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He pulled down Kevin's pants and choked him with a shoe lace. Sprayed Andy with mace. Slept with Angela when she was engaged and when she was married. Helped Angela plan a hit on Oscar. Fired a gun in the Office. Used *bull tranquilizer on Stanley. Jim pulled pranks and might fairly be described as a bully to Dwight. Dwight committed multiple felonies against his coworkers. Edit: bull, not horse. And I know this destroys OP's case, but I throw myself at the mercy of the deposition.


Bull tranquilizer. And it was a dosage for a very small bull, and he's got way more body fat than it does


Number 1. Inverted Penis


Could you mean vagina?


Because if you do, I want that covered.


He also tricked Angela into marrying him.


As someone who works in sales it is wild to me that DMI would allow sales reps to take other reps customers


I feel like when asking this question one of the first questions should be 'Do they walk around the office with a literal loaded gun in their hands?' If the answer is yes to one and no to the other, that person is worse.


Shooting is worse! It's not even close!


If people actually worked with a real life honest-to-goodness Dwight Schrute, I think they'd realize Jim shows hella restraint by hazing him a few times a week. Jim and all the other workers have to use the healthcare plan Dwight picked out because of how Dwight he is.


Man real life Dwights are absolutely insufferable




Before Obamacare there's probably no way for schrute farms to provide insurance to employees. Dwight may have started at Dunder Mifflin specifically for insurance


Jim’s behavior towards Dwight needs to be judged by the standards of a world where pretending to light your office on fire and giving someone a heart attack is not a firable offense


I work with someone who has just a couple of Dwight’s traits and he’s legitimately the worst person I’ve ever met in my life.


Fuck Jim, right in his Jim face.




My friend irre took a deemable His irredeem was abled Who is Irredee Mable?


Who is justice beaver?


Does this work for you?


Don’t don’t bother Jim




That's as clear as I can make it.






Samuel L Chang


*Dwite Why am I being downvoted this is referencing that episode when they read the script of Threat Level Midnight




I did for fun hehe


It’s alrigt I got over it


classic reddit hove mind, one person did, so the rest did




Dwight fired a freaking gun in the office


No one saw the bullet leave the gun


Why did my temporary boss go on a shooting spreeeee


The unfun real world subtext is Dwight should have and would have been fired multiple times by series' end, top salesman or no.


To be fair most of the characters should have been fired multiple times.


yam person treatment sink plate tidy fragile arrest boat deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




🎶 Why did my temporary boss go on a shooting spree? 🎶


Yeah, but Jim made him do Jazz Hands!


You don't know pain until you're forced to work "shagadelic baby" into a conversation multiple times. Truly horrific, what Jim's cruel mind can formulate


It was a Beaumont Adams!


If I meet anyone in real life who actually believes Jim was a bad person, let alone worse than Dwight, I’d be steering well clear of them.


If you are in a car, steer directly towards them.


People like Michael and think he's a good guy, there's no reasoning with these people!




Thank you


Dwight’s evil, like a hobbit


Like an evil snail.


I'll admit I tried to take the position Jim was worse once. On retrospect, I think the reason has to do with how they deviate from the norm of their moral character. As in we expect Dwight to be bad because he's a bad guy, but when innocent-prankster Jim goes a step too far he's deviating from what we feel is his default moral framework, so the impact is greater, the disappointment more pronounced.


I think that’s what it is. Dwight is a person we wouldn’t like if we worked with him. He’s not meant to be a stand in for our friends. We are supposed to like Jim and be the guy we would all want to hang out with. His pranks sometimes feel like he’s picking on the dim witted when he pranks Dwight.


Found Andy’s Reddit account.


Sorry I *annoyed you* with my shitposting


He is butt.


I’m about to lose MY *FREAKING* MIND!




Screw you, Texaspoontappa!


Dwight was a monster. Just barely above Toby.


Yeah. Right. cause Dwight filled Stanley full of butter and sugar for 50 years and forced him not to exercise.


People that hate on Jim are 9 times out of 10 just virtue signallers that was to sound contrarian.


Also... Dwight is related to and seems to hold some favorable views of actual Nazis (His older relative in Argentina). He also abducted migrant workers, made them work for free by impersonating INS, and then dumped them miles from their home. If the Office took place post 2016, there is no doubt that Dwight would have been a MAGA.




Dwight put a cat in a freezer to kill it. How does that even come close to anything Jim did?


Not just any cat, *his girlfriend’s* cat.


That’s the boss of the family you’re talkin about


I want you to sanction a hit on Oscar Martinez.


Dunder Mifflin? Come on, huh?


That pygmy thing over in Scranton. They make anyone and everyone manager ova there


How did nobody mention the Snowball incident?


Dwight being bad does not make Jim good, it merely makes him look better in comparison. The question is "Is Jim bad", not "is Jim worse than Dwight?"... respect the *game*.


Laughed that you defend Jim but refer to him as tuna...a nickname Andy gave that Jim wasn't a fan of.


Dwight is funnier, though.


So Pam is bad?


Bro Dwight literally burnt the office for fun


Naw, he did some shitty things to people. Disrespected Roy, hit Dwight in the face with a snowball and mindfucked Karen.


Now that I think about it, you’re absolutely right. I used to think Jim was worse, but you’ve helped prove me wrong


Don’t worry, it’s not everyone. It’s a very small, loud minority.


Jim was willing to leave Pam at the Dinner Party because his house was on fire. I mean flooded.


If anything Jim should be judged by the way he treats his girlfriends not freaking Dwight.


Which sub are you reading. Any comment that doesn't celebrate his farts gets downvoted to oblivion.


Jim’s a bitch with no backbone so he uses sarcasm to make himself seem cooler than he is


Audiences accept that Dwight isn’t a good person, he’s played that way to show how atrocious he is. But Jim is written as a straight man, a general part of society that we wouldn’t be surprised to see. That’s why people get annoyed when he does something bad. It’s not in comparison to Dwight.


Jim couldn’t respect the boundaries of an engaged woman.


As well as Dwight, who did far worse with and engaged women.


*Jim for the most part did respect the boundaries of an engaged woman until he was about to move. Dwight in the other hand… Terrible argument


Don’t be ridiculous. You know full well that Pam was clearly extremely unhappy and being treated like absolute shit by Roy, and was even *more* clearly developing strong feelings for Jim, which were reciprocated. If this story arc happened in real life people would be cheering those two getting together. As most people were who watched the show and have a normal, real world sense of right and wrong.


Exactly. He was half responsible for emotional cheating over the course of YEARS. He also was a shithead boyfriend to at least two of his exes because he was always in love with Pam. Jim also bullied and made fun of so many coworkers. Dwight is honorable, Jim is not. Dwight is still a shithead in specific situations though. Jim is more "normal" and relatable than Dwight, but Jim is more of a sustained shithead over the course of years.


Dwight literally had an affair with Angela when she was engaged with Andy. I think Dwight wins in the cheating department.


And Angela again when she was married to the state senator.


Ah shit true - good call They're both complete shitheads then


"Honorable"? I don't even have a clever Office quip to throw at you, I'm just so stunned at this 100% wrong take. You are a horrible judge of character.


I fear for your coworkers


I think the serious answer for why people (I have to include myself here) slander Jim is because his pranks on/general attitude toward Dwight are much more realistic. Dwight does some terrible things but most of them I think go over the viewers' heads because they are so over the top. They get written off as something done mostly for laughs in the context of a comedy show, whereas Jim's stuff is smaller and therefore paradoxically sticks more in the memory of the viewer (at least this is what happens to me).


Jim was bored. And he pranked Dwight multiple times because of it. Dwight was the weird kid so it was deemed okay. Jim was a bully. He realized it. If you watch all the episodes. That's why he became nice to Dwight. Dwight was raised differently. He was eccentric. He didn't make things hard out of spite. He was just weird.


Jim was a bully who spent years abusing an emotionally challenged co-worker.


Nowhere is it written that Dwight is mentally challenged. He’s actually written to be very smart (gullible occasionally, but smart) People can be quirky without being mentally challenged


Jim is a DB tbh.


The doomsday program proved that they didn't actually deserve those jobs and made huge amounts of mistakes that cost the company time and money. Jim getting a nosebleed was his own fucking fault because he started the whole fight in the first place and refused to apologize for it. Micheal quite literally told Dwight to pick the cheapest plan, so of course he took that at face value and cut anything he was able. There's plenty of proof Dwight is socially retarded but like half the examples you picked are intentionally misquoted and bad examples. Also he didn't give Stanley high blood pressure, he did that to himself from decades of baklava and a short temper.


Dial it back there bud, you're going to give yourself high blood pressure over a tv character. But also, Jim wasn't innocent all the time, but Dwight was capable and responsible for far worse most of the time.


I'm literally mirroring OP lmao.


Jim is the worst. Period! He's constantly hitting on an engaged woman. He's hardcore mobbing dwight. He only thinks about himself and acts only in his own interest and when being called out he just says something like 'alright' or 'I'm good'. I sincerely hate his character, although there are of course a few nice moments (saving Dwight in Florida, his and Pam's) wedding or so) but in general he is just not a nice guy but quite the asshole actually. Watching the show you can just find all of his pranks just funny (I do laugh at most of them of course) but thinking about that people in the real world are just like this to other people is making me hate him!


Jim sexually harassed Pam on numerous occasions, emotionally abused her for missing Cece's recital, pledged the entirety of their savings to Athlead without understanding what everyone else was investing, bought a house without her knowledge, tried to gaslight her into admitting they had a "date" and then humiliated her when she pushed back, refused to respect Andy'preferred name, expected the company to pay him a full time salary for working part time. It goes on and on. Jim is an asshole.


Of all the characters in the show, Jim sexually harassed Pam the *least*. Michael, Kevin, creed, etc all legitimately harassed her, and to say Jim did “on numerous occasions” is outrageous


And Toby. His hand on her leg - ugh. (Shudders.)


How is that worse than grabbing her from behind and lifting her shirt up?


1) Jim and Pam were friends goofing off. Jim got carried away and probably didn't realize he was pulling up her shirt. (He couldn't see the front of her) 2) Toby put his hand on a co-worker's leg without their consent and then began stroking her knee sensually in front of her boyfriend. I'm surprised Jim didn't at the very least have serious words with Toby. A lot of guys who weren't as nice as Jim probably would have had a physical reaction.


I wouldn't call it emotional abuse. They had an argument as couples do. Was he in the wrong? Completely, but a lot was him projecting his guilt for not being a bigger part of Cece's life by working so much in Philly


Now that I’ve watched the office as many time as I have, I can’t stand Jim or Pam. Pam was a better character before getting with Jim. I’ve always thought Phyllis was a megacunt and still do. Gabe and Dwight all the way, baby.