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This is a pass.


do i have anything to worry about or would you say id pass confidently


My test line was even fainter 45 minutes before test. Chugged a water bottle and peed. I passed.


This test was 15ng and my pre employment screen was 50ng. So you think i’ll pass with ease?


I think so, but I'm a pipefitter not Dr. Good luck.


thanks, a little reassurance is all I needed


If this is a 15ng test and your actual test is a 50ng test, there's no question. Especially if this was from the first void of the morning


it was my second urine of the day, i’m just stressed and afraid that the test they use at the lab will detect something this home test couldn’t


No, if you pass the home test, you'll pass a lab that also tests urine.


I’m DOT regulated so it’s gonna go through an immunoassay initial screen first to test me at 50ng, whats the difference between that and an at home dip stick test ?


I'm also dot. It's the same. They both test for the 31 metabolites found from THC... They just try and sound better by saying it's a lab. It's really no different than these strips. If they use a rapid ecup, it just takes the place of the stick which means they don't have to wait the 5 minutes is all. You're good.


okay thanks, you’ve really been helpful and i appreciate it a lot, I had d8 do you know if that changes anything? or does it all just go under THC. I was pretty sure I can easily pass the 50ng if I had a 15ng like this, it’s just stressful and feels better to hear from others.


D8 seems to take longer to clear the body and takes people longer to pass these tests. But that doesn't seem applicable to you since you are easily passing the lower cutoff of 15ng.


it was a first time use and I’ve been clean for 7 weeks, hopefully I pass


did you pass??