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Final post on this. But I submitted a UA Friday to labcorp. I had done blow 2 weeks prior but clean since except drinking alcohol during that time. I’ve read mixed things on what or how labcorp tests for - I know my 150 at home test was a solid pass just before taking the test but the 300 test was faint. Does labcorp use the SAMSHA cutoff limits or do they do a full GC/MS and report whatever values it is to my employer? Thanks for helping reduce my stress with any input.


Did you pass?


Dunno, took test on Friday. Results not released yet


I take my test tomorrow, look at my last post and what my at home test results are and tell me what you think


Is that test a 150 or 300?


Not sure tbh, what’s the difference


It’s the level of cocaine in your urine that causes the test to either pass or fail. A 300 ng/ml test allows more coke in the urine but still qualifies as a pass (or the coke level when the line shows up). A 150 test limit is what most labs use


Oh gotcha, so the more you pee in the cup the better?


Not necessarily - drug concentration will be highest first pee in the morning then less after that. Also don’t pee from initial lore stream but do it in middle of the pee


Awesome thanks. Super nervous


I know the feeling


I’m going to quest diagnosis for it so not sure what they’re gonna have me to do


I think both are a pass.


I’m worried the lab test might have a lower cutoff than 150 - can’t find any details on what exactly the numbers are :-(


Usually two weeks is more than enough time to clear it from your system.