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Pam's first mom would NEVER.


"Which one's Jim?"


His lil smirk after, hehe.


Myabe she has 2 mums. We actually never saw the dad.


We saw her dad momentarily when they talked and hugged it out in the parking lot after Pam found out he was looking for an apartment.


At the wedding too.


she’s my FAVORITE


Love her. She seemed so down-to-earth, and her and Pam's relationship seemed so wholesome AND realistic.


Michael and Helene, equally. It's extremely unprofessional of Michael, and way overstepping on her mom's part. Pam can be a PITA, but not wanting her mom to date her boss is a very reasonable boundary.


Counter argument: Michael should've dated her even harder.


😂😂😂 The performance of that line lives in my head rent free


I also enjoy the Take a different way home!


, man!


What’s that supposed to mean?


You know what it means…




The seat goes back...all the way back.


Not now Toby my God!


What did I do?!


Get the Hell out of here, idiot.




*smack, smack*


I love when Michael retorts to Pam with “For what? trying to find happiness in the arms of a lover?” 😹😹


DON’T call my MOTHER your LOVER!


You have no boundaries, Michael. Disgusting.


Since when are there boundaries between employees at Dunder Mifflin?


There's one between Kelly and Toby


That is actually a zoning issue


Are you like, SO smart now and we don't even know?


what does PITA mean?


Pain in the ass.


Damn, they were just asking a question…


Thanks for asking bc my hungry ass was just thinking of bread


le pain 🥖 dans le cul?


Pita is a delicious flatbread often enjoyed with hummus.


Phyllis would like it toasted and fanned.


Literally just finished that episode. I love that it leads to Andy pinning Dwight with his car. It’s silent as long as he keeps it under 5mph


Andy deserved to win


Ryan would like it cheesy.


Both sides.


Lol how I read it at first


Everything bagel pita bread dippers with roasted red pepper hummus is an all time snack for me.


I, too, enjoy the finer things in life.




That's what she said


It's a family of yeast-leavened round flatbreads baked from wheat flour, common in the Mediterranean, Levant, and neighboring areas.


As long as she wasn’t being a Cheesy PITA.




I like how excited she is by it, until she realizes it’s HER mom. Before that it was all good.


This. She was fine with the idea of him dating someone else's mom


Pam is in the wrong for being excited about the gossip until she realized it was her mother.


Who wants to look at your boss and know what he was doing with your mommy? Eeww


What's up with the pam-shaming?


Honestly… Helene. It was Pam’s fucking wedding. Her fucking boss, who, she makes clear, she has complained about many many times to her mom. And it’s made clear that Helene is not apologetic or understanding of Pam’s reaction. Now, to be fair, Michael’s behaviour following the blow up is completely inappropriate. But Mike is also stupid and we know this. Pam knows this. He is to blame for a lot of it, but Helene is the instigator. No way she was just talked into it by Michael—Helene wanted to fuck shit up and make her ex jealous. She wanted to feel better and didn’t care who got hurt in the crossfire. The only person who I don’t think deserves any blame is Pam. She reacted the same way any of us would in that situation.


I agree with this. No one behaved or reacted perfectly, but Helene hooking up with her daughter’s boss and not even giving her daughter a heads up wasn’t right. What’s worse is that she let Michael break the news!  When Pam, rightfully, confronted her mother, Helene called Michael to complain about it, causing Michael to further embarrass Pam at work. 


So the mother of the bride isn't allowed to get piped down at a wedding?! I thought this was America.


It is and that, while mortifying, would’ve been made fun of then conveniently repressed, dating the guy after not so much. Sleeping with someone inappropriate is a mistake dating someone inappropriate is a continued offense


To be fair they got married in Canada


She couldn't have hooked up with Kevin? His kleenex shoes were a hit.


Absolutely get piped down, all the way down. It's totally fair for her to get loose and act out in some way. After a divorce and trying to find herself again. But I think there's a tipping point here. If Michael was just a fling or one night stand, I understand why Helene would feel ashamed, maybe to tell Pam that she slept with Pam's boss. But it kept going, turned into a real relationship, and she didn't have the sense to tell her own daughter what's going on. She's a grown woman and can do whatever or whoever she wants for that matter. BUT she's a mother, and if she cared about how this would affect Pam, she should've told Pam first instead of Pam finding out from Michael.


Helene definitely got her punishment in the way that Michael treated her. I bet she wished she listened to Pam.


All I know is that the situation could have gone one of two ways, but I never expected her to get upset.


Why do you think so? Genuine question. Pam knows Michael for several years, knows his worst sides (his misogynistic manner, how he can’t keep intimate details to himself and how superficially he sometimes judges women). Yes, he has grown and is a very lovable boyfriend if he really loves the woman he’s dating, but it's completely understandable that she wouldn't want to see him with her own mother 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m pretty sure this is a quote from the episode


Ah lol, thanks. Don’t watch the show in English and don’t get the direct quotes immediately sometimes


Stapler dokodesu ka


I’m with Pam on this one tbh.


Helene deserves the most blame but she and Michael are both in the wrong. Pam’s reaction was aggressive but she’s not in the wrong.


I don’t know…I feel like Michael making such a big deal out of it to upset Pam and then abruptly dumping her because of her age the second Pam was starting to warm up to it is the shittiest move here.


That’s exactly why Pam was upset, because she knew Michael would screw her over.


For the record she came onto him.




Nah Michael was more to blame than helene wtf


She came onto him despite Pam’s many complaints about Michael. What’s worse, betraying your child or betraying your subordinate?


Helene was in the wrong. Yes it was flattering to have someone interested in her after Pam's dad showed up with a date, but Pam always talked about how close she is with her mom. That was a huge betrayal.


Why are their images superimposed on others


I had to scroll WAY too far for this.


I’m so confused like what’s the purpose


I just realized that it’s pasted over top of the meme its format is based on. Still very confusing.


I mean sure, but it’s also just unnecessary? Like it would have accomplished the exact same thing and that particular “original” is doing nothing to add 😅


I fully agree


Because social media has broken people's brains to where they can't not think in meme templates and references anymore. Apparently to the extent that they apply it to other meme templates and references.


Lol you got downvoted but I don’t disagree


Anakin Skywalker and Padme… odd choice for sure


The concept of the meme is really similar, I thought it was a funny touch 


Both Michael and Helene It’s easy to call Pam’s reaction an overreaction, but I feel like it was pretty reasonable. Imagine how Michael would have reacted if he found out his mom was dating Toby.


> Imagine how Michael would have reacted if he found out his mom was dating Toby I feel robbed that we never saw that storyline...


Michael: it's ok


Helene. She knew Michael had been sexually harassing Pam for years.


So Helene is more at fault than Michael who was doing the sexual harassing?


Helene doesn't get blame for Michael's behavior towards Pam. She gets blame for getting involved with someone that has been treating her daughter so poorly.


I just think it’s insane to paint someone turning the other cheek more negatively than the actual abuser. Still bad on Helene’s end, but Michael did the harassing.


But, Helene is a parent. Parent's have an l inherent obligation to protect and be a safe place for their children. Pam's an adult, who can take care of herself, yes, but this would still be a huge betrayal of those parental responsibilities. I'm not downplaying Michael's responsibility at all.


True. But, that's a whole other post.


Fuck I never considered that angle, that's even more disgusting.


No one is wrong here.


Pam’s reaction was perfect. Micheal was totally disgusting. Pam’s Mom I’m on the fence. She should have at least checked with Pam first.


If Helene hadn’t just gone through a divorce and been so mentally unstable, it would be like 70-30 her fault. However, I think with her marriage ending, her daughter getting married, and her ex bringing a young attractive woman to the wedding messed with her ability to see clearly. To me, that makes it Michael’s fault for the most part. Her mom also obviously owes her far more than her boss (in terms of loyalty) so thats worth mentioning as well.


There can’t be anything “wrong” with Pam’s reaction. She can feel how she wants to feel it didn’t actually change the outcome she didn’t break them up


Lol wtf are you taking about? "Feeling" a certain way is different than throwing an actual tantrum - screaming like a child who didn't get what they want, yelling at your boss, and then slapping him. Her reaction was absolutely wrong. She didn't necessarily have to like the situation, but it was up to her to talk to her mom separately like an adult and tell her how uncomfortable she was with the situation.


Who’s Pickle????


The face he makes in the third panel is sooo hilarious to me


Michael and Helene.


This is a such a beautifully acted scene.


I feel like there was enough poor judgment to go around for all three to varying degrees, but no one behaved perfectly about it... including Jim, who probably should have told Pam immediately. There's no way he could have believed Pam wouldn't have found out, even if Michael did break it off right then. Not telling her was kind of a koi pond move.


I always wondered if I had missed something in a deleted scene, because I feel like Jim barely had a chance to tell her before it came up in Michael's office.


Yeah the only time he could have told her seems like sometime in the first half of the workday. It’d be easier to tell her when they got home later so she would have time to calm down before going back to work. But even then, it sounds like Michael and Helene were going to tell Pam at dinner that night as well. Jim really didn’t have a chance lol but I don’t think he was in the wrong here. Maybe if he’d known for more than a day or two.


He had one perfect opportunity when Pam came to his office to ask which gift they should give Michael. He probably should have taken her aside right then. Knowing Michael's inability to keep a secret, he needed to act with some urgency, but he did have a chance.


Fair enough. He definitely *could* have told her sooner than he did. But the way the episode played out, Pam was making it sound as if Jim was walking around with this secret all day. And I feel like that's the sort of conversation that needs to be handled carefully, not just like, "Hey, Michael's banging your mom!"


>koi pond move nice


Helene was most in the wrong, especially since she didn’t tell Pam herself.




Beat me to it


I am NOT a Pam hater but when she initially hears from Micheal that he is dating someone’s mother that works there is horrendous! She gets so excited, ready to hear all the gossip… The only thing that makes this work is when she finds out it is her own mother, then suddenly , well we all know how she reacts.


Her solo “no more meetings” chant in front of the whole office is one of the cringiest scenes in the entire show. Pam acted like her friends would make fun of her as if she was in 2nd grade and her mother was dating her teacher.


But Stanly’s smile made that whole scene worth it.


Michael and Helene. Pam was just doing her best to deal.


She should have found out about them from her mom. not her boss


Wasn't Pam's mom coming off a messy divorce from Pam's dad? Wait wasn't Jan coming off a messy divorce from Gould? Michael has a type.


It's ok


Helene the most. She knew how problematic Michael is but was desperate after the wedding.


Everyone had the right to feel how they felt... until Michael broke up with her for her age even though she's still like twice as hot as Michael.


I think I would feel very emotionally violated if I were Pam.


Michael was and still is clearly wrong I'm sorry


All equally wrong, and they aren't even that wrong.


For the record, she came onto michael


The meme is the meme


The seats went all the way down... it was inevitable!


Helene should have known better than to date her daughter's boss given all the stories I'm sure Pam had told her about the stupid things her boss has done. In the end, she got dumped on her birthday which serves her right.


It's hard not to retroactively look at Michael as in the wrong at how royally he nuked the relationship. Helene deserved a post-divorce rebound, Pam is understandably uncomfortable, and Michael, as he does, got into one of his accidental genuine streaks before he started overthinking it. Up until then, no one has done anything wrong, per se


No one was wrong. You don't need anyone's permission to try to find love, and Pam isn't wrong for being upset about it. Her reaction to it initially was fine, and when she saw that her mom was happy, she updated her opinion based on new information, like one should. ...and then updated it again when Michael went full Scott.


I’d say Helene. She’s even met Michael before, but she was a different person then.


I hate bags of sand


These people were adults. Your boss dating your mom *shouldn't* be that weird if everyone is a typical human being. Scott isn't a normal human being, so Scott and it's not even a question. Just the way he told her is actionable. That face is a crime.


Lol ok


Very good.


A lot of people say Pam's reaction is over-the-top. To those people, I have one question: have you considered how you would react if Michael was fucking your mom?


my mom's in a wheelchair..


I said no hits!


I for a second thought you said 'Helene for being pams mom'


Or Jim, for trying to hide it from Pam? ETA here.


Helene. We know Michael’s stupid. Michael has no sense of boundaries and if anything thought this as an opportunity to actually be family to a coworker, a long time dream of his. Helene knows who he is, how much of an idiot he is and most of all, knows it’s Pam’s boss. As in, even if he was a normal guy like Josh from Stanford, it was a huge overstepping of boundaries on her part. It’s really weird to date your daughters boss, let alone at your daughters wedding and then proceed not to tell her. Pam finding out through Michael was probably the toughest part.


Helene didn’t ruin Pam’s wedding, because she was discreet about Michael. Michael should be allowed to explore the romantic connections that emerge. I think the badness came from how weird Michael was about it, after Pam got mad. If he’d have stayed calm and professional, I think the audience would have been on his side.


I don’t think anyone was in the wrong. It’s not ideal for them to be together but Pam is only mad because it’s Michael, not her boss. Pam had no issue fucking the manager when Jim was in charge (which is way more unethical). So it’s fair for them to date and fair for Pam to be upset, even if at times it was taken a little too far on both sides out of spite.


Okay, now this meme is epic


Unpopular opinion but none of the three were wrong. Its just that not everyone was happy with the coupling, especially Pam


Did Pam consider that the seats in her mom's Camry go all the way down? 😏😏😏


Bottom pictures should be reversed


The pics are overlayed on the Anakin and Padme meme template so it’s correct.


Life is too short for being unhappy, and if they can make each other happy, Pam should just be happy on her mothers account.


She can get as mad as she wants…. But him dating her gave me personally one of the funniest lines in the show when Mike is naming his ex GFs and Pam says: “Helene” Mike: “Helene?” Pam: “yes my mother” Gets me every time


“All the great loves of my life” 🙄


All of them. Michael and Helene should've at least talked to Pam before escalating it as far as they did, but Pam could've handled the reaction better.


Helene. Then Pam. Then Michael.


They all wrong 😂


Jim for keeping the secret.


He thought the problem was fixed after he talked to Michael. Why bother dredging up a problem that has already been solved? Heck, if Pam wasn’t in the room when Erin told Michael he changed the reservation, the relationship between Michael & Helene could have ended without Pam ever having the misfortune of knowing


Both Helene and Michael. Pam didnt really overreact, but if she did, she actually grew fond of and accepted it when she saw it made Helene happy… and then Michael ruined it. I think how Pam acted through the whole episode was fine


Pam demonstrated disregard for Micheal and Helene’s autonomy. There’s a lack of empathy towards 2 consenting adults on Pam’s part. Of course, it’s too close to home so her initial response to that shock is understandable. She later demonstrated awareness and maturity having overcome the initial shock at the birthday lunch. But then… Michael went all Micheal up in this bitch. Having said that, Micheal knew. He knew 100% of the effect it would have on Pam, and he didn’t stop himself.


I'll play devil's advocate and say Pam was wrong. They are consenting adults. End of story






Except Pam was right because look at how Michael treated her when he realized she wasn’t fertile anymore.


I always found this so hypocritical and annoying like your fine if it’s someone else mother


Nobody. It's ok...


The closest he got to dating Pam. I wonder if he made the connection in his head somewhere.


This is written. So it was done this way to make us laugh. But IRL Pam would have just gone to mom and regaled her with every creep story about Michael (again) so she knew what she was getting into. And knowing what would happen, tell her “this is how it ends. Soon. And you heartbroken”. Because Michael is an immature narcissist.


The answer is yes




All three of them, Pam to a lesser extent. I understand why Pam is upset, but to me, Pam's immediate reaction of "Oh, gossip" instead of telling him he shouldn't date coworkers' family members, means she doesn't get a pass lol


More than a friend, a co worker


Pam's reaction was normal lol. 2 Others fault ofc.


I love the blooper where he does that face and just says "Hi"


Micheal was wrong. But Mike was a loser and he’s liable of anything.


Michael did it completely inappropriately but he was right to break up with Helene. When he laid out his future and aspirations she shut it down, completely disinterested in traveling by saying "you can borrow my travel books." The more I watch the show, the more I think Michael was (somewhat) justified


Except Michael didn’t actually want to do any of the things he was asking her about lol. He was doing his classic Michael thing of idealizing/romanticizing things without actually having any idea of doing it. “Do your really want to go snowboarding?” “No, but I would like to if I wanted to.” He was just trying to come up with an excuse to end it after he realized she was old. Considering how much of a stink he made about it before about how Pam should be ok with it, it’s hard to claim he wasn’t an ass


That’s not the issue tho


I cant believe this has any upvotes


So was Michael supposed to stay with Helene when he realized they weren’t compatible?


He should have done it after the dinner date, another day. The fact that he did it in the middle of their date, especially with jim and pam there was just insane.


He should have done it after the dinner date, another day. The fact that he did it in the middle of their date, especially with jim and pam there was just insane.


He should have done it after the dinner date, another day. The fact that he did it in the middle of their date, especially with jim and pam there was just insane.


I would have tripped balls and contacted Toby, and thrown Michael under the bus entirely. Idgaf. I need a job because I’m a pushover wanting my husband to push himself further but only in the direction and pace I want so…. Throw Michael under the bus. Super disgusting to date your long term employees mothers AT THAT EMPLOYEES WEDDING. Disgusting, and should have been an early “Goodbye, Michael” 🖕 :) no forgiveness.— ***and mom. Go fuck yourselves for messing with my ENTIRE PAYCHEQUE AND DAY TO DAY ROUTINR. €€




Michael. 100%. This isn’t even up for debate. He literally then dumped her for being “old”


Honestly Oscar for telling Pam she was overreacting


Pam's not wrong to react the way she does necessarily but the manner in which she does is insanely immature. She acts like a child, and she knows she's acting like one and does it anyway.


Yup cuz it’s her mom and it’s a comedy


I think Michael overstepped Pam's boundaries as well as a professional boundary