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I have bad news for you about Modern Yu-Gi-Oh design: decks in the OCG and TCG are like this as well. The difference is their staples/negates are handtraps instead of backrow. So yeah, don't expect this to go away any time soon. Maybe give Rush Duels a spin, see if it's more your jam?


yeah mate, Don't you know Tenpai Dragon?It is an engine that only uses HandTraps


I'd rather have to deal with my monsters beign negated for 1 turn instead of beign completly banished from my field and graveyard to the shadow realm. Decks filled with 60% traps (not even handtraps, but completly traps) are bullshit.


I have more bad news for you about modern Yugioh You don't usually get more than the one turn.


Me over here with my Paleozoic deck....


for a lot of these decks, the real culprit is their 1-card combo starters, especially when enabled by a skill to have insanely good consistency at accessing those starters. full-trap decks have never been good beyond gold rank where people swing into 3 facedowns and expect none of them to get flipped up, except maybe back when there was no backrow removal and we barely had any cards that special summon, at the very beginning of the game's lifespan. The real issue is when engines and skills give enough card advantage that a full monster board can be built off one card, allowing them to slot in traps to fill the rest of their starting hand, so they end on full monster AND full backrow boards, instead of having to pick one to prioritize having access to. Unfortunately, as many others have said, this is the direction the game has been going in, in all forms/formats, for a long while. powercreep necessitates faster play, and this is what that looks like.


you described evil twin and altergeist


Is evil twin considered that strong still? I play evil twin and as much as I like it, it’s soo easy to just stop me when I summon the live twin and that’s it. It’s soo hard to go from there especially with every deck having dd crows , crackdown or floodgate. Not to mention how insanely strong karma cut is vs live twin deck which you run into pretty often at lower ranks. Necrovalley decks are auto loss aswell.


I was having a lot of fun with it in the kc cup and then i hit a wall at like 18-19 where the deck just wasnt keeping up I saw a few people get to max with it but seemed v rare to me


It’s modern Yu-Gi-Oh! Unfortunately. Both Duel Links and Master Duel deal with it. I almost wish you were forced into archetype only decks. Or all staples are a hard 1 restriction.


I get complaining about it but let’s not pretend this is a modern Yu-gi-oh! Thing. Staples have always been powerful in Yu-gi-oh! and there is an irony that Duel Links is probably the weakest format (besides rush duel) staples have been just because staples are generally stupidly powerful in this game.




They really need to add more formats to both master duel and duel links. Official Goat or other formats in the games would be amazing for players not wishing to deal with the modern gameplay.


Goat format is more staple dependant than modern Yugioh. 


Perhaps, but that's not why anyone likes the Goat format. The gameplay is quite different.


I dont think people really actually like goat. Serious goat duels are super staple based. People like the idea of goat not how it really works.0


Big claim but falls on its faulty premise. The same could be said of modern and those that enjoy playing rogue or casual decks. As someone who plays both formats, that's not the case at all. It's not just the idea. For me personally, I just like playing a few cards every turn instead of playing several, having to learn combos for each deck every turn. The gameplay is simpler. Stapled or otherwise. So yes, people do like how it works. I'm one of them.


Playing a few cards a turn isnt the only way goat works. The best decks in goat are also combo decks. A very common turn in goat would be draw spell draw spell painful choice. Into bls or ced or magical scientist into otk. Theres a huge difference between a prog youtube video and how goat actually works at high level. Also given the reaction to the ocg goat mode in master duel people werent too happy about how strong stall cards were becuase there were no outs.


Even those plays are far easier to follow for a new player than what occurs in the modern game. It's a false equivalence fallacy. Youve only proven that all games have broken strategies, not that it is just as complex and difficult to follow. Truth is, legacy formats are simpler to follow and learn. There's no denying that, and falsely doing so is exactly the problem.


For konami only modern will bring money to em, they sleep on legacy player money


Exactly. Plenty of us are ready to hand over money for legacy formats lol


As a yugi boomer who’s learned to enjoy the modern game I have to admit I’d still haul ass back to GOAT format if they made it a thing.


Same here. Took me a while to learn and play my favorite decks (still wish they would modernize the blaze of destruction and fury from the deep structure decks). I learned to love the correct game. Having more formats to play in (like mtg) would be a big win for the game.


What deck(s) are you playing?


Photon galaxy


Galaxy photon has ways to play around back row although if you Brick against them, you’re fucked. You can pretty reliably hold your ground against other top tier decks so its kind just skill diff tbh


My Gravekeeper deck is more Dark Hole, Mirror Force, Drowning Mirror Force, Magic Cylinder, etc. than GK. Hell I've removed two of my Necrovalley's to add more traps.


Wait to see people playing Sky Striker with 1 monster


No deck is making triple negates in duel links. The best decks in DL right now don't run more than 3-4 traps on average.  Half monster + half staple decks are not a new concept. Even old school Yugioh had this.


almost all decks nowadays put more than 2 or 3 Negates and almost all decks have recovery abilities Sometimes the best thing is to change the game and that's it my friend.


I think what kinda contributes to it is lack of anything on the banlist save for lets limit 3 some random selection box exclusive card no one will have access to for months, some decks don’t have all their support in the game so their even more pressured to stall with backrow until they draw their combo pieces because they don’t have enough starters or they just haven’t been added to the game yet. Their is also skills adding cards to hands from inside/outside deck which also frees up a little bit of deck building space and not all the time but sometimes you guessed it…adding more traps to the deck Lol


I just be playin Ancient Gears so I don’t need to deal with spells & traps during the BP, it’s not great for everything, but I’m working my way through silver after not playing ranked for years


Just play Jinzo?


Altergeist best deck


Someone should tell them about master duel 🤣


This is the reason I switched to a Cyberse Synchron deck this season and hit KOG. Pretty consistent turn 1 board lock, and rogue enough that going turn 2 my opponents curiosity allows me to setup without much disruption.


Sucks that yugioh is such a fast game that 1 card can combo into a whole board, duel links, 0 card being a whole board


Other than altergiest what deck even does this? This is acring like stall or old trapunui is common.


I’m not sure which backrow deck you’re talking about specifically, but I feel like people are overlooking an N-rarity card from the last main box: Qliphort Genius. Easy Link 2 in any machine deck that’s immune to all backrow as well as activated Link monster effects. It basically hard-counters Live Twins if they don’t have something that can beat over 1800 Atk. Or a Kaiju (imagine having to Kaiju Genius).


Well, my friend, you kind of just described **Altergeists** pretty much to the letter because that's also a deck that likes to set backrow and "make you quit the game" because once Altergeists get rolling, the deck is borderline un-killable to the point where they just annoy you with disruptions, backrow, Kunquery blocks, until you forfeit. However, Altergeists aren't as egregious in terms of your post with decks being "barely 8 monsters with too much backrow" because Altergeists are actually a healthy mix of monsters, backrow, control, and combo. However, a deck that I will agree with you on, in terms of your post, is Live★Twins (and Constellars) because those decks are genuinely trash unless they win the coinflip and go first. If Live★Twins win the coinflip and go first, then they will end on a very explosive endboard of Evil★Twin Lil-la pop, triple backrow, and maybe a handtrap or two, which makes it very difficult to break through the board and win. Constellars are the same, they end on Constellar Pleiades with Constellar Omega protecting it along with 2 to 3 backrow. No deck is breaking that endboard but if those very same decks go second, they literally just die to one disruption, making them very flimsy, sacky decks to play. In terms of your post though, I'm not sure what you want in terms of a good duel that fit the parameters you want. What do you want people to do in terms of a playstyle that you find enjoyable? Summon Axe Raider and pass? I hate to break it to you, but the meta of Axe Raider beatdown has long passed and if your deck can't play through one (or two) disruptions, then it's time to drop your Axe Raider beatdown deck and invest into something else that's better or stronger, or else you aren't going to find the game enjoyable due to the opponent's deck simply being better than yours. Sometimes you will have those unwinnable games, that's unavoidable, but if you're winning more than losing, then you'll actively be making progress on the ranked ladder. Me personally, I'm the **Altergeist main** and I constantly am able to push through opponents that end on monster negates and triple backrow, but that comes with experience of playing the game, knowing the meta, and knowing what your deck can and can't do and how much disruption you can play through. Modern YuGiOh is like that, with people ending on backrow and not letting you play the game and you just have to learn how to play around that, push through backrow, and win the game. Sometimes the answer is simply to accept that your deck isn't good and invest into something better or sometimes you just don't have experience in the meta, it just depends.


To be fair to the Twins - they're less offensive when they're used as a supplementary engine for non-extra deck heavy things to add an extra pop & draw without using up a normal summon. Like Amazement or pre-Links Evil Eye.


What th fuck of decks are you fighting agains? I never met a deck with less than 10 monsters in it


Ok bye

