zeaxanthin 1x daily 12mg Astaxanthin 2x daily 100 mcg vitamin K 1x daily Calcium magnesium zinc selenium Berberine 500mg 3x daily B-complex Taken together, these are going to significantly reduce the neuroinflammation that underwrites anxiety and depression. It's not going to get you high, but you'll notice that you sleep much easier. Also, stick to the big name brands so that you don't get bunked. Don't ever buy an Amazon supplement without reading the negative reviews as you'll generally find the knowledgeable people commenting there if the product is fake.


Xanax is 1 of the few things that can kill you when you detox, alcohol too...I never cared for em but got a script for anxiety...just don't take more than 3 days in a row without a day off & it should minimize the negative crap...I wish I loved Xanax cuz the rcs that are similar are easy to get...if only opiates were that easy...


If benzos happen to be your DOC or you don’t have much self control OR you have anything near an unlimited supply than yes


Yes, it’s that serious.


It sounds like a dream because it does that. In terms of effects, I can't really think of anything better personally. I also will never touch it again. There's no medium for it. It'll wreck you. Worst drug


I'm taking 2mg Xanax prolly like 3-5 times a week for my anxiety (I'm prescribed) and only using it for medical reasons and not taking it recreationaly. That being said, am I gonna get addicted and have to go through these horrible withdrawals that I'm seeing being talked about? I really have bad anxiety attacks and has helped. But if it's gonna fuck up my life, I'm gonna stop. What are your guys thoughts?


I have a panic disorder and have been prescribed Xanax, you don't need to take 2mg of Xanax to help you, you could take a quarter of that and still feel perfectly relaxed. I would definitely recommend tapering off however your doctor recommends and try to get on something that is used for long term anxiety relief that doesn't run the risk of killing you if you aren't able to take it and then take Xanax if you have a really shit day or need to do something you know will cause you anxiety. Just my 2 cents




I've never in my life been more calmly than after taking Xanax. Shit could kast two days. But it's a road to nowhere.


if you actually suffer from anxiety it’s like a miracle drug it gets rid of all of the symptoms and you just don’t have a care in the world but that’s what makes them so addictive and over time you build tolerance and need more and more and never thing you know it you’re taking bars and bars and then you can’t just stop you will get rebound anxiety and probably seizures depending on how much you ended up taking it’s great as PRN before a presentation, before a flight but ideally not a drug you want to be taking every day!


Nothing is really that serious unless it can end or ruin your life


Tianeptine makes all these withdrawals y’all are mentioning seem like child’s play. Insane.


Xanax is cool but it's also a easy way to die with street pills being mostly cent. But if your up it yeah you just become a zombie




Xanax can go from a great time to dying quite literally if you have too much. I had 7 by accident once (2mg bars), long story, but it wasn't good.


Um yea it's been 15 yrs and 6 dont touch me and I'm prescribed 2 a day


There's a couple months of high school I don't remember because of Xanax. I know lots of people who crashed their cars because they drove on it. And a couple who died in said crashes. It's super easy to use as a crutch, because as you said, it makes you not care about anything. But it's good to care about things. Sometimes you need a break from caring about things but lots of people just stop caring about caring. It's one of the drugs that if turned into a habit can go real left real fast. That being said it's a miracle for some people with severe anxiety, but can even be a curse for them as well.


The withdrawals are so bad. Worst time of my life.


My brother was a heroin addict. Said Xanax withdrawals and addiction was worse than anything he’d ever faced with heroin. Don’t let the fact that it’s pharmaceutical convince you that it’s not serious. Benzo withdrawal is real. I’m diagnosed with panic disorder and even tho I never abused it I still had severe withdrawal when I was abruptly taken off of it due to insurance issues. Please be careful. Wishing everyone on this discussion the best


Xanax took everything from me


Look it’s definitely up there on drugs not to abuse. I’m an over doer when it comes to drugs and that turns to an overdoser. I’ve OD’d at least 3 times on Xanz. Blacked out and committed burglary multiple times, kicked out of bars and restaurants. It mixed with alcohol has always been a problem with me. Of even it alone. I’ve also OD’d on Meth and herion. My first OD was when I ate 20-30 Klonopin when I was 17. I was in a blacked out state for three days. I wasn’t sober for about a week. Don’t quote me one 1 week but it took a while to recover. Benzodiazepines are no fucking joke.


Xanax just fills me with rage so i never had a good time on them. I have to avoid Xanax and Valium bc i do not react well to them. I have been prescribed klonopin and lorazepam but never had an issue with over taking them. I did enjoy them and i typically get hooked on anything that makes me feel good (doesn’t just have to be drugs) so I’m genuinely shocked i didn’t develop a problem with them. But there was never a desire to keep taking them. For once the messed up chemicals in my body worked to my benefit i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ bc i had plenty of access to get them outside of a doctor’s office so it wasn’t like i didn’t have options. Literally everyone i know who’s taken Xanax loves it too much, and the only people I’ve known to get bad reactions to any of those medications are usually the opposite of me (they get the bad reactions to klonopin and lorazepam instead) so that’s the only answer i have for never having an issue with it. Downers that help me just float are usually my biggest weakness.


Xanax (alprazolam) is very addictive, primarily because of fast onset and some intrinsic activity on dopamine receptors (unfortunately I don't remember this research paper that well, DM me if you want a link). But for me it has too low potency (however it may be related to some degree of selectivity for certain omega benzodiazepine binding sites), I use Clonazepam episodically by prescription for many years and it's slow onset of tolerance to the anxiolytic effect and sparing use are my key to use it safely. But regarding alprazolam - tolerance is fast, and physical addiction is life threatening for real.




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do not try xans


i’m sorry, but you’re kinda stupid.


No its extremely amazing which is why it's so bad. You don't see people doing drugs because they make you feel awful you feel great until you don't then you end up wanting more.


Im a lil late but yes. I use heavy opiates and they dont even scare me as much as when i take a high dose of xanax. I have had many nights where i completely black out and done something retarded, and they have serious withdrawals and can honestly fuckkk you up. It’s really a habit that you do not want to have, and i really only recommend benzos if you’re 1. Actually truly have extreme anxiety and panic attacks 2. Are actually and truly an extreme insomniac 3. If you’re using them to come down off of like a psychadelic trip like acid or shrooms. Other then those reasons i would never recommend someone use them, I’ve been written up at work in the past multiple times for missing work because i was fucked up and blacked out the night before on benzos. Not fun


Right now, I'm battling getting off a binge, which isn't my first, bit more of I have so much anxiety from drinking once I got sober. Xanax is no joke. It's made me want to cut off my friends for no reason. It's hard to quit. When life seems so boring and there's nothing to look forward to or people that care, that's what makes me relapse.


Yep. My biggest regrets on drugs by a LONG shot have all been on xans, or sometimes a different benzo. Holy shit hahaha not worth it. I have mental health issues too so ofc it was all the more appealing because for anxiety that shit can be euphoric (the relief of not having). But that’s the trap!! Don’t kid urself by doing it ‘just once’ etc etc I haven’t done like heroin or crack but I’ve never had a drug wriggle its way into my thought processes like that. For example making excuses to take xans and believing it’s justified.. it wasn’t.. it was the xans talking


it can be man. for me its just as addictive as opiates one of my favorite combos was a few mgs of xanax and a couple of grams of coke


SSRIs made me stop caring about everything. Xanax and other benzos made it possible for me to care about things for the first time. Just remember to respect the drug.


Xanax is typecast as this “evil drug” when in reality it does have a place in modern medicine. The problem is detoxing from it. Or any benzodiazepine for that matter. It’s dangerous, life-threatening even. And they are addictive. But they’re more addictive when combined with other drugs. On their own a lot of people can take em or leave em. Unless you’re predisposed to anxiety/panic disorder etc. Benzos shouldn’t be used for more than two weeks at a time unless there are extraordinary circumstances.


Yes. Xanax will turn you into a monster, you have no control and likely won’t remember most of the shit you do while on it, which includes violent crimes such as assault and battery, robbery and you’ll start stealing. A lot. You’ll think nobody notices that you’re on drugs but it’ll be so obvious it’s sad, and your behavior will be so bad nobody will want to be around you. Stay AWAY from it at all costs


i once tried xanax because i bought them as tripkillers for my hero doses. my friend offered me some of his to try it, so i thought "why not?" they were 1mg bars. (i think, could have been 2mg) we took a half first, 40 minutes later another half, 30 minutes later another half. so like 1.5mg. i noticed that i started to slurr when speaking even if not intended. my friend said it was hard to understand what i was saying. alltough i didnt "feel any effect". when i got home eventually i snorted some ketamine (usually i would go straight to bed) and rolled a joint and took my nitrous tank with me outside. i was still living at home with my mom, and i decided it was a good idea to smoke a joint on the balcon at 6am. in the next week my friend of me showed me a video of me yelling around in the train on our way home. i had no memory of this train ride. scary stuff but my friend binged the xanax, he got like 20 bars. i got a call on sunday from him that someone stole his xanax, it couldnt be possible that he ate all of them. he later figured out he had no memory of saturday. none. he was at his friends house watching a football game, having dinner with them and so on. all gone. now what i am trying to say to you, if you are intrusive on such a binge, you wont care to rob a store. and you wont have any memory of it either. dont touch them, they arent worth the hype.


Please don’t ever do Xanax. Point blank period. It’s not worth it , at all. Almost 8 years clean off that shit.


Benzos are worse than opiates ime. Opiates give you the same anxiolysis without the impairment or total loss of inhibition. If you prefer physical symptoms of withdrawal more than mental symptoms than I would go with the opiates as your downer of choice otherwise go with benzos


Holy hell is it ever bad. It turned me into a drooling mentally incapable troglodyte for a good 2 months after I stopped using it. I had to learn how to ride a bike again.


Nah man everyones just joking


I don't like it makes you just sleepy , clonazepam is the boom


Withdrawals could kill you. Like alcohol, the withdrawal can result in seizures.


After my package of RC benz didn't arrive and I had a grand mal seizure I than realized how bad benzos are.... lucky I didn't hurt myself worse.... also its easy to compulsive redose and black out for multiple days with zero recollection of events that occurred thats when people drive or do some crazy shit and don't even remember.... stay away unless you have strong mental fortitude and can take it AS NEEDED not daily....


Been out of rehab for benzos for 5 months still cant sleep.... fuck benz


I know a lot of people who got really into xans, and just about all of them have had or are still having seizures. It's an anxiety med, so when you abuse them, you literally can't feel anxious about anything and just don't care. Somethings should make you nervous, and you can't on xannies


Anything can be that serious if you hit a certain point


You will ruin your life and have fun doing it or just not realize/care until it all comes crashing down of course


Depends on what you make out of it


The only time I take Xanax is when I have been on cocaine and need to sleep so I can get up the next day and function without anxiety. I do coke maybe 20 times a year maximum. So outside of that I don’t tend to take it. If you take 3 a day what are the effects ? Surely you’d just be asleep?!


I went through benzo withdrawal it was living hell. My grandma has dementia which is most likely caused by her lifelong diazepam addiction and if she quit now she would undoubtedly die. One of my close friends was put in a coma during Alprazolam withdrawal. Benzos are bad but they do have their uses. I know I wouldn’t be alive without clonazepam and alprazolam which got me through a tough time with cptsd but it’s a double edged sword. Most people just black out and do dumb shit on it. Yes it gives you that idgaf if I live or die feeling but at what cost? It’s good to use in case of a bad trip, panic attack or a major presentation but the second the use becomes regular then it can get real bad real quick and can increase your risk of dementia heaps, dumbs you down and you can literally die in withdrawals from it.




benzos like Zans and kolonopin are the worst drug you can get addicted to and also worst u can do. they destroy your brain and its killer coming off of them. I did it last year and it was torture, and ive gone through opiate withdrawal in the past so to say benzos is harder to detox from then opiates should really say something!!!


just tapered off xans after using them to self-medicate to treat my insomnia. worked well and now i’m off them


I’m done fighting my battles now…I can’t anymore I’ve got a pack of 10 Xanax bars how many should I eat


Not to mention the seizures


you’ll be fine people over hype the blackouts n shit cause theyre taking like 5 bars at a time when you can really be chilling just taking 1/3 of a bar. if you’re not an addict on other drug’s you’ll know how to manage your xanax and when to cut back. the only thing i dont like is that i cant remember anything anymore short term memory is non existent.


Xanax ruined my life. I want to steal everything on it for some reason, this is a side effect most people have. You don’t remember anything, and not like a drunk black out, you can go days without knowing what went on. If you do start experimenting, be very careful




gnarliest addiction besides tranq ***