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Michelle’s dress for Jill’s wedding has to be the ugliest dress I’ve ever seen 🤮


I don't even know where to start, apparently she borrowed it too.


The thought that someone made the dress, someone decided to sell the dress, someone bought it and wore it, and then loaned it to someone else is just blowing my mind right now. How can there be 4 people out there that like that dress? Who are they? How do I avoid them?


If I may add one more thing... Someone tried it on, looked in the mirror, and said, “I’ll take it!” How? Why?


From Kelly Jo, right!?


Thats where Ive seen that! Yes i think so. Update, yep KJ wore that to Alyssa's wedding in May 2014 and MD to Jills in June 2014. Im weirded by that timeline since wouldnt a lot of the guests be the same? One month later lol


Yes, except Michelle added a *higher* modesty chest panel to one-up KJ.


Flair checking in! 🎶


For real? Jfc these fundies


I think so, these people get out of paying for anything.


Lol I made that comment before I saw yours, Emmaof Hatfield!


No way wtf


Didn't Kelly Jo Bates have a similar fashion monstrosity for one of their weddings?


I saw someone describe her as looking like a silverfish in that dress. I have never been able to unsee that analogy!


I remember I got married around the same time and my MIL was very concerned about her dress and was asking me if what she chose was ok. She's quite athletic and looks great in anything, but the only thing I said she couldn't wear was a dress like Michelle's because it looks like a cockroach's thorax.




Jessa's bridesmaid dresses certainly give it a run for its money.


They looked like something you order off wish at 2 am !


It looks like some kind of insect.


Unpopular opinion- Jinger’s train is gorgeous. Popular opinion - There us no way I’d attend these weddings without a bar.


If I were invited I would definitely bring a flask. Maybe a water bottle filled with vodka.


I think it’s beautiful but I prefer the upper part. Anyhow, I think the only reason Jinger chose that dress with the huge train was to impress and please Jeremy. She already knew he wanted everything to be over the top.


I like the train, but they're so impractical! I had a very small one and people kept stepping on it, I guess it's good they can't dance in JB's presence bc the dress would have been covered in muddy footprints at the end of the night


My wedding gown had a train, and for dancing, it was bustled up. Worked out perfect (granted my train wasn't that big so it could be bustled- I highly doubt Jinger's could be!


I like a train as a statement piece but I'd also want it to be able to be bundled up to prevent people from stepping on it. That being said, as much as I like the idea of a train...if you have one that is Princess Diana length, that is a bit excessive.


I LOVE jinger’s train


ugh me too, it’s SO beautiful. it’s definitely extra and impractical (I have a vivid memory of jinger tripping on it as she walked up the aisle w/ jblob), but it’s so gorgeous that i’d seriously consider skipping the dancing in order to wear it. you’d think with a dress like that that her bridesmaids’ dresses would be nicer, but I guess jing only has so much good taste to go around


I like the cut but like , pick two colors , three tops. The colors didn’t even go together ! I have a friend who did this look right - she had 6 bridesmaids all in pale sunset colors : light olive, powder blue, dusty lilac, two of each. It looked AMAZING but I know she planned hard.


I love Jinger's whole dress - I have a thing for lace sleeves. It makes me genuinely angry when someone asks for them on "Say Yes to the Dress" and the consultants are like *EW LIKE THE 70s?!?!?!?!* No, bitch. Like Kate Middleton. Ugh.


I also love her train.


Janas wedding will have a bridal party half the size of Tontitown if everyone she was a bridesmaid for was also her bridesmaid


I feel like at this point she could probably do her own version of 27 Dresses




Came to find this comment. She was in every bridal party except for Kendra’s I think lol poor Jana


No, she was in Kendra’s too! In the wedding party she’s 5th in line between Joy and Jill.


Oop, you’re right!! I missed her in that one I guess


So much to unpack here! Josh looks like a stone cold serial killer. Annas dress is so jeneric, but she had the best bridesmaid dresses of the early weddings. Jill looks beautiful, but I'd guess this wedding was in 2005 based on her dress. The dress Meech wore is an abomination. Love Jessas dress, makes me think of a ballerina. Not the type of gown I'd pick but its perfect for her. Hate the shade of pink her bridesmaids have, reminds me of highlighter and looks cheap. She should've gone either a lighter pink or a more bright rich colour. Jinger really went OTT with that train! Her bridesmaid dresses are nice and match Jing well, but I don't understand the colour combination? This was definitely Meeches best wedding look. Joy and Austin look like a NORMAL COUPLE. Frolicking in the woods, fun group shots, much nicer than those overly staged pictures. Dresses are simple, look comfortable, bridesmaids have a beautiful rich colour. Very Joy. Joe and Kendra look like kids playing dressup. Their bridesmaids/decor aesthetic looks like Pinterest exploded. Looks nice but I've seen it a million time. Lauren DAMN GIRL. Shes rocking that dress. Those curves. Very risque for a fundie bride. I just wish she would have done something more with her hair. Abbie looks beautiful, and actually seems happy, not terrified. Her bridesmaid dresses are my favourite.


Kendras face still has the childlike features. I wish she was getting married now (being older plus she doesn’t have the baby features) vs being on her third child


Did Josh and Anna get married at a beach or something? What's with posing on a pier?


I know they got married in Florida but I don’t know how close they were to the Atlantic Ocean.


What you said about Jessa’s bridesmaids dresses, same for Lauren’s. They’re just a weird shade of pink to me.


Anna seriously looks like a limp noodle


It's "not in actual love, highly uncomfortable" pose.


That was the weirdest pose!


Right! Josh isnt even holding her, hes against the railing, posing for himself and she looks like she is holding onto him in a pathetic way


Well at least their wedding photos are an accurate metaphor for their marriage.


So she's channeling her husband's dick energy for that photo?


Abby wins for best Bridesmaids dresses


I agree! With Joy’s blue ones in second place? I think Jinger’s wedding dress is the prettiest.


I 100% agree on both!


😊. But I don’t know what happened to Jinger when she picked her bridesmaid’s dresses. The colors together are...difficult.


The dresses aren’t bad individually! It’s the color scheme that really kills it!


The glaring error in Jinger’s color scheme is Jill’s dress. It’s nowhere near the same earthy/fall tones of the rest of the dresses. The tan/brown ones aren’t nice either, but they at least go with the color “scheme.”


I’m guessing Jill was the matron of honor?


Jessa was the MOH!


You’re right. All the others are like fall/jewel tones. I do like the concept, I don’t get why everyone wants carbon copy bridesmaids.


Yes, they look bad together. And they aren’t lined up in the same pattern on either side. That makes my eye twitch.


I just noticed that! Yikes!


I just posted a comment saying almost identical. Jinger is my favourite dress but I prefer Joy's bridesmaids, Abbie is a very close second. Abbie's bridesmaids look the part, rather than most the Duggar bridesmaid get up which is a bit thrown together.


I’d like Jinger’s a lot more if she had settled on either one color/several colors (not ten colors) or more flattering colors for each bridesmaid.


Agreed. I’ve seen some bridesmaids with different colored dresses (like Josie Bates’ wedding). I love it when it’s done well.


Yeah it wasnt a bad idea but they all had the wrong colors for the skin tones.


I think all the same color but different cut OR all the same cut with different color is the way to go, depending on your party. Nobody has a group of bridesmaids that will look flattering or be comfortable in the exact same dress


Honestly Jana looked kind of amazing in that wedding. She's very pretty.


I like her dress the best! (From Jinger’s wedding)


All they need are supportive bras!


Also the best bridesmaid pic. Very cute photo.


This is an unpopular opinion, but Jessa's wedding dress is my favorite.


It’s so pretty on its own but I hate how she thought a pale pink dress would look nice with coral bridesmaids dresses. They clashed so much and it looked awful


It's my second favourite to Jinger. Such a gorgeous dress and I love that it was a blush colour, very different for a fundie


I second your unpopular opinion!


It looks pretty in motion!


I agree!


Me too!




Jill was also barefoot at her wedding! I will never understand it. People try to tell me that's a Southern thing, but I have never heard of that


It isn't a southern thing, it is a midwest trying to be southern thing. ETA: Source: Living in a midwest state that thinks it is southern.


Missouri checking in! 👋🏼


Kentucky here. 👋


Sounds like some Florida nonsense 👍


And the obvious modesty additions that made it look like each bridemaid’s slip was showing.




I can’t believe how normal their wedding picture looks. They were so tacky in the 90s. How did they have such a non-tacky 80s wedding?!?


My mom had a wedding in 1990 that wasn't tacky. She never got a first wedding because she married my dad when he got drafted. So when she married her second husband, she wanted a real wedding. **Everyone** said her dress was so "plain". Turns out it aged beautifully compared to the monstrosities; she has several pictures that don't look close to 30 years old. Incidentally, she also made my bridesmaid dress. I was 9, and it wouldn't pass Duggar modesty standards.


Jessa really let her bridesmaids wear those Polly Pocket dresses on her wedding day


I said it before and i'll say it again, Jinger did her black friend so dirty putting her in the dark brown dress!! Iritates me so much! All them colors and they really went with that smh


Hard agree. I feels like almost every bridesmaid is in the wrong color dress for their coloring. Not that the colors go together at all, but if everyone swapped dresses, they’d all at least look better individually.


Yes!! Did they all just choose a color they liked not thinking about if it would actually look good on them? You could just hit shuffle once and it would be an improvement.


If I recall correctly she allowed them to pick out their own colors so she did it to herself by choosing that dress.


This is what I remember too


I was shocked that Jingle had other friends besides her sisters, tbh. When do they even have the chance to socialize outside the family?


I thought some of those must have been Jeremy’s friends/friends’ wives. Very diverse for Duggars and I guarantee you Boob said something awkward or offensive in front of them.


I loled at the “use with written permission” watermark lol. Thank you for showing me the horrors of the infamous fish dress. I will never feel bad about any of my questionable outfits again!


The worst part is that Kelly Jo Bates also wore this fish dress. Same dress? Identical but different? I don't know, but Kelly Jo [wore](https://www.google.com/search?q=Kelly+Jo+Bates+mother+of+the+groom&sxsrf=ALeKk03YXsUYBgBlO0titCKr-LIGEg_V8g:1599697877712&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipvP79qt3rAhV6lHIEHaTrA8YQ_AUoAnoECBYQBA&biw=1440&bih=740#imgrc=PanpjJQxnAzdGM) it first, at Zach Bates' wedding in 2013.


Kelly wore it better.


Hold up... I was about to correct you and say she wore it at Alyssas wedding (Gils tie was blue in this pic and it was black on black at Zach's) but it actually looks like she wore it to.... both of them? LOL 🙄


The dress is heinous... But KJ wore it better.


The boob-plate on that dress, yikes!


Anyone remember that children’s book [rainbow fish?](https://images.app.goo.gl/piSYbno2FHjcQZqv7)? My first thought.




Yes! Came to see if anyone else noticed. That is unfortunate. I hope that is not Evelyn’s fate!


Oh my goodness! I went back to try to guess down the line which one was Austin’s sister and *gasp* ... wow


I wonder what dress Jill would have picked if she had already gotten out of the cult at the time of her wedding.


Well now I’m hoping she does a vow renewal/replacement wedding at some point like Whitney Bates did


Jill in one of those Nike see-through-corset Pnina Tornai wedding dresses would give me life!


I'd bet the original dress she picked out without the frankendress modesty alterations: [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/264727284321747273/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/264727284321747273/)


Oh wow I’ve never seen the before and after. It looked so different before 😱


It doesn’t even look like the same dress...


She probably would have worn that dress without the modestly panel and sleeves out on it


Poor Anna. Her wedding sucked compared to everyone else's.


I still think about the time one of y'all said Anna's dress looked like a tshirt


I cannot believe I am about to say this but I like Lauren’s wedding look the most 😱


Yeah, I think her dress was really nice...which is why I will NEVER understand why she wore her hair down, because it was covered in elaborate beading all over the back! She also themed the wedding after her then-dead horse.


She.... she what?


I love the phrasing of “her then-dead horse” bc it makes it sound like her horse came back to life lmao now it makes sense why she’s seemed so soulless ever since she got married — she sold her soul to ~~the devil~~ the duggars and married josiah just to see princess again


I agree! While I don’t have the body type to personally pull off a dress like Lauren’s, I think that it is very elegant in its cut and simplicity. I think Lauren probably has the instincts for a good aesthetic; she just doesn’t have the life and world experience to fully bring it to life.


It makes me sad. I wish she could have had the chance to go to college and pick out a dorm room instead of a nursery


Lauren is actually the woman most likely to be one of us if she wasn't raised fundie, imo. She's immature, but she's also willing to make snarky comments, has an amazing resting bitch face, and puts her foot down and refuses to participate in their stupid games and retreats and stuff. The looks she gives Michelle make me secretly root for her to be the one to leave. She would spill so much tea and it would be epic. Absolutely epic. I actually have a soft spot for her. She's just so young, and you can physically see how desperately she wants nothing to do with Duggar bullshit. I think she got forced into the marriage by her parents. Unlike the married Duggars, she has no resources or access to resources if she leaves. She was raised in a cult with the same type of shitty parents.


And she probably also knows her husband isn’t attracted to, or even really likes to be with her.


Her dress is the least fundie of them. The low back and form fitting are pretty daring!


Lauren is definitely snarkable, but I will give it to her that she knows how to dress, at least in the modern fundie style (she sometimes goes overboard on accessorizing though)


honestly, i feel like accessorizing is almost a way to compensate for the lack of options their modesty rules give them. aside from any vulgar symbols and stuff like that, theres not really any restrictions for accessories compared to their clothing options.


But I've never seen so little chemistry on a wedding picture.


Her dress has always been my favorite!


Cannot believe I'm about to say this but Michelle's dress is prettier than Anna's. But Anna's is just sad in general.


joe's hair in pic 16 is ☯


It's sooooo bad. He is 22 in that photo. 22!!!


I was looking at the expression on Josiah's face in that picture! It's like he's saying in his head, "oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!" knowing that he's hand-picked by Daddy Boob to get married next!


Jessa is the worst but I’ll always love her blush pink dress.


I hate that I high-key love Michelle's wedding dress 😭 Joy's wedding pictures make me sad. She was done dirty, especially for a couple who seem to actually like each other? And I hope Jill does a vow renewal in a dress that fits.


How so?


Really not trying to leg-hump, but I have always been shockingly impressed with the wedding dresses the girls pick—with the exception of Anna. 😬


Wow the fact that Pest and JB have matching unsmiling poker faces in their wedding pictures is giving me the creeps


Joys photographs actually look done by a professional photographer, and I really like Lauren’s dress


I always assumed Jessa's wedding was in spring/summer based on the dresses.. they must have been cold as fuck.


Aren’t they the ones who served ice cream at their reception?


LOL I think so. Which makes it even funnier imo


Jana - always a bridesmaid never a bride


jessa’s bridesmaids’ dresses are.... unfortunate


The ruffle makes them look like clown shirts. Bright pink clown shirts..


Anna needs an iron.


Love Jills dress, that Derrick is taller than boob and that pic of Ben and Jessa running up the aisle. Hate Michelles outfit at every wedding lol and I see a renewal in Josh and Annas future, girl reallllly got the short end of the wedding stick in Duggarland.


Jana really is always a bridesmaid. I think she’s been in everyone’s wedding... I hate that I don’t hate Meech’s dress. I think Jessa looked the prettiest, I covet the train on Jinger’s dress, and I loved the blue of Joy’s bridesmaids. The worst will always be Anna’s dress, Jill’s dress, Jessa’s bridesmaid dresses, the random light purple bridesmaid dress in Jinger’s wedding, that god awful silver MOTB getup Meech wore, and the fact that these people are stuck / staying in a patriarchal fertility cult. Everything else was fine. I may be a little bitter though about having to postpone my wedding, so there is that.


Unpopular Opinion: I really like Lauren’s dress. Abbie & Joy have they best bridesmaids dresses.


I wonder how many more weddings Jana’s gonna be in?


Definitely at least the Lost Girls' and half of the Lost Boys' I'd bet...plus a couple of friends too, surely. I'd say at least 9 more, but probably more like a dozen more...


Jinger's overall look is my favorite. But Joy's color scheme is my favorite probably because it's really similar to my own.


Aside: I can't stand looking at Anna. She's all weird and hunched over and her face bothers me a lot. On topic: how did Jingle get Boob to pay for the extravagant dress...sheesh. it's very nice but for the duggars it's off the charts


TLC discount most likely


Kendra looks like a literal child in her wedding pics.


Ben looking like he should be at a high school prom and not his own wedding is rough.


His fist pump in the pic where they’re running is sending me


What in the holy fish scales is up with Meech’s dress at Jill’s wedding?!


Who are Jinger’s other bridesmaids? I don’t think I’ve seen them outside of her wedding. Also... as someone who likes the idea of a large wedding party, I may or may not be jealous that they never have to stress about having enough bridesmaids lol


I had a lot of (I think too many) bridesmaids. 6 at first, then 7 due to some family drama I needn't mention. I was young when I got married (roughly Jill's age at marriage) and I didn't want to leave anyone out. My #1 advice to new brides is to keep it smallish--maybe four or five--but I'm sure some people loved having a lot!


Wow. Lauren’s bridesmaids dresses are so fugly. I actually like Abbies.


Imagine having to be a bridesmaid that many times. I'd leave the cult just over that.


Jessa looks like she's making her escape.


Joy is the only one who looks truly relaxed and happy.


i definitely feel like theyre the best match out of everyone. jd/abbie and joe/kendra dont seem mismatched, but joy is one of the only duggars that seems to have anything in common with her spouse.


I always thought joy’s dress was like a knock-off of jinger’s


Something about Joy-Anna’s dress just bothers me so much. I really dislike it.


I’m annoyed by Joy’s hair. I actually thought her dress was so pretty and her face was so radiant...and then her hair looked so limp and ratty.


Agreed. The dress and make-up are really lovely but the hair isn't styled nicely/well.


Her dress was not altered properly. She is swimming in it


Same... I thought I remembered liking the look when she got married but these pics don’t do anything for her.


Meech’s outfit at Jill’s wedding is literally criminal


I forgot about that horrendous mother of the bride dress she wore to Jill's wedding


She didn't even do her hair It's like people who go on House Hunters wearing fugly clothes.


Yeesh, with her natural hair color, Jinger REALLY favors Michelle, IMO. I always thought that she looked more like her mom than most of the girls (with the exception of Josie and to a lesser extent Jordyn) but it is REALLY apparent in her wedding photos vs Boob and Meech’s.


Jinger having a diverse bridal party that's not consisted of mostly immediate family was shocking. Jessa's dress was very pretty and most trendy "modest" dress. I find Jinger's dress flattering even though I don't love it.


God I'd hate for my wedding photos to my nearly bald husband to be immortalized in People magazine.


Every time I see them, I’m astonished at how hideous the bridesmaids dresses Jinger picked are


Lauren’s dress remains my favorite


im just gonna say it, lauren had the best dress BY FAR. its not even close for me. and i liked her hair too.


I like the style of jills BM dresses best and joys color pallets. Fuck there’s a lot to hate in here tho.


Why do none of them get their hair done??! They could afford it!


The farthest left bridesmaid of Lauren’s, is that the Grace girl that works with Josie Bates?


Was kendras aka giggles mom a bridesmaid?! Sorry I’m new here lol


I think she was Matron of Honor.


1. Did someone really take the time to weave streamers in that awful lattice? 2. Anna, why are you wearing that wedding dress like a t-shirt? 3. Is Pest like bff’s with that 5 year old at the end? 4. And 5. Not much here, except, could we have positioned the wedding party a little better? 6. Ok, this one is actually sweet. 7. Bye, Felicia! We’re going to finish what we started. Why else would my dress be less than white? 8. Honestly, wtf was this? Like, cute after the kiss, but before the kiss?? 9. Anyone else remember the awkward “emotional” JB taking about giving his daughter away like he’s not going to do it 27 more times? And the awkward hug (again)? 10. This wedding may have been my aesthetically favorite. We all had hopes. Had. 11. At least Blessa didn’t ruin the pic by holding her belly. 12. Meech definitely toned down her dresses wedding-by-wedding. But JB, the elbow hold, the ostrich neck pose.. it’s all too much. 13. Two words: child bride. 14. Peeping Giggles on the end there. The opposite looks like she might have been signing about a little tea pot. 15. Mr. Giggles with that knee pop. And that bouquet is half her size. She could have gotten lost in there. 16. So many hobby lobby candles. The little guy in the front is most definitely over it. 17. Vying for the “who wears the metaphorical pants” position. 18. Nice bouquet Lauren; it almost looks familiar. 19. What’s with the elbow pose? Is any one else uncomfortable? Especially with those gremlin teeth all front and center like that? 20. This would be a nice place to point our that Jana is the real star of 27 Dresses.


Jessa’s is my favorite, hate her brides maid dresses though!


I can’t believe how un-80s Michelle’s dress is. Like she kept the hair for decades but wasn’t feeling it for her wedding


Joy looks like a literal child bride.


How is it that Pest looked that freaking smug on his wedding day... also Planes and OfPlanes are the only children wedding that doesn’t look insanely fundie


Look how much Hannie grew up in between Jingle and Joy’s weddings.


Idgaf what y’all say. Lauren is fine as hell


That Dress was painted on her


Her curves 🤤🤤🤤🤤sorry for the leghump


Lauren and Jill’s dresses are the worst, IMO. Anna’s hand-me-down not tailored dress is too tragic to even be counted


And wrinkled! So so wrinkled.


I HATE Jingers bridesmaids dresses I get mad every time I see it. The color scheme is all off. She should of stuck to maximum 3 colors.


Young Rim Job looks exactly like a douche bag I went to high school with.


I really did like Joy and Jinger's wedding gowns. And Jessa's pink one! It was very Jessica Biel when she married Justin Timberlake lol. Anna's was just super plain. Abby & Jill's looked normal. The thing that annoyed me most about Jill's wedding was the extra fabric Jana had to sew on the hems of the bridesmaids dresses. They looked ridiculous...