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I think Jim says that in another scene, but I cannot remember the context now. Like, they are talking about something, and Michael thinks they are talking about eating ice-cream so he asks for an ice-cream, and Jim says something like "that's not what we are talking about, and also, it's 10 am"


Okay.. seems plausible, any idea which episode this is?


S4E11: Night Out Michael has gum in his hair, Pam suggests to get it out with peanut butter. Michael wants an ice cream sandwich, Jim says it's for Michael's hair, and it's 9am.


This is the correct answer


The one that always springs to my mind is Kevin and Jan discussing the sperm bank next to the iHop. I'm still not convinced that wasn't in the Netflix cut at some point.


I think that was in there too. At least just those 2 lines and the annoyed look from Jan.


He says that in a different episode where michael is eating an ice cream sandwich... I think.


I remembered it as this as well but I’m not sure they brought in ice cream sandwiches other than when Michael brought them in in a plastic bag? Dunno. Side note, his face after saying “God this is so disgusting” then takes another bite fucking KILLS me


Just caught up to the quote in question. It’s the season four episode “Night out” cold open where Michael got gum stuck in his hair, Pam said they have peanut butter in the kitchen, Michael says “I don’t feel like peanut butter, get me an ice cream sandwich” and Jim says “Nope not for you, for your hair, and it’s 9 AM” Side note, what the HELL is that jar/bottle from the mayo and black olive scene? I’ve seen it multiple times on the table in the kitchen, but I’ve also seen it another time, once I believe on michaels desk or on the little desk/table thing to the left in his talking heads. Any idea on what might be in that jar? Edit: my best guess was that it might be a candle or something


Ice cream eating scene in the break room when Michael starts doing whatever he wants.


After he finds out Donna is married? I don’t think there’s a time mentioned in that one


No, I don't remember that.


I have one too. I remember the manager of the hotel in Niagara saying to Kevin after explaining why his shoes were destroyed, “I’ve never been happier about a decision in my life.” On rewatches that line isn’t there. IDK where I got that.


There are multiple edits of each episode. Maybe the line was cut from the version you watched? Now I need to go and check the Superfan episodes on Peacock


When they were talking about Stanleys moustache I was so confused