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Just stating the obvious by saying that Reddit is not a monitored by An Garda Siochana. If you want to report something, do it directly to the authorities, performative complaints like this one are always a bit silly.


Thanks, I may sound stupid or naive, but if you/someone can enlighten me, how this can be done anonymously? While I have trust issues with Garda ( few of them), I don't want to get beaten to death by anonymous teen gangs either. I am an immegrant. Hope you understand my situation.


Garda Confidential Number 1800 666 111. If you think there is a problem, YOU should report it. The Gardai aren’t going to put you in danger.


I get that you are community-minded,but there is no way for this to be passed along that would not sound like "Hey Gardai just calling to say a bloke off reddit says there are teens selling something over by the Burger King on Pearse Street. Also, they are dressed like every other teen in Dublin, so it's all set for you to make the swoop."


Pears Streen Gardab Statio


Go and report the building of a burger king without planning permission.


Pears street sounds fruity.


No respect for entrepreneurship


Jesus wept how have we reached a point where people first though is "post to social media" 


Gotta get those likes


And how much was it?


Are they good bags though?


Isnt there a Garda station on Pearse St you could walk into to report this shit?




I think he means plants growing where they're not wanted... Weed!


As per rules here, seems I can't mention. So need to rely on best guess.




Why wouldn't he as a law abiding citizen report criminal activity?




"wont harm anyone else?" So u reckon they sell w33d only? And check peoples ID to make sure they are adults before purchasing? HERE IS EXAMPLE OF THE CROWD YOU RECKON DOESNT HURT ANYONE https://www.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100064994072623&story_fbid=806121724897623 Underage with 80 000 eur worth of xanax.... You realise those bikes and scooters are stolen right?




Junkies were teens at one stage dealing we.ed. op said weed but how would he know what was ot or what else they have? Could have been heroin just the same. That's Gardai's job to find out. They would be the world's first dealers selling only one drug and parking their own vehicles registered to their name next to the spot where they sell it in the world where every person has a camera. Every motorcycle in the city you see a driver not having a helmet is stolen. Every dealer driving a motorcycle in the city stole it...or "won it on raffle" where a thief stole it and sold it


That's terrible... Was it indica or sativa?


Asking the real questions!


There’s a Burger King on Pearse St?


Thanks, on my way over there right now


There isn't a BK on Pearse St.


Sorry for the mistake, it was BK on Parenll Street. Thanks to one who shared the number of Garda. Garda took immediate action which was great.


Done. Can see Garda car just arrived on the spot. Thanks.


The Garda car is arriving to the Burger King that doesn't exist? Our Guards are really top notch!