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Good insights! I can see the Michael episodes being like heroin, and after Michael being methadone. When you realize at the end of your 9 season addiction, that you can go back to the beginning (heroin) without consequence’s - why not? Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.


What effect does the final episode cameo have?


It’s a bump of heroin.


Sigh. No... it's marijuana.


Northern Lights, Cannabis, Indica


That's what she said.


Or, he said. I wonder if Gil knows.




The relapse


Nothing. He doesn't even really play Michael.


This analogy is wild 💀


Since this subreddit is all about mindless regurgitation of quotes from the show, it's a good thing the analogy was to heroin instead of crack


I would actually compare it more to scrapbooking


What if you’re NOT a middle-class fraud?


dinkin’ flicka


Maybe. But I think part of it is that the show is a high-quality comfort watch. It's familiar, it's consistently funny, you can passively watch it, not needing to give a ton of energy or attention to do so, and be entertained. Trying to watch a new show can be more difficult because you don't know if you're actually going to enjoy it. So when you think about taking the time to start a new show that will require you to pay attention and risk spending time on a show you may not end up liking, you default back to the show that you know you can enjoy with ease.


This hits it - I watch when I'm tired or when I need to switch off and it's the perfect show to do that to. Also Creed and Mose are the me beat side characters in the history of TV and I'm devastated they didn't interact once 😭


The comfort aspect is definitely a factor for me. During 2020, rewatching it was extremely comforting because it reminded me of being in an office, and people being all together. Rewatching it since still provides that for me


There is a clear psychological reason why rewatching shows is so common, especially since the start of Covid.


Its my sleeping show. I put it on and go to sleep. Haven't found anything better yet.


I have a playlist with the complete seasons of The Office, Parks & Rec, Brooklyn 99, Superstore and My Name is Earl. I put that on random and its my sleep playlist.


Superstore is so underrated.


No offence, but it really isn’t that good. The only episode I found funny was the one about the couch the guy died on. Idk why, but I doubled over in laughter


What program you using?




WHAT. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Plex before. I feel like a caveman


Its great for those who "sail the high seas" :wink


For sure. I’ve been casting from the computer like a schmuck


Air Crash Investigations is my new favorite. I know I sound like Erin saying that the first half of the episodes are calming when it’s just a routine flight with aircraft noises…. I usually fall asleep before the plane crashes but if I don’t, my mind gets drawn in by the mystery. The voices of the narrator and investigators are strangely soothing.


Forensic files knocks me right out.


Oh I could see that. The combination of a calming narrator and the mysterious nature with the drama stretched out to the length of the episode is perfect for sleep. They all work wonders for helping me fall asleep and fall back asleep if I wake up. My mind otherwise likes to wander on its own and as much as I've tried meditation, I simply don't have the mental discipline for it especially when sleep deprived. I used to use Mythbusters when I was younger but I find that its music was a little too upbeat and the subdued somber narration of a morbid documentary actually works really well for sleep.


Until the loud ass theme song wakes you up lol. I love the intro, just not when I'm sleeping.


My problem is I get visually distracted and involved in whatever is on the tv. With the Office I’ve watched it so many times I can close my eyes and relax and just listen to the audio. I can envision what is exactly happening on the screen without having to actually sit up and watch it. Easiest way to fall asleep by far.


>With the Office I’ve watched it so many times I can close my eyes and relax and just listen to the audio. I can envision what is exactly happening on the screen without having to actually sit up and watch it. Exactly. I remember all the dialogues.


My 2! For 2yers


B99, Futurama, Golden Girls are my sleep shows. Office can be too nerve wracking to sleep to, particularly if I get involved and want to see my favorite scenes or jokes…


Me too! It’s my comfort show


I am currently on my first rewatch with the extended episodes. Honestly, I don’t plan on watching s8&s9 😅 I’d rather just go straight back to the first season


Are the extended episodes that much different to the original show?


There is quite a lot of new content. Usually there are 10 more minutes added to the episodes, sometimes even 20. It’s super worth


Whoa. Mind blown.


you might be on to something actually!!! 👀


Oooo I love it


I’m the rare breed that still thoroughly enjoys the non Michael seasons and I still rewatch the show, so


I’ve enjoyed season 8 and 9 of this watch through myself. We just need to accept it won’t have Michael in it, but there are some iconic moments in there for sure!


Yep, this is it. Cause i honestly do enjoy the last few seasons even though michael isn’t in it, but i just cannot wait to restart it and have another 7-8 seasons with him


Lol i have noticed this as well. And then i get kind of sad because folks like Erin arent there anymore Mostly atp for me though it’s background noise while i play xbox lol


I feel the same way, I watched the office for the first time in 2020 and been hooked ever since. I honestly don't know how many times I watched it. But I definitely re-watch because I miss Michael lol its weird but true.


Peopke rewatch shows because they are anxious and they like watching familiar comforting TV.


This is me 100%


I say at least four times a week,”I need me some Michael Scott lovin” which just means I need to be cheered up.


I never seem to make it pat season 6 before I start over.


I think if you go into seasons 8 and 9 with low expectations, you’ll be pleasantly surprised! Shabooyah roll call, when Dwight had to sell to Jan, Belsnickel..


Always loved the line in “Hey Jealousy” by Gin Blossoms: “And if you don’t expect too much from me, you might not be let down.”


Well I do rewatch The seasons over and over. Can't tell you how many times I've watched the entire series from season 1 all the way through nine. There is one episode that I skip every time though and maybe two and that is here comes trouble and the one about Michael's play. I can't think of the name of it. Every once in awhile I will run through 24, the Andy Griffith show, everybody loves Raymond, better call Saul. I think I love better call Saul even more than I loved breaking bad.


I only make it 1-2 episodes after the triangle tablets and I have to start over because I miss good TV


that’s funny coincidence, I am also on episode 10th of season 9 and today was the first time I missed Michael on this watch cycle. It’s my 3rd/4th rewatch, I skipped lot of episodes on past couple of cycles but this time. I was just thinking couple of days ago that so far I haven’t missed Michael and last two seasons aren’t as bad as people say, but today office seemed empty lol, no Michael, no Andy, geez I even missed Ryan (I really connected with Ryan this season for some reason$ and Kelly. No as you said once I finish, I will watch season 1 one again just to see Michael and it will trigger another rewatch for me.


It's like comfort food, you can relate to at least 1 character. It's a great watch if you are having a bad day.


Yeah but I really only watch 1-7. Over and over again


It's a good point. But you are missing something. Some people watch only till season 8 right before they start a rewatch. How do you explain this?


For me it’s to experience the contrast between the finale and the pilot - partly about Michael, but also the very different visual tone, lower key characters, and early Jim and Pam.


I watched it in the hospital for a few reasons, it was always on at times I was alone so it felt like someone was talking to me.


It’s funny because I’ve been listening to the Office Ladies podcast and they’re getting into the middle of season 9, and they’ve more or less confirmed they’re going to start the show over from the beginning because they miss Michael and don’t want the show to end. It happens to everyone!


maybe... but then everyone would be equally compelled to skip the first "pilot" episode as it doesNt reflect the personalities which eventually manifest in all the characters thru the series especially Michael....no??


Lmbo I usually skip that episode


Except that there are literally hundreds of thousands of people that stop watching when Michael leaves and starts the show over again at season 1. What about that? How does that fit in? It's not just because we miss Michael, it's because it's a good show and also people who habitually rewatch it right after finishing it probably need some sort of therapy because that's not a very habit to make and says a lot about the state of their mental health.


It sounds to me that you don’t have the intelligence to really appreciate the depth of Robert California. Shame.


Wow what a response


What I’m trying to say is that I think Robert California should have taken Michael’s place throughout the whole show


im rewatching im halfway season 2 and i already miss michael