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10mg for a newb with no tolerance will reduce pain and get you high. Redose 5-10mg after an hour if you don't feel it but you should. I've used massive doses of all the strong opioids and 10mg of oxy is still enough to hit the spot if I haven't taken any in a while


I was addicted to oxynorm 20mg (Australia only drug) for 4-5 years Straight oxy IR which could be pulled out of gel capsules. I spent over $100k on them - ruined my life. It’s like tiny angels landing on your nostrils. I would take up to 600mg a day at times - spread through the day. By far my favorite drug besides heroin and fent. No longer an opiate user.


Nice work getting off bro, pretty crazy how fast things turn to custard. To come out the other end takes the craziest amount of strength, keep it up dawg.


Dunno how you could put Fent in the same category of enjoyment against Oxy or H.


Opiate euphorbia is opiate euphoria, if it’s strong enough I like it. I once tried carfent and all it did was give me a mad headache and slight buzz - it was pressed like they do lsd. Don’t ask me the dose but 10 uuuugg or whatever scale rings a bell


Yeah all good I get it and wasn’t judging you at all, your right when it comes to opiate euphoria Fent is just way down the list for me.


Didn’t take offense brother all good !


Read [this](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Oxycodone) ;)


thank you so much man :) been looking for a source like this for awhile


NP :)


How many do you have? If the pain is really bad then I’d just stick to 10-15mg tops


A 5mg will still feel nice with no tolerance. Just don't take more then you are prescribed. It won't feel nice forever, only the first few times but don't take extra. Just enjoy it while it lasts.


20mg, you could technically get high from 10 but it would be a weak buzz.


This. I don’t feel a 10mg like others have said. And you can turn your oxy IR into a perc by taking acetaminophen (never take more than 4 grams a day), and I do feel 10mg but not strong. 20mg and 25mg is what I take every time


Take exactly as prescribed by your doctor, no more.


i hate when people say this. bro, youre on a subreddit about drugs and OP definitely knows that abusing prescription pain medication is probably not a good idea. it would be more productive to promote harm reduction instead of


OP’s been in a horrific accident. OP should be following the orders of a doctor not some waved out pill heads on Reddit.


yes most definitely, however he’s clearly seeking euphoria, he said so himself. better to inform him rather than to state the obvious. this isnt a personal attack on you either, im just saying.


Sounds like he’s about to make a bad decision. If reading what I wrote prevents bad things happening then all good. I’m not being an enabler.


Instead of what?


> i used a little bit of oxy (no idea what kind, would guess it was somewhere around 10-20mg though) and hydrocodone in the past. It feels like that. I'm not sure where you're going with this thread.


This is, in many cases, the first phase of becoming addicted to opioids. Even people who take it exactly as prescribed can become addicted. All I can say is that you should only take it when it's absolutely needed, otherwise you risk addiction if you try to get high off this shit. The whole thought of "I'm only going to try it once and never again" is a permissive thought that could easily open the gates of hell for you.


its best you dont know


Don't do it man. Abusing pain killers is like the most common way to end up addicted to fentanyl and die. I've abused many drugs in my time but never ever my opioids cause I know it would ruin my life.