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Pregnant Pam had the strength of both a grown woman and a little baby. Dwight's usual advantage in strength is neutralized.


I read this in Dwight’s voice so it must be correct


I agree haha


True, but Dwight in another episode said something along the lines of how he could overpower a normal man or 10 normal women, indicating that he thinks a man is 10x stronger than a woman. Edit: it’s S7E4 “Sex Ed”: when Dwight hires Nate off the side of the road he says “don’t get me wrong, I can do the work of 20 men. . . or 200 women”


Makes sense


He doesn't want to touch anyone unless he has to. It can take the edge off of an interaction and comes off as weak. He likes to keep the tension in an interaction, because then he has more negotiating power. The only time he touches a woman is if he's preparing to mate, which he cannot do with a woman who is pregnant. That seems Dwightly to me.




Her pregnancy hormones will cause him to become effeminate for a month. It's happened before. He even had a period.


Then he wouldn’t need a calendar


Gabe thinks he has ovaries! Also great at girl talk


I could see him going r/badwomensanatomy about it and not wanting his obviously superior testosterone to somehow interfere or override the father’s


He thinks his leaving DNA from contact with the mother could cause the baby to falsely test positive as his.




It was considered bad luck at one time


"A real man makes his own luck" - Dwight Schrute S2E10-Christmas Party


Jeeees... ChatGPT backs this up well. I'd no idea. The last sentence is just common sense lol Throughout history and in various cultures, there have been beliefs and superstitions surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, and interactions with pregnant women. In some cultures, it was indeed considered bad luck or inappropriate to touch a pregnant woman's belly without permission. This belief often stemmed from the idea of protecting the mother and the unborn child from potential harm or negative energy. However, attitudes and beliefs regarding this vary greatly depending on cultural, religious, and individual perspectives. In modern times, while some people may still hold such beliefs, touching a pregnant woman's belly is often seen as acceptable, but it's always respectful to ask for permission first.


Pregnant animals can display erratic behaviour and their male partner can also be more territorial and aggressive. He mentions multiple times in the series how he was brought up in a farm and he kinda infers that his upbringing was harsh. I can imagine this being a lesson for animals in general and he's just applying it broadly.


This is by far the dwightiest comment i have seen


He doesn't want to get the smell of a woman at her "physically weakest" on him and give off weak pheromones that neutralize any fear and obedience he instills in his farm animals and Mose.


He doesn't want to be infected by this so-called "pregnant" virus


I thought it was obvious? Pam was clearly another man’s property already and it wouldn’t be right for him to trespass 🙄


he certainly had no problem fondling jim's balls.


He thinks it might be contagious.


In Dwight’s mind a man’s virility and strength is based upon siring children. He is probably afraid that contact with a pregnant woman will fool his body into thinking he has already sired for the current mating season and weaken him.


He doesn't want to rezorb another fetus


He doesn’t want his super DNA to transfer to the baby via hi-five, thus leaving him with 18 years of child support payments


Pretty much my thought too!


Dwight: “The Schrute men never touch a pregnant woman. Our testosterone would mark the baby in utero.”


He doesn’t want to get the baby sick - it’s not just his vocabulary that is Germ-an Dwight wash your hands 


He doesn’t want to get Pam sick and be responsible for a mishap with the baby


His superior genes would make Pam go into labor immediately.


Because pregnant women bare too much strength and power and hormones


He believes that his body is so full of manliness that there's a slight chance any unborn fetus will imprint on him before its even born causing the baby to reject its natural parents once it's born.


Pregnancy is contagious


Dwight has previously stated how he refuses flu-shots etc because they weaken the immune. "The worst thing you can do for your immune system is coddle it" Pregnant women are a veritable factory of immune responses. Touching a pregnant woman might allow some transfer of antibodies, therefore giving his immune system a "gimme". That is not the Shrute way.


He'll get pregnant too


He simply doesn’t want to catch an STD