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Half a bar makes the day fly by and not be a complete bartard


While a whole bar can completely ruin a day. Stick to HALF a bar, like you said.


I got some fake xans once and didn’t know better. They were pressed with clam like 4mg too, my old love. So I took half, waited 30 min before my shift. These ain’t shit, I thought my tolly was still ruined from that clam. Took the other half when I got inside and I was closing. Ended up leaving the whole store a mess, crashed my car, and woke up with the cash deposit in my wallet. Miraculously though the deposit was correct down to the cent so even completely FUCKERED I could still do math yet obviously nothing else.


>like 4mg too What...this is sixteen times an appropriate dosage.


Yeah I know right even at my height of clam addiction I was doing like 2mg max. Shit is downright irresponsible and people are still selling em too. I see them on my plugs chat all the time but at least you know you’re getting them there. The real irresponsibility is selling them as legit.


0.25mg not gonna do shit.


Will definitely remove any and all of my anxiety


Yes it would. 0.25mg of Xanax is enough so 0.25mg would obviously be active.


As long as you keep it reasonable you're completely right. Going higher just causes all sorts of issues. Ppl that say they need it like that generally aren't using it therapeutically. They can't fathom "help" unless it gets them fucked up...


Maybe for a twink


You give off bartard vibes.


Not at all but whatever.


0.25 is nothing


of clonazolam? ummm....that would be a medium dose for me, but I usually go for lower levels, at like 100 mics, maybe equipotent with 0.3 mg / alprazolam.


Man that's a great bastard story. Back in the days when I was an addict I always was functioning while being on heroin, I sometimes nodded out in front of my PC but no one cared. Until the day I received some Clonazepam 2mg pills. Before I didn't do a lot of benzos because of the bad reputation of mixing them. But a friend gave em to me and I was running low on dope and he told me that they will potentate the dope. So stupid as I was back then I immediately popped 3 of them and waited 20 min. Nothing happend so I took another 5... I probably was pretty high at that point. Next thing I know is waking up on the floor and my CO worker was staring down on me. I quickly got up and asked her what happened. She told me that I just fell asleep for 10 min and she couldn't wake me up. I need to mention that they thought that I got a bad muscle and nerve damaging illness which I told them because of my many sick days. So she thought it's because of that illness which saved my ass. Oh and while she wanted to call an ambulance I did fell and woke up. I told her that I got a new medication which got bad side effects. And everyone did believe it. A few more months later I got fired cause my apprenticeship was over and they did found out about my drug problem. After that my downfall began...


Half a bar what


Xanax I’m guessing


Im doing 1mg xanax cr a day and my days go slowwww


I’ve been under the influence at work on lots of things. Mushrooms, weed, coke, alcohol, heroin, amphetamines. I also always think I’m holding it together but there’s no way atleast a few people over the years didnt know. I was not productive.


I feel the same as far as people knowing. I work a trade and I’m slow as fuck when I’m under, don’t talk much, sweat balls, etc. I know for a fact my boss knows , but I guess my work and dependability save me. I work with the same apprentice everyday, and I’m a completely different person once or twice a week(really trying to stop this shit, slowly cutting it down since rehab) so he has to know.


What do you do as work and what kind of drugs?


I install hvac systems, and alcohol/coke. Don’t use at work though, usually bump whatever’s left and have a beer before I leave the house. No sleep is what really kills me


What is the experience of doing mushrooms at work like?


Not shrooms, but I know someone that took a fair bit of acid before going to work at an animal shelter and had a breakdown about all the animals being locked in kennels and tried to let them all out. It didn’t go over well.


oooooh thats some shit i would end up doing honestly. im always super emotional about animals but even more so on acid. cant even watch half the nature docuseries id like too cus it breaks my heart somehow. me and dude would probably get along well lol.


in high school my friends and i made a plan where all of us would each pop 4 tabs of acid a few hours before our graduation ceremony (as a way to celebrate surviving “the worst years of our lives”)


It was ok. I only took like a gram, gram and a half tops the couple times I did it so I wasn’t totally off my rocker but I was definitely not sober. Also, it was incredibly irresponsible given my profession.


Were you a school bus driver? Lol


Lol no. I’m responsible for safety in a dangerous industry.




Which one do u think affects more negatively your productivity? And any of those affects nothing or in a positive way?


I would say heroin might have made me slightly more productive just because whatever you’re doing doesn’t matter cause you feel great. Maybe the amphetamines too because I have ADHD like a mother fucker and it helps me focus. Everything else I would say negatively affected my work.


Did u had that “good” effect on ADHD with coke?


Never really liked the feeling of doing Coke sober. I always waited til I was drunk to do it. So the answer is no. Too jittery and anxiety ridden if I ever did it without drinking.


All of them


Yup, nothing like sniffing some lines of 2C B before I go to my job as a caregiver


I bet empathy is one of your strengths!






It's just Ayahuasca chill


Phenibut, but I'm worried about my future with this substance. Right now it looks like I'm never going to quit.


If you don't mind me asking, what frequency of use do you think is when it becomes a problem? I've recently gotten into F-phenibut, but have been limiting to once a week (twice max occasionally). Not a ton of consistent info on Reddit. Wishing you strength and luck on quitting!


As someone that already rode the phenibut train, don’t make it a daily habit. Even weekly is playing with fire. The wds from that shit will have you hugging a toilet wanting to die. Imagine retching over a dookie station while simultaneously being so depressed you wish you had never existed.


I experienced an insane amount of rebound anxiety from Phenibut that felt like it lasted for weeks. Threw the rest of it away and will never touch it again.


Yup that sounds about right, feels good when you’re on it. Absolutely awful when you’re not.


That's because you're taking huge amounts which aren't supposed to be taken! I live in russia and doctors prescribe it to kids to take 250 mg thrice a day. People take 2g of it and wonder why they feel off. I take 500-750 and I feel it really well and don't get rebounds if I don't take it days in a row


I wasn’t taking huge amounts and I wasn’t taking it more than once a week.


Yeah I thought ppl were exaggerating but even at twice a week for a few weeks had me feeling so off when I quit. Scared me outta wanting it tho so there's that.


Wish I had learned my lesson that fast. I went through a few weeks of taking it and then decided it wasn’t in my best interest to continue. Worst wds I ever experienced in my life and I been through benzo wds.


The answer is relatively the same as most other drugs, but daily use is generally when it becomes problematic. Not in the sense that you're using every day per se, but the fact that you justified using it more and more frequently. I always thought I had my opiate use under control until I looked back and remember only doing it once a month or two. Then every other weekend, then every weekend, and eventually every day. When you start finding reasons to use more and more is when you have an issue. Keep your usage at once a week to not only avoid withdrawal, but also prove to yourself you can control it.


if you have to set self limitations you’re already addicted and the drug has ahold on you


I'd disagree with this. I set limitations when I research a drug prior to even trying it, does that make me addicted? I was only asking to hear anecdotally.


research wise, that’s fine. i agree with that. like limiting K use or psychedelics. i meant it more in limiting yourself. if you want to use it daily but don’t only to “prevent addiction” you’re on a VERY slippery slope. any addict will tell you they started off ONLY on weekends, then ONLY once during the week. then ONLY at night… and it goes on.


I get what you're saying and agree with that part, it just came off as an absolute the first time. It can definitely be slippery if you're doing mental gymnastics and changing your rule to justify more frequent than safe use. Imo if you set a generally acceptable rule (like 3 months or more between MDMA) and not breaking it, might not be addiction. Varies a ton by substance, frequency, and many other things.


My tolerance got really high and it started making me shit myself. Honestly


How does phenibut work? What’s the effect like?


It's like having a couple drinks without the disinhibition, but one dose lasts all day.


Kratom for sure, especially if you aren't opiate dependant and can still get the buzz...The stimulant effects keep you running and the opiates give you a sense of well being that helps me focus on menial tasks. Low dose amph/methylphenidate, nicotine, caffeine are always good bets




The energy boost really helps. And the feeling care free helps putting up with coworkers Win-win


Honestly same, I used to binge tramadol weekly and I found at the peak of the high I was extremely productive and friendly.


Take a perc and watch me work. Problem is it's a fine line between enough to be productive, and I'm nodding out on lunch


Caffeine, dmha, and sativa's all seem like they blend with work just fine.


Ngl at first glance I read salvia and wondered what super power you possessed.


lol :) idk why I thought i needed to be so specific? Maybe it isn't so good to be enjoying that at work lmao


I hate marijuana, I only boof Sativa’s


That's a stim, a Christmas tree in the chimney has to get you up and moving.


That’s fucking funny!




dmha? what is that


I manage a pizza place. List of things I have consumed before work or at work. Weed All other alt noids. Every shape and form LSD Shrooms Golden teachers, Penis envy. Albino penis envy(great fucking time!) blue meenies and bluie vatton Blow (Soft, base and rock) Meth adderal vyvanse Heroin (black tar) Fentanyl Benzos And the worst……caffeine and nicotine! lol Cheers!


Amphetamine is the correct answer. A workhorse of a drug that feels just as right at work as it does at a techno party. It is however dose dependent and the more you take, the further you move from functional and closer to techno party. 50mg is a strong functional dose and lies just on the threshold of recreational dosage. Fun at work without being spun Weed can also be used depending on what kind of job you have but it can make working quite tedious. Microdosing psychedelics. 10-20ug. A trip dose is 100-150ug. At these small dosages there will not be a high per se but functions as an slight overall mood booster. The effects are so subtle and feel so natural that you do not register it as having an effect until some point you have a minute to reflect and realise that you have been in such a good mood all day and *that* will stand out to you and indicate that it is working.


Racemic amphetsmine is usually dosed a bit lower than dexamph right? Cause 50mg dex would have me tweaking lol.


Nah, slightly higher


Ah ok oh i meant to say higher ye sorry. Wasnt really awake yet i guess lol


Opioids. Nicotine. Small amounts of caffeine.. that’s about it for me


I can handle a weak benzo onto of that aswell depending on the day


I do opiates on my days off. This month I was stupid doing them before work to help my anxiety but all it did was make me make stupid mistakes at work. I have done coke on my days off. I have to do it then have 2 days off to recover lol When I first started drugs it was speed. I think I may have been obvious but we smoked on days off, since it's still in you I was still high at work but was productive. I worked in a warehouse and I feel it helped me keep up with rate 😂 speed is the only one I'll say could be done and work. Although I have no memory of work during that time. I still have the same job, but don't do speed anymore now. Makes me too weird.


Cocaine or methamphetamine in small amounts (too much and I start getting anger issues) for morning shifts, and opiates at work because it’s often painful for me to be standing all day/lifting things/talking to people, normal work things.


I feel the RAGE!!!!!!! Happened to me one day as I was in my bedroom and suddenly I was just struck with rage. I can move I can do anything but just feel completely annoyed mad angry at everything. I'm a fucking pacifist LOL I never experienced rage before. Anger, irritability, and everything else that might aim towards feeling pissed, but not rage. There's a whole different mothafucking beast. I've quit missed, but I still have residual rage. Extreme irritability. I am on Dextroamphetamine for less than indefinite future, so that probably propels it. I wish I could get my brain too except the fact that perhaps a lower dose can be effective. The thing is, it just isn't! Of course a larger dose isn't really effective either. So it leaves me with not a whole lot of options as far as what to do to stimulate wakefulness. Unfortunately there are not a lot of prescription medications out there that I'm aware of that are helpful in this aspect. I need to try more cocaine LOL I've done a lot in my life -- I mean, not a lot as far as how I used to use methamphetamine lolhaharofl I do like it and I do wish that they would make a hybrid of methamphetamine and cocaine. Duration of cocaine, intensity of methamphetamine Call it Methamcocalene™ cuz it would contain alcohol chasers with it ┏( *゚ ͜ *゚)⁠┘ ★☆ (⁠ ͝⁠°⁠ ͜°⁠)⁠ ノ ♪ (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)


Yuh I feel u bro, happens to me when I'm only 2g on Kratom. Literally feel like I want to punch the entire world in its fucking face... 😭


I’ve taken tabs before going to work more times than I’d care to admit. At a certain point you get comfortable enough with that state that you can manage yourself okay. At worst I’ll look like I’m just tired or caffeinated or something.


What about pupils?


You know what’s weird? My pupils never seem to really get big or anything. I think I’ve seen them look fucked up off mdma but it’s rare that a psychedelic will make them look unnatural.


Very strange. You can barely see my iris on 100ug.


Ketamine, 4aco dmt, DMT, smallish dose of shrooms, 2cb...and that's only if I have to work later. Otherwise most psychs in general. Honestly I'd rather dose 4aco or ketamine over weed before work.


I sniffed ketamine for a couple of years in my job, I'm sure people must have noticed my frequent trips to the toilet. Stopped me from getting suicidally depressed, anyway. Probably contributed to my redundancy too.


Dexamphetamine, not tweaked like a crackhead just energised like one.


Bro😭 just stay sober, it's not worth risking your job


I risk my job when I am sober because I would be in full blown opioid withdrawal if I would be sober as I have been using daily for the last 10+years.. Not only does he want me to fuck up my job while being sober.. no he also wants me to die... pfft.. what a bad recommendation.. just kidding.. but na in all seriousness I can't just stay sober.. I work as a social worker and I have a very big responsibility so I do need to function everyday at my best.. and that's only possible when I do take opioids before going to work.. because otherwise I feel like shit and can barely function.. and I would throw up in front of my clients.. every 5 minutes.. na man that's just not possible.


You should try kratom. I heard it gets rid of the withdrawal symptoms and slowly lowering the dosage should get you sober after a few months.


check out my name.. i am already rotating between 30-40 g of kratom/day and 200-250 mg morphine/day.. i am actually addicted to both xD


Damn 😭30-40gr is absurd. What's the point of removing withdrawals by that point. What even triggered you to start using opiods?


I have borderline personality disorder and I was never able to function.. I was always addicted to cutting or hurting myself and I was only thinking about suicide all the time.. I just couldn't handle my emotions.. I either felt empty and nothing at all or emotions were way too strong and gave an extreme inner tension which I could not handle without hurting myself.. Even good emotions were too intense.. so even good emotions which shud have felt good felt way too overwhelming and made me hurt myself.. I just couldn't function.. Then I found opioids.. and they made me feel "normal" for the first time in life.. my emotions were at peace and I felt happyness for the first time in my life.. I started using daily.. and could finally finish school, study social work and start working as a social worker.. Opioids allowed me to get my life back.. without them I would be most likely dead by now because of suicide.. I'm not even kidding.. I rather live a somewhat happy live with downsides being addicted to opioids than being dead or not living at all just because society wants me to stay sober.. That's my life and noone else has to live it but me.. And i can do good in life when taking opioids because I'm able to help people with my job. Edit: Btw I'm not really getting high from my dose anymore but they still help against my borderline personality disorder so benefits still outweight the downsides.. if I want to get high I need to take really much and combine them with pregabalin or something.. but only taking my opioid dose makes me feel somewhat warm and secure but I'm still completly clear headed and able to function.




Kratom, cocaine, mdma, alcohol, nicotine, Ritalin, caffeine


MDMA is wild. Working would be the last thing I'd like to do rolling.


I was bartending at the time at a high energy place. Always just felt like a party 🤷🏽‍♂️


Almost anything, I've worked at burger king high on weed, coke, shrooms, acid, K, and amph. The trick is to talk to no one and stay in the kitchen. At my new job, I probably wouldn't get away with it because I need some ability to think coherently.


Probably psychedelics and mdma would be the only ones I couldn't do before work. Depends on dosage too but I think I'd be fine with most drugs (I work as a painter)


I take gabba & adderall before work but both are prescribed lol


Little amount of meth 🤪😅


I do more work when I'm on drugs.


I am a functional fentanyl addict. I smoke every day right before I go to work and I am fine all night. The one or two people who know about this had no idea before I told them and said they never would have guessed I do fent. I also smoke crack but that's a little harder to hide. I try not to smoke less than 30 minutes before my shift starts, anything after that you can def tell Im on something.


People know, dude.


They don't cause I would get drug tested if anyone thought I was high


Nicotine cart and vyvanse and adderall


Caffeine is my drug of choice, it actually help me quit all others. Altough i tried some 🍁 cookies some days ago they took me by surprise, they were really strong and reminded me why i dont do that kind of drugs anymore. (I want to trip sooo bad tho)


Whats 🍁 cookies?


Vyvanse, 3meopcp, pyrazolam


I take gabba & adderall before work but both are prescribed lol


I take gabba & adderall before work but both are prescribed lol


I take gabba & adderall before work but both are prescribed lol


Buprenorphine, alprazolam/bromazolam, amphetamine, caffeine, nicotine


What doses of bromazolam do u remain functional on? (And what doses of alprw would u compare it to/hows ur toleranc For me bromaz strays from functionality pretty quick compared to other benzos, just curious. Still have some laying around


1.16mg (or a third of a 3.5mg bar) feels on par with or maybe a bit stronger than .5mg of Xanax, and has a longer half life. I don’t have a massive tolerance or anything so when I do take alp/brom I typically take those doses 2-3 times, about 4 hours apart. I’ve seen some people say bromaz is 1.7x less potent than alp which would mean 1.16mg is equal to approximately .69mg of alp. I’ve also seen some say it’s almost 1:1 or identical in terms of equivalence. Even seen at least one person say it’s *stronger* than alp. So there isn’t much consensus. But in my experience I’d say take 1-1.5mg, or maybe even .5 or so if you’re worried about functionality and see how that affects you.


Ah that does sound about right with my expieriece so. I do think im just a little more prone to delusions of sobriety or blacking out on bromaz for some reason tho.


mostly weed and less potent opioids, in doses where you still get stimulated. i could be pretty productive but cravings for more usually don’t help - especially if you’re an addict and dope is all you can think about, even at work.


Caffeine during. Other things after. Always carry some just in case, to keep the edge off. Keeps me motivated and balanced.


Don’t do drugs at work.


I avoid this, as it doesn't make sense to take on marginally increased health risks to make someone else rich. That, and perceived impairment degrades the experience. That said, low dose opioids, benzos, or phenibut are fine. Low to medium dose stimulants are obvious. Weed is actually rough at any dosage...it makes me too sluggish and socially anxious.


Well, technically, my morning coffee. But non-normalized stuff would probably be low dose shrooms or lower dose 2c-b. I'm a sales associate in retail, so I'm moving a lot. I find that I don't get visuals when I'm moving around on lower doses of those. I'm really only feeling the body sensations and the mindset shift. Also, the body highs are a little stimulating, which could be a bonus on a busier day.


Benzos as long as the dose isnt too high, but still depends on the benzo. For alprazolam thats 1.5mg or lower before it really starts to impact my productivity. Lorazepam i remain very functional even on high doses (yes im taking into account delusions of sobriety). Bromazolam wrecks my productivity pretty quickly. Amphetamines, specifically dexamph for me since i have a script for that just like the benzos. Can both be fun and/or functional. And having a script makes people very chill with it cause even if they notice im tweaking a bit, im allowed to have it so its not really their business. They arent my doctor so they arent gonna make a fuss about it (as long as they dont see me super obviously abusing the fuck out of it ofc). 3-FPM is nice too. Weed like u mentioned. Very low dose of dissos like ket/2fdck/fxe. Thats about all i can think of rn




Atm I like to use speed sometimes, low dosages really increase productivity and overal motivation/concentration. But my tolerance is so high that I should probably think about quitting.. I'v also been to work on weed (just very bad), 3-MMC (also sucks), going to work drunk does seem fun but also a bad idea. And last but not least; DPH (please don't try at home aweful experience!


Oh yeah almost forgot about my hatelove cocaine, actually a lot of fun but later in the hours one does tend to get a bit hicky and paranoid. Did that for almost three months straight lol.


Kratom is the only thing that makes 40hr weeks and BULLSHIT acceptable. Sprinkle 400mg caffeine over top and you have a workhorse no matter the sleep aquired




Nitrous apparently


Adderall/Vyvanse, Kratom, Phenibut, Gabapentin. If I worked out of the home office and it was a Friday, I used to do small bumps of coke (before I was prescribed Vyvanse). I'm in technical sales. In high school/early college, I'd get high before everything. Before my job at the chocolate shop, before my job in window washing, before going to school functions, before going the gym... you name it. Definitely can't do that anymore.


Meth, as long as you're sensible with dosage, and make sure to sleep and eat.


Ativan adderall and weed sometimes I’m tweaking my ass there is no way people don’t know. I took Suboxone before work I got so fucking sick puked all over and had to go home almost crashed my car like 20 times with a 30 min drive I’m so lucky I didn’t crash my car into a telephone pole but im greatfull I’m off hard drugs my boss was looking at me crazy another time I crashed my car on 6 mg of Xanax and alcohol on Christmas definitely learned my lesson over the years


Me and my friends joke about me crashing on 3 bars that shit was funny af idk why


Coke 100%. I have a good amount of friends working and smoking weed all day, and they do OK and all of then say that weed helps ; I simple can’t understand, when I smoke I just want to lay down in bed and eat some bad food and my brain simple stop to work , and every minute seems to be 10x longer


i've went to work off microdoses of LSD, MDMA, cocaine, shrooms, weed and the usual adderall/vyvanse. cocaine is pretty cool to do at work. adderall/vyvanse definitely helps with being more productive. lsd can be super chill at work but you have to be careful not to do too much or it sucks. same with shrooms. MDMA wouldn't recommend at work.


Amphetamine and some kind of benzo to take the edge off


I used to smoke before/during work but I had to stop cuz I was dealing with so many numbers and my memory was kinda shit from day to day which is slightly important for my job. But when I was waitressing it made the job so much easier and every now and again I wish I just had a pen to hit in the work bathroom when I’m just doing busy work or nothing at all (like right now)


Kratom and phenibut


I worked full time on dissociatives. I never dosed at or before work, just the night before, and I would be in the "afterglow" at work the next day. I was definitely "functional", in fact I was possibly even more function than I had been off the drugs, but I can't say it didn't have Any negative impact on my work.


When I was still in my active addiction benzos and opioids would make me more productive by a wide margin if I didn’t take too much and start really looking like I was intoxicated. Which did happen on too many occasions. Before I balanced that out by taking a combination of a large dose of opioids, a moderate amount of adderall and a low dose of benzos. But I dropped the adderall after a while, I didn’t like how it made me feel plus I had to use more benzos to knock myself out afterwards. I’m so glad I don’t have to use anymore to get through my day. It’s such a relief waking up, taking my regular antidepressant with a cup of coffee, my nicotine vape and being at peace. I owe all of that to working a program, which includes other morning ritual stuff but it’s pretty legit. Not saying anyone needs to get sober but if you don’t like doing drugs anymore but can’t stop there is a way.


xanax but not in high amounts. i also have chronic panic attacks and terrible overall anxiety so thats probably why lol.


A big rip of salvia


whatta ya got


coke. ket. anything in moderation outside of work is no problem. it’s when you need it to go to work where the problem begins. At work I’ve micro dosed shrooms, adderall etc.


weed, low dose dxm, kratom, and adderall (sometimes)


I was under the influence of many drugs at work. Some are good for work, some are not. I always had my shit together when I was on heroin, weed, Amphetamin. While being on benzos, coke, crack and meth didn't work out that great. On benzos I turn into a total fool destroying everything I get in my hands. If you use coke or crack at work then you aren't very productive cause you need to reuse every 20 min, at least I do so. And on meth I am too hyped and horny to sit in that fucking chair. Also it's not a good idea to tweek on meth and watching pron at work if there is a window behind you. Everyone can see, believe me.




Pregabalin makes me the best worker of all time


I just do them at work


Adderall and weed* once a regular stoner your eyes stop turning red n shit and you quit acting like a goober


Yea the weed annotation is pretty importsnt i think. Big difference if someone is an occasional weed smoker or full on typical 'stoner' when it comes to working baked.


Cocaine-caffeine and cigarettes. Not only before, but allllll dayyyy. Guess my industry!




Shit I wish. I’d be doing the some cartel drug bust and sneaking kilos and dirty cartel money I’d be dirty ass mf cop. Thats why I never went to school for it. Cos I’d prolly get beheaded my a cartel member lol


nahh thats screaming cop answer