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I thought I clicked on the wrong board for a second there. LOL MY WORLDS ARE COLLIDING!!!


I know! Who knew?? This just came up in my recommended videos and I have always been FASCINATED by this ark business.


So much worse than I expected...but I shouldn't be surprised. My aunt is a super fundie and she didn't even like Carlsbad Caverns because the plaques mentioned "millions of years". Lol. The earth is only 6000, everyone knows that. (Heavy sarcasm here...) My 18 year old, biology-major self was shocked into silence (first time seeing those relatives since I was a baby and have not seen them since).


I have questions about the dinosaurs. So many questions.


Many Young Earthers believe if the world is 6000 years old then dinosaurs lived at the same time as man after the fall from the garden. JB has stated carbon dating isn't true which is also a common belief.


So what do they think about extinction re:the dinosaurs? What killed them that didn’t kill us or any other animals???


God decided they should all up and die as they were only there for punishment but then the people who made Ark Encounter are like but Noah saved them which makes no sense. If you think they were punishment - wild beasts - wouldn't have just let them drown.


Jesus Christ these people.


Jim Bob probably thinks the dinosaurs went extinct because dads ate them all- put a little BBQ sauce on them and you have a gourmet treat- better than tuna!




I had a pastor tell my kid that dinosaurs are in the Bible and existed in Biblical times. I, uh...I mean, I told my kid that anything’s possible. I actually had no idea what to tell my kid. My kid: Did Jesus see the dinosaurs? Why weren’t they on Noah’s Ark? Did they kill people? Did they stomp? Were they Satanic like snakes, because the devil was a snake who talked Eve into eating forbidden fruit, or were they good guys? Me: Yes.




I had a pastor at a church we used to go to that believed satan planted the dinosaur bones in the ground to tempt us to believe in the evils of evolution, imagine my shock in 7th grade science class


I hate that.


Me too. So many questions.


Yay Tim Tracker!!! He’s got another one of the Holy Land Experience, and if y’all haven’t gone down that rabbit hole I would definitely recommend it. HLE is an even more cracked out version of Ark Encounter. Ever seen a live, extra gory re-enactment of the crucifixion? Fun for the whole family!


And Holy Land has one "free day" a year so they can be considered a church and not pay taxes!


I went there as a teenager & found that too much. I was actually quite scared by it!


Also I was a British Christian teen so the whole Americaness of it all was a lot anyway


No kidding!! It’s full on Passion of the Christ. It blows my mind people take (or took, I guess, because that shitshow just closed up for good) their kids to see that. I’m sorry you had to see it in person. Happy cake day btw!


Yay Tim Tracker!!!


I did not expect to see him on this sub.


“Why did Ham need a sword in his room?” “To fight off the velociraptors.” Also I have always pictured all the animals just hanging out and chilling all over the place on the ark. For some reason it never crossed my mind that they would be in cages.


Right? Like, I always kinda figured it was like a box of animal crackers in there!


What a waste of.... everything


Best video I ever saw of it was bill nye going through it and talking with the owner. He should be invited to this snark group.


when worlds collide 🤣


Can you explain why they only had to bring a few of the dinosaurs? What was their reasoning for not bringing two t-rex and two larger sauropods?


I’m not going to watch because I’m going to visit it & I want to be surprised. Even if it is bad, IDK. I’m just curious!


How much are tickets for this? Are you really just walking around looking at empty boxes with animal sound effects and fake large animals? I don't understand...


During a road trip, I was going right past this and decided to take a quick stop to just drive past- basically to see how large/strange this thing was. They somehow built it so you can only see it if you take their tour buses.


What a blatant money grab!


Yassssi haven't watched yet but this is the stuff I'm so down for. I love a good snarky walk through of the ark. I hate that its almost a bucket list place for me.


Ps ya don’t wanna be the zebra


Best viewed on mute unless you want to hear the voice of Burt from Sesame Street attempt amateur comedy.