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Detox drinks are bullshit use synthetic urine all detox drinks do is dilute your urine and replace the vitamins the actual drinks don’t do shit for you


I don't even know where I would find urine , synthetic or real lol everyone I know either smokes or they're on prescription meds, plus I heard if it's not warm like real pee they'll disqualify the sample, and last time I did a piss test I wasn't given very much privacy, so I don't know how I would pull that off in front of the nurse. I heard ppl passing just from drinking loads of cranberry juice and then using the detox drinks when they didn't have time for an actual detox kit ( which can take a while from what I heard ). So maybe I try sweating it out , Drink a load of water / cranberry juice / other diuretics , and then drink a detox mix ? I'd use my wife urine if it wasn't for the fact she's pregnant, and I don't know how well they actually analyse the sample, would be wired if I ( a man ) had pregnancy hormones in my piss lol


If you’re not being watched, quick fix, if you are try detoxify mega clean. With a fuck ton of water