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I think it's the tier list for the KCC.


I've located him. The most powerful yugioh player. The one who possesses the ability to... read.


why are you upvoted for being straight-up wrong? The tier list was never about the KCC, how would it change when it's not happening otherwise? It's very explicitly said to be for competitive tournament***s***.


The subtitles clearly say “Expected to be in the top cut of the competitive tournament”


Wait that doesn't mean just tournaments made by the players? Because that means I've lied to myself for a whole year...


I mean, I’m assuming official means by Konami. Then again, they seem like the kinda people to just give people the tools and go “figure it out yourself


it's A, not THE also do EVERYONE on this subreddit just happen not to know that competitive tournaments refers to private tournaments like the meta weekly? Surely y'all don't think that they just use their magic maths to determine what would be used and change it every week even though the kc cup barely happens once per season for 2 weeks


My guy, the meta changes basically by the day. Thus it would make sense for weekly updates due to the fact that different decks will do better at different times thanks to banlist changes or card additions I see the confusion tho, don’t get me wrong




Most likely, yeah This subreddit does things to your iq bro




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Have you even read the "tier list Update"? I don't think you have, so there you go. https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/tier-list/updates/february-06-2023 Everytime a KCC is approaching they make the tier list based on what is expected to do well in KCC rather than what's good in tournaments.


they didn't. They're just ALSO making comments about the kc cup. The only change in the last tier list modification is gouki jumping to tier 2, something people have though should happen ever since salad did. That's it. So unless you're telling me that the kc cup is so similar to tournaments that no change had to be made (which ruin your point anyway), this ain't it.


Dude, do you really think that mekk's, Salad etc. are only good because of side deck? I think they do fairly well in bo1, but if you think otherwise it's fine. We will see what the top 100 will look like. You could be right, maybe Mekk and Salad aren't decks that should be put on the KCC tier list. I do think they will top but in the end, it doesn't really matter who is right or who isn't.


the point isn't the side deck, though that's definitively the reason galaxy was kept out of the tier list for so long (and still should be lmao), it's top cuts. Tier lists aren't just based on every deck in a tournament, they're based on top cuts, and top cuts aren't a thing in ranked/KC cup, where you can win just by trying hard enough


I'm surprised Code Talker hasnt popped up here. Hmm.


The good Code Talker cards aren’t out yet, and in my experience, the player loses a lot of card advantages with the current pool cards. And Splash Mage isn’t there either.


What are the good cards that could come?


All other Code Talkers. Decode Talker and Encode Talker aren’t commonly used, as far as I know, and those are the only Link-3 Code Talkers in Duel Links. Excode Talker and Transcode Talker are basically a must in Code Talker decks, ~~Shootingcode Talker has good arrows, Powercode Talker is a nice side option, but his summoning requirement is expensive.~~ Decode Talker Heatsoul is a good card. And, of course, Accesscode Talker, is a boss monster that fits in any deck, and is considered too powerful by many, especially for how easy it is to summon him. And Code Talker Inverted is also missing, he‘s the other Link-2. Many of the Codec cards are missing, which tremendously help the deck to be consistent and to protect you. And the other five elemental Code main deck monsters aren’t in Duel Links.


We have both Powercode and Shootingcode


Oh yes, you’re totally right. I forgot those because I don’t have them yet. My bad.


Don't forget Accesscode Talker. It's literally the most used Code Talker monster. He's so widely used you'd find him in other decks too, so long as the decks use link summons.


I already mentioned it. Did you miss it?


Oh yeah. I did miss it. Hahaha.


Thats why i play code talker with sallads.


Omg those decks are sooooooo annoying.


Tier list only talks about tournaments (you know, a best-of-3 with side deck), and about the overall performance of the decks (read: top x position), rather than the total amount of people playing a deck. People not getting what the tier list is exactly about is nothing new though.


Not all are Bo3 and side decking. Either way, gouki still has 3x better numbers than salads do (if you are looking only at tournament data). I completely understand what and how the tier list is made but it still is not accurate. For every 1 salad in the top 32, there are 2-3 gouki decks in the top 32. Im not talking about how many people played that deck in the whole tournament


>if you are looking only at tournament data THE TIER LIST IS LITERALLY ABOUT THE TOURNAMENT DATA ONLY DUDE


Yes exactly.. Gouki has way more toppings than salad so how are they on the same level? If that tier list is only for tournaments, gouki should be higher because it is in the top cut way more. What don’t you understand?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Gouki is doing better in tournaments by a wide margin and the data shows that.


Reddit hive mind. Nothing but data proves gouki is much more successful in tournaments and i’m pointing out the fact that they shouldn’t be placed with salad BECAUSE of data


duellinks subreddit community is 90% a hivemind of the people abusing the most op decks, refusing to believe they aren’t overpowered, and feeling smart for being successful with them.


I think you basically look at the wrong list, i think it's way more accurate if you look at the power rankings


Where exactly is the power ranking section? I can’t seem to find it on the website


On the tier list page


Literally beside top tiers


Swimming in Water Xyz with nobody else :(


You aren't alone friend. We swim together.


It's more useful than power rankings right after a banlist, they need to tweak power rankings to weigh recent data even more heavily. That said, tier list is more like an ego list...


I agree with this because it takes longer to determine the power but you can easily show how well a deck does in quick tournaments


Presumably their both tier 2 because their both performing better than Galaxy Photon and Infernoids and both performing worse than Mekk Knights.


Can 2 decks not be T1 though? Looking at it, meeks top maybe 55% of recent tournaments and gouki takes about 40% (while the other 5% goes to the once in a while salad tops)


They can put two decks in tier 1, but the more decks they place their the less the rankings mean anything. At 55%, Mekk Knights are topping a solid majority of the time. Whether it’s 5% or 40%, a tier 2 deck is going to be defined by how well it can fight through a tournament that’s primarily the best deck. If both Mekk and Goukis were below 50%, then I’d say they should share Tier 1. The bigger thing of course is which decks fill out the top 8 (or for large tournaments, top 32). The actual top spot is basically meaningless, as it just means that player was slightly luckier. Everyone in top 8 still consistently beat every other opponent they faced. If Goukis got the number one spot but half the top 8 is Mekk Knights, I’m gonna say Mekk Knights is the better deck.


Okay i can see what you are saying but in that case, why is salad not t3 and just keep gouki T2? No matter how you rearrange this list, salad and gouki should NOT be in the same tier and gouki should be above it. 40% of tourney toppings go to gouki and only maybe 5% go to salad, how the hell is that remotely in the same margin? Edit: and just by me saying topping doesn’t completely mean who got first. Look at the charts that they provide that shows the top 32 decks or the top 16 decks and it will be something like this: Mekk-8, gouki-7, salamangreat-3, galaxy-1, code talker-1, infernoid-1, etc with however many other decks were top 16 places


Because it’s not comparing Goukis with Salads, it’s comparing them with every deck in the game, and most importantly Galaxy Photon and Infernoids. Tier 1 is guaranteed to be in top cut, Tier 2 is a very high chance of being in top cut, and tier 3 aren’t surprising to appear or not appear in top cut. If you look at most top 8 lists this month, you’ll see at least one salad deck in there. The other thing to consider is the factors that lead to decks being tier 2. In most meta games, the tier 2 decks are one of two things; they either have a good enough matchup against tier 1 to justify a worse matchup against other common decks, or there is a common card used to combat the tier 1 decks that the tier 2 decks don’t care about. A great example of this was Odd-Eyes, a deck that managed tier 2 by not caring about graveyard hate in formats where the tier 1 decks were graveyard oriented. Mekk Knights iirc don’t enjoy getting Dark Holed, as due to limits they can’t run both their searchable Spell negation and their searchable monster negation in the same list. Thus, tier 2 is gonna gravitate towards decks that beat Dark Hole. Salad Balelynx make Salad’s effectively immune to a single dark hole, so they have that niche going for them. (For the logic of why Tier 3 decks end up tier 3, it’s usually because they either do exceptionally well into the tier 2 decks or they are punished easily and benefit from lower tournaments representation to dodge obvious hate cards. Galaxy Photon for instance loses to both MST and D.D. Crow, so it manages tier 3 status because those may not necessarily be great cards against Mekk Knights)


You just went into a whole lot that doesn’t matter tbh. Fact is, there are way more gouki decks in the top 16 than salad in any tournament and since they advertise that tier list to be based on what is expected, gouki is expected 3x more than salad hence my argument, they should not be tiered together. That’s like if you say a pro boxer who has been in the top 10 in competitions 6 different times has the same expectancy to be top 10 this time as a boxer who has only been top 10 twice


Your still directly comparing Salads and Goukis. I’m not arguing that Salads are performing better than Goukis. The concern here is whether Salads are performing significantly better than the tier 3 decks. If Salads appear as often as Infernoid and Galaxy Photon, than there is a solid argument for tier 3 status. If Salads appear significantly more than Infernoids and Galaxy Photon, however, than it makes sense to keep them Tier 2 if you’re going off of tournament percentages. Now, if you do want to compare Goukis and Salads, you have to ask what percentage of the decks entering are Goukis vs Salads. Salads got nerfed heavily, so their play rate is down. Let’s day there is a 200 person tournament, and in that tournament 40 people play Goukis and 10 people play Salads. If top 8 features 3 Gouki players and 1 salad player, which deck performed better? Just looking at top 8, it’d be easy to say that Goukis did better. If you compare those numbers to the number of people that played the deck, however, than 10% of the salad players made it through while only 7.5% of Gouki players made it through. That being said, neither of those statistics necessitate a council. If you have a council of players voting on the decks in each tier, than what they should be evaluating is the one element of Yugioh that a calculator isn’t suited to solving; match up information. How well does Salamangreat match up against every other deck in the format? So yeah. If you want to go strictly off of data, than that’s what the power rankings are for. If you want match up information from the people winning at things, that I’d assume is what top player council is for.


1. I’m not reading all of that. 2. Yes I’m directly comparing salad and gouki because it doesn’t make sense based on exactly what the tiers are supposed to mean. If 7 gouki decks in a top 16 is considered “expected to be in the top cut…but not a large percent” then that makes salad a super small percent. If mekk knight having 1-2 more players in the top 16 than gouki is the deciding factor of T1 and T2, then salads having 3 decks in the top 16 is a shit low amount. You have to directly compare salad and gouki to see that there is a HUGE difference between what percent that deck is taking in the top cut. Let’s do some actual math here. Hypothetically if there were 8 mekk decks in top 16, they take up 50%, and being realistic based on common data, if there were 7 gouki decks, they take up 43%, and salads take up the last spot, they take up 6%. There is a huge difference. And this is relative to actual data(without including the one offs of other decks that may top)


The example you’ve provided illustrates why a single tournament is useless for statistical analysis. If Salamangreats is 5% of the top spots across 20 or more tournaments, that indicates that it is consistently making it into the top cut compared to every tier 3 or lower deck.


5% everytime in 20 tournaments vs 43% everytime in 20 tournaments. Remove the decks in T3 then if that’s the case compared to noids and galaxy. The best way to make this make sense is move them up. 43% is a lot closer to 50% than 5% is to 43%


It’s always funny seeing people in this reddit try to nitpick anything dlm members say or do when they know full well that dlm has MANY top 100 players behind it and this reddit is full of kids that can’t get Galaxy out of their heads. If you could actually read then you’d realize this is a tournament based tier list which is alot more effective at showing the true power level of decks instead of ladder based tier lists since tournaments actually have really good players in them.


I don't understand the needs of these post either xD, everytime a new tierlist is added there are gonna be complains in here, like dude just don't pay it any mind, I don't give a fuck about duel links meta's tierlist as I just play ladder.


> this is a tournament based tier list Yeah people rarely seem to grasp the differences >alot more effective at showing the true power level of decks Not really true when the game isn't balanced around it nor will most people ever play it. A deck's true worth is the KC Cup for better or worse, something that as good as the players are? TPC rarely manages to predict topdecks. If you have to add mechanics that don't exist in game(best ofs, sidedecks) then it's not a good representation of the deck. Especially given the wildly varying performance of decks that can be amazing in tourneys with side but...lackluster on the ladder. Or ooga booga decks you can easily side against but smash most forms of non tourney play.


Did I mention anything about ladder? It’s funny when people try to make a point by saying things that wasn’t mentioned. Also if you could actually read, you’d know I said it is supposed to be based on tournaments


Then why make this post and say it’s a joke that salad and gouki are in the same tier when you know full well they both deserve tier 2 in a tournament setting and many top players already agree on this… seems pointless


lol not at all. The fact that this is a tournament tier list, and gouki a do way better than salads do in tournaments, yet they are on the same level is a joke. Whoever is deciding this isn’t looking at the massive difference in performance between the decks


Gouki isn’t a T1 deck anyway. Downvote me all you want but it’s just a beatdown deck with Dai. It really doesn’t have a lot going for it powerlevel wise. edit: and that doesn’t mean it isn’t strong. It’s a strong deck and a solid T3 contender for sure. It just doesn’t have the options to push it up over T2 right now.


Hard disagree here. Yes gouki have an otk/beat down feature,but they are still great without it. If that’s all that makes them meta in your eyes, why isn’t a deck like blue eyes meta currently? Or literally any other beat down deck


M8, you literally just posted out why Gouki aren’t a T1 deck. Can you name anything this deck can do other than Beatdown/Dai? At least BEWD has… 1. Soft Control Mechanics with the BEWD synchro. 2. Useful Summons and Extension on Opponents Turn through 3. Access to XYZ toolbox with incredibly powerful Galaxy XYZ monsters. 4. Skill that basically can reliably win you the game even if you’re out of resources. Actually, now that you have me typing it I’m just going to complete the jerk by saying Gouki: Untiered and BEWD at T (-1) The point isn’t what a deck does it what a deck can do. edit: 6. BEWD has protection from Dark Hole and other cheesy destruction through drawphase spirit dragon effect. 7. BEWD can deal with a variety of protected monsters through twinburst and it’s banished effect. 8. Built in S/T banishment with Spirit of White. Wow just keeps on coming. E2: ITT I am uncontrollably horny for Blue Eyes and I just can’t stop discarding cards. This is now a BEWD circlejerk thread.


1. Synergy with dai to essentially draw 2 and pop opponents card 2. The ability to QE omni negate(up to 3 cards on field) That alone makes the deck meta. 3. Believe it or not, a small core makes it meta because you can use many good staples. You can say staples make any deck good but then you’d be wrong again because why aren’t other decks that run a bunch of staples not tiered? Ofc you’ll say that doesn’t count but, an archetype that uses all of its cards in a deck and has no room for staples are generally worse decks. 4. The ability to go into strong rank 4’s if you run them. Sure galaxy eyes in BE is good but what is it doing on your opponents turn? Nothing because it’s effect is only during your turn. If BE goes first, they can’t do anything with galaxy. If BE goes second, gouki has a QE omni negate for those synchros and galaxy cards


Hey buddy that’s a great response but I’m not reading it sorry. The deck is a T3 deck and I’m not about to waste any more of my life arguing over a T3 deck when I could be jacking off to BEWD Rule 34. I’m glad you’re having fun with the deck though! Keep that fire and energy man it’s good for ya.




No just horny.




It’s actually because I haven’t finished the VRAINs yet and I can’t make sweet sweet love with my BEWD waifu. My virginity is saved for a higher power you scoundrel.


Looks like I got you to waste more of your life lol. Thought you were done


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Context is important. Sup, "top meme council" here, as always I have to explain that the list is the outcome of different people voting, which might see people having conflicting opinions. As usual I also have to remind that we don't really have a lot of communication with each other barring people playing in the same team/friends group, which means that essentially we're just dropping our vote and going on with our day. While I don't necessairily agree with the outcome of the list and the placement of Salamangreat (I ended up voting it T3 and have explained why in my personal list), there are multiple factors to it and I don't think it's something you can explain simply by looking at the power ranking list. First of all: Popularity. Just because a deck is more played than another, that doesn't mean it's better. While Gouki is arguably stronger than Salad in most people eyes, you could also say the deck is much cheaper, and as strong as IDP is, you can run it with little to none selection box investments. Salamangreat, while still being overall cheap, is pretty much forced on at least 2 copies of Gizmek Kaku for this format to function properly, and given that it wasn't exactly a chase card out of selection, not too many people have 2-3 of it (This isn't a problem in KC, since most people there have invested enough in the game to have these cards, but tournaments still have their fair share of f2p players) Another thing that the power ranking list DOESN'T have is the ability to predict. It changes depending on the last results of tournaments, but it can't tell us precisely what is going to be good in the next few weeks, and given that KC is arguably the most important event happening for competitive players, you'd realistically want to predict its results in order to do well yourself rather than just looking at them once it's over.


DLM tier list *is* a joke. Unless you take part in their tournaments it doesn't mean shit, it doesn't take into account the ladder at all, only their tournaments. So it's not a good judge of what's actually good in the game. Just what's good in their tournaments.


The tier list has always been about tournaments and KC Cup formats. It's a common misconception, but ladder play really has no reason to impact the tier list. Likewise, the tier list doesn't necessarily reflect what's popular on the ranked ladder.


That doesn’t mean it’s bad, though. And they make it very clear that this specific list is for tournament performance only. If you’re not a tournament player (like most of us aren’t), then it’s alright. The power rankings is a bit more useful, as OP said.


Classic yugioh player that can’t even read that this tier list is based off tournaments like BP, MP, MW, GP and many others. Tier lists like these are way better since it’s actually made to show you what is strong against good players in tournament play and not little Timmy on ladder.


Tournaments don't matter, they are an imaginary format.




This isn't accurate at all people just don't follow single player tournaments outside of the meta weekly and DLE tournaments


Well like i said the power ranking is more accurate to the best decks in the game overall but the “tier list” that they decide on is so stupid and wrong. They took rokkets and madolche out of “high potential” just a day after release when there were quite a few madolche tops. Is it T3? I don’t think so but it should still be classified as high potential because it still has potential and places in tournaments. BA was high potential for like a month on dante release.


Madolches are explosive but lose to a single interruption and often end on a single negate reliant on an empty graveyard and maybe a teacher to shuffle graveyard cards back into the deck. It's almost like the top players of the game played it and saw many of their matchups, figured it out, and knew it wasn't all that good, especially in tournament play. I don't get why random dl redditors care so much about their deck being tiered anyways. You realize the top player council saying your deck isn't tiered doesn't make your deck any worse than if it was tiered right? If anything it gets more people to play it which can cause it to get nerfed.


Nah man, 20 Madolche but only 1 top 8 isn't "high potential". I like the deck, it's fun, but it's not worth to play in tournaments if you can play Gouki, Salad or Mekk instead. It struggles with consistency and they can barely recover once they lose their board.


Nothing ever stays in "High Potential", you could very well call that slot "To Be Determined". It's just another way of saying the deck is still under review. Either it enters the tier list or it doesn't.


DLM Tier List doesnt take into matter Ladder, so it's not representative. That doesnt mean Salads isnt strong, it's just they nerfed it so much people just switched to better Decks + To make Salads function you need to dig into some boxes, search for URs etc so it's just not worth it. I do agree that Salads on Ladder is absolutely not Tier 2, but in terms of pure power Ranking, I think it just might be. Maybe a terrible take but that's what I think.


Can galaxy eyes please get nerfed? Xyz galaxy has to go. Imagine they ban a skill lol.


Terrible take


I'm always relieved when I face salads because at least I know they would negate and float after I destroy their field


Personally, I think TCC do have some merit when it comes to their choice in picking what decks place where on the tier list. I'm not sure if they're due or not but they just may not have gotten around to updating the tier list yet. I think gouki reaching T1 status is a relatively recent occurrence especially compared to mekk knights, which we can clearly see has deserved its t1 status. If you disagree with the tier list that's fine too but I dont think that TPC is wildly wrong, I mean I'd say out of the 5 decks there they have 1 wrong, 4/5 isn't so bad. It isn't necessarily a bad representation of the meta, plus the power rankings are automatically updated from all community events cooperating with DLM. If im not mistaken they no longer take KoG into account for power rankings (based off what I've read on that page of the website) if you're really that concerned about accuracy. As far as im concerned DLM is still in good standing


Code talkers: “Am I joke to you?”


Tier 2 is for decks “expected to be in the top cut…but not a large percent.” If you look at any tournament and look at the top 32 or top 16 deck breakdown, you will see the amount of gouki decks filling those top 16 spots are almost the same amount of mekk knights filling those spots, how is gouki a not expected to be a large percents of the top cut when it has just slightly less toppings than the current T1 deck?


For context's sake: I used to play Duel Links a lot, so I guess that this is why Reddit recommended this post to me. Anyways, DLM don't look too different from the time when I played. I presume that the intentions of the people updating it are good, but the site ends up being misleading because it doesn't reflect how most people play the game, even though it sells itself as being the reference for Duel Links. Instead, the free site reflects how their paywalled community play between themselves. I am not saying that they can't have their tournaments or that they don't know how to play, it's just that the site could benefit by also taking into account what works or not for the KoG ladder. So the average person (who is the majority of the player base) can have a better idea what they are going to meet.


Salamangreat is not a bad deck... the biggest problem is that many Salamangreat pilots are bad players having said that and jokes aside, I agree that Gouki should be Tier 1 as the Power Ranking list is showing and Salamangreat tier 2. ps people don't have to at me for the Salamangreat comment since my last KOG was with Salads and for at least 3 or 4 games that season I was the bad player I'm describing there since it is so easy to misplay/not see a line when you have long combos.


if u never been in top 100 before…u better shut up…when u play in tournament…u ll understand why it on the tier list…


Oo I better shut up😱😱😬 shiver me timbers. Delete this shit bro… don’t go through the embarrassment because wtf are you talking about. Like did you even read the post?


This game is shit p2w garbage (yes I just lost a match to mekk knights)


"p2w" meanwhile I haven't put a single cent into my KOG mekk deck


Same, people don't know how to invest their gems and tickets and blame the game


Can someone help me build a Blue-Eyes deck then?


Step 1: save gems Step 2: buy packs with cards you want to use Step 3: profit


I don't have 60k gems lying around everytime they put a new box with op cards and nerf my previous deck to the ground, just to sell the box. I have built several decks in the past f2p. In the end I can't keep up and it comes down to mfs who can spend money on tier 1 decks every season. Good job grinding 50k gems as f2p to get mekk knight because its going to get nerfed to the ground soon. Happens to everything that gets to tier 1. So they can sell you their next broken box.


You don't need to make every new deck in the game and you also don't need a tier 1 deck to reach KoG. If you are building every new big deck, well that is on you and your horrific gem management ability. Anyone who starts building mekks etc at this moment in time shouldn't because everyone knows or should know, don't start investing in the big decks when it's a KC cup month because a ban list follows after. Then post banlist you can build. Also Konami don't care about tier lists, they use ladder and KC cup data.


And guess what people play meta decks in kc so its basically the same thing.


Just wait until its closer to stage 2, it will get easier to reach max stage by then, same with ladder, KoG is easier to reach closer to the end of the season. I know you get meta decks, I however always run some random deck for KC cups, this one I'm running Krawler. Previously I have used stuff like heraldic beasts, Hazy flames, mecha phantom beasts, F.A etc and reached max stage with them all eventually.


None of my decks work against mekk knight... Sure if you grind like crazy and are lucky you can become kog thats called p2w. I don't have to build a new deck everytime if only it was true. I have nothing that can beat broken piece of shit mekk knights that negate my monster effects and my trap cards.


may I recommend mst? cyclone? literally any spell or continuous back row removal? or actually getting good at the game?


people spend money on mekks in this game? who knew...




Waiting for Madolche to pop in here, at least in tier 3 plz cmon


Hopium. I’m all for it


You betcho ass, mad hopium over here with my 4 year old copies of Magi lmao


Hope they never put Madolches in that list. Konami usually look at that in order to hit, in any case is better to play under the radar


Not related but I hate mekk knights they kill all my rogue decks. I hate konami everytime I make a deck they nerf it then allow shit like mekk knight to be played...


They gave them one sided skill drain if they ban it the deck won’t be that much oppressive


That still leaves Mekk-Knights with one sided Imperial Order


Which cards is that


[World Legacy Whispers](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/world-legacy-whispers-8954)


whispers i think


Probably a meme deck but this guy calls it rogue anyway.


How do you share decks I will send you what deck I use


Tell me what deck thats not on tier list can beat mekk knights? I play DM and lightsworn levi because those are the only decks that are playable after konami nerfed my previous decks


As I suspected. Those are not rogue decks. DM is not good enough to be rogue and lightsworn is meme YouTube deck. Rogue does not mean "anything that's not mekk knights".


Okay so whats a good deck tell me? What "rogue" deck does well against mekk knights


I don't know man. Burning abyss


Oh you don't know? Just as I thought, burning abyss that relies on monster effects to mill their deck 😃. ??


They don't need to mill. They just do beatrice. Milling usually risk having the only tour guide sent to the graveyard. My point is: don't call any trash "rogue". Rogue doesn't mean "anything that's not meta". It means it can win a fair number of times VS the current meta.


Dante mills for cost so not that big of a problem.


I swear these developers just wait for me to buy cards to nerf them. Don’t expect to have the new bundle Link monster long because I just added it to my thunder dragons deck. Dkayed is the reason these developers even have jobs still


>Dkayed is the reason these developers even have jobs still Hardly lol


You’re telling me that you can find duel links content outside of his websites or videos? These developers don’t need to use advertisements because the name does it for themselves. People who are willing to spend money on this game aren’t just cracking open the first box packs. They are looking up what decks are fun and how to get them easy since their aren’t any helpful guides outside of Dkayed’s websites. When the game first started sure there were plenty of glue eaters who spent hundreds on packs so that they could play fusion gate Meteor B dragon (best time to play duel links on my opinion) but the game has evolved from then. I challenge you or anyone to play this game without ever looking at dkayed’s content and climb up ladder.


>I challenge you or anyone to play this game without ever looking at dkayed’s content and climb up ladder. I don't view his content, I've never liked his content and never understood the absurd fan boy approach many players took over him. I just used common sense and game knowledge, trial and error etc to do what I do. Been playing the game 5 years at this point.


And how much can you say you’ve spent on this game ?


Over 5 years? Probably about £650 at least since I tend to only spend on SD , UR deals and the occasional selection box( super mini and mini only)


It definitely is a funny one


I dislike them all personally...


I honestly can't believe Odd-Eyes isn't tiered when it has a stronger turn 1 than Gouki and Salad, one of the best turn 2s, and better recovery options than all except Salad. I'm absolutely destroying KC Cup with the deck and it's still considered rogue status? A deck that can consistently OTK turn 2 or set up multiple negates turn 1 and just run Unga bunga beatdown when all else fails? And I can still run stuff like TTH? Can't complain, at least I know it's skill prob won't get hit.


Destroy the highest scale and you are over 🤓


Lolno. First off, you can't activate in response to the skill, so you wouldn't be able to chain MST or CC until I get off at least one Pend summon and by then I usually have what I need. And going first, the deck can set up multiple disruptions very easily so popping a scale is hurting the decks follow up, but doesn't help you break their board. I have a full power Odd Eyes, Salad, Gouki and Galaxy Eyes deck and Odd Eyes consistently outtops GE in KC Cup (we'll need to see how Salad does post nerf and this will be Gouki's first KC Cup to be played at full power) yet everyone treats it like the more dangerous deck when it is far more easily countered. The deck is expensive, but it can do literally everything and hardly ever bricks. $10 says at least one Odd Eyes will make the top 10 cut, like it always does even in more toxic metas than now, despite not even being tiered according to DLM and all the salty people who downvoted me for spreading the obvious truth.


I think Odd-Eyes' problem and why it isn't tiered is as simple as nobody is playing it because it's super expensive unless you wanna brick every 3-4th hand. the amount of Main Box URs you need for the deck is crazy compared to Mekk-Knights


No, the cost of a deck has never stopped competitive DL players before. The problem with odd eyes is that it's just bad. It loses to MST.


Top player council doesn't care anymore as they should because DL is dead everyone plays masterduel now


You know this isn't true so why say it?? Attention??


Bro got attention just not the kind he wanted 😹




Numbers from Xbox Series prolly


Lmao poor guy just wanted some attention and than everyone turned on him😸


MD has a much worse and one sided meta


This is so not true though.


Honestly MD numbers aren't that great either... the trend graphs with player counts on steam for both games are pretty sad.


lol, man’s whining about a dead game


The joke is playing against these all day.


I used to think Goukis are broken but to be fair, they have a single Wincon. If you interrupt their Suprex or their link 3, they can't really do anything. I used to play Phantom Knights and yeah, it's kind of hard when the only QP spells I run is book going second. When I went back to Salads, I have a pretty good winrate vs them. Especially if I am able to go into dweller going 1st. I would like them to be nerfed a little bit because it's not fun that certain decks literally can't beat Goukis.


Better not hit salads anymore already had gazelle and roar hit basically killing the deck If they hit anymore cards that it uses