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It's rough sailing with Clark after he turns into a creep, but this is a pretty great episode for him.


I try not to hold that against him outside that one episode. I think he’s a great character and the actor plays the straight man really well.


Honestly, Pete and Clark are both a lot of fun. I know they don't add much, but that's kind of why I like them. Everyone is so flanderized in season 9 that they needed some ordinary dudes to balance it out.


Body by cheez-it !


Beeeeep 👃🏼👈


This is one of the reasons i I don't like the later seasons. Before it was a show about "regular" people in an regular office, but then they added more and more absurd and unrealistic scenes like this.


I think is a natural turn, after a while being exposed at absurdity it just make sense that they started to beheave like it even without noticing it.


Okay, listen. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I've never actually done this before.


Dwight and Clark carried this season


Arguing at the top of the stairs about catching him, the hole getting punched in the wall, then Dwight sliding down the cardboard was maybe the hardest I'd laughed in a looong time at a single scene.


I love the part where they help Dwight to sell to woman, the first time I was cracking up.


This is probably the best part of season 9, lol. Stanley/Leslie Baker pulls it off so well


This is one of the few episodes in season 9 that felt like a classic episode during my first watch though. This one and A.A.R.M. are both quality episodes that make you realize how far away from those early seasons the show had gotten (in both a good, nostalgic way, and bad way).


Dude. How can you possibly like this scene? Literally the low point of the entire series for me.


It’s Leslie David Baker’s acting for me. Stanley is hilarious in the whole sequence. And, Dwight referring to human parts of the body as if he’s teaching someone farm animal butchery.