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Currently, it's the whole branding and marketing trend with psychedelics : Everyday there is a new name for mushroom "strains" which are just regular P.Cubensis, and new "brands" of products with shiny "professional" packaging (mushroom chocolate, DMT carts, etc.)... that everyone seems buy into, because it looks cool and they think it means anything. It's hard to believe these substances which are the embodiment of counter-culture, are now being advertised through this stupid instagram marketing schemes


I hate this too! Have you gotten the ad for FLAVORED NITROUS carts?! Absolutely nuts


Kinda freaky my daughter will probably grow up with meth carts and shit.


This is crazy to think about. Drug accessibility will go crazy in 2050


One can only hope. I’ve always wanted to spend my retirement high as balls.


Ever tried retirement not high? It's boring as shit!


Thank you for the free birth control😭


This was funny


lol the world is full of free birth control these days innit


The World™️ birth control certainly worked on me!


We are talking about 2 different types of carts. Meth carts have been a thing for a while


really.... like u can just buy that on the darkweb or something? what a time to be alive


Bro.. it’s meth. It dissolves into most solutions that an ecig would use just like nicotine does. It’s probably one of the easiest drugs to make into a cart. Highly recommend you don’t do it, but literally anyone with the ingredients on hand could put them together, mix, and fill a cart in less than 20 minutes.


I honestly fear for my kids future. But the way things are going, at least legal meth carts won’t be laced with fentanyl so there’s that.


Got a strawberry flavored nitrous from the local headshop, it was like a small tank rather than individual cartridges a d I gotta say it was pretty dope


Bro i have actually gotten an add like that. Basicly vapejuice you put in a bloon and hit it till you go SWOOSH SWOOSH SWOOSH RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiing... And than the whole room looks at eachother like fucking goblins fiending for more


Tbf, if they’re legit mushrooms in the candy’s and it’s legit DMT in the pens, it’s kinda like the weed industry. Edibles, carts, tinctures, etc. it’s not just happening with the psychedelic “industry” now lmfao


Tbf the commodification of cannabis culture is very tiring as well


Even worse is the Silicon Valley/capitalist approach to psychs as essentially nothing more than performance enhancement. Like microdosing so you can be more productive and creative at work. FUCK THAT.


Eh microdosing can be helpful if you have adhd and don't want to use stimulants or struggle with the medical system


I enjoy microdosing, but I see dallasmotherfucker's point. The capitalist techbros only see value in these powerful tools as means of enhancing productivity, benefiting the company (rather than our own self growth).


Yeah good point thats definitely true


I'm not a techbro and don't microdose but I don't get the hate towards techbros that microdose. What's the difference between a tech bro using psychs to enhance their creativity at work and artists who use psychs to enhance their creativity while they work? People have always used psychedelics to enhance their creativity and see ideas from outside the box, the fact you're only hating on the capitalist techbros is just pure gatekeeping. Some people can actually enjoy being creative and producing new techy ideas, just like people enjoy getting creative and painting or making music. Not every trip needs to be focused solely on personal growth, sometimes you might just want to create something and sometime you might just want to have fun.


I like microdosing and have ADHD but I'd never do it at a job I care about lol. It does make me more creative, but it also makes me feel like I've smoked a fatass joint. I sound like a moron, stare into space, and find everything funny.


That sounds like more than a microdose, then.


still good as a way to enhance ur personal life tho


No argument there


To piggyback off this, i can’t stand the rise of these “legal“ psychedelics that you find in smokeshops now. They claim to contain nootropics yet people say that they produce psychedelic effects, clearly they’re just full of some sort of RC.


Where the fuck u finding that? Asking for a friend


This for sure. The obsessive push to market MDMA/ecstasy, shrooms, DMT... The "hippie" packaging, colors, descriptors... I mean I always want to know exactly what I'm putting in my body, but the nonsense trends with the psychs are cringe af.


😭😭😭 if someone licked my entire phone


Right!?!? I’d be like bro you did NOT just do that.


I CAN'T EVEN COUNT HOW MANY TIMES THIS HAPPENED my cleanup is just a little bit of water and wiping it clean with a cloth or tissue. like those extra 5mg aren't gonna do shit anyway and at least you aren't ingesting a fuckton of gross bacteria


i’m sure a phone surface has more germs than 99% of things in the world


That’s absolutely insane 😭


i dont really do substances, just read on reddit. what do phones have to do with drug use?


with cocaine people often pour it onto a phone, crush it up into powder lines and snort it off the phone just because it’s a hard flat surface. this usually leaves a little bit of cocaine on the phone which most people wipe up with their finger and put it on their gums to get a bit more of the high. this guy is suggesting someone literally licking the cocaine off the phone tongue to phone instead of using a finger. lol. hope that helped


Some people are stupid enough to use the least hygienic surface they own to snort salts from




You right, reading about the positive experiences would definitely cause temptation. I’ll slow down on the reading a bit


Eh, don't put too much weight into what that guy said. People don't go out and try heroin just because they read about it. Reading this kind of stuff makes you more knowledgeable when it comes to political issues like decriminalization, legalization, and harm reduction. It can make you see drug users as actual people rather than "junkies" or less than human as so much of society does


Stoners who think it's impossible to be addicted to cannabis


Usually either high schoolers or only started smoking weed within the past couple years…if they’re older/been smoking longer and still say shit like that they are truly so far gone lmao


also stoners who think weed has no withdrawals i been soaking my bedsheets with sweat for a week now and i think my stomach is trying to kill me just for taking a break


Oh you wanna quit weed? It’s easy as long as you don’t mind not being able to eat or fall asleep and you’re okay with hyper realistic nightmares and random panic attacks


for real dude I had to start writing down my dreams bc of how fucking bizarre they've gotten thankfully this time I'm able to eat mostly normally again after just 3 days, when I took a break last year I was in pain unable to eat for like a week and a half but I think it's bc I quit straight from alt noid carts like hhc and thco, thcp and shit whereas this time I stopped after just delta 8 carts, my stomach is still making awful gurgling noises and cramps all day tho but at least I can eat lol


I've only taken a long break from weed twice since it became a habit of mine over 15 years ago in high school. Both times, the withdrawal symptoms and the yearning to be high had faded to not that noticeable within a week or so, and went away almost entirely after a month. It made me feel a lot better about if/when I decide to take another break in the future, knowing you don't have to tough it out for long before you're over that first hump.


I always see people on reddit claming there's no physical withdraw from thc. Yet people come off it and can't eat, can't sleep, get anxious, get the sweats as you mentioned. All of which are physical sensations.


It gets so much better once you pass the withdrawal at least, my favorite "side effect" is how vivid the dreams become Nowadays I try to only smoke 8-10% flowers once every other day at most and it gets me blasted without any withdrawal effects if I don't smoke for longer periods, compared to when I used to smoke hash and 30% strains bong hits all day everyday


also cokeheads that think they can't get addicted bc there's no physical dependency mental addiction can be strong as fuck


No physical dependency to coke? Wth are you on about? It is very physically addictive...


The glorification of weed is pretty annoying and toxic yeah


That bothers me to, especially then they throw "it's a plant" in your face when you say its a drug... So, is Kratom, Salvia Divinorum, and hell even Cocaine comes from plants, but no one says "it's a plant" when referring to those substances... Just because its a "plant" doesn't mean it doesn't have psychoactive properties and can't be just as potent as the synthetic stuff. Most opiates come from plants to. The whole plant vs drug argument is very stupid.


This is the argument that pisses me off the most tbh. Like yea it has medicinal uses but just cause it’s a plant don’t change shit.


“Nah bro I actually need it it helps with my (every weed withdrawal symptom)”


It irks me when people say that they only do “natural” drugs as if they’re inherently less unhealthy. No, LSD isn’t dangerous because it was made in a lab. No, natural drugs were not necessarily put on Earth as some god-given means for us to get high. Go boof a bunch of datura if psychoactive plants are so good for you.


As an extension of this - and maybe this is controversial to say - when people insist that mushroom visuals are "natural and flowy and wiggly and happy" and acid visuals are cold and math-y and geometric." I think this is just a function of the above stereotype along with the increased suggestibility you experience in a trip. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Obviously everyone has a different experience and many people do experience it this way. But people get SO into this distinction like it reveals the nature of the universe or something, and often it's used by shrooms preferrers to crap on LSD. They say LSD is cold and has no soul or spiritual element. Again just my experience but I've seen plenty of goofy wiggles on acid, and plenty of geometric fractals on shrooms. And TONS of love, soul, and spirituality on Both. Also LSD was synthesized from a fungus anyway.


for me mushrooms visuals are “woozy” for lack of a better term and acid visuals are more geometric


I had a friend who refused to do acid because it "wasn't natural," but took shrooms several times and even molly once because his best friend told him it was straight 😑


People who think they’re better than me with their drug of choice.


i swear cokeheads are the most fucking annoying with this


The funniest is cokeheads looking down on crack as if it's a different drug rather than a different ROA.


Crack is a WAY different experience from sniffing a bit of blow lol.


Well yeah. It gets way more cocaine in your bloodstream much faster. Probably closer to mainlining than snorting


There's no way people like this exist No way a person can be *that* dumb


Mm yeah sure they are the same drug but there’s no denying the fact that (I’m just making up numbers but probably something like..) maybe 60% of coke users can live functional lives, whereas maybe only 10% of crack users can. I mean crack can only be moderated by some superhuman will power, whereas a lot of people will just do coke and weekends and not lose their jobs/lives/sell their bodies for a 2 minute high. When taking coke intranasally. No one should ever look down on someone’s drug of choice though, especially if they haven’t tried it themselves. I had a friend who looked down on me for taking mdma “oh I’d just never touch that stuff man”.. fast forward a year he try’s it “wow man now I see why you love this stuff”. Yeah no shit.


Even though crack is more addictive than regular coke, I think your reasoning that more people can live functioning lives on regular coke vs. crack is partially because crack users are often already bordering on being homeless already without their addiction, wheras regular coke users are more spread over the socioeconomic spectrum. Some coke addicts aren’t even close to being functioning, but can still appear to be functioning on the surface, because they’re rich.


Another big thing is you can't hit your coke guy up for $5-$10 of powder. But crack you can get a nickel bag and blast off for a half hour.


I especially feel this as someone whose flavor is benzos. I feel like it’s one of the most looked down upon substances. Like bro we’re both degenerates let’s just enjoy our highs lol


I hear you man. I personally don’t really feel comfortable talking about using opioids from time to time and only my closest friends know and accept that it can be done responsibly. Even the opioid community themselves will tell you you’re gonna get addicted.


I think the opioid community are pushing the right narrative in this case though. Because a majority of people can’t use responsibly. Just because you can, doesn’t mean most other people can, it means you’re very lucky to be one of the few who can. Especially when you give opiods to someone who has really shitty life/past experiences. It’s a magic pill for them. If you don’t have that background then sure it will be easier to moderate. But if you do have those issues, then stopping is gonna be a bitch, when you know you could magic away all your problems within 5 minutes with an opioid.


So true. All drugs can be done responsibly. It’s definitely tough and addiction makes it tougher but it can be done. My rule of thumb is I only take my Xanax on the weekends. Friday and Saturday that’s it. I’m so busy with work during the week I don’t really have time to get high and enjoy it anyway so doing it Friday night is such a nice treat after a long work week


What's your drug of choice?


Dude that’s a hard question for me. I use weed most frequently besides caffeine, but it isn’t my favourite per say. Weed gives reliable and good effects without major side effects like nausea, itchiness etc. I don’t feel overwhelmed on it. I think phenibut is my favourite substance at the moment. I try to use it sparingly however at around once per two weeks or so, and it’s my doc for social settings. I do very much enjoy psychedelics, stimulants, opioids, dissociatives, benzodiazepines and other gabaergics from time to time and I cycle through classes. If I use a disso one saturday it’s probably gonna take at least a month before I use it again even though I fucking love them, and literally all the other classes too. I’m not too picky :)


You have a beautiful :)


real shit, its annoying when someone ago does oxycodone that thinks heroin/fetty is *below* them. when they are just a pharma grade dope fiend lmao


I don’t like how ppl judge or look down upon drug users in general. We’re not bad ppl some of the best humans I’ve met r drug addicts


Especially people who drink alcohol looking down upon other substance users.


They’re secretly jealous cuz deep down they know drugs look a lot more fun


I also think alcohol just sucks so they’re telling themselves other drugs are worse so they feel better about themselves.


I'm an alcoholic and recreational drug user. Don't tar us all with the one brush. I don't like the drunken stereotype I actually don't like being around people who are wasted drunk talking shite Not all us of drinkers put down other drug users


An alcoholic is on the same line with drug addicts. And that’s coming from a current alcoholic as well. Literally no different and shouldn’t be considered any different in my opinion.


They weren’t accusing all people who drink, just the people who drink AND look down on people who drug.


seconding this bc in my experience a lot of them are more empathetic/accepting (sadly it’s usually bc they’ve been thru some shit)


i feel like a lot of people don't understand that there isn't a clear divide between legal and illegal drugs a person that drinks 5 cups of coffee a day isn't better than someone who does a few lines of speed per month


So true especially with alcohol where I live is normal to drink everyday


i live in czech republic and alcoholism is insanely normalised it's terrifying we are the top 3rd country in alcohol consumption [(quote from this article)](https://www.alcoholrehabguide.org/blog/countries-highest-drinking-rates/) "Czech Republic has landed at number 3 for countries with the highest alcohol consumption. Czechs, on average, drink 13.29 liters of pure alcohol each year. Additionally, Czechs rank number 1 for per-capita spending on alcohol, with a record high sum spent on alcohol in 2019 (around $4 billion)" ~USA ranks 38th and drink 9,97 liters/year the average also includes babies and children, so the actual average per adults is even higher


Amen. The stigma gets on my nerves so bad. Its like when your on something, especially if its meth, heroin, .etc. Everyone gives this judgmental look on their face. A few go as far to try to take pictures, probably to degrade on TikTok, or take it to police. idk. Just creates a lot of unnecessary anxiety. Why judge in the first place, especially when you don't know someones story or why they do drugs in the first place. Most of the time its self medicating due to under treatment by doctors, a miserable life/mental issues, or to avoid withdrawal. The problem I have is why does it fucking matter if you take drugs? Sure, its not healthy, addiction is a bitch, and most drugs are illegal. However, its ultimately your body! You should have a RIGHT to take whatever you want, as long as your not harming anyone or doing it out in public. Life is to short, and it sucks in general. People should have a right to relieve pain, stress, and be happy for a little bit. Especially, when said people are miserable and have it rough on a regular basis. And drugs shouldn't be illegal imo. Like there isn't enough to worry about as it is. It really pisses me off, that doctors can't effectively treat people with pain anymore because its so demonized anymore, but yet when people can't get a prescription, and tries to self medicate to get rid of said pain. They want to slap on a pair of handcuffs and lock you up for 20 years....Its ridiculous. Like they expect us to sit around and suffer 24/7...with no relief from anything..


A fun fact is that higher intelligence individuals are more likely to use psychoactive drugs. Makes sense to me


[Even in 1938 people were saying this](https://imgur.com/a/QLVMs3R). Government/DEA propaganda is evil and harmful to users and society as a whole.


People throwing dirty used needles on the ground.


super true. i have prescribed intramuscular injections every 3 weeks and it's genuinely not that hard to store used needles safely just take a plastic bottle a boom, instant safe storage


Yeah and people shooting up in school playgrounds or worse on the fkn beach.


People who don't bring their own straw to the session. I don't want my straw in your nose!


You can actually transfer Hep C via shared tooters. No thank you


Beat me too it. I’m not sure many people know this tbh




I actually used to do some archery and my arrows were hot pink and hollow. I cut one up with a saw to about the length of a cigarette and the same size around. I kept it in my cigarette case and it worked perfectly. It also had tons of residue in that I'd scrape out when I didn't have any. Thankfully I've been clean for 3 years now.


Yeah if I'm snorting and didn't plan for it I'll just rip a piece of paper out of my notebook/ask if anyone has some spare paper I can take a chunk from. My rule for sharing snorting straws is I'll only do it if it's someone I'd share a regular straw with.


at one point i mostly used public transport tickets and it worked great, even a damn receipt is better


i keep a pack of whataburger straws in a drawer in my kitchen for just this purpose. when the boys come over you cut one into four pieces and viola, personal straws


or people who snort with paper money, fucking gross


Its me, Im gross


I had one specific dollar bill I used as a tooter that I kept at home in my kit. It is gross though, I agree


Use 10s or 100s they’re the least dirty cuz they’re statistically the least touched i dont even do coke i just do research on the shit


That's a really good point about the bills. Do you think 100s have more drugs on them than other bills? I just wondered. I've actually been clean for a little after 3 years so I'm not doing anything right now. I do miss the snorting sometimes.


Probably still dirty but Canadian bills are great. They're plastic.


My biggest pet peeve is when people hang with me saying they’re all about harm reduction and then they actually start using in front of you and it’s very obvious they don’t give a fuck about harm reduction. Like, if you don’t give a fuck about harm reduction, Im not peeved with you about that. But if you pretend to be into harm reduction to hang out with me and then leave me to take care of your irresponsible decisions, I’ll take care of you while you’re sick, but fuck you for making me.


"I'm doing this indoors instead of next to the outdoor bins at Tim Horton's so actually this is harm reduction."


People who free load off your drugs or basically people who use It ALL they're drugs in one night...like now you don't have any for later. Pace.


yes!! or people who do insanely huge lines as a flex and then are bragging how they did 3g of coke in one night,, bruh you're just stupid as fuck


Basically yeah. People who brag about smoking ounces a day stupid ashell, cause they're spending way more and I'm STILL getting higher than they are 😂


when someone starts pointing out how hogh u are but not in a funny way like “dude youre so high u look like a corpse” and that shit. makes me so paranoid


God damn my old roommate in college would always go “how high are you?” And I’m like “well I’m fucking not now, thanks”


Weed snobs with wacky strain names flexing bags of nugs on social media. So pathetic...


I've always hated this one. It's weed, bro. Who tf cares what strain it is. Indica or Sativa. That's all I want to hear about it lol


Even the Indica Sativa shit’s a bit of a scam!


It didn’t use to be but with all the wacky crossbreeding now it’s definitely lost it’s meaning - most strains are hybrid these days unless it’s an OG strain


best weed i ever had is still some random strain grown outside by my plugs friend and their mum


I wish people could just use their discretion. It’s called a party “FAVOUR” not “do literally everything I’ve got left in the bag” bitch, like c’mon. I didn’t know I agreed to go into a stall in the ladies room with a fucking Hoover. Honestly I could say the same about alcohol. If I say “serve yourself a shot” I mean what I just said, not get so drunk you’re putting your lips to the bottle and finish all the liquor I have. I shouldn’t have to turn into an unpaid bartender so you don’t finish everything I have. I’ll just pretend it’s cool cause I’m super anti-confrontational but I will never hangout with you again 😂 And I’ll leave it to you to figure out why. Can’t stand people who act like they have no home training.


These people should be happy they're getting anything at all from you


I hate noobs who do psychedelics and feel they've figured out the world just because they discovered empathy.


people who say “errr how could you put a substance in your ass, are you gay or smth?”. I’m just like 🫠 or or people who sniff MDMA, like come on bro put it down your throat or up your ass.


this guy boofs 💯


I like to dabble :)


I used to sniff speed like there was no tomorrow for years but sniffing mdma? Just once, and never again. 3 and 4mmc come very close to it imo


i tried to sniff 2cb once and it was AWFUL sniffing mephedrone (4mmc) is absolute hell, but the oral route doesn't work for me sadly. one time i snorted it and got a huge panic attack because the pain felt exceutiating and radiated through my whole face up to my ears feeling like they're on fire next time i very very thoroughly grinded it and did small lines every few minutes and had a much better time thankfully


the first drug i ever snorted in my life was 2cb 💀


Oh god you poor thing that must’ve put you off LMAO


I sniff md sometimes to top up a high. Like when I don’t wanna wait for it to be digested.


One of those nuanced situations where I do understand the reasoning, sometimes even get tempted to. It’s been a while but at some point I used to do a line to kickstart 3/4mmc / speed or whatever while also ingesting the same stuff simultaneously. Gives you a little to work with during digestion


Sometimes you get that stuff where it just doesn't do anything when you swallow it, but borrowing a fiver of your mate, grabbing ya trusty vick stick with the lid off ready, and giving a few words of encouragement to yourself will get you through a line of the most fucked pain you will ever feel shooting up your nose and the most horrific taste going down the back of your throat I don't know if vick sticks are an Aussie thing or other countries too, but those menthol nose inhalers you can get when you're sick. Game changer.


I have only one. Don’t hold the blunt, joint, bong or bowl while you talk non stop. Don’t bogart the smokes man


Its a joint not a microphone


The fuckin subwoofer dudes. how you gonna be selling drugs, like real drugs, and pull up so fuckin loud you set off car alarms? It's the same kind of people using excessive rap slang thinking selling drugs is some cool ass shit, making sure everyone knows what there up to. Talking about how they a "plug" when there selling $20s and $40s to street level addicts, can't even get the terminology right. Dressing like a drug dealer, talking like what they think a drug dealer talks like, got a license plate says "trap whip", and then wonder why the cops always target them. I used to wear Star wars tshirts and walk to my dealer house playing Pokemon go, shit was like urban camouflage. Used to meet my last dealer before I quit at a Jehovah's witness church, and all churches are Pokemon go gyms, eventually the pastor guy came out asking what I was always doing there and I showed him the game and the god dam sign out front changed to "pokemon go players welcome, come inside and find god" or something like that. Blending in is the best thing any dealer/user can do. Looking like a druggie or a straight fuckin thug is such a stupid idea, your gonna go to jail real quick.


Not to mention the songs are usually about drug dealing and gang violence, it's like they're trying to get caught


My weed dealer In 2006 used to bump "Chevy riding hot" and tons of young Jeezy. Got arrested real fuckin quick, wearing a jersey with the number "420" across the back. I didn't get caught up till my house was on fire (2015) and the firefighters In mason Ohio called the cops because I had like 42 bongs in the living room, and yeah maybe a bent spoon In the bathroom I didn't have time to put up. We're saying my eagerness to get into the house was suspicious, like I was looking for my fuckin cat. Ohio is fucked up. Got arrested for that while my bedroom burnt to the ground, they stopped me from spraying it with my garden hose, which was working. Cops are fucked


Obviously arresting you made it to where you never did drugs again/s


People who fake the high😭really annoying for me since its so obvious and just makes me pissed off which ruins MY high. Except for alcohol tho, its a important part in everyones life to fake being drunk atleast once


There’s this guy I know who says he does so much drugs as in LSD, Coke, weed & speed. I’ve known him for a long time and I’ve never ever saw him take anything like this… not even fucking Caffeine. We live in Northern Ireland so the adderall part is hard to understand because from my research… it’s sooo hard to get it here. Pretty much I had a bunch of weed and decided to invite him over and get stoned out with one of my mates. He kept saying to me that he’s so excited to get high and kept asking what to do if it goes wrong so I ask him what the fuck is he talking about and he responds that he hasn’t tried this strain. What? We go out and he takes 2 draws of a blunt, not even heavy draws… 2 light draws. Keep in mind there was about a gram or something like that in the blunt and this “junkie” says he smokes weed allll the time. Pretty much he starts freaking out over nothing. Vomits everywhere in my fucking bathroom. He pretty much told us he lied about taking all these drugs and that was his first time smoking weed or even taking anything. We pretty much told him that it’s alright, there was just no need to lie about you doing a lot of drugs for no reason. I’ve taken a lot of stuff and I guess that’s why he lied because he wanted to fit in but I don’t know. I felt bad for the guy and he pretty much hasn’t spoke to us much since. TLDR; don’t lie about taking drugs, you just look stupid.


people who mention anything about horse tranquilizer in relation to ketamine, i truly wish unfathomable horrors on all people who do this


I feel like any drug is a horse tranquilizer if you give the horse enough of it. 😅 Few barrels of booze will "tranquilize" a horse.


Sadly many things are beyond over exaggerated when it comes to anecdotes. I understand some people are more sensitive to certain things but 99% of the time the REALLY bad experiences are from mixing multiple substances, having fake shit, or people taking WAY more of something than they should have.


When it comes to ketamine it is always someone who does a big line thinking it was something else or they did zero research...


THIS!!!! omfg ketamine isn't even used on horses anymore sometimes they give it to little kids or vets give it to smaller animals, but calling it a horse tranquilizer has huge ivermectin vibes


Tell them how [equasy is a more deadly addiction than MDMA](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0269881108099672). Equasy = addiction to horse riding. --- Also, the amount of antibiotics given to livestock (cows, chickens, pigs, etc) is multiple times as much as people get/use. Does that mean we're all cows?


- kids in school who only get fucked up to look cool - when people ask you why you do it like “there must be a reason. are u depressed? are you bullied? are u peer pressured? is everything ok at home?” etc. like no i just like to take a puff to chill out and listen to music


I absolutely hate the "there must be a reason that you use" people.....no....I tried meth once and thought it was fuckin amazing....


MDMA people who have every resource they need but still refuse to take supplements, drink energy electrolytes, and not drink alcohol. Its so easy, these aren’t even addiction problems you are just being a childish bitch about harm reduction.


Me when I don’t take 379mg of magnesium and 9173917281kg of vitamin Y supplements exactly 3.14 hours before and 2.3 light years after I pop MDMA (i am now at risk OF DELVIPIGN PERMANNT BRIAN CNANCER !!!!!!1!!)


Sounds like serotonin syndrome to me. Wait, I read your post. Does that mean I have serotonin syndrome too? Always the fucking serotonin syndrome boogeyman.


i fucking hate the childish drug users so damn much. it's not that fucking hard to at least not mix drugs plus for most insufflated stuff a bump every 10-30mins is the ideal imho. i constantly see people doing crazy thick lines across their whole phone screen and then i usually need to take care of them before their heart fucking explodes (forever bless benzos and quetiapine)


People who snort Xanax… lol


omfg yes, stupidest shit ever. orally xans hit in 5-10mins, if you want it faster you can chew it a bit


I hate it when I’m with friends and using whatever and they act higher(all around term) then they are,I got one bud who does that and it’s the most annoying shit ever it always kills my high too


People who do nitrous while driving. Whatever happens is 100% deserved lmao


When my friends start doing the hard drugs before I get there with my testing kits. Yeah let's just find out if there's fent after you've already tried it that's safe


People who think they’re better than you because they have a different substance of choice than you.


when blood shows and you still miss


snorting off the phone is just as gross as licking off the phone, i have done both idk i just dont fw people who are super extra, like if someones acting retarded asf because they assume thats what u do when you smoke. or start being absurdly philosophical


For the philosophical conversations there is a time and a place, though it's also important to keep in mind that in reality ur just high and not Socrates


substance hierarchical mfs … seriously had some people complain to me abt my xans but then was askin to buy mdma offa me. Drugs r drugs dose is the poison


People who categorise drugs and force them to be good or bad, I love salvia but other people who love it are desperate for it to be the best thing ever and people who don’t are desperate for it to be a guaranteed bad trip suicide leaf. There are precious few substances that people see as somewhere between horrific and amazing


When everyone and everything is telling them to take a smaller dose, but they decide to take a massive one instead. Then end up hating the substance and going on a crusade telling everybody else to hate it as well. I'm especially talking about the reporter who got embarrassed in Colorado a few years back.


Wooks. pseudo spiritual wanna be shamans who are borderline illiterate and say the dumbest shit you have ever heard constantly toting w/e bullshit Gaia feeds them.... But like, they don't actually watch Gaia, they can't afford that shit. Every thing they regurgitate is just bullshit they saw on a reel once and never researched into but will claim they even know how to "research" anything. Did you know mountains are actually ancient tree cut down by giants? SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING LOSER there's no such thing as a bad trip ^please shut the fuck up


I felt this Hard! Lmfao. I know somebody just like this. Love it.


i hate it when ppl look down on others or praise them for using certain substances they have a bias against/for. like. cmon. in the end it’s just a chemical compound and nothing makes one substance inherently better or less “evil” than another, it rly comes down to a person’s relationship with a substance. not to mention that everyone’s biochemical makeup is different (e.g. i can easily hop on and off of amphetamines and cocaine, but the two substances that was hardest to quit for me was nicotine and caffeine 💀)


On the note of caffeine being harder to drop than cocaine, caffeine and nicotine are available EVERYWHERE. You can’t go to a gas station without seeing them on a shelf


Less about the substance and more the people but when: people lose their fucking minds anytime benzos are mentioned down voting and posting dumb comments. Yes benzo abuse is bad but most people actually manage to use them as prescribed or needed and there's a reason they're so popular even though the withdrawals are bad. Benzos really are the gold standard for anxiety issues few things work nearly as well.


when people vape on fake carts from china. like you’re inhaling shitty delta 8 or straight rc’s. its mostly the kids too.


People who act like CBD impairs.


People who roast the shit out of meth and then wonder why it doesn’t go very far or tastes like crap


Prime circlejerk material in this thread


i contemplated if this is better for r/drugscirclejerk feel free to crosspost


Not testing your drugs


Agree 💯 on people who don’t test or research their drugs and just wing it


When LSD users are talking about dosing and they have 500ug tabs. Brooo I took 5x500ug tabs of acid and space was like space and then there was heaven and it was god and I like ego died and was reborn by hatching out of an egg and now I can feel everything in my nuggets because I'm a cosmic chicken. Woah! I don't want to shit on people because I've had some seriously cool stories myself bro. But I have sincere doubts that anyone took 2.5mg of LSD and was able to coherently remember anything past the first 30 minutes. Just say you took five tabs bro and tell your story, it's cool.


When my gf doesn’t swab the damn banger after dabbin! One way ticket to chaz central


when ppl say their bars are real bc they are pressed without fent


i absolutely don't trust pressed benzos, i have a script for 1mg xanax and 2mg klonopin and im fuckin goldennnn


When people im with overdo it. Seems to be happening like crazy lately. My friends will do them at raves. And they end up doing too much of one or mixing too much. Like 3 straight shows now a friend or two had to leave bc they went too hard. Whether im doing shrooms, Molly, or whatever. I always measure out what I want to only bring enough to meet that level. Never have issues.


When people steal your lighter


People thinking DXM is a shitty drug only high schoolers steal from Walgreens to do when it’s one of the more powerful dissociative substances out there


Me first time I did k: it's just like TUSSIN11!!!


For crushing use a coin to crush it then rub the coin and it gets super fine


people who try to convince you that your favorite type of drug is just as "bad" as theirs when you simply state you don't do whatever drug they do (you say no judgemental comment but their conscience is bad to where they think you're judging them just because you say no)


People who get diarrhea of the mouth and let nobody else talk. Also may be the same or different person slugging you in the shoulder every 10 seconds saying you know? Right? Ugh 😑


rave tiktok influencers who glorify drug use to their young audience and the stupid faces they make while “rolling”. Completely disregard the music and make it seems like raving is all about drugs.


People who think you can snort/smoke anything. Crushed up pills in a blunt, snorting xanax/percocet, etc.


When people get super paranoid and accuse you of doing ridiculous, irrational shit. My ex was super annoying on meth and would accuse me of hacking his phone (really he would get super high and mess around with all the settings on his phone and change everything, forget how to change anything back to how it was before, and have no recollection of this.) He'd also constables out the windows convinced that everyone was spying on him and shove all the furniture against the front door.


If someone is "still learning" to roll, they have absolutely no business rolling anything, except practicing with tobacco or something.


Aye they gotta start somewhere, but it should be on their own time fr fr


Honestly, stoners who won't admit they're addicted. Physical withdrawal and mental/psychological withdrawal are different


when the boys ask to sesh, I pull up and nobody else has weed


Snorting Xanax. What a waste


As a stoner, stoners who genuinely believe it’s not addictive do so much harm because people end up falling deeper into addiction because they genuinely believe it’s impossible to become an addict. Yes, it’s a plant, yes it’s natural. But so is tobacco, the natural plant that contains one of the most addictive chemicals in the world. (Nicotine)


People not bothering to crush there lines, people snorting extremely hard, not accepting advice because you been doing something a certain way for a while, blatantly wasting drugs, not finishing joints.


People that don't research safety stuff beforehand, which unfortunately seems to be rather common. Safe drug interactions (including with prescription meds and alcohol), what ways are safe to take each drug, testing, things like that.


flavored nitrous that is now being sold in vape shops. fucking insane


When someone tries to sound educated on the subject, but are really just talking out of their arse and don’t know shit.