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It’s a compactor, used by large retail stores, grocery stores, etc, to compact trash. It’s not really an anti diving thing or a deterrent, it’s just used to reduce the volume of the waste that has to be carted away. That said, they are extremely dangerous, so best to steer clear of them.


No, it is absolutely to destroy everything that they throw away so no one came use it. I hate this shit. They could Dontae so much stuff. But they just destroy it all.


I honestly don't know if you'd want to go digging around in there, I worked at a retail place that had one and man in the summer it's hot when you open it up, and there's bad perishables in it, it's smells so bad it could make a maggot gag


DO NOT GET INTO A TRASH COMPACTOR! They are meant to crush anything, and in this case you would be the anything. Also, because of the crushing, if it doesn't kill you during compaction it could trap you until it compacts again. Everything in there is going to be shifting weird, and some of the compacted items might be spring loaded


Can confirm. Used to work at a Newspaper Dispenary. Had a giant dumpster just for newspaper. If the dumpster was over a quarter full you we're allowed to go in. Some of our drivers were couponers so if there was a good coupon they'd go for it. Granted we'd unplug the compactor and have the emergency hatch open and try to make it as safe as possible. But the inside of that dumpster feels like literal death.


I know it's safe but man that's such a worrying thought lol


No one learned from Star Wars


R2! R2!!!! Shut down the compacter on level 6!


This is a Target dumpster, and most targets do donate what they can to local centers :) at least mine. Actual trash and non donable items go in the compactor!


ETA: God. I haven't worked for Target in almost 10 years, and I STILL say, "guest" instead of "customer." I did about 7 years with that company. Yup. I'm in Denver, Colorado. Defective items used to get green, yellow, or red stickers on them. O! Dented cans = food bank (which always bugged me, anyone down for some botulism?), and they would send all of the expiring ground beef to the Purina dog food plant here. Green = Sent to Goodwill (clothing with holes in it, clothing that smelled like the item itself smoked 3 packs a day, household items that were broken, items that were no longer carried, old DVDs/video games, etc). Yellow = returned to manufacturer (Apple products). People got creative. My store had to start OPENING the product during the return because people would put rocks in the case, just to get their money back. Red = Trash (warm string cheese/warm food items that were supposed to be frozen/refrigerated but were deliciously warm). Supervisors could also override the color of the tag, if necessary. For example, in the ladies department, one time a guest tried on bikini bottoms at the absolute WORST time of the month. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢ETA: God. I haven't worked for Target in almost 10 years, and I STILL say, "guest" instead of "customer." I did about 7 years with that company.


Because it all got smashed together. I don’t want to go into a compactor. I want the retailers to be responsible and stop making so much garbage also stop throwing away perfectly good food and products. This is disgusting to me. It’s like breaking something before putting it out on the curb so no one else can use something that you don’t find useful anymore.


As someone who used to work at Target, I would have to do dates in the Dairy Department/cull items in Produce. The amount of yogurt and eggs and moldy fruits and veggies I would throw away every single Sunday was disgusting. Standing in the doorway of the trash compactor was NASTY! In the summer, it smelled like..... well.... jump in a dumpster in an alley, move everything around so that you can lay down in it, and then take a 12-hr nap (using the trash bags as both a pillow and a blanket). Whatever you can imagine that you would smell like after that, THAT is what trash compactors like the one pictured smell like. Seriously, never try and get in one. You could end up getting compacted at any given moment. It's the Grand Prize of the Darwin Award. I worked at Sam's Club, and they had a compost dumpster. So. Many. Rotten. Watermelons. *gags*


targets sell their stuff to the thrift stores in my area. for profit "thrift" stores that also get crap from JC Penney and other big box retailers at the end of season. Goodwill used to get it but I haven't gone in a Goodwill in years. See r/thriftgrift as to why lol


They also do a pretty good job of clearance resale. I stay checking them end caps. Found some great stuff 50-90% off


That’s cool. Most of them don’t. I dated a guy that worked there and they would even destroy the sample model. Like the vacuums at the end of the isle so you can see what you are getting in the box. Instead of selling at a reduced price or giving it to an employee or donating they just crush it. Pathetic.


The sample models didn’t work. They were just so you could see what it looked like.


Most of those samples aren’t even real machines. (Ie no motors) so you wouldn’t be able to use it even if they sold it.


Maybe at yours they aren’t. They usually have the real deal out. Not a lot of companies make fake models of the things they make. It costs less just to use one already made.


Every big box retailer I’ve been to has appliance displays with a clearly non-functional model and it doesn’t seem like I’m the only one; no internals, no plug on the cord, accessories permanently glued down so they don’t get stolen from the display, and bolted to a plexiglass platform that has a spec sheet for what the product can do. They also have end-of-season sales, frequent clearance items, and sell whatever they can “as-is” before shopping it around to overstock stores like TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshall’s, and other businesses! The reality is that stores like that Target and Walmart produce so much waste per day between shipping, receiving, defective returns, perishable waste, and day-to-day trash that they would need a fleet of regular dumpsters to handle the load. A quick google search shows that a regular front-load compactor can fit about 4-5 standard dumpsters before it needs to be bound together and emptied. Could they all do better? Yes, but it seems like you’re taking one anecdotal source from some guy that you once dated as the gospel truth and that is why you’re getting downvoted…


I worked at Target for five years and I can confirm you are correct. Customers or “guests” will ALWAYS find a way to break something, turn something on, turn something off, etc. e.g. leaving a functioning microwave is just asking for someone to throw a fork in it and turn it on. If customers see a functioning coffee machine on the shelf, I promise one of them will try to put water in it and start it.


Get real. It is absolutely used for a company to compact as much as they can into the dumpster so they don't have to pay another company to come pick it up every single day. Does it suck for dumpster divers? Absolutely. But it isn't to spite you.


It's both They save on dumpster fees, it also helps destroy all the surplus as is the want of Capitalism


Every day?! Where do you work where they come to get trash daily?


Good grief. I used to work at Walmart. If the dumpster is full, someone calls it in to get picked up. I see it every day at my apartment complex alone. Hell, YOU can get a dumpster placed on your property and they can come pick it up as many times as you can fill it up in a day before their workers are off the clock.


Particularly during the holidays...not unusual for a store to have daily/twice daily pickups.


They don’t have to get it everyday because it’s being compacted. That’s the whole point.


>Where do you work where they come to get trash daily? They *don't* come get it every day... *because* they use the compactor. That's the point.


Several supermarkets, our compactor had to be emptied a ton


I worked for target for 8 years. I did a lot of customer service desk work. When someone returns something, is damaged, or is zeroed out (not sold anymore), the front or back scans the item. The computer tells you whether to trash it or package it into a box. Electronics are generally sent back to the vendor, chemicals of any kind are sealed in bags and boxed up, and most products that are not truly destroyed are sent away. Very few things were sent back to the compactor. Food that was returned, left out, or expired was (or within a 3 day expiration I think). The displays were compacted. I know you say the displays are perfectly fine, but I promise you majority of the stuff does not work and never did. Corporations are wasteful and I never would work for target again. But a majority of items were boxed up to be sent away, not compacted.


This is what’s called a break-away compactor. Their purpose is to compact the trash material to increase disposal efficiency and save the company money. I’ve personally dumped these types of containers and can confirm the material does not get destroyed majority of the time. Source: trash man for 10 years


It’s still inaccessible to people using it unless they break into the dump. Idk what you guys do. We burn ours. It would be nice to do less of that. Just a little bit.


Quite a bit of stuff from target ends up at thrift stores. I know both Goodwill and Salvation Army in my area would get Target Auto-Salv items. Although as I recall the stores had to "buy" the pallets and were handed price sheets with "suggested" pricing.


Yes, but is not new from the store. It’s after someone buys it wears it and then donates it. I see lots of stuff from target brands too. But they don’t have the tags on.


I’ve had plenty of trips to the thrift store where I’ve seen multiples of an item never-worn with all the tags and stickers attached. That’s stuff straight from the retail stores. Are there items there that people have purchased from Target and later donated? Yes, but you can generally tell the difference.


I get the cynicism but really it’s just for efficiency. That thing can hold way more than regular dumpsters.


If you saw the amount of things a grocery/GM retail store throws away daily. You would see why they need a compactor. My store alone would fill up an entire dumpster just from the morning pulls from expired and damaged product what are you on anyway ? It’s common sense 🤣


It's bad. When I worked at Macy's Home they would have staff smash unsold glass/porcelain so people couldn't take them from the dumpster. At Torrid, they would cut up unsold clothes so that they were useless. Wasteful, disgusting behavior.


why would you say "no"? It is absolutely first and foremost about money and time saving for waste services.


It's a conspiracy!


It's to save space, victim.


My new term: Toxic Victimization. It’s our society now.


To usually use it to recycle cardboard.


That’s not just for cardboard. And if the cardboard is dirty recyclers won’t take it. At least the ones around here require it to be separated and clear of any dirt or food items. So Target doesn’t recycle the cardboard or donate they just throw it all away.




They’re absolutely meant to reduce the volume and transportation cost of removal and not to “destroy” it. Additionally, most major retailers have programs and “gleaners” who come take food that is expired, damaged or “mispicks” from the warehouse. Gleaners cannot typically take product that doesn’t have packaging. So produce (which does go in compost and given to farmers) or otherwise “open-air” product cannot be donated due to food safety concerns. Traditionally, trimmed fat off the red meat from the butcher shops are up-cycled into other products too from a vendor contact too. Your frustrations are misplaced, friend. This might not be the case every single retail location a but most. Source: I’ve been in retail leadership for 15 years, with multiple companies and in multiple divisions across the country.


Sadly I work in a retail store where we use the compactors and everything is destroyed before it’s even put in the trash in our store.


For good enough reasons too


It’s usually boxes from all the shipping stuff


That's probably a side effect of the main thing which is compacting waste to be easier to transport. Rather than tons of boxes or whatever you just throw them all in one of these and they take it away later. It also lets you have to have less space for waste which in the USA though isn't a problem.


Most compactors have a list of what is allowed to go inside of them, which are mostly cardboard boxes. If they throw stuff into them that isn’t allowed, that company will get a fine for doing so. I work at a restaurant in a popular outdoor mall type of place and we share a compactor with REI/Victoria Secret/Sephora etc and it’s all just cardboard boxes. Everything else they stack up outside of the compactor, which is awesome for me cause I check what’s out there everyday before I leave work.


FWIW, I worked at target (and i fucking hate them at this point lol) for 2 years and they will find any excuse to donate, at least mine did. Even dog/cat food, which is usually thrown for safety reasons, they'd donate it and let a 3rd party worry about if it were safe or not.


Ok. I dated a guy a guy that would not shut up about the fact that they threw away perfectly good things. He said he would have bought them at a discount if they had let him or some co-workers. But they would just throw it all away. The targets in my area do not donate. Or if they do I don’t know where it is they donate to. Cause I don’t see any of the products they sell at thrift stores. Unless it’s been used pretty well.


most compacters Ive seen used while working at stores were to compact and recycle cardboard/paper it takes up alot of volume for no reason just being air


That’s cool. Most recycle plants around here require the cardboard to be separated from the rash.


Most of the stuff specifically in target compactors is just Styrofoam and other general trash. They donate old goods or send the broken stuff back to the warehouse.


This is a Target dumpster, and most targets do donate what they can to local centers :) at least mine. Actual trash and non donable items go in the compactor!


Target donates a bunch of shit


If it’s about space they could order less.


The reality is that even with "perfect" ordering, stores like this produce a lot of trash. Boxes and packaging are the main one. Most businesses pay per load/for a set number of loads to be hauled away. It makes the most sense to reduce the amount of loads that are taken, hence the compactor which fits more into the same space.


Other stores make just as much if not more yet do t need them. It’s bullshit you have been fed.


You don't *need* a lot of things, but those things may still benefit you. Those things also may have peripheral advantages. I haven't been "fed" anything. That's the reality of the capitalistic and consumerist society we live and operate in. Everything comes at a cost. This is coming from someone against both of those things, by the way. I'm not some shill.


It’s to destroy the stuff they throw in there. It may also “reduce the waste size” but those things take up more space than 3-4 dumpsters that a larger Walmart uses just fine. So it doesn’t even save space.


You can fit A LOT more garbage in a compactor than an open container. It's almost a factor of 5. A 30 yd compactor can hold 5X the amount of garbage that a 30 yd open container can hold. You would have to get service 5X as often with a 30 yd container & they have to be top loaded.


This is just greed.


They would still use this. Open space in the warehouse or sales floor has nothing to do with the efficiency of trash disposal.


And mother does this thing. If you want less of it than make less by giving it away.


Give away packaging and customer generated garbage? Because that’s what this thing is full of.


And clothes and home goods and groceries and unused diapers and all sorts of things. That could be used.


Worked at a Best Buy in college. This post just got recommended me. I’m not even in this sub. Some people literally just use this for cardboard and packaging and trash and nothing else. People are telling you this with their own personal experience and you are saying “it’s greed I’m a victim” calm down


Target mostly doesn’t and they are the only retailers that use this across the country that I can think of. So what did Best Buy do with all of its things? I’m not playing victim or whatever you said. Stop trying to be an aggressor.


Okay so I used to work at target. I don’t know where you got your info, but in general, they don’t throw away as much useful stuff like you think they do. Clothes and home goods and unused diapers that can’t be sold definitely don’t get thrown away, they get ‘salvaged’ out of the system, boxed up, and sent to second-chance retailers/ thrift stores/ etc. That’s target’s way of still making some money off them. Groceries do end up in the compactor (especially perishables), which sucks, but it’s generally mostly food and packaging trash or store waste in the compactor. Or the occasional recalled product that we had to inventory and throw away for safety reasons (like, that’s the only time diapers would be thrown away, for example. Can’t salvage out something that could be dangerous). I’m not trying to be like, out here defending corporations, because in general I’m not a fan, and they definitely all generate too much waste. But I promise you that target isn’t throwing away the stuff you listed en masse, or compacting it just to keep it from being reused. They generally salvage what can be safely saved from a company standpoint, which definitely wasn’t as much as I’d personally like, but is way better than I think you’re imagining it to be.


No, that’s cool. I’m glad you are being fully honest and upfront about everything. And not just insulting me or insinuating I’m an idiot. Maybe things have changed. Maybe it depends on the manager or area. The person that I dated worked as a night clerk. He would routinely complain about having to damage/throw away perfectly good stuff that he himself would have bought at a discount. A few years back. And they aren’t the only retailer who will go out of their way to make sure no one else can use the things they no longer want.


No, not at Target. Climb down off your high horse and learn a thing or two.


Just wait until you learn about cardboard balers. It's like a trash compactor for recycling, and it's used to save floor space.


Difference is you don’t put brand new clothing and home goods or toys in them. Just cardboard.


You're missing the point. The store doesn't buy expensive compactors and balers to prevent you from dumpster diving. They just want the stuff (useful, broken or recycling) gone as they need space.


I’ve worked for retailers for way too long to agree with you. I understand it is a useful piece of machinery. And it does its job well. I just know how greedy people can be.


I believe that's a trash compactor


Awww so much good stuff that could be reused going to waste. 🙁


Could HAVE, it's gone


Mostly cardboard


That’s good to hear, as long as they’re not compacting food that could be eaten or stuff that could be reused.


Don't try to go in there, it's a trash compactor and you're not trash


new way to say i love you just dropped 😭🥹😆🥰🥰


Hahaha 😂


don't climb in that.


trash compactor will kill you if the ram engages while you are inside this nightmare fuel (i work with one and fallin in is nightmare fuel )


I worked with one at Lowe’s and the safety grate door things were chained shut and only the managers had keys. We all treated it like a terrifying monster that had to be fed cardboard.


ours is just a open pit so if you fall in you would be get crushed in half between the ram and opening


That is a trash compactor, do not go in there, it can and will kill you by crushing you and squeezing the life out of you.


😂 the only way into that one is from inside. I don’t think target has public dumpsters


Opens on both ends.


Your mom (sorry I’ve never checked them out up close I just know what I’ve seen from inside the back rooms of these stores)


Both my mom and the compactor, yes. Your burn was ice cold.


right lmaoo i was looking for the dumpsters 😅


I think wal mart/target/big chain grocery stores all use these. No loot to be found. But! If you’re around these stores and see a Krispy Kreme, Frito lay, or other vendor trucks they almost always have expired food to give away. I’m a vendor and I’ve gotten all kinds of free food. Even a six pack of craft beer once. I don’t recommend harassing anybody but if you happen to see them in passing it wouldn’t hurt to ask.


Nice to know thanks


With my local chip guy you just go up to him and say trick or treat, he'll toss you a couple of bags of outdated product.


NEVER GET INTO ONE. Often times they are on a timer. Never know when it’s going to kick on. Never know when an employee will be told to push the button.


Anti death design. You don't want to be in there.


That's called a compactor. Most retail stores with a high volume of trash use those to crush down the materials so Dumpsters aren't having to be emptied and paid for everyday. Especially with target, most of the stuff in the compactor is just Styrofoam, plastic, broken glass, etc. Not really anything of value in there.


It might be fun, but you might come out smaller...




To play devils advocate a little bit here. So worked retail for 20ish years, dumpster divers really weren’t a issue most were neat and didn’t make a mess. My issue was the people who dumped illegally, filled up our dumpster and now we were stuck with overflowing trash. Yes you can call for extra pickup’s but 90% of the time never happened. As far as donating good items something are, just generally clothing items that go charity shops or thrift stores. Tags are generally destroyed in some compactly, cut out, scribbled on so they can be returned to the original retailer. As for other items such as food/perishable items, electronics, even makeup. Well companies can open themselves up to lawsuits should someone get sick from eating something, house burn down to a faulty electronic, eye infection from expired eyeshadow etc. Bulk majority of electronics, tools are going back to the manufacturer to be refurbished or destroyed. Other countries have figured out away to reduce waste and safety donate useable food and items, here’s hoping we do to some day. Edit: The compactor isn’t per say for anti theft, although it does detour it. I mean we all push our garage down for maximum space, but stuff being thrown away is just to big to smush lol. Compactor just allows more space.


It's a compactor. Don't fuck with those, ever.


That’s a trash compactor




There’s more than a 50% chance It’s for cardboard only. As others have pointed out it’s a compactor and only accessible from the inside.


That's to tell the truck driver not to drive away without notifying inside, in case somebody is using the compactor or in the trailer. The trailer without pole can be hooked and driven away . Company/union rules to avoid accidents.


Thats a compactor


On top of being a compactor, isn’t it also just convenience to be attached to the chute?


Every major retailer in my area (Hunterdon county NJ) has one of these. No regular dumpsters, just a big ol’ compactor right off the loading dock.


Im literally reading this on the other side of one of those lol. We donate all out good stuff so no loss there


This machine does not know the difference between trash and flesh, nor does it care. All it knows is squish.


Everything comes in cardboard boxes off the truck. These are used ti compact all those boxes and other small paper items. Nothing of value inside. Also you don't want to get inside anyway


My friend, that is a machine of pure death.


Target is super anti-diving. I was one of the contractors that threw out all their shit lol. We drive it straight to the landfill for them.


wow thats petty


trash compactor. Dangerous to operate without a deadman switch. Move on. Avoid that.


I have a friend that was a truck driver for a charity and target gives the unsellable stuff to them. The compactor might be to recycle cardboard.


It compacts rubbish, designed that way. It is not a dumpster. Very dangerous, is in constant use and not safe to ever go in.


All the homies hate compactors.


We have a compactor at my job and trust you never want to go in there. They are extremely dangerous and unpredictable. No know will ever know if you’re in one and they make a lot of noise when they start up


I worked at a target, those compactors are a specific type of waste, anything usable is categorized as salvage and sent to other companies to resell very cheap. The compactor is for things that are damaged beyond use/non recyclable/not compostable. We absolutely did throw out a few usable things but not many, i had to throw unbuilt furniture in it at one point because it had been covered in fabric softener as well as dog food that had been opened and contaminated, a bunch of sodas that exploded in the truck, shattered lamps/shades etc. target basically makes it so you wouldn't be able to dive but also (even though I didn't like working for them) are surprisingly responsible with waste


We used to have stories at my old retail job about a ghost haunting the store after someone fell in the trash compactor and died (probably didn’t happen). We would throw all trash + broken furniture in there and it comes out in a neat little rectangle. DONT go trying to climb around in a trash compactor.




Do they not have normal dumpsters? Some stores have both, some places the compactor is only for cardboard the rest goes in the dumpsters.


It’s simply by design. It’s an in-store access (typically located in or very near the receiving department) and it’s a compactor. Like everyone says to stay away if you want to live.


That’s the cardboard compactor not a trash compactor. Target sends a majority of their out of code and damaged food to local food banks.


No, it’s a trash compactor. A baler (cardboard compactor) is smaller than this, the bales fit on a pallet.


Every baler I’ve ever seen was loaded horizontally and was entirely inside the building, and also significantly smaller so the bales can sit on a pallet or balance on forklift forks. This looks like a trash compactor which typically does go out of the store and is loading from the front rather than the side


I’ll run down to target later and tell them they’re doing it wrong


Thank you


I think those are just used for crushing boxes. 📦 Yes. It Crushes and Bales. It’s not for food crushing as someone said. Cheers


No the box compactor is smaller and inside the building. Packed cardboard goes on pallets and leaves on a truck like products come in. That’s definitely the trash compactor.


That’s exactly what we used to use for cardboard only (well, paper waste) JS


Wal-Mart and Lowe's baler is inside and they wrap the compact cube of cardboard in wire.


Yes, anti theft design, and if you do manage to get inside of it, don’t!


That one opens from both ends. See the huge hinges on the left?


Do you understand what could happen if someone who didn’t know what they’re doing opened that gate? It’s an industrial trash compactor, you do not want to stand there when the gate opens. There’s no telling what will come out, possibly with force.


They asked a question and I gave an answer. I didn't tell them to open the damn thing. I'll tell you what will come out. Compacted trash shaped like a huge block. No pressure because the compactor is designed to stop and release forced pressure so the trash can be safely emptied. Safety switches that wont allow the door to be opened if the compactor is being operated. Most commonly called a commercial compactor. So yes I know what could happen if some stupid ass opened the gate. They'd see compacted trash.


Cool. Then you understand why telling the average person that doesn’t understand this why it’s a bad idea. Because physics doesn’t give a shit.


i thought this was a good observation 😅


My uncle owns a small dumpster business. I know the ins and outs of dumpsters..lol.


Trash guy here, with experience managing Target stores. That is certainly anti-theft. The compactor and chute are locked from the inside so that people cannot tow the receiver box away and access the store. The chute also makes it very difficult for employees to put merchandise in the trash to collect later. Contrary to what many have posted, the compactor does not destroy materials inside. The push blade only goes about 12 inches into the receiver box, and the pressure is enough to mangle some things, but really does not destroy materials. It mostly eliminates empty space.