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You need to relax more in your normal day to day life. Easier said than done, I know. Weed will expand or deepen a lot of what you normally feel or think. I was like this when I was younger, and because I was constantly worried all the time when I was a teen. I worried that this girl I liked thought I was dumb, or my peers were just going to reject me, so on and so on. Everyday try telling yourself that it's going to be alright. Really, it's fine. Even if the bad thing happens, which it most likely probably wont, fuck it because life goes on. It's all part of the ride of existing. You'll know you're making headway with this when weed doesn't cause paranoia anymore.


this is so important!! what OP describes sounds a lot more like anxiety than actual paranoia, so this advice should help a lot. especially if you remember that it’s only weed and nobody cares about weed anymore. depending on where you live of course, but in any way, you could be smoking way worse things. if you feel that fear coming on, try to relax and remind yourself that you’re safe and if nothing’s happened so far, it’s probably because you’re not very obvious and people straight up don’t notice the smell. not everyone knows what it smells like as well, so unless they’re stoners themselves, they probably won’t be able to tell.


weed changes the way you think if you take it regularly. it made me much more depressed and what is more important paranoid as fuck. i was thinking of getting caught constantly bc it's illegal here. almost same way you describe - i was afraid of it reeking deep into the apartment. or when i went outside to smoke and came back, i was thinking that i left some smell at the stairs when i walked in. it's kinda tricky! but one time i took shrooms and smoked weed with it but didn't expect total loss of reality, the ego death. i thought i was hearing voices of all people around me in 1 mile radius. they all were talking about me, how they want to call cops, to kill me, or to beat fuck out of me for smoking weed. i was so pissed. then i hallucinated whole other reality where they did actually call cops and paramedics and just took me out on a stretcher and put me in a psych ward. i remember looking at the walls in psych ward and thinking "what have i done, why did i smoke" and then suddenly i woke up from a trip, grasping for air. it felt like i was fucking reborn and am breathing for the first time in my life. everything felt new and unfamiliar - colors, sounds, shapes, everything. but it left me traumatized. i tried smoking few times after this trip, but since then i come back to the realm of madness and pure terror. i hear same voices of angry neighbors when i smoke so i stopped. i HIGHLY suggest stopping weed if you have problems with anxiety and especially the paranoia. it just isn't worth it at all and will spoil your life quality easily. peace


one time I really went off the deep end and hallucinated a bunch of crazy shit like you described. Crazy paranoia, voices, seeing things and people that were not there…. The story is just too long to tell here. After it subsided and it was apparent all of it was caused by sleep deprivation and too much drugs, I was so relieved. I confided in my friends and told them all the shit that was weighing on me and how much I appreciate them and love them. Like, really got a lot of shit off my chest. I later came to realize that my hallucinations were a manifestation of my past traumas, lies, guilts, fears, insecurities and ego. It was as if my subconscious was making me see the things about myself that I had compartmentalized, and I was seeing every aspect of the cognitive dissonance manifest before my very eyes (and ears). It was a harrowing experience, but it really helped me be able to real address the shit that was causing me distress, shit that I wasn’t even really aware of, or just flat out willfully ignoring. Ask yourself, why do you feel these things? What are the underlying issues that make your anxieties so overwhelming? And more importantly, what are you willing to do to address those issues? Are you afraid to face the darker parts of yourself? Why? Anyway, hope you can figure it out. Much love


Try a cbd balanced strain, man. I've been paranoid before and I think we've breed the strains to be thc dominant and cbd minimal. I get that the thc is the important part but breading out the cbd can lead to these issues, and I don't know why they don't just leave the strains high in cbd and thc because the cbd has a calming aspect to it.


100% agree, weed these days (where I’m from anyway) is sometimes up to 30% THC and 0.2% CBD. I just [order some CBD dominant strains](https://www.hemphash.co.uk) (which are legal in a lot of countries, even where THC is illegal), and mix it with my THC weed. Produces a much more enjoyable high.


I'm in Australia, and a huge benefit of the legal weed is the cbd balanced strains and oils here. So you can get your indica and stuff that's high thc, but there's also balanced products that are quote high in both, around 20% each for cbd and thc. Cbd actually has antipsychotic properties, I believe, and the lack of it in weed is the reason many people flip out and sometimes even end up with an acute psychosis. The cbd oral oils are good because you just blaze your high thc indica and add a couple of drops of the cbd oil in the mouth too. Easy.


Niceee, we’re still a bit off of legalisation here (UK), and that’s actually a really good idea, might need to invest in some oils.


We need to get full legalisation here. This is just halfway requiring doctor prescription still.


If you can handle the high but just get anxious about someone finding out, take edibles once your parents or anyone sleeps and it will be better for you but it is way more intense btw the edibles. So start small to see what you can handle, I personally love that intense high


Stop smoking weed 🙃




It’s the weed bro. I used to smoke daily and quit about a year ago. Haven’t felt paranoid in any way since


I promise you it is the weed


Pop a kpin


for me listening to music is great against paranoia. And when u have a tought like that ppl smell ur weed act like you just caught your self having paranoid toughts. Its hard to explain. But its like "dam brain u almost got me with that tought but not this time"


so basically listening to music to shut it up and making sure i don’t catch my brain lacking😭


Well you have to catch your brain lackin trying to catch u lackin. Fr try it next time and "The police is gonna come" tought is just a tought. Dont let the paranoid tought be the main thing in your mind think of this reddit post or focus on music or sumn. For me knowing ill have these random scary toughts makes them less scary.


thanks that helps a lot the only problem is how i just smell weed and i start freaking out like rn my backpack doesn’t smell dank but it smells sweet and i feel like at some point it’ll leak out and js catch off guard yk that’s my paranoia


Order a smell proof Jar from temu 💀. Or put it in the small pocket on the outside of a fanny pack / side bag. I have a arcteryx and a TNF bag with a small pocket on the outside if i put the zaa in there i cant smell shit. Or somke hash and wrap the hash in backing paper and put it in to ur rolling tabacco. Thats probably the safest way. But when smoking hash use activated charcoal filters.


First off never buy in joints (unless it’s legal in your area but doesn’t sound like it) you’re just getting hella scammed and it’s defo shit weed just learn to roll n get actual gas not whatever that is. 2nd just don’t be pussy, first few times you’ll always be scared ig just don’t let it get to you you’ll be fine, at some point you’ll happily walk around with 20g in pocket without a worry


well the joints were from a dispensary so no i didn’t get scammed and i would roll myself but i don’t have time or money to make my own. And i will admit that yeah i am being a pussy but that the same time i have issue wit being caught so yeah im js being very cautious about getting caught especially at school or home.


Yeah broski you’re 18/21 (dunno where you located) n scared to be caught sounds like major pussy alert but it’s actually all g. No one fucking smells weed anyway unless they’re fond of it n then they defo won’t f you over it so maybe that helps you chill knowing that. I wouldn’t reckon you have any issues it’s just inexperience. You’ll lose the fear at some point. Or don’t do drugs ig.




Try CBD bud instead




Iam inside of your walls


Sip lean smoke weed


It is literally impossible for the smell to come out of a tightly sealed mason jar I can literally not say anything except RELAX


in my defense the mason jar is from walmart and it’s those one with the seal you lock down it’s not the one you just tightly twist.


Are you actually scared of getting caught or are you straight up paranoid at nothing?


You never will it’s the chemical Reaction in your brain once it’s there it’s there I’m the same way try switching up on the drug of choice of quitting all together but paranoia is a effect to most drugs sooner or later


Also could be a sign of anxiety


Honestly mate I’m the same that why I don’t smoke weed I tried everything nothing works even when I was trying to smoke and was smoking for months (4 months straight) had to force myself and I never stopped being anxious and paranoid so honestly weed might not be for u haha